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Chapter 338 Pulling

 The number of comments in the live broadcast room increased sharply.

"The powerful Tianlong, V5 domineering! This wave of jumping over the tower to start a team is so strong!"

"Kenan summoned five people. I didn't expect that Smeb would also be punished by Tianlei one day!"

"Little Peanut's e-flash really made me laugh, but it didn't have any effect."

"Wolong never kills five, it's still a familiar formula, and it's still a familiar taste."

"The lineup of V5 is really a bit disgusting. Not to mention the control chain, there is a lot of AOE damage, and there are all kinds of invincibility, immunity and blood boost. What are defense towers?"

"This is the first time this year that I have seen SKT being defeated by a team in the early stages of the game. V5 will try to give us some strength to help LPL win this game!"

"Sure enough, we still have to watch Wolong in the foreign war, LCK designated biological father!"

The first little dragon was captured by V5, and its attributes were pretty good. It was the wind dragon that had a larger increase against V5 in this round.

There are actually two ways of playing in this lineup of V5. The first one is just like the one just now, using the ultimate move to leap over the tower to kill, and treat the defense tower as if it were nothing.

The second type is a more chewy pulling style!

Save the ultimate move for backhand instead of first move, and use the continuous acceleration and recovery to repeatedly pull with the opponent.

To put it simply, they are pulling each other’s hair.

V5 is very fast. It can pull SKT's hair and run away, which is very exciting.

Moreover, V5's hair grows very quickly, and a few hairs that are pulled out will grow back quickly. If the two parties exchange hair volume, SKT will definitely go bald first!


After Qin Nu came out to Archangel, both her damage and milk volume increased to a certain extent.

Gem did not synthesize the Tears of the Goddess, but instead began to suppress the Bird Shield.

Although the recovery ability of the double-skinned breast combination is powerful, it does not change the fact that Qin Nu is a fragile person.

Before Qin Nu can fully evolve the Archangel into Seraph, if Qin Nu is forced to open and is killed immediately, the V5 lineup will be missing a key engine.

The Bird Shield can bear part of the damage for Qin Nu and at the same time increase the team's fault tolerance rate. It can be said to be more practical and effective than Redemption or Incense Burner.

As for the next piece of equipment, Xiao Duan is preparing to bring out the crown that worked wonders during V5’s secret practice, which is [Shuriya’s Rhapsody], a piece of equipment that has been slightly unpopular since its rework went online.

Crown's active acceleration is like adding turbo acceleration to the V5 lineup, taking mobility to the next level.

Whether it is taking the initiative to start a group or retreating from the battle, it can have a considerable effect and maximize the essence of the pull strategy.

Adhering to this tactical concept, Xiaotian's Olaf also began to switch to "auxiliary" equipment after releasing his first output equipment, Black Cut, and then followed up with Glory of Justice, Knight's Oath, and Bird Shield.

Only Zhuge Liang's Kennan invested all his economy into output equipment, and even the golden body was temporarily moved back in the order.

Qin Nu's gem system is by no means an invincible lineup. If it drags on, it will easily face the dilemma of insufficient damage.

No matter how fat Qin Nu is, she can still only be regarded as the second brother of the deputy C. The team must have a high-output main C eldest brother in charge.

Kennen is the big brother in the V5 tactical system. If Kennen lacks damage, the threat of this system will be quite limited.

Therefore, Kennen’s output equipment is more urgent than producing life-saving equipment.

In this game, Zhuge Liang's Kennen was slightly outnumbered by Smeb's Jace during the laning phase. Fortunately, he had just received a wave of four kills in the team battle, which replenished a lot of economy. After returning to the city, he immediately took out his Rocket Belt.
Wawa: "In the next period of time, the two sides should not fight again until the Rift Pioneer is refreshed."

Miller: "Now that all three lanes of V5 have line rights, we can make some plans around Olaf and control the vision around Canyon Pioneer in advance."

Changmao: "Using the current strong period, V5 may want to get two more layers of coating, and try to make the snowball grow bigger."


Under the cover of Olaf, the double skinned milk combination in the bottom lane suppressed Kai'Sa and Niutou under the defense tower, while tapping the tower to eat plating, and looking for opportunities to consume them.

At this point in time, Mr. Dai and Mata really have nothing to do with the V5 duo. It would be better to say that they can barely stabilize their development, which is already very difficult.

With the plating economy, theft omen, the spell-stealing blade and the gold coins provided for last-hitting, Qin Nu is like a financial master, and the economy is growing at an extremely fast rate.

The director gave a personal economic ranking, and Qin Nu's economy was surprisingly only a few hundred behind Kennen, leaving her opponent Kai'Sa by more than a thousand!

What’s even more frightening is that the more you play, the more you continue to play, the greater your income will be, and the economic gap will further widen.

Before the Rift Pioneer was about to be refreshed, the V5 duo began to switch lanes to support earlier.

The upper, middle and jungle teams also grouped together first to occupy the favorable location, and conducted vision control around the Dragon Pit.

When Zhuge Liang participated in the game as a top laner, V5's execution was quite terrifying.

On the one hand, this is due to Zhuge Liang’s prestige.

On the other hand, it is also due to Zhuge Liang's command.

If I could sum up Zhuge Liang's commanding style in one word, it would probably be "high efficiency"!

Take vision control as an example, Zhuge Liang will quickly cut the screen to mark the locations where teammates need to control vision, ensuring accuracy while further reducing unnecessary verbal communication.

Others in V5 only need to follow Zhuge Liang's instructions. There is no unnecessary nonsense or opinions in the team voice channel, and the execution ability will naturally improve.

This kind of "dictatorship" command certainly has its flaws. Once there is a problem with Zhuge Liang's decision-making, V5 will pay for it.

Furthermore, this kind of high-intensity dual-tasking can push ordinary people to the point of collapse, and is such a brain-burning and life-threatening behavior that even Zhuge Liang cannot sustain a fierce battle for a long time.


SKT doesn't want to give up Rift Herald, but it also doesn't intend to take on this wave of team battles.

Harassing from the side, taking the opportunity to launch a perfect team, or grabbing the Rift Herald and running away, this is SKT's true intention.

Wawa: "If V5 can control Rift Herald, they can remove one of SKT's outer towers and further accelerate the snowballing speed."

Miller: "Yes, this wave is very critical for both sides!"

Changmao: "Pay attention to Kenan's movements, Wolong seems to be planning to make a big detour!"

The director wisely focused the camera on Kenan.

The vision cleared by V5 previously ensured that there was no SKT vision on Kennen’s detour route at this moment.

After all, SKT has experienced many battles, and no sign of Kennen was found in the front. They immediately pinned the signals around them and inserted their real wards into the grass, obviously on guard.

If Zhuge Liang goes around the dragon pit, there is a high probability that he will be exposed immediately, and he will be attacked and killed.

However, Zhuge Liang chose a route that took a long detour.

Kennen detoured from the army line, opened the scan, and made a big detour through SKT's jungle area.

Flashing across the wall, using the Rocket Belt to receive the E skill, Kenan suddenly rushed into the enemy formation and summoned the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder.

Niutou pushed Kenan out immediately, but Kenan still pressed w and was stunned.

Gem used his ultimate move, and everyone in V5 decisively abandoned the Canyon Pioneer and charged towards SKT's camp.

This chapter has been completed!
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