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Chapter 378 We are strong

 In the lounge, Zhuge Liang is actively communicating with the players.

A man who walks a hundred steps is half a hundred, even if he has pushed the Kimchi national team to the edge of the cliff, as long as he has not reached out to hold the gold medal, everything will still be variable.

"The big wins in the first two games are enough to prove one thing: we are very strong! Our Chinese team is stronger than the Kimchi national team!" Zhuge Liang finally shouted with passion.

The long-lost [Inspiration] was activated, and the effect of "morale like a rainbow" was triggered.

"We are strong!!!" the players shouted.

At this moment, everyone is full of confidence, and they will win the next game and win the gold medal!

Zhuge Liang took the lead, leading the high-spirited contestants towards the stage.

The photography team followed behind to shoot. Maybe they didn't know much about the game, but the love and passion of everyone in the shot was so sincere and passionate that it made people's hearts beat.

Perhaps, this is the charm of e-sports!

When the players came on stage, the cheers in the stadium became louder and louder.

"China team, come on!"

Ruofeng stood up and roared at the top of his lungs, his nostrils dilated.

Yu Shuang and Xi Ran are waving little flags with both hands, so cute.

The two male commentators tried their best to hold a huge flag high, covering up the slightly petty pickle flag behind.

Many familiar anchors were all wearing red T-shirts of the same style, and their cheering and calling movements seemed to have been rehearsed in advance.

The support group from China surprisingly turned this foreign venue thousands of miles away into their home court.


With no way out, the Kimchi national team chose to replace their jungler.

Judging from the first two games, the cooperation between Score and the team is not a tacit understanding, and switching back to Tarzan is still an attempt.

The Chinese team remained unchanged in response to all changes, and the factory director who had a perfect rhythm in the first two games still appeared.

Wawa: "In the third game, the Chinese team chose the blue side first, and the Kimchi national team came to the red side."

Senior Colonel Guan: "Kimchi's national team has changed their jungler. I wonder if it will have a miraculous effect?"

Miller: "At this point, there's nothing more to say, just go for it!"

The Chinese team banned Sword Demon, Troll and Vel'Koz in the first round.

In this game, Tarzan was replaced as jungler. Zhuge Liang guessed that kkoma would let Faker get a big core as a guarantee in the later stage.

The bottom duo is in poor condition and seems unable to take on the important role, so we can only place our hope on Faker.

Zhuge Liang once checked Faker's daily training records and found that he had many records of using Vel'Koz recently, so he decided to take precautions to prevent problems before they occur.

The Kimchi National Team banned Lulu, Akali and Qinggangying, which is obviously a bit stretched, and the ban positions are tight and not enough.

On the first floor, the Chinese team locked Galio in seconds.

Doll: "Gario? Sure!"

Miller: "Although Galio is no longer a popular player in the meta, seeing Galio in Xiye makes me feel extremely at ease!"

Colonel Guan: "There are still a lot of OP heroes left on the field. The Kimchi National Team released Galio. I wonder what they plan to exchange for?"

Soon, the Kimchi national team locked up Verus and Tam.

The Varus version is popular, so there is no problem in getting it.

The reason why the last game of Chiku was so miserable was largely due to the chain reaction of the first level.

Maybe the situation will be different after a normal start?

Taking into account the player's status issues and the threat posed by Galio, Tahm is regarded as the first-hand insurance.

The second and third floors of the Chinese team successively selected Xia and Liquor.

Wawa: "The wine barrel and Xayah used in the last game worked well, so do you plan to continue using them?"

Colonel Guan: "The prince is still outside. Even if the current version is a bit sewer, it is obviously more suitable to match Galio than wine barrel, right?"

Miller: "I don't think there's anything wrong with a hero who has a hot hand, and Galio doesn't have to be paired with a do-what-you-want system."

On the third floor, the Kimchi National Team struggled for a while and finally chose Olaf.

Olaf's attack on the wine barrel is an advantageous confrontation, and he can also threaten Xayah in the back row in team battles.

Furthermore, if the Chinese team does not select a jungler in the first round and bans a jungler in the second round, Tarzan is likely to face the dilemma of the previous Score.

Entering the second round, the Chinese team banned the mid laner and knocked out Faker's Ryze and Clockwork.

The Kimchi National Team banned Niutou and Luo to prevent the Chinese team from getting support to adapt to the lineup.

On the fourth floor, the Kimchi National Team first revealed the mid laner Tsar.

The Chinese team added Ornn and the Prince to the fourth and fifth floors respectively.

Wawa: "Huh? The Chinese team locked the prince on the fifth floor, so the wine barrel we took before coming here is an auxiliary?"

Colonel Guan: "Here, Wolong is shaking again! Even if Galio gets the assist in the end and the prince goes to the mid lane, I won't be surprised. I'm used to it!"

Miller: "Don't tell me, once I took these two hands at the end, the lineup instantly became more three-dimensional and quite solid!"

Ornn and the Prince have increased the Chinese team's team-fighting ability and front-row frankness, and also given Galio a wider space to play.

However, in contrast to this, the Chinese team's lineup has four guarantees and one guarantee. If Xia cannot shoulder the banner of output, the damage may not be enough in the later stage.

Kimchi Country’s last counter position on the fifth floor has added a super-developed captain.

It is difficult for Ornn to restrict the development of the captain in the early stage. When the captain and the tsar grow up in the later stage, and there is a Tamu to protect them, the winning rate of the Kimchi National Team will undoubtedly be very impressive.

Moreover, the lineup of the Kimchi National Team is not brainless and delays the late game. Olaf and Varus also have the ability to do things in the early and mid-term. Relatively speaking, the strength of the lineup is quite smooth.

The only flaw is that this lineup lacks stable control and is vulnerable to Varus' ultimate move.


Both sides were much more cautious in their first-level positions, and no incident occurred.

It can be said that this game was the best early game of the three games.

Varus moved very well, avoiding the consumption of wine barrels several times, and never fell behind Xayah in terms of last-hitting.

Tarzan, who came on as a replacement in the life-and-death game, was bold and careful, hitting the explosive ball off the wall, starting the Predators double team of the Chinese team that pressed too deep.

Tahm flashed and licked the wine barrel, and his Q skill slowed him down, creating an opportunity for Olaf to throw his ax and scratch the barrel.

Liquor knew that he couldn't leave, so he immediately sold himself to Xia Duan and saved him along with the summoner skills.

In the end, Varus got the first blood.

At the same time, the prince came to the road and caught the captain once.

Smeb was very alert and shrank under the tower when his side attacked in the bottom lane.

Aoun and the prince were in control, but they were all resolved by the flash of Captain Orange.

Wawa: "Kimchi's national team took the initiative and took advantage of the bottom lane for the first time."

Miller: "The captain's awareness of preventing ganks is very good. Although he was knocked out of a flash, his health was maintained very well and he could continue to line up."

Colonel Guan: "In the middle, Xiye was also suppressed and received some last-minute hits. I feel like the rhythm of this game is a bit wrong?"

This chapter has been completed!
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