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Chapter 197 Getting started

 As the new king of LCK this summer, LZ entered the global finals as the top seed of LCK, so naturally it has strong ambitions for the championship.

Even though they lost embarrassingly in the first game, LZ still tried its best to adjust its state and did not choose to sit still and wait for death.

In the second game, LZ’s first-level team positioning and eye control were more cautious.

Not only that, the prince has also made corresponding adjustments in the opening route.

Red opens and blue takes control of the river crab on the top road, turns back to collect the three wolves, then switches to the lower half to attack the sharp beak, and then controls another river crab.

The prince controlled the Shuanghe Crab and entered the WE jungle area to plant a penetrating eye to detect the movements of the pig girl, and at the same time it had the effect of covering the middle and lower lanes.

Ruofeng: "Cuzz's opening plan for this game is more team-oriented than the previous game, and its positioning has also changed slightly."

Remember: "After all, the pressure is on LZ's side. This LZ holds a spring and a small cannon, so there is no need to rush."

Wawa: "It can be seen that LZ's temporary adjustment ability is good. They did not extend the emotion of losing the previous game into this game."

Prince Shuanghe Crab started the game. At first glance, it seemed that Cuzz was leading the rhythm, but in fact, Kandi did not suffer a loss.

Pig Girl chose a rather greedy route to clear the wild area. She started with the Sharp Beak Bird, took the Blue Queen Demon Swamp Frog, wiped out the three wolves, and then moved on to the upper half of the wild area.

After defeating the red buff, Pig Girl jumped into the dragon pit with the help of explosive fruit, and found that the river crab had been destroyed. She immediately used the Q skill on the wall, and went to kill the stone man without any delay.

Therefore, Pig Girl's jungle clearing efficiency is still higher than that of the Prince. After clearing the jungle level in the first round, she was astonishingly ahead of the Prince by one level.

Remember: "Zhu Mei returned to the city to synthesize a jungle knife. After the launch, the second round of f6 happened to be refreshed, achieving a seamless connection. This jungle planning is simply amazing!"

Ruofeng: "LZ's first-level ward captures Pig Girl, which starts at f6. Normally, Pig Girl should finish f6 to get red, or simply finish the upper half and then move down. The prince enters after finishing the bottom road river crab.

In the wild area, there is a high probability that there will be a toad or three wolves left unkilled at this time. Unfortunately, Kangdi was cautious and went straight to the bottom lane after hitting f6."

Wawa: "Now that Kangdi has got the hero Pig Girl, he feels like a factory director. He does not win by operation, but by competing with you for brains and experience."

In the middle lane, Xiye was unknowingly suppressed by Bdd again.

Rational analysis shows that Xiye's rock bird is capable of being used but cannot be called a signature.

The Bdd on the opposite side is the old rock bird. Don't be too familiar with this hero's skill mechanism. You can dodge a lot of skills just by moving.

Looking at the initial match-ups between these two games, Xiye was overwhelmed by Bdd.

However, in this round of BO5, Xiye did not receive Zhuge Liang's tactical preference and even made certain sacrifices.

Now in this WE, strictly speaking, every lane can become the core of tactics and take on the task of carrying.

In contrast, when tactics require it, every player will obey instructions unconditionally and be willing to be a tool.

If not, even if Zhuge Liang has a lot of tactics, but lacks players who can drive him like an arm, he will still be just talking on paper.

E-sports media often write articles praising that Wolong single-handedly cultivated this unprecedentedly powerful WE, but in Zhuge Liang’s own view, he and WE are more of a mutual achievement.


The rock bird is in poor condition and is going to send its troops under the LZ tower and then return to the city to replenish supplies.

The prince who happened to be nearby immediately rushed to the middle, rushed out from behind the wall, eq closed the distance, and took the dodge to fly away the rock bird.

The basic attack will trigger the thunder, and the rock bird's health will be reduced instantly.

Xiye quickly DFed the second company, treated him to raise some health, flashed and retreated.

The temptation of first blood is right in front of you. The clockwork handover flashes forward. Just when it is about to accept the head of Yanque, Pig Girl suddenly rushes out from the wall of f6.

Bathed in the flashing golden light, the pig girl raised the clockwork with a Q flash, followed by a W whip and slowed down to the prince.

Taking the opportunity to get some distance, the rock bird turned back and cast the Stone Spreading Formation, and used a rock protrusion to push the clockwork back, and then aimed at the prince and used the Q skill Tutu Tutu Tutu.

Something bad happened!

The two people in LZ, Zhongye and Zhongye were shocked. They never expected that a "trickster pig" would appear halfway.

The prince was frozen and stunned by Zhu Mei's E skill [Eternal Freeze Field]. At this moment, Clockwork wished that he could lend the purification he brought to the prince once.

The Rock Bird is stuck outside the attack range of Clockwork. Without the flash of Clockwork, it is impossible to collect the remaining blood. I can only watch the Rock Bird throwing skills far away under the tower and consuming the prince.

Piggy Girl relies on her good physical fitness to bear the damage of the clockwork, and constantly uses the red buff to stick to the prince and chase him.

After finally waiting for the e skill to be refreshed, the prince with remaining health handed over the eq second company without saying a word and retreated.

However, as soon as the prince finished moving, the remaining blood was burned to the bottom by the red buff.

First blood!

This scene is so similar to the previous one.

It was also Bdd who had the advantage in the lane, it was also LZ who took the lead in murdering others, and it was also Pig Girl who successfully counter-crouched, and in the end, Pig Girl also got first blood.

Baby: "Wow! It's Kandi again! This pig girl, take off!"

Remember: "It shouldn't be! LZ knows that Pig Girl opens the wild at f6, and should be able to calculate the time for the second round of f6 refresh, and thus calculate the possibility that Pig Girl may appear nearby."

Ruofeng: "Xiye's health was quite dangerous just now. If Pig Girl appeared even one or two seconds later, Yan Que would definitely die. As long as the LZ midfielder kills Yan Que, Pig Girl wouldn't dare to fight back at all. It would be me."

, I can’t help but try it.”

The prince died in battle, and Zhu Mei took control of the river crab without hesitation, and defeated the first wind dragon under the cover of the bottom lane.

Wind Dragon's attributes are average, but for WE's lineup, it is not useless. If it can be stacked up, it is still quite useful when single-handedly grabbing the edge.


After returning to the city for supplies, Emperor Kangxi came to the middle road again.

Inserting the real eye to ensure that there was no vision in the grass, Kandi crouched patiently like an old hunter.

If the clockwork doesn't flash, isn't it the best prey?

Xiyexin understood the idea, used skills to block the position, and forced Clockwork to move towards the grass where Pig Girl was.

In order not to be carried by the rock protrusion, Clockwork could only move in that direction to dodge.

The next second, Pig Girl's ultimate move [Icy Prison] was thrown out of the grass.

There is no room for the spring to move, so I got this shot.

Bdd reacted very quickly, purifying and eliminating dizziness instantly, and then accelerated w, avoiding the pig girl's q with a coquettish move.

Chongzhang was desperate to survive, but unexpectedly a wall emerged from the ground, blocking Clockwork's retreat and cutting off his way of survival.

The rock bird got this human head and nourished it a lot.

The two conjoined WE midfielders stuffed their troops under the tower and rushed to the canyon vanguard without stopping.

It’s time to start again!

This chapter has been completed!
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