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Chapter 566 The little cannon rides on the face and beats two

 Just before Lunar was forced out of the way by the crocodile, the remaining four members of DT took the initiative to form a group and invaded the blue buff area of ​​V5.

Frightened by the strength of DT's first-level team, V5 did not intend to defend the jungle area.

Upon seeing this, the blind monk rushed to the upper half of his jungle area without saying a word, and defaulted to changing the field to start.

"The two sides switch sides at the beginning, which is more advantageous for DT. As mentioned before, Xiaopao and Morgana will play more aggressively in the early stage, so they are easily ganked.

If Olaf switches to the V5 blue buff at the beginning, the initial range of activities will be concentrated in the lower half, and both gank and anti-crouching will be more convenient and proactive." Zhuge Liang explained carefully.

The wild monsters were refreshed, and the DT duo helped Olaf hit twice, and the online speed was slightly slower.

However, the speed of Xiaopao and Morgana's push is rarely matched by their rivals, and both sides have almost reached level two at the same time.

"Some people may find it strange that the V5 duo knows that Olaf will frequently target the bottom lane, so why do they still seize the lane rights? Isn't it safer to release the lane and control the minions under the tower?

It's very simple. Once the troops enter the tower, DT can organize the tower escape. Now it is too easy for Ye Fu to escape the tower." Zhuge Liang answered a question seen in the barrage.

In the professional arena, there are always three or four levels of tower crossing and double teaming. Several people take turns to change resistance, which is enough to clearly arrange the people blocked under the tower.

DT has Morgana's magic immunity shield, the cannon can refresh W by participating in assists, and Olaf is like a god of war in the early stage. These three people are fully qualified to jump over the tower.

Therefore, for the V5 duo, setting the line is not necessarily a good choice. It will be safer to control the line near the river.


DT's first wave of offensive came earlier than expected.

The two-man lane in the bottom lane found an opportunity, and the small gun E skill was used on Kai'Sa.

Click on Normal to trigger the special effects of Cluster Blade, and Xiaopao handed over w and jumped up aggressively.

Galio was stunned for a moment, and the little cannon hit two people in the face. Do you want to be so crazy?

Without any hesitation, Galio hit the cannon with an E skill.

At this moment, Morgana's black shield hit the cannon in time, but Galio's punch did not knock the cannon away.

Relying on the high attack speed provided by Cluster Blade, the small cannon quickly filled up the stacks of E skills.

A full layer of explosive sparks exploded, and Kai'Sa's health immediately dropped by more than half.

At the same time, Xiao Pao’s W skill has been refreshed.

The moment the cannon almost took off, Kai'Sa immediately pressed Flash and moved back.

"This old thief of flashing must be handed over. If Kai'Sa is slowed down by the second W of the cannon, Morgana will inevitably flash forward and ignite it. At that time, Kai'Sa will still be killed by the cannon and flashing if she uses double moves again."

Zhuge Liang explained.

The offensive design of the DT duo is bold and careful.

Everyone thought they would wait until level 3 before attacking, but they didn't expect that they would hit level 2 all of a sudden.

Morgana did not learn q at level 2, but clicked e, and cooperated with the small cannon to launch a wave of unexpected attacks.

There is a considerable risk in this. If Morgana's black shield is given too early or too late, it will be in vain if the cannon jumps on it.

Only when Morgana punches forward with Galio, and puts on the black shield immune control in a timely manner, can we ensure that the cannon can fully stack the e skill in time and refresh the w.

"To be exaggerated, if a small cannon jumps up and delivers this wave, he may be dismissed on the spot. As an ADC, Xiao Zhao does seem too reckless and often makes some irrational operations. But it is undeniable that when a team

When he needs to operate, he will not be afraid to back down." Zhuge Liang also helped iboy gain a good impression.

To be honest, who among the top ADCs produced by the LPL can't edit a TOP10 highlight reel that kills people for free?

It is through these meal highlights that we have more wonderful collections of highlight moments.

Bad habits that lead to sudden death can be corrected and improved slowly.

But a big heart that dares to operate at any time and is not afraid of taking the blame may not be acquired through training.


Kai'Sa handed over the flash, and her HP was not good, so her troops were pressed under the V5 defense tower.

And this situation happens to be Morgana's favorite "luck lottery" part.

Just when Kai'Sa was about to replenish her tower sword, Morgana threw a q diagonally.

Fortunately, Galio was on guard and stepped forward to help Kai'Sa block this q.

Olaf arrived as expected and burst out of the grass behind the tower.

Kai'Sa handed over the treatment and pulled away. Olaf did not pursue, but turned to cooperate with Cannon and Morgana to focus on Galio.

The facts also confirm what Zhuge Liang just said. It is not easy for these three people to cross the tower.

Galio died in battle, and his first blood was obtained by Cannon.

After killing the person, the three of them took advantage of the opportunity to scrape off the layers of the tart skin, not missing any opportunity to squeeze.

Kai'Sa only dared to watch from a distance, even though she felt sorry for the soldier who was killed by the defense tower. At this moment, she had to knock out her teeth and swallow it in her stomach.

If Kai'Sa takes even two steps forward, DT and the other three will definitely make her pay an even more painful price!

"On V5, Lunar was forced to flash out at the first level, so he didn't dare to push the line too much. Lissandra's was because the middle line was relatively short, so neither of them had a chance to hand over TP to save." Zhuge Liang said.

To take a step back, even if Gnar and Lissandra had a chance to exchange tp just now, they may not necessarily keep tp.

The task of V5's top, middle and jungle in this game is to hold down DT's top, middle and jungle, and properly resist the pressure in the bottom lane.

The bottom lane suffers a bit, which is barely acceptable for V5, but allowing DT to gain the upper hand in the middle and jungle is likely to make all V5's tactical arrangements aborted!

Which is more important or less important is self-evident.


Olaf gave the second blue buff refreshed by V5 to Silas, who was resisting pressure in the middle.

Faker's basic skills are really good. He was very successful in resisting pressure in the early stage and was not behind Lissandra by a few CS.

As the level increases, it will not be so easy for Lissandra to continue suppressing her.

Xiangguo was also ruthless. He gave up the opportunity to fight the dragon and stuck Lissandra, not giving her the chance to eat her own blue buff.

"Same as exchanging the second blue buff, DT allowed Sylas to get the blue buff on the opposite side, but V5 could only be eaten by the blind monk. After that, Lissandra was not so easy to suppress.

That's awesome." Zhuge Liang praised.

DT has an absolute advantage in the bottom lane, Olaf basically walks sideways in the bottom half, and the blind monk doesn't dare to come over to fight for the dragon.

By delaying the control of the dragon for a while, you can properly liberate Silas in the middle, and then consolidate and radiate the advantage in the lower half. Isn't it a bloody gain?

To put it bluntly, this is the overall view!

Xiangguo is best known for his "Hunger Strike" jungle style. Many players have the impression that Xiangguo is a "reckless man".

In fact, Xiangguo is quite comprehensive as a jungler. He usually plays recklessly, but it does not mean that he does not have details and does not use his brain.

This chapter has been completed!
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