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Chapter 354 What sounds good is a good start

 The island country team also played three games before, with a record of 1 win and 2 losses. It only won against the Chinese Haojiang Provincial Team, and the remaining two games against the Gulf Provincial Team and the Kimchi National Team were all disastrous defeats.

As expected, the overall strength of the island team is at the bottom of the group, and there is no small universe explosion.

The game has entered the BP stage, with the island team on the blue side and the Chinese team on the red side.

The island country team came up and banned Sword Girl, Sword Demon, and Crow three times in a row, which directly helped the Chinese team on the red side to share the BP pressure, which can be called an insider behavior.

Judging from the previous games of the Japanese team, their understanding of the version is somewhat different from that of the mainstream competition areas. They usually use the heroes they are good at.

As a result, some of the strongest heroes in the current version have become a burden for the island team on the blue side.

Our player doesn't have the confidence to pick first, and he doesn't want his opponent to get it smoothly, so what should he do? He has no choice but to ban himself!

The Chinese team's ban person was a bit "whimsical". The great inventor could be said to be targeting the ban, and then the Juggernaut and Mantis, even the commentators didn't know how to help.

There will be no live broadcast during the qualifying stage, and the results of each game are required to be kept confidential, but there will still be commentary on site.

Xiao Umbrella and Yutong, who were commentating on this game, had just watched the beginning and had a premonition that this would be a "source of happiness".

On the first floor, the island team locked Kalmar in seconds.

It was the turn of the Chinese team, and Kai'Sa and Troll were selected one after another on the first and second floors.

On the second and third floors of the island nation team, get ez and Ornn.

Seeing these first three moves, the commentators shook their heads.

Karma bastards, ez bastards, and Ornn are not the ones who can carry the team on their own. Isn’t this a fast forward to Gua Sha?

At the end of the first round of the Chinese team, they suddenly took out Yasuo.

Su Bilang, he started!

Entering the second round, the island team added ban support and banned Niutou and Bronn.

The Chinese team eliminated Xin Zhao and Scorpion quite casually.

On the fourth floor, the Chinese team locked up alchemy first, and the lineup became increasingly weird.

The island team selected Olaf and Vampire respectively on the fourth and fifth floors, which finally added a little more ability to cause damage.

In their lineup, except for Ornn who has the ability to start a team, the remaining few players basically do not have the ability to control hard control.

To be honest, if a coach chooses this kind of lineup in the LPL and loses the game, he will be responsible.

The Chinese team's counter on the fifth floor decisively locked Thresh in seconds.

Kai'Sa, who is powerful in the later stage, is paired with an offensive Thresh, a classic inhumane series.


There are seven meanings in the dark. When entering the game, the time and space rift is coming!

I restarted it two or three times and took about ten minutes to successfully enter Summoner's Rift.

At just over four minutes, the director's third-level troll spiritually circled the field of vision and intercepted the Japanese team's bottom lane duo that pressed too deep.

Xiao Ming Thresh flashed, ez handed over his e skill, but Karma was not so lucky.

While igniting the hook to Karma, Thresh's Q skill is released and the hook is taken directly from the ez after the displacement of the E skill.

As soon as ez handed over his E skill, he saw a dark green hook hooking his back. He was so frightened that he quickly pressed Flash.

The troll made a precise pillar, blocking Karma's escape route after flashing, and stepped forward aqa to bite out the cornerstone rune [Strong Attack].

Karma, bang crisp, the troll happily received first blood.

At the same time, Olaf from the island nation came to the top lane, planning to do a wave of 957 alchemy.

Alchemy already had very little health, so after being hit by Olaf's Q skill, he decisively dodged and pulled away.

What's more funny is that Olaf flashed forward almost simultaneously, and just as he was about to strike with his E skill, Alchemy dodged away and froze in place.

957 Lao Mensao looked at it, deliberately teasing Olaf, turned around, ran over and gave Olaf a shoulder throw, and threw him into the attack range of the defense tower.

Olaf felt that he had full health and could withstand the damage of one or two defensive towers. He could kill Alchemy and then retreat calmly.

However, 957 had already planned it, and immediately threw glue at Olaf's feet after falling over his shoulder.

Olaf, whose movement speed plummeted, could only watch helplessly as Alchemy emitted exhaust fumes all the way, and even flashed a sign.

The damage of alchemy is not high, but it is extremely insulting!

Olaf reluctantly pulled out of the defense tower, and surprisingly he only had half health left.

Entering the river, Olaf had just taken a few steps when he saw a troll wielding a big stick running toward him.

Where did Olaf dare to fight the troll, he turned around and ran away to his own wild area.

The Factory Director's Troll, not to mention anything else, just the casting of the pillars is absolutely textbook level.

A pillar rose from the ground, forming a narrow terrain with the wall of the wild area, and Olaf was stuck in place, unable to move.

Xiye's Yasuo took the first step to provide support. Even if he missed a blow, he finally stepped forward with E and made two basic attacks to get Olaf's head.

The vampires of Ceros, the ruler of the island country, have a unique understanding of vampires. They brought predators with them. At this time, they turned on the wolf head to support them and set the troll on fire when they met.

However, subsequent skills and basic attacks were blocked by Yasuo's wind wall and did no damage at all.

The troll with little health flashed across the wall, but the vampire refused to give up and planned to flash in pursuit.

Result, boom!

The vampire flashed and hit the wall!

The treble is sweet, the midrange is accurate, and the bass is deep, in a word: transparent!

If it sounds good, it’s a good start!

Xiye laughed until her eyes narrowed into slits. She didn't do any fancy tricks, just chased the vampire and chopped and chopped, adding another head.


The Japanese team suffered setbacks one after another and became obviously restless.

After Olaf was resurrected, he cooperated with Ornn at level 6, trying to catch a wave of alchemy that didn't dodge.

However, in the game League of Legends, there are many heroes that cannot be pursued, among which Alchemy must be on the list.

Alchemy activated his ultimate move and ran very fast. The top and jungle players of the island country team ate poisonous gas along the way.

Alchemy's blood volume increased as he ran away, but the Japanese team's upper field was poisoned and reduced to a residual health.

Just as the Japanese team was about to retreat, the factory director's trolls appeared and surrounded them.

The troll likes to have a double kill and become richest in the world.

I have to say that the factory director was really steady in fighting this kind of abuse, which simply made his opponent despair!

The flowers just bloomed on the top road, and good news came from the bottom road.

While ez returned to the city, Xiao Ming's Thresh hooked Karma under the tower from the crowd of soldiers.

Kai'Sa's void search hits the enemy, and her ultimate move rushes in front of Karma, dealing full plasma damage. Karma is instantly killed.

The third line is split and the wild area has fallen. How about a hammer?

The island team desperately found that even getting a head seemed to be a luxury.

In twenty-two minutes of game time, the Chinese team defeated the Japanese team with a head count of 17:0.

In addition to zero kills, this island team also had zero kills in terms of defensive towers and dragons!

"Wuling's Light" was humiliating enough. Before the Chinese team exploded the island team's base crystal, Xiye's Yasuo unexpectedly quit the game early.

Don't ask, just ask because of network fluctuations.

This chapter has been completed!
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