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Chapter 190 Extreme Operation

 The first game of the second round, WE versus TSM.

WE used the female police speed push system to cut through the mess quickly and overwhelmed TSM in the early stage.

It’s not that TSM is too big and doesn’t want to target them, it’s that WE’s tactical reserves are too many and complicated, and the only five ban positions are simply not enough.

After getting this point, WE has locked in the qualifying spot and booked a seat in the knockout stage.

TSM announced that they would not qualify for the quarterfinals and stopped in the group stage. Big Brother and Bjergsen are still familiar with the top 16.

The worst part is that TSM has not yet officially opened its doors and has still not won zero games.

In order to defend the dignity of North America's No. 1 seed, TSM tried their best in the subsequent game against FNC and successfully played the role of a water ghost.

FNC was dragged into the water, and then only the theoretical possibility of qualifying was left.

First of all, FNC has to win WE and SKT successively, and also has to hope that SKT loses to TSM and WE, so that it can have a chance to play a playoff with SKT.

Uh, just go to sleep, there is everything in your dreams.

Not long after, SKT gave TSM another defeat, and TSM's S7 journey finally came to an end.

Immediately afterwards, WE played the villain role and shattered FNC's last hope of theoretically qualifying.

The draw between TSM and FNC is indeed quite poor. With their strength, they may still have a chance to qualify in other groups.

In the penultimate game of Group A, FNC, which had lost the chance to advance, faced SKT.

FNC's twin stars successfully stood up and played their most beautiful battle in the group stage.

Mad Hat got Ryze and single-handedly killed Faker’s Snake Girl in the lane!

Ou Cheng selected Varus and avoided the team several times in the mid-term to help FNC open up the situation.

Unexpectedly, FNC took a point from SKT!

For FNC, getting this point will still prevent them from advancing, but for SKT, losing this point means they will miss the first place in the group.

Even if SKT beats WE, WE will still have one point more than SKT, and the top position in the group is unshakable.

FNC, a true LPL friend!

The journey to this year's global finals has come to an end. The five FNC players stood in the center of the stage, clenched their right hands in front of their chests, and bowed slightly to the audience.

The audience at the scene gave FNC loud cheers and applause without hesitation. This is a team worthy of respect.


Because of FNC's explosive growth, the second round of the match between SKT and WE turned into irrelevant garbage time.

The two teams tacitly chose to preserve their strength and use their regular lineups to compete on basic skills.

WE has chosen a very solid lineup, with top laner Kennen, jungler Prince, mid laner Grasshopper, and bottom laner Xia and Fengnu.

SKT's lineup is lighter, with top laner Gnar, jungler Barrel, mid laner Snake, and bottom laner Varus and Lulu.

The two teams contributed a game full of LCK "Shakespeare" flavor.

The first kill of the entire game did not occur until the Baron team battle at 23 minutes, which shows how low the bloodiness of this game was.

In the eyes of the vast majority of the audience, this is undoubtedly a very boring game that makes people doze off.

However, in the eyes of industry insiders, this game is definitely a high-level operational game.

The rhythm of the two teams is not only not slow, but also very fast!

Both sides frequently push towers and switch lanes, and then replace map resources, which is completely enough to serve as a teaching bureau for other teams to learn operational ideas.

WE defeated the Baron team, got the Baron buff, and then never gave SKT any chance to turn around.

The three-way high ground of SKT was broken by dividing the zone, and WE brought a large number of super soldiers to SKT's incisor tower.

At this time, WE has an economic advantage of more than 10,000 yuan.

SKT fought tooth and nail, but was easily extinguished by WE, and the game came to an abrupt end.

Wawa: “During the whole game, both sides engaged in two serious team battles!”

Miller: "We only had 7 kills by the end of the game, and the losing team, SKT, didn't even get a single kill! This kind of operation is too exaggerated!"

Changmao: "In this game, WE defeated SKT with the operation that LCK is most proud of. I wonder how LCK is feeling at the moment?"

The dust of Group A has settled, with Team WE first and SKT second.

LCK fans just feel like the sky is falling.

Frankly speaking, SKT lost to WE, which is not an unacceptable thing.

But being crushed by WE purely relying on operations and achieving a humiliating record of zero shutouts, how should we accept this?

Of course, what made them collapse the most was the game against FNC.

The mighty LCK can't beat the LPL, but it can even lose to the LEC. It's really funny!

If this continues, will it be reduced to the third division?

The extreme fans of LCK are madly attacking SKT, trying to comfort themselves. It is definitely not that LCK has become profitable, but that SKT has become less good!


The next day, it’s Group B’s turn.

LZ and RNG chopped melons and vegetables, sent away IMT and GAM one after another, and met in the last game.

LZ won and advanced to the top of the group.

RNG wins, both sides have the same points, and there will be an extra match.

This time, the two sides changed their lineups, obviously planning to get serious.

I don’t know if the victory in the first round gave LZ an illusion, but LZ actually had a very offensive lineup in this round.

Xuanming and Xuanming in the bottom lane locked the combination of Xia and Thresh in seconds, looking extremely confident.

Then, they were beaten to pieces by the "Dog History" group!

Xiangguo frequently took care of the bottom lane in this game, and successfully counterattacked Cuzz, helping the bottom lane gain a greater advantage.

In the middle and late stages of the game, Uzi’s cannon dominated the battle.

LZ tried to use Khan's single belt to create space, but RNG simply chose to ignore it and gathered in the middle to attack head-on.

The reckless Xiangguo took the lead, and the small cannon jumped and harvested to his heart's content, destroying LZ's defense.

The single belt of the weapon was cracked, and he was forced to participate in the battle head-on, threatening to plummet.

In the end, the super cannon jumped four times in a row, killing four in a row and ending perfectly.

After watching this game, LPL fans are reassured.

Obviously, in the last mutual understanding, the information collected by RNG was more sufficient, and the preparations for this game were more effective.

Both sides entered into a tie-break playoff.

LZ seems to have given up and directly chose the tool combination of Verus and Lulu for the bottom lane.

RNG decisively took out the policewoman, Fengnu pushed quickly, and played the ideal tower pushing rhythm.

To be fair, Uzi’s policewoman is definitely a unique skill, perfectly fitting his extreme laning style.

LZ lost towers too quickly in the early stage, causing an economic snowball caused by RNG. In the mid-term, LZ was forced to pick up groups frequently and was directly blown through.

What's even more embarrassing is that in this round, Khan chose a big bug to serve in the mid-term team battle. It is simply not feasible to lead him alone.

With thirty-seven minutes of game time, RNG won the game and secured first place in the group.


On the third day, the promotion teams of Group C were announced.

G2 defeated SSG and qualified first in the group!

The three LCK participating teams all ranked second in their group, which can be said to have created the LCK's worst performance in many years.

It’s just that LCK can always be tough.

LZ and SSG clearly didn't want to run into SKT in the knockout stage, so they took the initiative to fall to second place in the group!

The three LCK teams will definitely advance from eight to four stages and meet together in the semi-finals!

This chapter has been completed!
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