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Chapter 604 Niu Niu is also desperate

 As a hero without a blue bar, Riven's e skill can well resist the damage of the captain's q skill.

It is true that because of the increase in the cooldown time of Riven's e skill, it is now easier for Riven to absorb the captain's q consumption.

However, the captain's Q skill also consumes more mana. If the captain blindly uses Q to consume Riven, it is easy to empty his own mana.

If you're laning against other heroes who don't have too much pressure, the captain can go out with the blue crystal, but if you're playing against Riven, the blue crystal going out is too aggressive, and the fault tolerance rate is quite low.

Furthermore, Raven has multiple stages of movement and is very flexible. If she operates well enough, it is not difficult to dodge the captain's explosive barrel.

As long as the initial pressure resistance is in place, Riven after level six will have the ability to take away the captain.

As an old captain, Bin naturally understands the difficulty of facing off against Riven, so he honestly chose Grasp of Immortality and chose Dolan Shield to go out.

From the moment they entered Summoner's Rift, the director gave a lot of footage to the top laners of both sides.

In this round, the battle on the top lane will be quite intense.


Even though the young Bin has thick eyebrows and big eyes, he is no less generous when it comes to playing dirty tricks.

The captain has learned the e skill at level one, and the classic is to ambush and ward off Riven.

The moment Riven entered the grass, the captain raised his hand and fired a passive fire knife.

Ruiwen reacted very quickly, learned the E skill in seconds, and withstood a lot of damage.

The next second, the captain quickly placed an explosive barrel at Raven's feet, and exploded the explosive barrel previously placed at his feet with a backhand.

Two consecutive barrels hit, and while Riven's health bar dropped a bit, she was also slowed down by the captain's barrel.

The captain took the opportunity to catch up and slashed out the refreshed fire knife.

Riven turned around and launched a passive attack, retreating while attacking, waiting for the cooldown of her e skill.

The captain persisted, chasing after the basic attack with the effect of the Grasp of Eternity, and then gave up.

Raven chose Conqueror. If the two of them fight until the end, it’s unclear who will have the last laugh.

Besides, if the captain chooses to fight to the death, the pig girl on the opposite side will definitely come to support as early as possible.

The best result is just a one-for-one exchange, and the captain who was resurrected late will have to be controlled, and his health will be so low that he will explode!

Therefore, Bin took advantage of some exchanges and decisively stopped.


From God's perspective, the audience can clearly see that the factory director's pig girl has an obvious tendency to double-team.

If Bin takes the bait, there is a high probability that he will not be able to survive.

"Now the young Bin has learned how to be steady in the midst of danger, and he is becoming more and more reliable!"

"After all, he is the top laner hand-picked by Wolong, and his fellow disciples hardly stretch their hips."

"Even Brother Sha, one of the top three Rivens in the LCK, doesn't take Riven, why would this pirate dare?"

"It is recommended that Riven be deprived of the title of the four top lane sisters. Now, Riwen has the lowest appearance rate. Apart from a few unique brothers, who else can play Riwen in the pub game?"

"Just do it again like the Sword Girl. Maybe I can see Faker hit Riven once in this life. Tsk tsk. Back then, Faker Riven jumped over the second tower to kill the Snake Girl, and turned his head to avoid the Snake Girl in a flash. It is definitely worthy of the title.

Famous scene."

Thanks to the consumption advantage of level one, the captain is a bit unreasonable in the early stage.

The captain threw a bucket at his feet, but Riven didn't dare step forward to hit him.

Even if Riven uses E to block the damage from the two barrels, the slowed Riven will still be caught up by the captain, who will chop out the Fire Knife and Immortality.

Therefore, Ruiwen had to wait, even if she missed the knife, she had to hold it in!

"Pfft, haha, it's indeed the same line of 'don't eat top orders', it's right!"

"I would rather lose two soldiers than give the opponent a chance to gain experience. That's too cruel!"

"Brother Duanjian: Brother, I just want to play with Ruiwen and pretend to be a cup. Do you want to target me like this?"

"Turkey Theshy is still too young. He doesn't know the dangers of the world, let alone how terrifying the LPL's top route is!"

"Judging from this situation, unless the jungler comes to gank, Riven will have no power to fight back before level 3."

"Be confident, it will be difficult for this Ruiwen to stand up before reaching level 6!"


The knife pressure on the top lane is quite obvious, but on the bottom lane, DT also gained a certain advantage.

The first-level Kai'Sa and Bullhead can be said to be a weak combination, and Phoenix Legend easily succeeded in taking second place.

After Luo reached level two, his position immediately became aggressive, forcing Kai'Sa to miss two minions with residual health.

If it weren't for the unknown factory director's movements, DT's bottom lane pressure would have been even more fierce!

As for the middle road, it looks calm at first glance, but in fact there is a turbulent undercurrent.

Morgana and Lissandra are both brushes, and they can clear out a wave of soldiers with almost two skills.

However, it is difficult for Lissandra's skills to hit Morgana, not to mention that Morgana also has a black shield.

And Morgana hit Lissandra with a Q skill, threw a W at Lissandra's feet, plus basic attack and comet damage, Lissandra lost half of her health.

If Lissandra continues to be consumed like this, her supplies will be exhausted, and once she is hit by Morgana, she may even be killed alone.

Lissandra could only force herself to push the line, trying to create a gap for her to return to the city for supplies and then TP out.

Faker saw Bilson's intention and immediately called Xiangguo to come over and arrest him.

Morgana flashed forward and launched a q, forcing Lissandra to flash. The prince rushed out at the right time, and eq challenged Lissandra.

Lissandra had to use crampons to move, but she was short of time and could only move a short distance.

The prince predicted that Lissandra would use e to escape, so he connected the flash at the end of eq, and flew Lissandra after she had transformed to the maximum limit.

At this moment, Pig Girl also rushed to the middle and hit the prince with her Q skill.

As the wild boar arched the prince, a dark shield enveloped the prince's body.

Together with this, the imprisonment effect of Lissandra's W skill is also offset by this magic immunity shield.

Morgana laid down with a W, and Lissandra, who had little health, was killed by the prince with two basic attacks.

Pig Girl knew that she couldn't replace anyone in the middle and jungle of DT, so she had to hold her nose and retreat.

The prince and Morgana also had no idea about the pig girl, so they took the time to push the lane into the tower.


The resurrected Lissandra TP is online, and Morgana saves a TP.

Taking advantage of the TP difference, DT quickly launched a wave of tower-crossing kills in the bottom lane.

The prince and Luo are responsible for resisting towers and providing control, while Xia and Morgana are responsible for dealing damage.

With Morgana's magic immunity shield around, the bull's head has no use whatsoever.

Xia scored a double kill and got two layers of tart crust, announcing her takeoff in advance.

At the same time, the prince also controlled the first fire dragon, and the rhythm was quite perfect.

"Big! Senior! Brother! Wuwuwu, senior brother is down!"

"With this wave of Morgana handing over, the TSM duo has no way of surviving."

"It's so tragic. Kai'Sa was accused the whole time and had no room for maneuver."

"Niu Niu is also very desperate. With Morgana's black shield, Niu Niu can't push away people at all."

"It was the chain reaction caused by the wave in the middle. Morgana was one TP ahead, paving the way for this wave of four-pack-two in the bottom lane."

"Uh, Kai'Sa has done all her double moves, and DT won't be able to do it again when he reaches level 6?"

This chapter has been completed!
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