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Chapter 376 It’s simply a crime

 The two sides changed sides and fought again, and the Kimchi national team took the initiative to choose the blue side.

The heroes banned by both sides in the first round basically did not change much. What is special is that kkoma banned Lulu, who was used by Xiye in the previous game.

Lulu's laning ability is not weak in the early stage, and she is relatively easy to match with junglers for gank. In the middle and late stages, she can also provide great support to the ADC. She can be said to be a very good gangster.

Faker didn't play very well in the last round. The combination of Lulu and Xin Zhao was a bit mindless, and Ryze never made much noise.

Zhuge Liang released the wine barrel and put it on the scale, leaving the Kimchi National Team to debate whether to protect the jungle or other lanes.

Anyway, the blue team only has one position in the first round, so you can’t have it both ways.

kkoma hesitated for a while, and then chose to give the Ruler the relatively handy Varus, which was considered a grab and a ban.

The Chinese team immediately got the wine barrel comfortably and gave Uzi a Xia at the same time.

During the joint training, Uzi’s Xia made Zhuge Liang look at it and shake his head.

Although his proficiency is obviously much higher than during last year's World Championship, and there is less of a smell, but he is still far away from the top Kasumi.

For other ADC players, this level is worthy of praise, but for Uzi, it is not enough!

Under Zhuge Liang's pressure, Uzi could only practice more and more, and even watched other players' game videos to compare his own shortcomings.

Now Zhuge Liang dares to let Uzi choose Xia, so he naturally has enough confidence. He believes that these two hundred kilograms of fat feathers can overwhelm the opponent.

The Kimchi national team was obviously a little surprised by the Xia locked up by the Chinese team. As a last resort, they had no choice but to dismantle the Phoenix Legend and give the support a Luo first.

Immediately afterwards, the Kimchi National Team added another midfielder, Zoe.

It can be seen that KKoma has begun to change its strategy, trying to let Faker share some rhythmic tasks.

The Chinese team quickly locked the Niutou position on the third floor.

The calf’s bright head is so fierce!

It just so happened that the opponent's ADC didn't move in this game, so the Bullhead had a lot of room to play.

Entering the second round, Kimchi Country bans the mid laner, blocking Lucian and Enchantress who can compete with Zoe in the early stage.

The Chinese team banned the captain and Olaf, preventing the Kimchi national team from getting players in the jungle that fit the lineup.

On the fourth floor, the Chinese team played Kassadin first, leaving a counter position for the top laner 957.

When Kassadin fights Zoe, it will definitely be uncomfortable in the early stage, and he will be somewhat suppressed.

But when Kassadin gets up, Zoe will be very stiff and face the risk of being killed alone.

In addition to Zoe, Varus is also very weak to Kassadin. Kassadin, who has normal development in the later stage, stacks up his ultimate skills, sits down and throws two skills at will, and Varus may be stunned instantly.

The Kimchi National Team thought about it for a moment and decided on the male spearman and Ornn.

Smeb is the tool, Score is the wild core, wow, this is really new!

For the final fifth floor position, the Chinese team gave 957 a Gnar.

When Gnar beats Ornn, it actually takes a lot of proficiency.

Little Gnar has a fragile body. Once he is knocked up by Ornn, he will deal fragile damage and will be chased and killed alone.

For a moment, Zhuge Liang wanted to let 957 just get the vn. It happened that the god was in the team, so it was very convenient to invite the god.

But in that case, all three lines need to be developed and farmed. How can resources be allocated?

You can't let the factory director give up the Stone Man to the top laner, the Demon Swamp Frog and the Three Wolves to the ADC, and finally give up the forbidden f6 to the mid laner, right?

The three commentators took the opportunity to analyze it.

Colonel Guan: "I still think it's better to use Kindred in the jungle, but considering the barrel's ultimate attack, it's understandable to choose a male gun instead."

Wawa: "The top laners on both sides exchange attack and reception. Now it's Smeb's turn to resist the pressure. I wonder if his Ornn can withstand Gnar's pressure?"

Miller: "I think Kassadin is very good in this hand. If there is no suitable hero to line up with Zoe, it is an idea to delay the development in the later stage."

The lineups of both sides are confirmed and they enter the Summoner's Rift.


The Kimchi national team duo went deep into the blue buff jungle area of ​​the Chinese team to set eyes, and bumped into Xia head-on.

Chidi and CoreJJ didn't know what they were thinking, but they immediately turned over their skills to consume Xia.

Just with a little naughty effort, the wine barrel and the cow head have already come around from the river.

Niutou flashed decisively and forced out Varus's flash, while Luo's flash was knocked away and was left behind.

The wine barrel pushed forward with its belly, and the limit distance was connected to the control.

Xia's q triggers the cornerstone talent [Fatal Rhythm], and she clicks on Luo's body.

In the blink of an eye, Luo's health bar was over half, and he gritted his teeth and flashed his hand.

However, Xia pressed the healing button to accelerate, and the bull's head was also set on fire, as if she would never give up.

Luo quickly put his weakness on Xia's body, and Varus also handed over treatment, helping Luo pull her to a safe distance.

Both sides gave up and separated.

Colonel Guan: "What are Emperor Chi doing? These two people on the bottom lane are simply committing a crime!"

Watanabe: "Xia's treatment plus the Bull Head double move knocked out all the skills of Varus and Luo. This time the Chinese team made a small profit."

Miller: "Niutou has chosen Hex's flash. It's definitely profitable to exchange flash for flash. Next, the national team Kimchi will have to be careful at all times in the bottom lane."

In fact, in this wave of first-level teams that have no kills, the Chinese team has earned far more than just being ahead in summoner skills.

Luo immediately wanted to save flash, but ended up using double moves, and his own blood volume was not very healthy.

But the army line was almost reaching the battlefield, and Luo couldn't return to the city in time for supplies.

In order to ensure the lane rights in the bottom lane and win the second place as much as possible, Luo was determined not to return to the city, so he had to take drugs to restore health.

On the other hand, Niutou and Xia didn't lose much health. Later, Niutou used the Holy Shield to knock down two minions, and they didn't need to waste potions at all.

Over and over again, the gap between the two sides widened further, wasting the chips that kkoma added to the duo at the expense of other routes.

What's worse is that this Kimchi national team jungler is a male gun, and in the early stage it is basically used as a brush.

The Chinese team's jungler is a wine barrel. He hasn't handed over the flash just now, and there is a high probability that he will not let go of the breakthrough in the bottom lane.

Chidi and CoreJJ had already been mentally prepared, guessing that the wine barrel would take advantage of the time when their two moves were completed to gank, but they did not expect that the wine barrel would come so quickly.

After getting the blue buff from the wine barrel and reaching level 2, he circled his sight from above and rushed straight to the bottom lane to outflank Varus and Luo's retreat.

The e skill lifts two people at the same time, and the wine barrel connects to the q skill.

Niutou strode forward, using his Q skill to knock the two of them up.

The rolling barrel exploded, Luo was left with only half health, and Varus was left with only half health.

Xia's Q triggered the fatal rhythm, and she killed Luo with two basic attacks and got first blood.

Xia gained experience in killing and was promoted to level two.

Uzi clicked the e skill for a second, and the moment he pulled back the barb, he flashed in front of Varus, freezing him in place.

Xia adds another head and gets a double kill.

Wuhu, take off!

This chapter has been completed!
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