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Chapter 408 The new king ascends the throne

 V5 just gained some advantage in the bottom lane, and IG quickly regained the ground in the middle lane.

King Ning's unreasonable ganks helped Rookie's Clockwork get the head of Wei Shen Syndra.

Half a minute later, a small section of female tanks wandered to the middle, and with the help of Olaf and Syndra, they attacked from three sides. The last wave of Clockwork, which had used up its flash, had no way out.

The head was given to Syndra, who was killed in the last wave of double moves, to avoid being torn open in the middle and causing the line to collapse.

Seeing the female tank and Olaf appear in the middle, IG immediately jumped over the tower and killed the female police officer.

Baolan drove very decisively this time, and Luo made a W that was almost prejudgmental, and happened to lift up the policewoman who was pulling back after opening E.

Carrying a rotating throwing ax, Draven rushed into the defense tower and successfully killed the policewoman under the tower.

Previously, the V5 bot lane duo had a double attack, which became the foreshadowing of this wave.

Luo relied on his flash and took turns fighting towers with Draven, and both of them survived with blood.

When Kenan learned that the female police officer on the lower road was in danger, he immediately entered the grass and pressed tp.

However, the old man Alchemy flashed over and threw a w towards the grass.

The ground-binding effect produced by the strong glue caused Kenan's TP to end without any problem.

Flashing for TP is naturally not profitable.

But from a strategic point of view, this flash saved the duo in the bottom lane. One after another, it is worth a thousand dollars!

Later, Olaf reached level six, caught Alchemy on the road and failed to dodge, and blocked him under the defense tower with Kennen.

Kayn took the opportunity to cooperate with the bottom duo to control Xiaolong.


The two sides fought extremely fiercely, with heads rising alternately, and the scene was once indistinguishable.

The audience was excited to watch. Although V5 won the first two games cleanly, the viewing experience was still lacking enough to match the intensity of the summer finals.

Fights broke out frequently in this game, either in the middle of a fight or on the way to a fight, which appealed to the audience.

It’s quite heartbreaking to say that most of the spectators watch the game just to have fun, and the fights just look good.

Some cloud players who entered the game in the first year of e-sports even casually said "that's it" after rehearsing the match between SKT and ROX in the S6 semi-finals.

Therefore, it makes sense that there are so many fans for the film competition next door.

Most spectators watch games for leisure purposes only after studying and working. How many people will study the in-depth details with a learning attitude?

If we take a look at the official commentary in recent years, except for some seniority and players’ transformation commentary, they are either nonsense or rely solely on their loud voices.

It’s rare to be able to describe the process of a team fight verbally, let alone analyze and dismantle details that ordinary viewers cannot detect.

It can be seen that e-sports projects have entered a period of rapid development with commercialization, followed by a huge gap in supporting professionals!

Zhuge Liang had previously planned to resume his role as the host of Up when he takes a break next year and restart an in-depth review program.

Nowadays, some hardcore players want to learn more about this aspect, but they often have no way.

Zhuge Liang does not need to teach too complicated content, he only needs to build a basic framework so that players can grasp the basic ideas of how to conduct review.

By then, even if one or two analysts can appear among the 10,000 viewers, it will be considered a fresh blood for the entire industry.


About nine minutes into the game, a large-scale team battle broke out around the Rift Pioneer.

Rookie has three people, and the female tank who can't stand up to Xiao Duan also has three people.

Niu Bao's Kennen activates his ultimate move, AD Kennen's damage is not high, and the controllable effect is still there.

In team battles, 2 for 3 is played, and V5 makes a small profit.

However, King Ning’s Kaiyin took advantage of the chaos and punished the Canyon Pioneer.

V5 Overwatch did not give IG a chance to pick up the Eye of the Pioneer.

The Eye of the Pioneer dissipated, and both sides were fighting to the death, but it was all lonely!

After the Canyon Pioneer Group, the pace seemed to slow down a lot.

Manage troop lines, control vision, replace defense towers, and compete for map resources.

For V5, this is undoubtedly a very familiar and comfortable rhythm.

IG also responded well, stabilizing the economic gap and not widening it. At the same time, King Ning also controlled one more dragon than Xiaotian.

When the situation was at a stalemate, Kennen, whose single-belt equipment had already taken shape, became the V5's attacker.

Kennen crouched in the grass and reached the alchemy with the line. The destruction slowed down, the big ice hammer stuck, and after the sheep knife was fully stacked, he frequently hit passive stuns.

Even though Alchemy moves very fast after turning it on, Kennen can't stop himself from getting dizzy from time to time. He really can't run!

When Alchemy's blood volume dropped by more than half, Kennen suddenly became murderous and pressed his ultimate move to give Alchemy double control.

At this time, Alchemy was even more difficult to move forward. After handing in Flash, he was still killed by Kennen and Flash.

Single kill against each other!

Kennen drove straight in and began to intimidate IG from the bottom lane.

Everyone in IG was in a stalemate with V5 at the baron.

If you don't send people back to defend, with Kennen's current attack speed, when Alchemy comes back to life, he will fall all the way to the high ground.

But once the people are divided and return to the city, V5 will have the advantage of having more people, whether it is a head-on group fight or a rush to the dragon.

To be even more extreme, as soon as the IG people returned, Kenan turned on him, so what should we do?

"I will go back to the city to clean up the army line. If the other side opens a dragon, I will TP over." Rookie said.

Now I just have TP, so I can go back to the city and guard my home.

Clockwork returns to the city, and V5 immediately starts to fight the baron.

"You big dragon, I can break the clockwork." Nuguri said urgently.

Kennan pretended to retreat, intending to show his face.

Clockwork cleared the line of troops and hurriedly pressed tp between the front tooth towers.

However, as soon as the clockwork was turned, the front of V5 captured the movement.

After receiving the feedback, Kennen used his E skill to fight back, and jumped over the tower to interrupt the clockwork TP.

Kennen is wearing an AD single-belt outfit, and he hasn’t had a chance to dodge yet. The role that tp Dragon Pit can play is quite limited.

On the contrary, if the clockwork TP passes and a big one is pulled out in the dragon pit terrain, the result will be quite explosive.

Rookie was so confused at the moment that he had already returned to the bottom of the front tooth tower very carefully before pressing tp.

Who would have thought that Kennan would jump directly over the Highland Tower, rush to the bottom of the Incisor Tower, and interrupt TP with his own life!

Without the clockwork as a serious problem, V5 made up its mind to rush to the end.

When Baron was about to enter the kill line, the female tank blocked the road with her big move, and Syndra also pushed the ball, denying Kaiying a chance to go down the wall.

IG's decision was to let Luo enter the dragon pit to disrupt the formation and create an opportunity for Kayn to flash and grab the dragon.

Even if they don't grab the baron, IG will hold off first and wait for the alchemy resurrection to teleport over, and the team battle will still be possible!

Olaf activates his ultimate move, uses his e-skill and punishment at the same time, and securely gets the baron.

A beam of teleportation light lit up, but it was the resurrected alchemy who used tp.

This TP is in an excellent position, just blocking V5's retreat. As long as it is handled properly, it is expected to be a turning point for IG.

However, before Kaiying, who flashed down the wall, could stand firm, there was a crisp "click" from under his feet.

"Fuck!" Prince Ning's face turned dark, and he pressed the keyboard furiously but there was no response.

It turns out that the policewoman posted a row of clips to block the road, but actually secretly placed a clip under the dragon.

Just now he is a dragon and a hero, and various skills and special effects are flying around, so this clip is not conspicuous.

Until Kayn flashed down and accidentally stepped on it.

The policewoman who had not been controlled by Luo was immediately shot in the head, and then ewqa.

Olaf helped compensate for some damage, and Kayn was evaporated instantly.

IG's plan was completely disrupted. This wave of Ning Wang's Red Kaiyin was their main force in delaying the front. Who would have thought that this unlucky guy stepped on a trap and didn't even use a skill, directly killing him!

Luo who entered the Dragon Pit was subsequently sold, and Draven was retained by the female tank's e-skill.

The alchemy TP landed, and IG was already defeated, so they had no choice but to run away in despair.

V5 won a big victory. After calculating the time, we chose to go head-on.

A clockwork without a big move can't defend the tower at all.

Alchemy's frontal combat capability is limited, so he ran to cut off the line of troops.

V5 easily destroyed the Highland Tower, and Kennan, who was killed in battle, was also resurrected.

Kennen's TP saved the last minion, and V5 was overwhelming, knocking off IG's two incisor towers.

Remember: "IG troops are being resurrected one after another, is it too late?"

Colonel Guan: "Demolish the base! Destroy the base! All V5 members are divided into slaves. They only have IG's main castle crystal in their eyes!"

Changmao: "No chance! The game is over! V5 exploded IG's crystal!"

The game ended quite suddenly. From Kennen's solo kill of Alchemy to V5's explosion of the IG base crystal, the whole process only took two or three minutes.

IG's performance in the first half of the game was remarkable, but unfortunately they couldn't hold on at the critical moment, making one mistake and another.

It’s meaningless to say anything now, e-sports, winners and losers.

This summer, V5 swept IG 3:0 and won the first LPL Silver Dragon Cup since the team was founded!

Colonel Guan: "Congratulations to V5! This new team, which was established less than a year ago, did not fall like a meteor after their failure in the Spring Finals. They became stronger in this summer split and won the championship tonight.

The first championship in team history!”

Changmao: "Since then, V5 has been determined to become the top seed in the LPL and has advanced to the global finals of this year's S8. I look forward to V5's better performance."

Remember: "Congratulations to the RNG team. They will advance to the global finals as the second seed in the LPL."

At this moment, everyone in RNG is probably happier than V5 who won the championship, and they can’t wait to come to the living room to skate and kneel.

According to the competition system, the LPL Summer Split champion automatically gets the No. 1 seed seat.

After excluding the summer champion, the team with the highest points throughout the year will be awarded the second seed.

RNG won the Spring Split and finished third in the Summer. The total points for the year were 160.

IG finished third in spring and second in summer, with a total of 140 points throughout the year.

I feel so bad, IG!

However, fortunately there is still a bubbling competition.

In the first round of the bubble competition, WE played EDG.

In the second round, the winner will fight VG.

In the last round, the winner faces IG directly, and the winner is the LPL third seed.


Taking off his headphones, Wei Shen couldn't wait to run to the table with the Silver Dragon Cup.

The once-famous champion mid laner’s eyes were actually red at the moment.

LPL, your emperor is back!

Wei Shen raised the Silver Dragon Cup high above his head and roared several times.

Until all the emotions in his chest were vented, Wei Shen picked up the Silver Dragon Cup and handed it to his teammates.

Niu Bao looked slightly confused, as if he had not yet accepted the reality that his dream had come true.

Xiaotian touched the trophy, turned sideways secretly, and wiped the tears under his glasses with the corner of his clothes.

Xiao Duan hugged the trophy and kissed it twice. From being a support for the bottom team in the past to being a support for the champion team now, he finally came forward.

The old thief's expression remained calm, but his eyelids were beating wildly, staring straight at the Silver Dragon Cup.

Backstage, Zhuge Liang, Theshy, toolman Feng Chu, and even other members of V5 were also invited to the stage.

In the twelfth season of LPL, another new king takes the throne!

Its name is: Victory Five!

This chapter has been completed!
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