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Chapter 542 Champion Skin Theme

 V5’s champion skin, Zhuge Liang has seen the rough finished product from Riot Games’ designers.

I’m not slanderous or bragging, the quality is still guaranteed and nothing is done perfunctorily.

Perhaps because of the rare inclusion of a clown in the champion skin lineup, Riot designers spent a lot of brain cells in conceiving the theme elements, and the hairline is developing more and more in the direction of the strong.

In the end, the designer thought of Tarot cards and incorporated elements of Tarot cards into the V5 champion skin.

This set of skins uses a dark gold color scheme, and the background is an illusory card with the V5 team logo printed on it.

In the center, Jhin of Smlz sits on the throne of the sky, corresponding to the 4th Major Arcana card [Emperor].

Jhin holds a firearm that looks like a holy sword in one hand. He looks quite domineering and shows the majesty of an emperor.

Guarding Jhin is Duan's Tamu, corresponding to the 7th Major Arcana card [Chariot].

The chariot is a card that represents overcoming obstacles and achieving victory, which means success through persistence.

The armed Tamu has a bit more iron-blooded momentum compared to the original painting.

The originally slightly disgusting tongue licking was changed to a chariot spear, which is full of impact.

Standing next to Tam is Theshy's Sword Girl, corresponding to the 15th Major Arcana card [Demon].

Theshy's sword demon descended to earth, which undoubtedly became a famous scene in last year's global finals and left a deep impression on the audience.

However, when Theshy chose the champion skin, he still chose his favorite Sword Princess.

Perhaps even Riot designers felt sorry for Sword Demon, so they added some elements of Sword Demon to Sword Princess.

The appearance of Sword Princess is more like that of the legendary succubus, with her pointed horns and tail, plus a pair of devilish wings, which makes her look quite charming.

In addition, an easter egg for sword selection was added during Sword Queen's return to the city, and the designer added all the swords of Sword Demon and Riven.

At the bottom of the original painting, Nuguri's Kenan controls the magic thunder, corresponding to the 20th Major Arcana card [Judgment].

The dark purple magic thunder comes to the world, just like a divine punishment, it is the judgment from heaven.

What’s more interesting is that this Kenan inherited Niu Bao’s myopia, and his spectacle lenses are as thick as beer caps, making him look fierce and cute.

Deep in the thundercloud summoned by Kenan, a figure made a push with its palm, as if it was going to blast all the thundercloud storm towards the enemy formation.

This is Tian’s blind monk, corresponding to the 20th Major Arcana card [Power].

Courage, confidence, endurance, what Xiaotian means to V5 are usually the point of attack and the source of strength.

A bright moon hangs high above the thunderclouds, reflecting the graceful figures in it.

The bright moon of GodV corresponds to the 18th Major Arcana card [Moon].

The moon hangs high in the night sky, waxing and waning.

The waxing and waning of the moon represents change.

From a reverse arrow to winning the championship and becoming the king, Wei Shen’s experience is like the change of the moon.

Finally, Zhuge Liang’s clown appears in the form of twin mirror images on both sides of the card with the V5 team logo printed in the background.

The clown on the front only has some theme features compared to the original painting. It is a cold, crazy and cruel demon clown.

However, what is reflected on the back of the card is a real sunny boy.

If you look closely, it is not difficult to find that this boy's appearance is very similar to Zhuge Liang himself, warm, sunny, friendly, and handsome.

Zhuge Liang's Joker does not have an exact number in the corresponding Major Arcana card. Sometimes it is numbered as "0", and sometimes it is not numbered [The Fool].

The Fool has no number. It is the beginning of all Tarot cards. It also represents the end of Tarot cards and represents infinite possibilities.

In addition, there is a rumor that the Joker card in playing cards may be based on the Fool in Tarot cards.

Using the designer’s explanation, the twin mirror image can actually be interpreted from another perspective:

You think the person in front of you is a fool, but in fact, the clown is yourself!

Whether it is for the skin user or the enemy, it is full of sarcasm!

It can be seen that Riot Games is indeed thoughtful. At least the V5 championship skin is highly unified in terms of theme elements and has a special meaning.

If nothing else happens, when the skin is officially launched for sale in a while, the sales volume should not be bad.


On the field, the lineups of the two teams have been locked in succession.

WE got a very Wolong-style lineup, with top laner Lucian, jungler Olaf, mid laner Lissandra, and bottom laner Kalista and Alistar.

EDG's lineup is as solid as ever, with top laner Sion, jungler Lee Sin, mid laner Zoe, bottom lane Kai'Sa and Braum.

Obviously, the offensive pressure of this WE is greater. If you cannot gain an advantage in the early and mid-term, you will easily lose the game.

In the early stages of the game, WE took advantage of the characteristics of its heroes and gained many advantages on the lane side.

EDG's blind monk succeeded in catching Lucian to death once, but after Lucian was resurrected, he still rode on Thain's head and acted recklessly.

"Why does EDG obviously have more heads, but its economy lags behind?" Huang Bingbing asked.

"Because this game is not just about which side kills more people, but a tower pushing game." Zhuge Liang said with a smile.

A few minutes later, Zoe, a junior, made a great show and helped EDG win the small-scale team battle in the upper, middle and jungle.

"Just now three players from WE beat three people from EDG. WE were ahead in economy and equipment. According to the commentator's analysis, their lineup should be better, so why did they lose?" Huang Bingbing asked again.

"This is the charm of professional games. You can never predict what will happen on the field in the next second." Zhuge Liang replied.

EDG started to gain momentum, Xiaolong and Rift Pioneer took control one after another, and WE's winning rate plummeted.

"I don't quite understand. EDG has a big advantage now, right? They defeated Baron just now, why don't they advance forward?" Huang Bingbing looked a little puzzled.

"EDG prefers stability. They want to get the Ancient Dragon and then end the game with another wave!" Zhuge Liang thought about it for a while, and this is probably the only explanation.

However, WE chose to go all out and come to the river to fight EDG to the death.

In a key team battle, Meiko's Braum used an inexplicable ultimate move, causing Kai'Sa, who dived in to harvest, to get stuck in it.

Olaf took advantage of the chaos, used an e plus punishment, and snatched the ancient dragon from the blind monk.

WE, who obtained the effect of killing the ancient dragon, filled up the shortcomings of the lineup. A magical three-for-five wave won this wave of team battles with an economic gap of nearly 8,000.

Due to the long resurrection time, WE's surviving Lucian and Lissandra demolished towers quickly, and WE demolished EDG's base in one wave.

"I really don't understand the game. How can I lose?" Huang Bingbing tilted her head and said.

"Don't say you can't understand, I can't understand either. Maybe there's something wrong with EDG's thinking." Zhuge Liang said speechlessly.

This chapter has been completed!
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