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Chapter 458: Like to sleep with people secretly?

 The time came to just over nine minutes, and the Canyon Pioneer was refreshed.

On the road, Jace details the switch to hammer form, fills up Gnar's anger and then smashes him away with a hammer.

Then, Jess went into cannon form, placing an accelerator gate under his feet and quickly pulling it away, not giving Gnar a chance to counterattack.

This is how difficult it is for Gnar to control his anger. As long as he enters a combat state, whether he actively attacks or takes damage, he will gain a certain amount of anger.

For example, just now, Gnar didn't really want to grow bigger at this juncture, but Jace was so angry that he just stepped forward and touched little Gnar.

The key is not to be responsible, you only light the fire but don’t put it out!

When Narr's anger was exhausted and he entered the sage state, V5 immediately gathered to fight the Canyon Pioneer.

Colonel Guan: "V5 is still cautious. Seeing that Gnar can control his anger very well, he asked Jace to go up and do a trick to force out Gnar's transformation first."

Remember: "The terrain of Dragon Pit is very suitable for Gnar to play, and the audience must have seen Tathagata Palm many times."

Wang Duoduo: "SKT gave up the Dragon Pit terrain. Just looking at their movements, it seems they don't intend to let V5 control the vanguard and leave safely?"

All members of V5 gathered at Longkengkou, while everyone from SKT occupied various intersections in groups of twos and threes, waiting for opportunities like poisonous snakes eyeing their prey.

When the Canyon Pioneer still had more than 2,000 HP, Niutou began to position himself forward and became very aggressive.

At the same time, Little Peanut’s Kindred follows Niutou, which also poses a certain threat to the blind monk.

Syndra pulled out of the dragon pit slightly and tried to push the ball again to stop Kindred, not giving him a chance to come over and fight for punishment.

However, when Syndra was on guard against Kindred, Zoe, who was stuck on the wall of the river, quietly threw out a hypnotic bubble.

The bubble passed through the wall, its flight distance was extended, and it hit Syndra very accurately.

Without any hesitation, Syndra used two consecutive rounds of purification and flash, and climbed over the wall of the dragon pit.

Almost at the moment when Syndra had just dodged away, a flying star passed by and ended up exactly where Syndra was standing.

A drop of cold sweat broke out on Wei Shen's forehead. He could clearly see that there was a blue punishment picked up on Zoe.

If he had been hit by Zoe's Q just now, and had used Blue Punishment to slow down, even if he used double moves later, he would still be caught up by Kindred.

Fortunately, this wave of responses was online and the skills were handed over decisively.

Taking advantage of Syndra's ability to attract firepower, Blind Sin Q took the punishment and steadily controlled the Rift Herald.

V5 has no desire to fight, and maintains its formation and prepares to retreat through the river on the left.

However, SKT does not intend to let V5 go.

Niutou decisively flashed the second line, knocking away three people from V5!

Jhin at the river channel first fired a brilliant shot, then set up a big sniper and activated his ultimate move.

Gnar, who was hanging by the side, also threw a boomerang, involving the V5 army.

After ending the stun, the blind monk quickly kicked the bull's head away with a big move, while Bronn raised the security door to cover everyone's retreat.

Syndra retreated to the triangular grass on the upper road, and was about to join her own large forces. Zoe once again used a hypnotic bubble to fly along the wall of the Dragon Pit to the feet of Syndra.

Zoe picked up the flash that Syndra had just handed over and fired a super-long-distance flying star.

The damage was astonishing, Syndra was instantly killed!

SKT continues to pursue, and the health of everyone in V5 is not very healthy.

Zoe waited until her R skill cooled down, and then fired a flying star at the extreme distance to follow the basic attack, killing Braum who had very little health.

Seeing that Kindred's health was low, Jace gritted his teeth and hammered him forward, trying to forcibly replace the head.

Kai'Sa follows up with a large movement, joins Jace, and tries to counterattack.

However, Qian Jue's deadly blood unleashed his ultimate move.

The sheep spirit blessed the land beneath its feet, creating an area exempt from death.

Jace quickly flashed and pulled her away. Kai'Sa, who didn't flash, was not so lucky. She was put to sleep by Zoe's hypnotic bubble, and died under the tower with a flying star Q.

After estimating the time when Kindred's ultimate move would end, Jace fired a pre-judgment accelerator cannon. Unfortunately, Kindred's ultimate move and Triumph restored some health, but Jace couldn't take it away with one shot.

Under the leadership of Zoe, who has Faker's superb skills, SKT unexpectedly played a zero-for-three game!

Colonel Guan: "Something's wrong, something's wrong!"

Remember: "Zoe's three hypnotic bubbles and three flying stars completely changed the direction of the team battle. It's terrible!"

Wang Duoduo: "Currently, SKT has overtaken the economy by more than 1,000. It depends on whether V5 can use the Rift Pioneer that was finally controlled to recover some losses."

After his teammates were resurrected one after another, the blind monk released Canyon Herald in the middle as a drag, and successfully controlled the second earth dragon.

Although Faker had just shown off as a backdrop, SKT only got three dead heads and no other additional benefits.

On the contrary, V5 successfully controlled the second dragon. As long as the rhythm of controlling the dragon continues, it does not hurt to be a little behind in economy.

Both sides return to the laning stage.

As soon as the pilot shot reached the middle, we saw Syndra under the tower eating one of Zoe's hypnotic bubbles, and was blown to pieces by Zoe's flying star.

The damage was shocking.

In the online live broadcast room, the audience was not calm anymore.

"Holy shit, this is not a flying star, it's clearly a nuclear bomb, right?"

"Brother Li is so explosive in this round, it's hard to resist!"

"Unknowingly, Smeb's Gnar actually got a bounty, and I feel like I'm going to kneel."

"Kindred is covering the side, and Jace can only watch Gnar push the tower. When the gap between the top laner's level and equipment continues to widen, Jace will be basically useless!"

"Shit, Zoe is wandering up and down, no matter how hard she sleeps, like a ghost, how can we deal with this?"

"In comparison, Wei Shen is too weak. Which Syndra should I choose? How good would it be to just be a tool?"

On the scene, SKT gradually took the initiative, and V5 was able to keep their composure and not be upset by Zoe who seemed to be cheating.

Just when the third little dragon was about to be refreshed, Syndra and Braun lurked in the blue buff grass in advance, waiting for a destined person.

SKT is already behind two dragons. Now that it has the initiative, it will definitely not let this dragon go.

With SKT's always cautious style, they will definitely control the field of view before moving the dragon, and there is a high probability that they will have to enter the V5 jungle area and place a deep ward position.

Perhaps they sensed some risk, SKT did not come alone to intervene. Niutou walked in front, followed by Kindred and Gnar, so that if any situation arises, they can respond in time.

Syndra made the first move, and then a goddess scattered flowers, stunning the three SKT players.

Braum connected with his ultimate move and knocked him into the air. Kai'Sa resolutely pressed her ultimate move and dived down the field to directly attack Kindred.

Niutou quickly used his ultimate move to release the control, used his w skill to push Kai'Sa away, and then his q skill to hammer Syndra up.

Qian Jue finally waited until the control ended, flashed and added Q, then pulled back to a safe distance.

Unable to kill Kindred instantly, V5 took advantage of the situation and focused on Gnarl.

However, Gnar has grown very well, and now he has cut into two small pieces with enlarged ice hammers, and his skin is far thicker and thicker than expected.

Zoe quietly walked around the river grass on the left side of the blue buff, and was about to throw a sleep bubble against the wall. When she entered the grass, she saw a V5 real eye stuck under her feet.

From God's perspective, Jace was stuck at the corner of the wall. The moment Zoe entered the grass, he fired an instantaneous cannon, then he swung the hammer and hit her forward.

Like to sleep with people secretly?

If you are caught red-handed this time, let’s welcome the hammer of justice!

This chapter has been completed!
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