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Chapter 440 You’ve never been beaten, right?

 In the bottom lane, IG's Kai'Sa and Niutou went online one step earlier and should have had the initiative to grab second place.

However, the V5 duo responded very decisively. Braum's Q hit Kai'Sa, and Jhin relied on the acceleration of his quick pace to pursue Braum's passive.

Kai'Sa was worried that Bronn's Cross would be ignited, so she had to press the heal button to restore blood and pull away.

Although Jhin also attracted the hatred of the minions and lost a lot of health, the old thief has wielded the Dolan Sword and has quick steps, so he can recover slowly.

On the other hand, Cassadoran has quit going out. Not only did he pay for treatment, but he also drank a bottle of red potion. His ability to exchange blood is definitely not as good as Jhin.

The V5 bottom lane relied on this tough wave of opportunities to exchange blood, which caused the IG duo to suffer a hidden loss and regained the lane rights.

After reaching the second level, Braum repeated his old trick, using the grass as a cover and throwing his Q skill towards Kai'Sa who was doing a last-ditch attack.

Niutou had to help block the q, and at the same time pushed Bron away with a w.

However, in order to protect Kasha, Niutou also put himself in danger.

Jhin used a brilliant shot to immobilize the bull's head, then stepped forward and hit aqa to stun Braum passively.

The fourth critical bullet was thrown out, and Niutou's HP was only a quarter. Scared, Bao Lan quickly dodged and retreated.

The V5 duo did not flash to pursue. After all, it takes time for Jhin to change bullets. Wouldn't it be embarrassing if Jhin flashed to catch up but couldn't come out?

Miller: "In the current version, Jhin mostly uses the Dolan Ring to go out, and the cornerstone runes are also more popular with cluster blades. The old thief has the Dolan Sword and quick steps. He obviously planned to compete with Kai'Sa."
Wawa: "V5's preparations before the game were too thorough. The bottom duo sacrificed lane rights to help the blind monk open the jungle, and prepared a plan to make up for this situation, link by link."

Remember: "IG must be careful in the bottom lane now. Once Bronn gets passive again, he may not be so lucky."

In fact, V5 was able to regain the right to go down the lane. On the one hand, it was due to Zhuge Liang's pre-match arrangements, and on the other hand, it was because the IG duo was a bit pretentious.

Level 1 Kai'Sa paired with a bull head can be said to be extremely weak. If Ah Shui and Baolan develop stably and withstand pressure, V5 may not be able to do anything to them.

However, they were still greedy and felt that V5 took the initiative to give up lane rights to help the jungle invade. They could naturally grab the second place and make their life in the lane more comfortable.

To put it bluntly, V5’s arrangement took into account the psychology of the IG duo, and it made sure that the young and energetic Ah Shui would not give in.

Therefore, growth requires paying a price.

Ah Shui, you've never been beaten, right?

As seniors, Lao Thief and Xiao Duan taught the younger generation a lesson at the beginning.


After leveling up in the middle, Rambo's lane pushing efficiency has been significantly improved.

From time to time, you can go up to barbecue Syndra and exchange blood with Syndra.

Rambo's skills did not consume anything, but Syndra needed mana. With the two of them facing each other to clear the line, Syndra's mana was somewhat stretched.

There is no way, Syndra uses mana to clear troops and push the lane, and it is difficult to suppress Rambo's health.

On the contrary, if Syndra throws skills to Rambo, not to mention that Rambo has a shield and recovery, once the army line presses into the tower, Rambo can be liberated and roam around to support.

Wawa: "Don't tell me, this Rambo is pretty easy to use. Syndra really can't suppress Rambo."

Miller: "V5's BP is really solid, and banning Lissandra was obviously premeditated. Rookie can take Lucian, but in that case the lineup will be a bit choppy, so it's best to pick Syndra.


Remember: "Did you notice that after V5's bottom lane and middle lane seized the line rights, the jungler actively moved towards the lower half of the area. At the same time, the top lane released the lane and retreated under the defense tower, preparing a defensive posture. What V5 showed

The integrity and synergy are indeed worth learning from the majority of teams."

While the three commentators were talking, Rambo reached level five.

A harpoon shot hit Syndra, chasing her all the way to the fire, reducing Syndra's health to about one-third.

This time it was Wei Shenxiu who had been pushed by Rookie so many times. This time he relied on the acceleration of W and twisted his waist almost in anticipation to avoid Syndra's push, thereby inflicting enough damage.<


At the same time, Bronn joined the blind monk, and the two quietly touched the grass on the right wall of the defense tower in the middle.

As soon as Rambo puts his troops into the tower, V5 will launch a tower-crossing killing spree.

However, Baolan hit the spot in time to remind Rookie that Braum had disappeared online for a while.

Rookie was instantly alert, and a jewelry eye was inserted into the partition wall, which just happened to reveal V5’s Nosuke.

The blind monk tentatively threw a q, but Syndra easily moved to avoid it, and the V5 wild assistant decisively gave up the idea of ​​jumping over the tower.

King Ning quickly came to the middle and assisted Rookie in pushing the troops out of the defense tower, making it easier for Syndra to return to the city for supplies.

Braun rushed back to the line, while Blind Monk joined Rambo. The two took the opportunity to counterattack Qinggangying's newly refreshed f6 in an open and honest manner.

Wawa: "Before each action, V5 seems to have several sets of alternative plans. If plan A fails to work, it will immediately start plan B. Even if it can't eat meat, it still has to drink soup."

Miller: "I'm here now, at least I can do something along the way, and I can't be at a loss for myself."

Remember: "I have analyzed the data of this year's top four teams, and among them V5 is the team that is best at rolling economy, which shows that they are indeed proficient in 'financial management'."

From the beginning to now, V5 has not gained a huge advantage from IG.

But V5 makes a small profit every time, and the little money adds up to a lot, which is quite impressive.

Reflected in the rhythm of the game, the audience can't help but feel that IG plays very passively, always being led by the nose by V5, poaching the east wall to make up for the west wall.

Rambo and Blind Monk reached the sixth queen one after another, and V5 took advantage of the advantages accumulated before and launched a wave of four-pack-two in the bottom lane.

Braum fought against the tower first, and Blind Sin stepped forward with W, and kicked Kai'Sa against the wall with R.

Rambo unleashes his ultimate move and starts barbecue.

Jhin made up for the damage, and Kai'Sa was evaporated in the blink of an eye.

The cow's head was soon roasted until it was fully cooked, and Rambo took the head.

The V5 formation was maintained very well, and the resistance change was also very reasonable. The Qinggang Shadow who arrived just didn't dare to step forward to save anyone.

Thain immediately pressed tp to try to cover the duo, but V5 had already communicated with the top laner, and Urgot decisively interrupted Thain with an e-dodge.

Wawa: "Rambo activated the Predator, combined with walking on water, and the acceleration of the W skill. Within a few seconds, he appeared behind the IG bottom lane defense tower. It was too late for Syndra to alert him."

Miller: "This wave of V5 did not surrender the summoner's skills during the tower jump. They can completely repeat the same trick later. It is difficult for IG to form a duo in the bottom lane!"

Remember: "It is true that when Kai'Sa and Niutou reach the sixth rank, their tower defense capabilities will be improved to a certain extent, but the V5 duo will also experience qualitative changes when they reach the sixth rank."

Xiaotian took the opportunity to control the first little dragon. He was lucky, the attribute was the wind dragon which was quite beneficial to V5.

This chapter has been completed!
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