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Chapter 47 There is no eternal dynasty

 After edg was replaced as factory director, the most significant improvement was in execution.

The entire team instantly had a backbone, and it was no longer like a bunch of headless chickens doing their own thing.

In the mid-term economic disadvantage, Mantis and Enchantress actively captured orders and forcibly captured Qinggang Ying twice!

It's just that the support speed of our lineup is too fast. Qinggangying can delay for a while before dying every time and deal his own damage.

Support coming from a screen away is outrageous!

edg successfully captured the order, but it also got stuck in the meat grinder. After finishing the game, it turned out that it lost even more.

However, edg had to seize the opportunity, even if it paid a heavy price.

Sacrifice the midfielder to create space, and gain valuable development time for weapons and policewomen. This is how EDG stops losses!

We noticed that edg was stalling, so we immediately changed our thinking and made a fuss around the dragon zone.

Pretend to fight the dragon, but actually start a team.

The prince and Qinggang Shadow both entered the field, and together with Galio, they instantly shattered edg's formation.

Enjoying the supreme service of Feng Nu 998, Xiao Pao activated his Q skill, and then he got out of control and jumped up to harvest the battlefield!

If the big mouth is a metal storm that unleashes firepower wantonly, then the small cannon is more like an anti-aircraft gun wandering around the edge of the battlefield.

Long-range shooting, high precision, strong stability, focusing on efficiency!

Baby: "The little cannon jumped up! She harvested the battlefield!"

Miller: "Four kills! Just one missing! The factory director deserves to be the factory director, and he got away!"

Wawa: "I feel like I don't need to take the dragon, I can just do a wave?"

Miller: "The small cannon pushes the tower very quickly, and with Feng Nu's shield, Mantis alone can't stop it!"

As predicted by the two commentators, we don’t even need to wait for troops, Galio physically resists the tower.

The wind girl who came out of the blazing censer used a shield to support the small cannon, and the small cannon used the Q skill to light up the tower and get a quick reward.

As a player who has paid great attention to his KDA since his debut, the factory director saw that the situation was over, so he symbolically shook his w twice to show that he had tried his best.

What is more important now is to prepare for the next game. If possible, he never wants to see that giant statue falling from the sky again tonight!


"Nice! Congratulations to us!"

There was a roar of cheers in the WE team lounge.

Although there is no lack of confidence in his own team, what he faces tonight is the EDG team after all, or the EDG team after the return of the lpl's top jungler director. No one will underestimate this opponent.

"Master, we can definitely continue to win in the playoffs and win this year's spring championship trophy, right?" Ah Chi stared blankly at the red team logo on the screen, with a slight tremor in his voice.

It has been so difficult for us in recent years. From a giant in ancient times to a relegation team, it was once hard to win.

IEM has had its ups and downs since its rebirth. It seems to be getting better, but it is reduced to a background at critical moments.

Even fans are inevitably disheartened, let alone being a member of we.

In this case, why not just give up?

Maybe it’s just for this sentence “Congratulations to us”!

"Yes! We will crown the new king, step on the world stage, and win glory for lpl!" Zhuge Liang said in a deep voice.

When Ah Chi and everyone in the uniform team heard this, they couldn't help but think of Zhuge Liang's bold words when he held the first meeting.

Zhuge Liang's tone and expression at that time were the same as now, as if he had just set a trivial goal.

More than half the season has passed, and Zhuge Liang’s “small goal” is no longer far away.

"Master, I've decided! After graduation next year, I want to stay in WE and compete in the S competition as a member of the team!" A Chi clenched his fists and said firmly.

"Didn't your parents arrange for you to study abroad?" Zhuge Liang was stunned for a moment and asked doubtfully.

Achi is a talented student in 985 University, and she has too many future options to choose from.

If you study abroad and make a fortune, you will be well-off after you come back. It is not difficult to become a corporate executive.

In comparison, being engaged in the emerging industry of e-sports and working behind the scenes, no matter how you think about it, the former has more prospects.

"In the past, I chose to become a data analyst because I liked WE. Now I love this profession and am obsessed with this competition. Here is the dream I am chasing!" Achi said seriously.

"Take time to go home and explain it clearly to your parents. I will ask you to use stricter standards in the future, so be mentally prepared!" Zhuge Liang nodded with a smile.

He is very aware of Ah Chi's character, which is a bit childish, but he is never confused about important matters.

This decision must be the result of her careful consideration, and she will not be easily shaken or changed.

"Well, I'll ask Master for more advice in the future!" A Chi said with his hands in front of his heart and his eyes narrowed with a smile.


In the second game of bo3, both sides switch sides.

The frustration on Abu's face is visible to the naked eye. He really feels that the ban position is not enough!

We have played too many tricks this season, and we simply can’t deal with them.

Before the start of the game just now, he claimed to have mastered our special skills. Who would have thought that we would immediately take out a new system from his pocket.

Judging from the results, this system is extremely mature and will most likely lead the trend.

A strong sense of frustration took root in his heart, and Abu no longer had any hope in this bo3.

In Abramovich's view, maintaining the second position in Group B has become a top priority for edg.

As a result, edg will be separated from we in the playoffs and will not meet until the finals.

I might not be able to fight this we.

However, I am quite experienced in playing against other LPL teams.

The bp session ended quickly, and the lineups of both sides were released.

EDG's top laner is Dashu, the jungler's gunner, the mid laner is a vampire, and the bottom laner is Gablon, a weird lineup that is extremely cowardly.

We have Crocodile in the top lane, Lion Dog in the jungle, Enchantress in the mid lane, ez plus Thresh in the bottom lane, the same ridiculous fifteen-minute lineup.

One side is a shield, the other is a spear!

The game lasted for just over five minutes. The poodle ganked on the road and cooperated with the crocodile to kill the big tree and get first blood.

One minute later, we repeated the old trick, and the middle and jungle teamed up to swim up, killing people and taking the tower.

In less than twenty minutes, we had more flowers, and our economic lead was as high as 7,000.

edg held on for a few minutes, and finally we got the baron and bulldozed the base.

Wawa: "Let me tell you something, this one is really the difference in strength! We all used bayonets and directly penetrated edg's late lineup!"

Miller: "I can't compete in operations, I can't compete in operations, I can't even take advantage of bp, how can edg win?"

Wawa: "Congratulations to us, we defeated EDG 2:0, only the last step away from winning the season!"

Miller: "What's sad is that the last team to achieve a complete victory in the LPL season happened to be edg in the summer split last year!"

There is nothing more cruel than this in e-sports.

Without an eternal dynasty, yesterday’s winner may become today’s loser.

This chapter has been completed!
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