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Chapter 216 Signature Lineup

 The reason why a signature lineup is called a signature is because it is a confident lineup with the highest proficiency and winning rate that has been repeatedly honed through game after game.

"Ban the wine barrel, take Galio on the first floor, and take the prince on the second and third floors in the second round, big mouth." Zhuge Liang closed his notebook and said confidently.

Everyone in WE was stunned for a moment. It was still unclear whether Galio could be released. How come our coach had already finalized the candidates for the second and third floors?

Soon, SSG banned Annie on the third floor, and Galio and Luo were released together as Zhuge Liang suspected.

Without any hesitation, WE got Galio on the first floor, and SSG also locked Xia Luo in seconds.

The audience has not yet come to their senses, WE is on the second and third floors to finalize the decision between the prince and Big Mouth, showing off the system of doing whatever they want.

SSG replenished the blind monk on the third floor. Leader An has sacrificed enough, and this one can at least preserve his rhythm.

Entering the second round, WE banned Clockwork and Rock Bird, and SSG banned Qinggangying and Fengnu.

On the fourth floor, SSG placed the top order first, grabbing and banning Shen.

The already strong Phoenix Legend, together with Blind Sin and Shen, once they are determined to target WE's core Big Mouth, the big mouth without displacement will easily be subject to military training.

"Brother Cheng, I'm afraid you're going to suffer a lot from this."

"Try to be as stable as possible in the bottom lane, and we will provide more support."

"I'll just squat more down the road."

"Brother, what support do you want for this one?"

Several WE players were somewhat worried about smiling, and they all asked for help.

"Don't worry so much. Even if I die in this fight, I will definitely do enough damage before I die!" Smile said seriously with a sullen face.

When these words were spoken with a smile, they felt quite convincing, and everyone was convinced.

For the fourth and fifth floors, WE successively selected Lulu and Rambo.

The ultimate team battle attack, unstoppable force to open up the lineup!

It was SSG's last choice, and Crown in the middle chose the wandering mage Ryze.

Ryze's ultimate move is not very suitable to cooperate with SSG's lineup to capture singles. It can also be used as an ambulance at critical moments to restrain WE's strong attack.

Furthermore, after Ryze develops, he will become a C position who can play sideline, which can make up for the shortcomings of this top laner's lineup, which is too cautious.

Wawa: "Samsung's lineup is so comfortable! The combination of Xia Luo in the bottom lane, Shen Ueno and Blind Man, plus Ryze, the lineup is almost perfect!"

Miller: "However, WE also got the lineup they wanted, a lineup that has never lost in the World Championship! Before, all the teams that were stubborn and let WE do whatever they wanted in the system were all beaten to death.

I wonder if Samsung’s head is tough?”

The live broadcast room was already very noisy.

"No, why should I give the answer to the Phoenix Legend version to the opponent?"

"I'm thinking that if WE gets the full version of the system of doing whatever they want, wouldn't it be more buggy?"

"Would it be too hard to choose Rambo on the road?"

"This one is a great test of Smile's ability to withstand pressure and development, as well as her positioning output in team battles. If Big Mouth does not perform satisfactorily, it will basically be gone!"

"It's a pity that Feng Nu was banned, otherwise she would have been more suitable than Lulu."

"Why don't you use gems? I wonder if the ultimate move of gems can better protect the output of the big mouth? Wolong's brain is funny?"

"I guess the previous ones don't have any silver tiers, right? On the opposite side, the Xia Luo combination uses gems to assist Big Mouth, but they are not allowed to blow through the lane?"

"I think this lineup is pretty good. If we meet on a narrow road, the brave will win. Just jump in and be done with it!"

"WE rush rush! See you at the Bird's Nest!"

"Wait for a familiar sentence: Congratulations WE!"


Both teams have obtained lineups they are satisfied with, and then it depends on each other's performance in the game.

Whoever can better utilize the characteristics of the lineup will hold the key to victory.

Enter Summoner's Rift.

Xiaoxiao skillfully bought a green salary pack and three bottles of red potion, obviously fully prepared to withstand the pressure.

There was no first-level team fight between the two sides and the game started normally.

Leader An chose to open the red solo, and then went to the lower half of the wild area to get the blue.

When he reached level three, the blind monk called Luo, who was occupying the lane in the bottom lane, and moved all the way to the middle lane.

The blind monk had previously used the Divination Flower to conduct exploration to ensure that the river on the right side of the middle road did not have WE's vision.

The two Nosukes came to the grass in the middle road, and Ryze immediately flashed W and imprisoned Galio on the ground.

The blind monk moved his eyes with W, hit Galio accurately with one Sky Sound Wave, and kicked him up with his second Q.

Xiye quickly built up a Durang shield to reduce damage.

Luo used one part of e when the blind monk touched his eye w, and then two parts of e came to the blind monk who was on the q again. He was about to lift Galio with w, but Galio happened to have full w and taunted him to the ground.
Galio taunted the blind monk and Luo, and immediately retreated to the river on the left. The prince was rushing towards Galio to support him.

SSG was obviously not willing to just flash Galio. Luo decisively followed up the flash and lifted Galio up with w.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Blind Sin waited until his Q skill cooled down and hit Galio with another Q skill.

Just as the blind monk's second stage Q kicked forward, Galio took a step back, then rushed forward, but hit the blind monk with his e skill.

The rear rushed to the prince eq who was in the grass in the center of the river to hand over the second company, and at the same time provoked Luo and the blind monk into the air.

Galio no longer had any worries. He turned around and cooperated with the prince to counterattack, using Q one after another with passive basic attacks. In the blink of an eye, the blind monk's health was reduced to only one-third.

The prince activates w, and uses the red buff's basic attack to stick to the blind monk, creating a thunder effect, and the blind monk immediately has remaining health.

Leader An cross-dodges and retreats, while Kangdi follows up with a cross-dodge and receives first blood.

Law and Ryze took the opportunity to kill Galio, who had little health, but Galio once again contributed some output before he died.

In the end, Luo was chased to death by the prince in his own jungle, and only Ryze was able to escape.

Wawa: "SSG changed the style of the previous two games and played very fiercely, trying to kill Galio, the engine of WE's do-it-yourself system. However, Xiye's response to this wave was very calm, and Kandi's support was equally quick, directly two against three.


Miller: "Although Galio died in battle, his death was very valuable! The prince scored two kills at the beginning, and was able to invade the blind monk's wild area. Leader An's early rhythm was explosive again! The previous two games

Judging from the game, if you want to beat Samsung, you have to target An, the leader. If An has no rhythm, it will be difficult for Samsung to open up the situation!"

The next second, the screen suddenly switched to the bottom lane.

I only saw Big Mouth, with the dual blessing of Lulu's acceleration and shield, crossing the line of soldiers and chasing Xia and spitting continuously, actually forcing Xia's flash.

This, Emperor Chi is pretending!

The auxiliary shows up in the middle, and he doesn't move back a little. Is he really treating his big mouth as a soft persimmon?

Good news comes frequently, and WE has a huge advantage in the early stage.

This chapter has been completed!
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