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Chapter 344 The devil is as high as one foot and the Tao is as high as one foot

 The V5 bottom lane duo is really difficult to fight in the early stage. Kai'Sa and Shenxuan basically have no lane rights. During the laning phase, they were overwhelmed by Xia Luo.

Thanks to the tacit cooperation between the old thief and Xiao Duan, they could barely withstand the pressure. Although the state was not as good as before, the number of last hits did not fall significantly behind.

Xiaotian's green steel shadow had just taken a few steps in the lower half of the river, and SKT's vision captured the trace.

Deft and Mata are both veterans who have experienced hundreds of battles. They pretended not to know, giving Xiaotian the illusion that he could gank, but they secretly slowed down the pace of pushing and suppressing, and were ready at any time.

Preparation for retreat.

At the same moment, Little Peanut’s wine barrel quickly moved towards the top road to support.

Obviously, after discovering Qinggang Ying's movements, SKT planned to use a trick.

The bottom duo wasted as much time as possible on Xiao Tian, ​​and then created opportunities for Xiao Peanut to help the top lane regain its advantage.

It's just that the SKT duo is acting, and the V5 duo is also showing off their acting skills.

The old thief and Xiao Duan suddenly became active and their positions became much more aggressive.

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster. Even if the Qinggangying figure is not caught in the eye position, just by the strange behavior of the V5 duo, it is not difficult to think that the jungler is nearby.

Xia and Luo then pretended to be late and retreated. The two of them were stuck on the other side of the grass, always on guard against the Qinggang Shadow's interception.

However, the SKT duo most likely did not expect that after "passing by" their sight, Qinggangying read the message and returned to the city, heading non-stop towards the top lane to support.


Zhuge Liang's sword girl continued to press in front of the tower, taking the opportunity to consume the HP of the defense tower after finishing the last hit, and had already gained the first level of tower skin economy.

In order to avoid alerting the enemy, Smeb deliberately kept a distance and did not show the slightest desire to attack.

It wasn't until the wine barrel completed its circle and fought out of the river that Sword Girl took a step forward and flanked Sword Girl one after another with the wine barrel.

Zhuge Liang glanced at the position of Qinggangying on the mini-map. Xiaotian had just passed the second tower at this moment, and it would still take about ten seconds before support arrived.

In other words, Zhuge Liang must gain this period of time, while ensuring his own safety, try his best to trick SKT into using the skills in the jungle, so that he can cooperate with Qinggangying's arrival and counterattack.

Immediately, Sword Girl did not retreat but moved forward. She made a posture as if she was trying to hold her back before dying, and immediately frightened the Sword Girl who was approaching.

After being plotted by Zhuge Liang in the last wave, Smeb felt a little guilty. Even though he knew that the probability of Sword Girl replacing Sword Girl was not high, Smeb did not dare to bet on this low-probability event.

If Sword Girl is unlucky enough to be replaced, she will definitely suffer further losses in line and development, even if she gets killed, she will still lose blood.

The wine barrels on the left and right have been covered. Wait for the wine barrels to use the skills of the sword girl first, and then go up and accept the head with a smile. Isn’t it delicious to have stable happiness?

Suddenly, Dao Mei threw the first e at her feet, and then she flew into the SKT defense tower with her q skill.

Smeb shivered and immediately pressed w.

The Sword Girl made a gesture to parry, but the Sword Girl did not throw the second e after attacking the soldier. Laurent's Heart-Sighted Sword suddenly blocked the air.

After piercing a soldier, the sword girl quickly turned back towards the wine barrel that was outflanking her like a dragonfly.

Little Peanut was stunned for a moment, what's the situation, such a good thing?

The wine barrel was hit with a meat bullet, and he thrust out his beer belly and attacked the knife girl who came over.


A cluster of golden light dust lit up.

I only saw the sword girl suddenly flashing forward during the impact of the blade, passing through the wine barrel coming up from e, and appearing behind the wine barrel.

When Dao Mei is casting the Q skill, if she presses Flash, the Q skill will be interrupted and forced to move.

At first glance, it seems like a useless technique, but when used at certain specific moments, it can really work wonders.


I’m not slanderous, I’m not bragging, this year’s little peanut is in a state where I don’t need to be poked, my operation is sharp and I am confident.

The moment he saw Dao Mei flashing, he forced himself to follow the flash and completed a reverse e-flash.

To be fair, this reaction and operation speed are quite outrageous!

As we all know, moving the mouse pointer in the opposite direction is the most awkward and the hardest to react to, but Little Peanut just did it.

There is no pre-judgment, it depends purely on physical fitness. I can only say that God will give you food.

Zhuge Liang was also a little shocked that Xiaohuahua actually followed the flash, and reverse e-flicked him up.

However, Dao Mei had previously handed over a piece of e which had a place to be used.

According to the skill mechanism, as long as Dao Mei has cast the first e, even if she is knocked away, she can still cast the second e even during the process of becoming golden.

The second blade fell, attracting each other with the first blade, and the two blades flew towards each other's position.

As soon as Wine Barrel e-blitzed Flying Sword Girl, he threw a Q skill at Sword Girl's feet. Before he could detonate it, he was stunned by the twin blades.

After Dao Mei recovered from being knocked into the air, Zhuge Liang estimated the time. It must be too late to get out of the explosion range of the Q skill of the wine barrel, so he immediately activated the W skill on the spot.

The rolling barrel exploded, affected by Dao Mei's Dance of Distance, and the damage was not as considerable as expected.

However, damage is secondary, and slowing down the sword girl is the key.

After the Sword Girl surrendered all her skills, the Sword Girl in the tail finally waited for the opportunity to appear, and her qa flash broke a weakness in an instant.

The wine barrel kept getting blocked in front, and Sword Girl chased behind and kept poking. Sword Girl's health quickly fell to the bottom.

However, after Zhuge Liang delayed it for so long, Xiaotian’s Qinggangying finally provided support!

It is true that Sword Girl was forced to lose all her skills, but aren't Sword Girl and Jiutong in a skill vacuum period?

Qinggangying decisively entered the scene by e-dodge, pulling up a after q after a, and Sword Girl's remaining health bar was immediately evaporated.

Wine Barrel tried to replace Dao Mei, but Dao Mei couldn't hold it back and triggered Triumph and Conqueror, which sucked up the blood.

In the end, the head of the wine barrel was given to the knife girl.

V5 Ueno each got a kill, allocated resources reasonably, and took a landmark step towards the goal of common prosperity.

Wawa: "Wow! This wave of operations is full, like a fight between gods!"

Miller: "The magic is as high as the Dao. As far as the results are concerned, V5 has made a lot of money, and the jungle has completely established its early advantage!"

Changmao: "The support of Qinggangying is very crucial. SKT probably never expected that Qinggangying, who had just appeared in the second half, would suddenly appear in the top lane. Of course, Wolong's handling is a textbook. It can be said that every step is perfect.

Full of details!"

This wave on the top lane is definitely a big one. It not only makes the top lane easier to play, but also fully relieves the pressure on the jungle, allowing V5 to regain the initiative in the top half.

In addition, the bottom duo relied on their acting skills to pretend to be a big-tailed wolf, seizing the opportunity to push out the army line, and gained a gap to return to the city for supplies.

This chapter has been completed!
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