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Chapter 54 This is a good choice for Bard.

 The three cups of coffee left by Bud became the foreshadowing of the journey.

Originally, korol had already taken advantage of the online advantage and planned to continue to snowball, but now it has been completely disrupted!

Changmao: "Korol must be very depressed. We agreed to go on a 1v1, but why did you come back so quickly?"

Miller: "It seems that the hero Bard needs to be developed! It's obviously just a simple little routine, but now it gives 957 the initiative online. These three W's are worth a lot of money!"

Su Xiaoyan: "In the past games, the selection of Bard to lead to the invasion was a first-level student Q invasion, using the extra damage after picking up the passive to fight a first-level team, but we gave up the strength of Bard's first level and used his W

characteristics to enhance the alignment strength of a single line."

The audience expressed their gratitude that they had learned something.

In the early stage of online battle, it is very likely that one sword will lead to heaven and one sword will lead to hell. If a few drops of blood advantage cannot be maintained, the economic gap will become thousands.

The two sides are fighting to the death, and there is a row of Bard's healing altars behind you. How comfortable would that be?

When the laning ability is almost the same, three more cups of coffee is a big deal. With milk, you can really do whatever you want!

Attacking and defending in different positions on the road, 957's Klei turned from passive to active, blocking the army line with a step of disowning his relatives.

The big bug can only use Q to last the damage from a distance, and does not dare to move too far forward. Once it is caught by Kled's Q skill, it is easy to hand over the flash.


"Praying Mantis should go over to play blue. Let Hanbing check it out!" Kandi judged the approximate location of the factory director through his field of vision, and couldn't help but get confused.

"Wait a minute, let's go down the road and push the enemy line over first. When the time comes, the support will be one step ahead of the opponent!" said the brother-in-law.

Professional games and public games are two completely different games. To win the game in public games, you mostly rely on personal strength, while professional games focus more on details.

To put it bluntly, it is the most basic line of troops and vision.

With the development and maturity of professional leagues, most teams have become deeply aware of the importance of vision.

However, when it comes to ward placement, why do some teams have a high average number of wards but low vision control rates? Why do some teams clearly insert a few wards but never get rid of them?

This is not only related to the players' vision habits and skills, but also closely related to the military lines of both sides.

Eye position control needs to be adjusted accordingly with the troop line.

When attacking, set up offensive eye positions, and when defending, set up defensive eye positions, instead of just randomly inserting eyes at a few fixed points to achieve vision.

For example, when the blue side bottom lane is being crazily pressed, investing in the enemy's blue buff area is of little value.

It would be more reasonable to place the eye position in the grass or red buff grass at the bottom right of Xiaolong Pit, which will serve as an early warning to the opponent.

Military line is a science that is easy to learn but difficult to master. Any tactics are inseparable from the understanding and control of military line.

The reason why we have made rapid progress this season is partly because they have handled the details of their troops better.


The strength of the line between Han Bing and Bard is not weak. They fought hard and pushed the line of troops through at the cost of blood.

Then, Han Bing threw an E skill towards the blue buff area.

The fog of war has been lifted, and the vision is fully exposed to our eyes.

Just as Kandi guessed, the mantis has moved from the upper half of the wild area to the lower half of the wild area.

This is undoubtedly a very greedy way to clear the jungle, and it is easy to be counterattacked by the opponent. However, in this game, both the bottom and bottom lanes of EDG have lane rights, so the director dares to open the jungle like this.

It just so happens that it is difficult for Mantis to gank before level 6, and we have ice to open up the field of vision. It is definitely not a loss for Mantis to clear the jungle smoothly.

"I'm on it!" Emperor Kang shouted and reached in from the mouth of the river.

At the same time, Ben controlled Bard to come to the wall, and his E skill opened a long and narrow tunnel directly under the blue buff.

Han Bing cleared the lane with a w, and sat in the tunnel with Bader. Under the watch of the two men on the edg bottom lane, he took the lead to support the jungle.

The factory director quickly glanced at the small map. Karma, the junior student in the middle road, had already taken the lead, while Ike in Xiye was restrained under the tower by the military line.

Neither of the two people on the road can even think about handing over TP under the nose of the opponent, so it can basically be ignored.

The problem lies in the bottom lane. Wheel Mom and Lulu were pushed out of the lane, but Han Bing and Bard were allowed to move ahead of schedule.

"I have no choice but to give in!" the factory director made his own judgment.

If you stick to the buff, there is a high probability that you will lose more. It is better to take a step back, give up this blue buff, wait until you meet up with your teammates, and then expel the opponent from your own jungle area.

The poodle took advantage of the situation, and we were not greedy. We got a blue buff and left, without giving EDG a chance to double-team.

Miller: "We moved so fast in the bottom lane and took the lead in cutting off edg's support in the bottom lane. The factory director, the blue buff, had to give in!"

Changmao: "The factory director started with a single red hand. He originally wanted to brush all the way to the lower half of the area to see if he could do something with the double lane. But Kandi understood the factory director's thoughts and decisively gave up his precious brush.

During the wild time, he returned to the bottom lane to counter-wild. This wave can only be said to be very skillful and bold."

Su Xiaoyan: "Praying Mantis' jungle clearing is quite mana intensive. Being countered to this blue buff will hurt Mantis' jungle clearing efficiency!"

Miller: "This is a good choice for Bard! Only Bard can provide support so quickly!"

Changmao: "Bingbing's e opens up vision, and Bard's e opens up tunnels. With we in the bottom lane, entering the lower half of EDG's wild area is like visiting your own back garden."

Su Xiaoyan: "Hanbing and Bard are not at level 6 yet, otherwise Mantis may not be able to leave."

The factory director feels miserable because he doesn’t know the threat that we’s bot lane combination can give him after level 6.

Originally, a mantis was about 50-50 better than a lion dog, but now it has to be wary of these two at all times, and even farming in the lower half of its own wild area has to be on tenterhooks.

"Press the line of troops in the bottom lane!" The factory director suppressed his anger and said.

As long as Wheel Mom and Lulu keep their troops firmly under the WE tower, they can properly contain the support from Ice and Bard.

Originally, when I chose this combination, I was supposed to desperately push the troop line and gain a lane advantage, but it was outrageous that I was pushed back just now!

"What if the opposite jungler comes to gank?" Emperor Z asked very uneasily.

You must know that he is the replacement pilot's class, how can ordinary newcomers do this?

In the first half of the season, there was a Lolita who attracted hatred. Later, Lolita was replaced, and Emperor Z suffered from starch's crazy attack.

As newcomers, their ability to withstand pressure is limited and they will inevitably be affected by public opinion.

Not seeking merit, but seeking no faults, this bastard's thought has taken root in Emperor Z's heart.

"I will come to the bottom lane and squat, you just push the line!" The factory director said in a deep voice.

To be fair, the factory manager really wants Kandi to gank down the lane.

Wheel Mom and Lulu's self-protection ability is top-notch, and it is almost difficult to be killed in an instant. As long as the factory director squats next to Kangdi, this wave of team EDG is simply not easy to fight!

This chapter has been completed!
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