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Chapter 85 Abandoning Martial Arts

 The five days of preparation time flew by.

The team members' condition was barely maintained at a good competitive level without any obvious decline.

The coaching team led by Zhuge Liang also carefully studied the three teams that entered the knockout rounds from beginning to end, inside and out.

Although players around the world are generally optimistic that skt can easily defeat g2, Zhuge Liang will never underestimate the magical team of g2.

Judging from the poor state of skt in the last game of the group stage, if g2 can perform at a super level, the two teams will most likely reach the final game of bo5.

Therefore, the energy and time Zhuge Liang devoted to g2 was no less than the fw he was about to face!

The game was still held in the venue of the group stage. Due to the time difference, domestic audiences had to stay up until two o'clock in the morning.

Even so, it still couldn't stop the enthusiasm of the audience. The broadcast in the live broadcast room has not officially started yet, but there are still a lot of barrages.

Even, it looks thicker than the LPL regular season!

Those who gossip, those who make fun of others, those who are embarrassing, those who start fights, those who are arrogant, those who sell movies, those who are rebellious, all kinds of beings are available.

It's just that there was an extra group of viewers for no apparent reason today, and the barrage they posted also had a bit of a strange smell.

"I'm here for my little brother Wolong. His looks are enough to keep me going for a lifetime!"

"Why hasn't the game started yet? It's delaying my beauty sleep!"

"I stand as the Longma CP. We fall in love and kill each other. I beg the boss to come up with the book!"

"Forgive me, mommy loves you!"

"My brother is so good, why do he teach Internet-addicted teenagers to play games?"

“I’m begging you to make a debut, I’ll definitely buy it!”

"Jimeis, it's good to just enclose the land and be cute, don't keep doing it, you will easily make others jealous!"

There is a saying, and it is indeed quite popular.

Not to mention that there are many irritable old men among players who play LoL. Are they not allowed to pick up the keyboard and start complaining?

The Zuan language masters applied to join the competition one after another, but when they started to quarrel, they discovered that a group of seemingly young and innocent girls could actually be so vicious!

It’s really enlightening. It’s no wonder that this group can be ranked among the Four Heavenly Kings of Weibo along with “Female Boxing”, “Animal Protection” and “Gong Zhi”.

Seeing that something was not going right in the live broadcast room, the management immediately banned a group of users who spoke excessively and increased the permission level for sending barrages.

For a time, the world became much cleaner.


This bo5 will be narrated by Yan Gongzi, Changmao and Remember.

In terms of pre-match predictions, the three commentators are all optimistic that we can easily win fw.

Among them, Mr. Yan and Changmao thought there was a high probability of a 3:0 sweep, but they only remembered that Xianghuoqian gave a prediction of 3:1.

Not to mention the LPL commentators, the commentators from the LMS division next door don’t think that FW can beat WE in an upset. By now, the tickets have been booked.

Not long after, the bo5 war began.

In the first game, we have the blue side and fw the red side.

Zhuge Liang took the lead in targeting karsa and banned the blind monk.

As we all know, fans of the factory director are very good at blind monks and can slip away quickly.

The engine of the Flash Wolves team is Wolf King Karsa. If his early rhythm is suppressed, fw will often fall into a deadlock where it is difficult to gain momentum.

Coach Steak comes up and kills the one-handed Sword Girl. Who made their team’s top laner MMD?

If you help me, I won’t c. If you don’t help me, I will explode. What should I do?

Zhuge Liang banned Syndra for the second time. Maple Sugar’s play style is very suitable for a hero like Syndra.

If possible, Zhuge Liang hopes that he will choose the enchantress, and then Xiye will use violence to control violence and complete the punishment.

Steak is still in charge of the top laner, and the little murlocs are banned.

In this MSI, the top laner Murloc became active again, and 957 had frequently played the top laner Murloc as early as the spring split, so naturally they didn’t dare to let go of the steak.

In the last ban position of the first round, Zhuge Liang gave Zyra.

According to Zhuge Liang's personal evaluation, FW only has two players who can be called world-class, one is jungler Karsa, and the other is support swordart.

Snake has no obvious shortcomings in personal operation and team battle command, and the hero pool is also quite deep. His double play with Karsa as a wild assistant is a major winning weapon for FW.

At present, the Incense Burner monster is being whittled down again and again, and Zyra's level in the auxiliary position is rising accordingly.

This hero has long hands, a lot of control, and a strong ability to consume in the lane. He can start and backhand in team battles. Apart from the lack of movement, he has almost no shortcomings.

When it was steak's turn, he thought about it and sent Galio to the ban position.

Having already suffered from the system of WE doing whatever we want, Steak thinks it is better not to be stubborn.

Su Xiaoyan: "The BP focus of the coaches on both sides is very clear. Coach Wolong wants to press fw's rhythm point to death, while coach Steak hopes that his team can play more comfortably on the road."

Remember: "I feel bad for Pai Pai. When I play top lane, I often get out of line. I didn't expect that when I became a coach, the situation would be the same as before."

Changmao: "We still need to give mmd some protection. 957 ranked first in the top lane position in terms of the number of MVP wins in this MSI group stage. Even a talented top laner like Huni has suffered consecutive defeats at the hands of 957, and even more

Stop talking about mmd."

In the LMS division, although mmd was a little weaker, relying on the support of teammates, it was generally able to survive.

But when he came to the world stage and faced off against the world's top top laners, his vulnerability seemed to be turning into a bottomless pit.

We, who had the right to take the initiative, grabbed Kennen on the first floor. The priority of Kennen in the current version is quite high, close to being a must-choice if he is not banned.

The steak coach touched his afro, with the word "uncomfortable" written all over his face.

There are only so many ban slots, so some OP heroes will inevitably leak out.

Furthermore, 957’s usual hero pool did not seem to include Kennen, but he unexpectedly pulled it out during the knockout stage.

Su Xiaoyan: "With Coach Wolong's consistent style, since he will let 957 grab Kenan on the first floor, he must have enough trust in 957's Kenan."

Changmao: "It all depends on whether Kennen is going to be AD or AP in this hand. If he is going the AD route as a solo player, mmd will probably feel a little uncomfortable."

Remember: "Brother Leg's hero pool is getting more and more unfathomable, and it's a bit difficult to tell the truth against him. Even without Kennen, he can still bring out Jace, Gnar, Qinggang Shadow, Shen, etc., so I

I don’t think it’s a wise choice for BP to tilt the top order so much.”

It was FW's turn to choose someone. After Steak locked Lulu on the first floor, he quickly grabbed the male gun for Karsa.

These two hands are certainly a good choice, but in Zhuge Liang's opinion, the steak feels a bit like giving it for free.

I can understand Steakhouse's intention to play steady in the first game of bo5, but if fw wants to beat we, the only way out is to seize the early opportunity and beat the old master to death with random punches.

As for delaying the late stage, team fights and operations, fw is completely playing tricks on the team.

Everyone knows that FW relies on Nosuke to lead the rhythm. Now giving the entire Lulu male gun is equivalent to abolishing half of the martial arts first.

Are you really planning to let Maple Sugar or mmd support the early and mid-term rhythm?

When the enemy retreats and we advance, Zhuge Liang will naturally not be merciful.

Jess, the poodle, is locked up by a rather violent midfielder combination.

Steak thought for a moment and settled on top laner Shen Lai in the last position of the first round to resist the pressure.

This chapter has been completed!
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