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Chapter 369 The Art of Flying Thunder God

 The moment he reached level six, Lucian unreasonably used a set of skills and a big move to suppress the captain's bloodline.

At the same time as Lucian took action, the wine barrel walked out of the grass behind the tower.

The captain still lacks the experience of a few soldiers to reach level six, so he cannot activate the weapon immediately to protect himself. He can only circle the pillar and try to delay the support of his teammates.

The Chinese team was very particular about the order of resisting towers. Lucian jumped over the tower first and resisted twice, then slid forward to pull out of the attack range.

The wine barrel hit by the e skill switches to the defense tower, and it is not greedy for damage. It throws a q and immediately withdraws from the defense tower.

Lucian took advantage of the situation to fight back, hitting a body-penetrating holy light followed by two passive basic attacks, and ended the game gracefully.

If Galio's ultimate move hadn't selected the captain and provided a certain damage reduction effect, and the beer man put his belly on it to catch the rolling barrel, the captain would have been killed long ago.

The prince came a little slowly, and flashed eq to take Lucian away, but Lucian still moved out of the attack range of the defense tower first.

However, Lucian is still within the range of Galio's ultimate move. Once Galio comes on the scene, he will still be knocked away.

Lucian, who has not dodge his e by then, will almost certainly die!

But who would have imagined that Lucian's knock-up state has ended, but Galio has yet to sit down.

Without saying a word, Lucian launched a counterattack, and with the help of the wine barrel, the two of them once again blocked the prince under the defense tower.

Colonel Guan: "This is a big wave! If Galio fails to use his ultimate move, the prince is like being sold!"

Remember: "Locked! Both Lucian and Wine Barrel are bloodshot, and neither of them has been replaced by the defense tower!"

Rita: "The Chinese team has made a lot of money this time! Zero for two, the national team Kimchi is basically unable to play in the jungle!"

Soon, the director gave a replay, focusing on the reason why this wave of Galio's ultimate moves never landed.

In the replay footage, Li Ge's Galio ran the map first and activated his ultimate support in the jungle.

The next second, Akali appeared from outside the screen.

First, the E skill Falcon Dance performs a reverse somersault to increase the distance, and then a big move rushes in and then flashes, and the R flash at the extreme distance stuns Galio to the ground.

The current version of Akali is so outrageous. The first-stage ultimate move and the second-stage ultimate move are both directional skills, and the key is that they also have a stun effect.

Galio's ultimate move was interrupted, and after being stunned, he quickly charged up W and tried to fight back against Akali to vent his anger.

However, before releasing her e skill, Akali dropped a w, marking Falcon Dance on the smoke screen.

The moment Galio charged up his taunt, Akali activated the second stage of e and flew towards the position marked by the smoke screen.

During the flight, Akali used the second stage of her ultimate move, just in time to take down a few minions with residual health that she had not had time to clean up just now.

The chic and freehand Akali is in sharp contrast to the empty and empty Galio.

Remember: "To be fair, Xiye is a bit handsome!"

Colonel Guan: "Compared with Akali, the hero Galio is really a bit too stupid."

Rita: "Then the question is, why doesn't the Kimchi national team ban Akali?"

Akali, who was reworked in her previous life, has been cut down along the way. Not to mention the numerical weakening, the most fatal thing is the adjustment of the mechanism of her ultimate move and W skill.

But even though Akali was cut to the bottom of the win rate and rarely appeared in the pub game, there are still many talented Akalis in the professional arena.

To put it bluntly, this is an operational hero with a very high upper limit and an extremely low lower limit, which requires a lot of proficiency and operational awareness.

In the hands of professional players and ordinary players, they are two completely different heroes.

Akali was so strong after the explosion, let alone Akali now?

Zhuge Liang left Galio alone on the first floor, and did not grab other powerful heroes in other versions. He locked Akali in seconds, naturally because Akali has this strategic value!

Facts have proved that this Akali hand can be held without any problems.


A few minutes later, Akali showed off again.

Previously, the prince ganked in the middle, but unfortunately Akali was too flexible and escaped back to the defense tower with remaining health.

In order to prevent the Kimchi national team from eating the plating or switching to the vanguard, Akali had to return to the city to resupply and then hand over the TP return line.

Taking advantage of Akali's lack of TP, the Kimchi national team organized a wave of four-pack-two in the bottom lane.

Wheel Mom activates her ultimate move, Tahm Kench fights the tower first, and Prince EQ, who is behind, forces Kai'Sa to flash.

The captain took advantage of the situation to provide heavy support, and Kai'Sa had to use her ultimate move to adjust her position.

The prince then used his ultimate move to block Kai'Sa who had not moved.

At the same moment, Galio, who pushed the line first and ran the map, selected the prince in the river to fall.

This time Faker fully learned from the previous lesson and made sure that he was in a position where Akali, who had not dodged, could not rush in and stun him, so he calmly handed over his ultimate move.

In the picture, Akali performed a big move first, leaving the three commentators confused.

Colonel Guan: "Did Xiye make a mistake? How could we possibly get Galio?"

Remember: "I remember Akali's second-stage ultimate move has a killing effect, but does not have the stun effect of the first-stage ultimate move?"

Rita: "The displacement distance of Akali's E skill backflip is quite short. Even if E is followed by R, Galio should not be stunned."

Galio was not stunned, and vibrated his wings violently, flying towards the battlefield in the bottom lane.

However, when Galio took off, Akali, who rushed up with his ultimate, did a backflip and threw a shuriken forward.

Galio flew to the bottom lane, and the position he was in was empty, including the shuriken thrown by Akali!

This means that Akali’s E skill, Falcon Dance, got stuck on Galio at the last moment.

The second stage of e was activated, but Akali, who landed on the ground after a back somersault, suddenly rose up from the ground, climbed over the wall of the dragon pit one after another, and chased Galio to "fly" down the road.

Everyone in the Kimchi Nation who was jumping over the tower was shocked. How did Akali get here?

Could it be that this is the legendary flying thunder god technique?

Akali's entry undoubtedly puts the pickle national team in a difficult position.

The originally well-designed four-pack-two plan was completely disrupted by Akali's intrusion.

Tahm Kench, who was responsible for attacking the tower first, was instantly killed by Akali's second stage ultimate move, and couldn't even activate the Gray Shield.

Then, Akali dropped the smoke bomb and used her Q skill to connect with the basic attack, forcing her main output, Wheel Mom, to retreat.

Wheel Mom couldn't step forward to deal damage, and the prince and Galio were also restrained by Luo and failed to seize the opportunity to kill Kai'Sa in one fell swoop.

The Chinese team launched a counterattack and played a wave of 1 for 3!

Colonel Guan: "Sorry, the explanation level was low just now! I really didn't expect Akali's move to help Galio along with her!"

Remember: "The mechanism of the e-skill Falcon Dance is like this. As long as the target is marked, no matter how far away it is, it can fly over as long as it is activated. Xiye is really a clever little guy who can think of using this to hitch a ride!"

Rita: "After this wave, the Kimchi National Team can be said to be completely destroyed!"

The Chinese team won the team battle, and Xiaolong and Pioneer all won.

The early rhythm is perfect!

This chapter has been completed!
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