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Chapter 383 Wolong is a scholar

 Both parties enter Summoner's Rift.

The director thoughtfully provided information on the runes carried by the ten heroes on the field.

Well, Kenan and EZ, who stole money runes, have two identical mining knives as their starting equipment, can they be said to be brothers in the same discipline?

As for the jungle death song that is the focus of observation, he chose [Dark Harvest] as the cornerstone rune.

Colonel Guan: "Dark Harvest at Dead Song is quite cost-effective, and the damage will be extremely high when the layers are increased in the later stages!"

Remember: "Look at the bottom lane, ez and Tahm are sneaking into the bushes. They seem to have prepared a special package, but in this case, Death Song will have to open the jungle alone."

According to the usual understanding of the game, Death Song, as a weak mage, will inevitably find it difficult to open the jungle alone.

However, after seeing Wolong's almost textbook pulling, the commentators and the audience were greatly moved.

"How on earth is this done? Why is the hatred of wild monsters not broken?"

"I'll go, it's okay to just brush the buff at level 1 without damage. The key is to operate both lines at the same time. This brushing efficiency is absolutely amazing!"

"After watching Wolong jungle, I can't help but wonder if I really know how to jungle?"

"Wolong's death song highlights a smooth and silky interplay of Q and basic attacks, which is pleasing to the eye."

"Read it carefully and study it carefully. It is full of details. For example: if you don't learn w at level 3, click q at level 2 to speed up the clearing. Use the e skill to gain mana every time you kill an enemy to save mana.


"Hiss, Wolong's route planning is the essence, almost no second is wasted!"


After returning home and getting a blue jungle knife, Death Song began to cooperate with the line to actively counter the jungle.

Many players define the Death Song jungler as an absolute late-stage hero. He is ridiculously weak in the early stage and is almost at the mercy of others.

In fact, this is not the case. The Death Song jungler can also suppress people in the early game.

Take the opponent Qinggang Shadow in this game as an example. Although Qinggang Shadow is strong in one-on-one combat, as a jungler, his brushing efficiency is low and he loses blood easily.

Once the two sides encounter each other in the jungle, Death Song only needs to fight calmly. Qinggang Shadow, who is not in perfect condition, does not pose a great threat to Death Song.

To take a step back, even if Qinggang Shadow kills Death Song, Death Song can replace Qinggang Shadow with the help of his passive.

By exchanging heads for heads, plus a layer of Dark Harvest earned, Death Song at least won’t be considered a loss.

No, LGD's new jungler is taking it for granted. He only thinks about killing Wolong alone so that he can become famous.

As a result, Death Song moved at a right angle to avoid Qinggangying's second stage E, and took advantage of the situation with W skill to slow down and reduce magic resistance, and calmly carried out the attack.

Qinggangying twisted left and right, swallowing every q of the death song. Several times, at first glance, it looked more like Qinggangying was deliberately trying to get into trouble.

Not long after, Qinggangying was blasted out of Dark Harvest by a Q, and the remaining blood jumped over the wall to escape.

Zhuge Liang calculated the skill cooldown time. Qinggangying's E skill immediately cooled down. He flashed to catch up and was unable to stop, so he stopped immediately as soon as he was ready.

Compared with Qinggangying's heads, the key is to kill these two groups of wild monsters and reach level six as soon as possible.

Qinggangying was out of shape and was suppressed online. LGD had no choice but to knock out his teeth and swallow them in his stomach, sitting back and watching Death Song wreak havoc in his own jungle area.

Colonel Guan: "Wolong's Q skill is so accurate, it's like it's locked!"

Remember: "Qinggangying's wild area was blasted through, and the level and development were completely thrown away by Death Song."


The time when Death Song reaches level 6 is not slower than the single-player line, it is a bit ridiculously fast.

On the other hand, the opposing Qinggang Shadow still has little experience to reach level five.

What makes it even more painful is that under the active resistance of Death Song, Qinggang Shadow has no resources to farm and is forced to farm steps in Summoner's Rift.

Qinggangying felt uncomfortable, and the pressure on LGD increased sharply.

Death Song will have the ability to use remote support after reaching level 6, which means that everyone in LGD must take Death Song's ultimate move into account when fighting against each other.

Colonel Guan: "The basic damage of Death Song's level 1 ultimate move is quite high. Rounding it off is equivalent to Death Song being present. Unless Tianxiu operates, or uses more to hit less, it will give V5 a chance."

Remember: "Suddenly I remembered that ez also has a long-distance support ultimate move. If you add Death Song's ultimate move, you will reach the kill line with almost half health, right?"

Everyone in LGD also realized this problem and shrank one after another.

Anyway, I don’t have the right to the line, so I just lie down!

Seeing this, V5 started to provoke even more fiercely. They would rather be hit by the defense tower than go up to exchange blood.

The first to be unable to hold on was LGD’s top laner Gnar.

Niu Bao's Kennen is a unique skill, and it makes Gnarl miserable. At this moment, he has already opened twenty or thirty last hits.

Relying on his good anger, he can get bigger immediately. However, Gnar, who has low blood volume, is taking a chance and trying to eat up a large wave of soldiers entering the tower.

However, Kenan decisively attacked and killed him.

At the same moment, a requiem for death was also dropped from the sky.


Gnar was killed by Death Song's ultimate move, and a ball of red soul floated out of his body and flew towards Death Song who had just shown off his singing voice.

A few seconds later, the news came from the middle that Dao Mei jumped over the tower and killed Clockwork.

Thanks to Death Song's ultimate move that lowered Clockwork's health line, Dao Mei decisively broke through the tower, dodged Clockwork's ultimate move in a flash, and left in style after killing the person.

Remember: "The Death Song is thousands of miles away. One big move can gain one blood plus an assist. Oh, there is also a layer of darkness harvesting!"

Colonel Guan: "It's only been a few minutes, and Death Song is already so fat. If he continues to grow, the female gunner may lose her ability to fight if she gets bigger!"


When the Death Song is released, the rune can be echoed, and the efficiency of clearing the jungle is improved to a higher level.

Zhuge Liang added another killing ring to make it easier to turn it into a killing book after adding up the layers.

V5 has advantages in all lanes, and with Tahm's solid protection, Zhuge Liang feels that the profit from this killing book will be very high.

Not long after, a team battle broke out between the two sides at the Canyon Pioneer.

Niutou started the team with the ball, but ez handed over his e skill later, Kennen's rocket belt moved a bit, and Tahm still swallowed the song of death with quick eyesight and hands.

Colonel Guan: "LGD didn't play very well. It only managed to pull up one Tahm, V5 took advantage of the situation and counterattacked, and LGD exploded!"

Remember: "Dao Mei and Kenan entered the field, ez perfected the big move, V5 played 1 for 4! No, the death song has not been turned up yet, oh, the clockwork was blown up, this wave is 1 for 5!"

After getting the Rift Pioneer, V5 managed steadily to defeat two lanes and one tower, and controlled the dragon.

The economic gap instantly reached nearly 5,000!

After Death Song returned to the city for supplies, he happily upgraded the killing ring into a killing book.

Remember: "It was too much. He didn't even have shoes, so Wolong couldn't wait to become a scholar!"

Colonel Guan: "I think, with such a death song that has a full hatred value to attract firepower, this ez can definitely create a murder book."

This chapter has been completed!
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