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Chapter 30 Live broadcast accident

 The appetizers prepared by the director were served, and the audience in the live broadcast room shouted for dinner.

In fact, no matter how strong a professional player is, mistakes are inevitable.

The canteen program amplifies these mistakes several times, and presents them to the audience in a funny style through appropriate editing and processing.

The witty remarks of the three hosts may sound sarcastic at first, but it is this upright and upright character of the group that actually adds a relaxed and entertaining atmosphere to the program.

"Just looking at the canteen for fun, no one really takes what is said in the canteen seriously, right?" Colonel Guan said.

"There are really no professional players watching the canteen, right?" Remember to follow immediately.

"There are no quiet years, but there are people who carry the burden for you! Alas, after all, it was the director who shouldered everything!" Zhuge Liang sighed with emotion.

Please remember to applaud immediately, as a senior colonel. Look at this skillful transfer of responsibility, a truly professional level!

"After tasting the appetizers, everyone's appetite must have been whetted. Next is the main course!" When reminded by the director, remember to announce the next step immediately.

The content of the staple food segment is based on hot comments from netizens. The program team collected some hot comments in advance, and then Zhuge Liang and the others analyzed and commented.

Whatever the audience wants to eat, the canteen will prepare the dishes to highlight their appetite.

"The first netizen said that edg's performance this season is not satisfactory, especially the Ai Loli players, who are not at all in shape. If edg wants to get better, it must be replaced by a factory director." I remember reading a comment.
"As the overlord of the LPL, it is indeed difficult for fans to be satisfied with EDG's results this season. But I think the sluggish state is a matter for the entire team, and it is unreasonable to completely blame a certain player." Colonel Guan said.

The director thoughtfully cut the footage of this season of EDG, and the C position among them is naturally the new jungler Ai Loli.

The last set of shots happened to be from tonight's edg game. Loli's mantis was brutally killed by wild monsters.

"I agree with the first half of the sentence. The loss of the game is the fault of the entire team, but if you tell your conscience, isn't it outrageous that the jungler was hammered to death by a wild monster?" Zhuge Liang entered the field with a meat bomb.

Others may barely be able to wash it, but in professional competitions, junglers are killed by wild monsters when they are clearing the jungle. This is definitely a major mistake that cannot be tolerated.

"Ai Loli's performance today is indeed not very good." I remember nodding.

"Not just today." Zhuge Liang added immediately.

I remember coughing twice to cover up my embarrassment. After hearing these words, Ai Luoli might shed tears.

"So Coach Wolong agrees with the comments of netizens and suggests that edg change junglers?" Colonel Guan asked.

"I suggest you check it out." Zhuge Liang's words were not shocking and he would die.

"Brother, if you say that, our program will be gone!" Colonel Guan exclaimed.

"Director, live broadcast of the accident, cut this section quickly!" Remember to reach out and signal.

While they were talking, two strong men broke into the recording scene and forced Zhuge Liang out.

A palm then covered the camera.

The number of comments in the live broadcast room surged instantly.

"Did a live broadcast accident really happen?"

"Some people disappear as they say it, r.i.p."

"Brothers, the last issue, keep your claws!"

"It's true, lpl has the inside story!"

"This show is so exciting that even the event organizer's dad dares to start it."

After a commotion, Zhuge Liang returned to his seat after changing his coat.

"Some small accidents just happened, please don't mind, viewers. I am the host Feng Chu, and I will continue to bring you a gluttonous feast." Zhuge Liang leaned forward and said.

"I've heard for a long time that Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Chu can make peace with the world. I wonder where Mr. Feng Chu can find a job?" Colonel Guan said cooperatively.

"I'm in charge of ordering takeout here." Zhuge Liang pretended to be depressed.

"Hi~~~ Xiaowei, we can actually have two great talents, Wolong and Phoenix at the same time!" Colonel Guan gave a thumbs up.

"If you have a dragon and a phoenix, you can make peace for the world. If you have both, it will be difficult for the Han Dynasty to prosper. Since Mr. Fengchu is unsuccessful in we, why not find another job?" I remember saying with a smile.

"That's what I wish for! If any team is interested, please contact me. I can take Kangdi and Ben with me when I leave! I'll leave tonight if the fight is dead!" Zhuge Liang made another great star fall.

It’s been years since the old grievances were settled, and the parties involved have been disconnected one after another. Is there anything else that can’t be said?

"No matter how much everyone denies and questions, the factory director and the puppy are the face of our LPL, and their professionalism is worthy of admiration. Veterans will not die, they will just wither away. I wish them no regrets in their careers."

After the joke was over, Zhuge Liang also said two serious words.

Life has dreams, each is wonderful, and everything will eventually turn into tears of the times!

"Okay, let's take a look at the next hot comment. This netizen has a question, and we can ask Coach Wolong to answer it. Is the WE championship this season stable?" Remember to change the topic in time.

Let’s talk about it, this issue is quite sensitive.

"Well, let's put it this way, I have already started studying MSI's opponents!" Zhuge Liang said seriously.

As for whether the audience thinks it's a joke or telling the truth, that's a matter of opinion and wisdom.

Subsequently, Zhuge Liang launched several more good groups.

Our boys probably never expected that even though they had beaten their opponents into the background, they still could not escape the fate of being kicked off the team by Zhuge Liang.

"957 still doesn't play alone enough. When he forehands Lucian's skateboard shoes, backhand Sword Demon Jace, and then digs out the teleport, he can start."

"Kandi is the easiest to be inflated and often says things like 'we are my carry'."

"Xiye? I suggest you come up with xiye and be shown in the top 10!"

"There is only one uzi in lpl, and that is me dajiuzi! There is only one 7 in lpl, and that is me 957!"

"Choose a skin, mid laner Jiao Yue or Varus? That's definitely not possible with vn, I haven't written an application yet!"

The audience called them experts, and this group was quite exciting. Unlike the trolls and trolls on the Internet, the level 5 stone man appeared in a flash to start the group!

Seeing now, there was no urination in the dining hall.

"Are you in the audience a little tired? It doesn't matter, our dining hall has prepared desserts to relieve your tiredness!" I remember saying.

The next session is probably the most popular paper battle among keyboard warriors, Guan Gong versus Qin Qiong.

"If you were asked to select players and form an LPL dream team, how would you match them?" I remember reading out the first question.

"Let's not talk about other positions. The AD position can't work without Uzi. The same goes for the jungle position, but it can't work without the factory director!" Colonel Guan replied.

"I'll just order a group of future warriors, top laner theshy, jungler ning, mid laner knight, bottom lane jackeylove, and assistant pinus." Zhuge Liang muttered.

Not to mention the audience, even the senior colonels Remembering and Guan were confused.

Who are these?

With the help of omnipotent netizens, the information of these five people was finally mined and supplemented.

"A passerby king in Korean server, his operation is very good, but the hero pool is too shallow, can he play professionally?"

"Ym's midfielder, can lspl still play?"

"The number one Draven in the national server? Sorry, I only know Vincent! A host who has only played in the Nest Cup, it is still unclear whether he can adapt to the LPL!"

"Pinus, is that the support from Team NB? Haha, I really thought I didn't watch the game. This support and lwx can definitely be elected as the best bottom lane combination this season!"

"Future warriors per capita? If these people can make a name for themselves, I will eat the keyboard live!"

“Coach Wolong’s job is just average, I’ll give it zero points!”

This chapter has been completed!
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