Turn off the lights
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Chapter 533: Take it easy

 A wave of kills just broke out in the middle lane, and the director suddenly cut the camera to the bottom lane.

I saw vn died tragically under his own defense tower.

Without waiting for the audience to start complaining, the director consciously gave a replay of the bottom lane.

Perhaps because his jungler was in the lower half of the jungle, and he was eager to finish pushing a wave of troops and take the opportunity to return to the city for supplies, Uzi did not retreat under the defense tower when Galio was wandering.

Nightmare flew big, w blocked vn's e, flash and flash, and brought out the fear effect.

The fatal rhythm is triggered, and the nightmare strikes vn one after another, causing considerable damage.

Kai'Sa swoops in front of vn, and Icasia's heavy rain washes her face.

Even though vn tried its best, it still couldn't delay the prince's arrival, and Kaisha took away his head.

In less than a minute or two, DT's three lines blossomed, all of which achieved some results.

"I'm Diguigui, DT is like a different team. They have frequent linkages and achieved very good results."

"Uzi's operations are full, but it's a pity that he didn't have time to return to the city to convert the gold coins on his body into equipment, otherwise this wave of vn might be able to counterattack the tower."

"The prince is too ink, but if he had arrived a few seconds earlier and cooperated with vn to counterattack, Uzi would have taken off with a double kill!"

"I feel like RNG is playing a bit strangely. I can't tell what the specific problem is, but it just feels awkward."

"Ryze and Kai'Sa have both made gains. On the other hand, Enchantress and Prince have been unable to find their rhythm. If this situation continues, DT's winning rate will get higher and higher."

There was a lot of discussion in the live broadcast room, and most viewers felt that RNG's performance in this game was substandard.

On the contrary, DT changed to a new way of opening, and started to play teamwork that it was not good at before.


Uzi's laning ability is really outrageous. Even if vn was killed by Kai'Sa, with Galio's support, he still dared to attack the DT duo.

Taking advantage of the lane advantage in the bottom lane, the prince took the opportunity to control the first fire dragon.

Nightmare continued to develop, and took the opportunity to kill two groups of prince's wild monsters.

"Now that Galio has his ultimate move, Prince has his ultimate move, and Enchantress is in a strong stage, it is not wise to choose to fight head-on. Let go of the first two dragons in exchange for Ryze and Kai'Sa's development time, and wait until the third one

Xiaolong is refreshed, and DT's head-to-head teamfighting will not be a waste of RNG." Zhuge Liang analyzed.

DT chose to avoid the battle, which made RNG more uncomfortable and put more and more offensive pressure on it.

In the last ten seconds before Ryze's flash turned around, RNG tried another wave of hits.

The Enchantress stepped forward and brought Galio into the field with his ultimate move.

Nightmare happens to be near the middle lane, so he uses his big move to turn off the lights immediately.

Due to the narrowed field of vision, the enchantress lost a very critical chain.

Galio's justice appeared on the scene, and Ryze just happened to step out of the knock-up range and sat there alone.

Ryze's backhand was ew, imprisoning Galio on the ground with Durand's shield.

The top laners of both sides are almost synchronized in TP, and it will escalate into a large-scale team battle.

At the river, Niutou intercepted the prince and did not give him a chance to enter the scene immediately.

Galio was struck by a nightmare and had to press the stopwatch to delay time.

The Enchantress, who was under fire, was knocked out of her body. Fortunately, she used the magic shadow to change places and narrowly saved her life.

The prince was delayed by the bull head for a few seconds, and the effect of flashing his ultimate move into the field was greatly reduced.

The top orders on both sides have been implemented one after another, but the situations they face are naturally different.

RNG was facing a defeat. After Thain landed, he used his Q skill to help the prince, and then activated his ultimate move to retreat to his own defense tower.

After finishing his golden body, Galio was sold, and his head was taken by Ryze again.

"The bull's head has done great work. If the bull's head hadn't spiritually appeared in the river, pushed away and dragged the prince, Ryze would have been killed immediately, and even the nightmare and the teleported Urgot would have been surrounded." Zhuge Liang.


In fact, in this wave, not only the movement of the bull head is crucial, but also the turning off the lights of the nightmare is crucial.

It is unimaginable that DT, which had poor teamwork before, has made such great progress in just one offseason!

Winning a team battle, DT troops are divided into two groups.

Ryze drove Niutou around and double-teamed the lower road, and cooperated with Kai'Sa to block vn again.

Nightmare and Urgot started to fight Rift Herald together. They were frightened that Urgot still had unused ultimate skills, and everyone in RNG was in poor condition, so they could only let go of Vanguard by default.


Using Rift Herald to destroy the top tower, DT's economic lead expanded to more than 3,000.

It may not sound like much, but you must know that DT's lineup is already on the development side, but now it has an economic lead in the early stage, which shows that the advantage is obvious.

RNG gathered its forces and controlled the second dragon.

At the moment, RNG's only advantage is the number of dragons. If it can successfully control the dragon soul, there may be some improvement.

Subsequently, RNG took advantage of the trend and gave up the economy of the defense tower to vn exclusively.

In exchange, DT forcefully removed RNG's first tower in the middle and drove the ward into RNG's jungle area.

Even though they know that this is a loss, RNG has no choice but to do so!

After finally surviving until the third little dragon was refreshed, RNG was determined to fight for the Dragon Soul card.

DT has strong troops and horses, and it also assumes a posture of facing a decisive battle.

However, DT played a trick and left the bull's head severed. The other four people got on Ryze's car and went straight to Dalong Pit to rush Baron.

RNG left the prince to continue to fight Xiaolong, while the rest hurried to Dalong Pit.

Niutou risked his life to stop Thain's car, activated his ultimate move to withstand tons of damage, and bought enough time for his teammates.

Only one auxiliary bullhead and a small dragon were killed, and DT successfully stole the big dragon.

"Use the big dragon buff to remove the outer tower, and DT's economic lead will be further expanded. The subsequent Dragon Soul Group will be the decisive wave." Zhuge Liang seemed to have had a glimpse of the outcome of this game.


The fourth dragon in the game was refreshed. This time DT was determined to confront RNG.

The Dragon Pit terrain is indeed conducive to RNG's teamfight performance, but the equipment gap between the two sides is there.

Nightmare turns off the lights, cooperates with Niutou and Kai'Sa, and just stares at vn, vn has no output environment at all.

In the chaos of the battle, Ryze and Urgot suddenly looked like two gods of war, both tanky and powerful.

After playing two for four, the Bullhead entangled Thain and refused to give him a chance to go home. Urgot directly destroyed the family with TP.

Ryze drove up a wave of soldiers, and the two of them exploded the base crystal before the RNG army was resurrected.

"Congratulations to DT, I feel like DT is getting better and better as we play!"

"What is RNG playing?"

"You're already S9, and you still play the ancestral four-guarantee-one game?"

"Xiaohu, this enchantress has no sense of existence, I'm going to vomit!"

"To be honest, Xiao Ming's Galio has a bit of a strange smell."

"We took Thain on the road, but couldn't help but drop Urgot. What were the coaching staff thinking?"

"It turns out that Brother Li is still very good at playing RNG."

This chapter has been completed!
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