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Chapter 623: Show off fancy skills

 After completing the single kill against Lolita in the jungle, Zhuge Liang hit the opponent's clockwork in the middle.

"Captain, your condition is too bad, can you really go on this wave?" Tong Xi was a little confused.

Although Clockwork was severely crushed by her, he still had more than half of his health, and he flashed while holding it in his hand.

On the other hand, Zhuge Liang's Qiyana is not in good health at the moment. She only needs to be hit by a clockwork, and she won't even need a big move to be killed.

"I'll gain some experience and my horse will rise to six, and you'll be responsible for resisting the downfall of the tower." Zhuge Liang said.

It was Zhuge Liang who said this. If it had been anyone else, Tong Xi would have rolled her eyes.

Is it okay if the mid laner Fox helps fight the tower?


The moment a melee soldier fell, a golden light rose from Qiyana's body.

Under Zhuge Liang's command, the fox activated his ultimate move and rushed directly under the defense tower, taking the lead in attracting the defense tower's hatred.

Clockwork was a little confused. Before the troops entered the tower, the fox couldn't wait to charge forward. Is he so brave?

At the moment when Clockwork's attention was attracted by the fox, Qiyana threw out the grass element q prepared in advance, using the invisibility effect to close the distance with Clockwork.

The w skill steals the wall elements and makes a displacement to adjust the angle. The e skill rushes towards the clockwork and the r skill is released at the same time.

Chongzhang completely didn't expect that Qiyana, who still had low health, did not return to the city to replenish supplies, but instead came to the middle lane to gank so boldly.

What's even more unexpected is that Qiyana, who didn't dodge, could unexpectedly rush in front of her so quickly!

One second he saw grass elements emerging from the river mouth, and the next second he was on guard for a flash, and Clockwork's body flew up uncontrollably, hitting the defense tower heavily.

Qiyana took advantage of the situation to make up for the basic attack, and threw out the earth element q refreshed with w.

Before the special effects of electrocution ended, the blood tank of Clockwork had been emptied and scattered on the ground like broken toys.


In the second-way commentary room.

"Mistgrass! What happened? We need slow motion replay!"

"Where's Clockwork? I'm such a big Clockwork, how could I be killed in seconds?"

"Has anyone seen Qiyana's combos clearly? How come this hero's damage is so high?"

"Single kill! Oh, no, the fox r entered the Tapu attack point and hit the clockwork, and got an assist!"

"It's so detailed. The grass element q is invisible, w refreshes the q skill and adjusts the angle at the same time to ensure that the e's big move can push the wall and trigger dizziness. After the big move, he also connected with a basic attack, and finally threw the q to end it coolly.

.The whole set of combos is completed in one go, flowing smoothly and pleasing to the eye!"

"After watching Clockwork's first-person perspective, I can only say that she died unjustly. Who would have thought that Qiyana is like a ghost?"

"Wolong is too powerful. With such little health, he dares to jump over the tower and kill Chongzhang. If Chongzhang pulls out his ultimate move before dying, Qiyana will definitely die with her little health."

"If this were mid laner Qiyana, and her summoner skills were used to set fire, I guess Clockwork with full health would still have to be taken away by one set!"

"Can you believe that this is the hand speed of a thirty-year-old married man? Looking at my unicorn arms, I couldn't help but shed tears of shame!"

"Ahem, the second live broadcast is here, pay attention to your image!"


Not to mention that the commentators were stunned by the show, and all the professional players watching were dumbfounded.

If we talk about the last wave of Qiyana's jungle show of killing mantises, it reflected Zhuge Liang's thousand-layer routine.

So what they saw this time was Zhuge Liang’s proficiency and understanding of Qiyana!

"What? What is this!" Xiao Li's eyes widened and he contributed another emoticon.

"It's too strong! It seems that we have to seize the time to train Qiyana hard. I have a hunch that this hero will become a popular choice for this year's World Championship!" Xiaotian retracted his neck and pushed up his glasses.

"After watching Wolong's Qiyana, I suspect that I have become a fake hero! If Wolong is willing to come to IG to play mid lane, I am willing to be his substitute!" Rookie patted his heart and said half-jokingly.

"Let's congratulate ADC on having a biological mother! Who can withstand this harm?" Uzi sprayed a keyboard full of water and couldn't help but sigh.

"Watch Wolong's performance, play with c!" The gesture is live DJing.

"Wolong, this wreath girl, has a lot of fun playing with her!" King Jiji exclaimed.


The bounty of two heads was obtained, which basically announced the takeoff of Qiyana in this round.

In the subsequent games, Zhuge Liang showed off Qiyana's fancy skills, fully demonstrating how terrifying Qiyana is in a downwind game.

"I, a fully fleshed Ornn, was actually instantly killed?" Miller looked at the black and white screen, dumbfounded.

"Lu Xian is not fun at all. I will never play Lu Xian again!" Gugu became even more angry after Zhuge Liang casually passed by and made up for it.

"One of the four was captured. Not only did Qiyana not be captured to death, but one of them was killed instead. This is too embarrassing!" Sister Mi said with some shame.

"Why am I the one who got hurt again?" Ai Luoli wanted to cry but had no tears.

Just now, the Miller team mobilized four people to set up a dragnet to trap Zhuge Liang's Qiyana.

In order to ensure this wave of sure kills, Titan did not hesitate to strike first.

However, Zhuge Liang did not panic, and first used the grass element Q that he had previously stored in his hand to become invisible and distance himself.

Then he flashed w one after another, and with great fierceness, he attacked the mantis that was outflanked, and slapped it against the wall.

At the same time, using the e skill, which is very similar to Yasuo's skill mechanism, Qiyana stepped on the mantis and climbed over a wall that looked a bit thick.

Only then did Titan's ultimate move knock Qiyana away. Lucian and Clockwork didn't expect Qiyana to be able to cross the wall. Both of their ultimate moves were useless, wasting Titan's first move.

The stun time of Qiyana's ultimate move is almost the same as the control time of Titan's ultimate move. After finishing the stun, Mantis hesitated for a moment whether to jump over the wall and pursue it.

On the other side of the wall, Qiyana threw a q with an earth element against the wall.

The mantis, which had just flapped its wings and made up its mind to leap over the wall, crashed instantly!


As the game enters the later stages, Zhuge Liang's Qiyana appears and disappears, trying to sneak around and steal people.

The Miller team couldn't handle Qiyana and was slaughtered like a piglet. They knelt down when the door opened.

"I'm numb! I'm numb! All Lolita fans are numb! We can arrange the second retirement ceremony!"

"It turns out that Qiyana's e can also go through walls. Yasuo players who have played thousands of games can smell the joy and are very interested in this new hero!"

"Eyes: I've learned it. Brain: I've learned it. Hands: Skillful, but I'm done with it!"

"qwraeq, if you add Flash and Punishment, if you want to complete a set of combos, you need to press eight keys instantly. Is this an operation that a human can perform?"

"I won't say any more. I have already obtained all the true stories of Wolong, so I will use the Wreath Girl to increase my score."

"The shooter will be silent for a while after watching it, and the assistant will cry after watching it!"

This chapter has been completed!
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