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Chapter 290 A big gamble

 Seeing that the regular season is about to come to an end, all major teams have begun to study their opponents in the playoffs, but it is unexpected that IG will suddenly blow up!

Previously, IG had won 21 consecutive victories. The victory covered up many problems, and Theshy's hand injury was tantamount to exploding the hidden dangers.

In the game against EDG, Duke, who came off the bench, didn't make much of a mistake. At most, he was slightly invisible.

However, the rest of IG was very obsessed with the fight. Ah Shui died suddenly intermittently, Xiao Bao did various cooking operations, Ning Wang was obsessed with it, and the broiler was directly hugged and broke his waist.

In the end, before the base crystal was exploded, King Ning exited the game early, and was therefore officially punished.

Obviously, there is a problem with the atmosphere within the IG team, which has seriously affected the competitive state.

With the end of the winning streak, IG once again encountered a wave of verbal criticism after the game. The previous revelations of the club's management chaos were almost confirmed.

Some time ago, due to Zhuge Liang, the whole e-sports was in turmoil. For fear of being caught, IG also restrained itself for a while, and nothing happened.

Some people's nature is hard to change, and they feel itchy and unbearable just after the limelight has passed. Coincidentally, when the results are outstanding, they can't help but get carried away, and end up having an accident.

Principal Wang was so angry that he finally waited until the complete IG was formed, but he didn't see any results. A good seedling was ruined like this?

All kinds of absurd and speechless inside stories came to his ears, and Principal Wang finally understood why Wolong had previously made clearing out the IG management team a condition for joining.

At that time, Principal Wang was thinking about his old friendship and being flattered by his subordinates, so he could not make up his mind to carry out a big purge. Now it is too late!

Manager Su Xiaoluo was scolded so hard that he had to issue a military order. If IG didn't produce results this year, he would pack up and leave.

After finally calming down Principal Wang's mood, Su Xiaoluo couldn't help but start to think about the next plan.

Theshy's diagnosis report has arrived in his hands. The injury is more serious than imagined. Let alone continuing to play professionally, he may be disabled for the rest of his life!

To take a step back, even if it is cured by luck, how much quality can Theshy still retain?

I spent a lot of money to renew the contract and put a lot of efforts into win-win, but in the end it all came to nothing. This loss is not unserious.

Without the sharpest point in the trident, how far can IG go now?

Su Xiaoluo felt that it was necessary for him to make arrangements for the summer split in advance. The top laner must be strengthened, otherwise it would be difficult to achieve results that would satisfy Principal Wang.

Anyway, we have already fallen into this situation. Everyone just lost their jobs. Su Xiaoluo simply chose to make a huge gamble!

With the decision made in her heart, Su Xiaoluo gradually figured out the context of the subsequent operations.


The last game of the spring regular season is over, and the standings have been settled.

The eight teams that entered the playoffs are IG, V5, WE, RNG, EDG, RW, JD, and VG.

Although IG's condition is not good, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. IG with a broiler in charge is at least the lower limit.

In the end, IG's big score was tied with V5, relying on its small score advantage to retain the first place.

Yusanjia, ranked behind V5, all started to work hard in the second half. On the one hand, it benefited from the return of veterans, and on the other hand, it was a reflection of experience and foundation.

RW and JD are representatives of the lack of success. Thanks to their excellent record in the first half, they have not fallen out of the playoff threshold.

During the absence of Kandi, VG once fell out of the regular season seats. It was not until Kandi returned to the team that they recovered. In the final life-and-death battle, VG narrowly defeated BLG and grabbed the ticket to the playoffs.

The playoff list was then determined, with teams ranked 1, 4, 5, and 8 in one half of the district, and teams ranked 2, 3, 6, and 7 in the other half.

In the first round of the playoffs, VG will face EDG, and JD will face RW.

At the weekend night in the dining hall, several commentators and guests predicted the outcome.

Overall, there is considerable suspense in these two rounds of BO5, so most people think that the game will last five rounds.

EDGHaro appeared on the scene and was sanctioned by Kangdi. VG won first.

After that, EDG replaced the factory director, who watched a game below and frequently targeted VG's bottom lane duo with tactful tactics.

VG failed to wait for Bang to develop and take over the game, and was crushed by EDG's snowball.

In the third game, junior boy Scout used Zoe to kill the opponent's stateless opponent, proving that "Zoe Lee" is not easy to mess with.

After all, being stateless means getting old and losing the courage of the past.

However, in the fourth game, Wolf stood up and used the sacred cow to protect the country, and used its horns to smash EDG's formation.

The two teams came to the decisive game, and the two teams fought fiercely for more than 50 minutes. After all, VG was not as patient as EDG, and an overly hasty group start completely ruined the game.

EDG defeated VG with difficulty 3:2 and successfully advanced to the next round.

For VG, this season is a bit regretful.

Kandi was still affected by family changes to some extent, resulting in ups and downs in his competitive state.

More importantly, due to Kandi's absence, VG obviously lacked preparation for the playoffs and lost to the experienced EDG at a critical moment.

However, the changes in VG this season are still obvious to all. At least the money the boss spent allowed the audience to see the splash.

The next day, JD battled RW. The two dark horse teams this season were matched against each other.

In the first game, RW grabbed Galio. Coin's Galio pushed the lane wildly and roamed, helping the sideline to take off, and successfully got a good start.

Coach Hongmi spotted RW's flaw and frequently targeted Aguang on the top lane. Duke, with the help of Clid, penetrated the top lane twice in a row.

RW tried their best to fill the loopholes in the top lane, but instead added more. Finally, they had an advantage in the middle and lower lane, and then they suffered a defeat.

In the fourth game, RW showed off its ultimate move, and Doinb used Ryze, who was just and glorious, leading RW to regain a victory and drag the BO5 into a life-or-death situation.

Laman, Laman again!

In the fifth decisive game, JD still planned to use the top lane as a breakthrough, but RW chose A Guang's natal tree.

At the beginning of the game, Aguangta made a wonderful move, showing off JD in the middle and jungle.

Will it be fun to catch one of the three and kill one in reverse?

The big tree that successfully withstood the pressure became RW's most solid barrier in the mid-to-late team battles, taking a lot of damage without dying, creating sufficient output space for RW's back row.

With Aguang at home, he didn’t panic in team fights, and RW had the last laugh.

In the first round of the playoffs, the following scenario did not play out.

The dust settled in the second round of the showdown, with EDG playing against WE and RW playing against RNG.

Compared with the confusion in the first round of the playoffs, the general predictions for the second round showdown are quite consistent.

Most commentators and even the audience are more optimistic that WE and RNG can advance to the next round.

This chapter has been completed!
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