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Chapter 87 Suspense

Fifteen minutes into the game, we pulled out all of fw's towers, and the economic advantage was as much as 7,000.

Frankly speaking, this game feels a bit like man-machine.

With ruin, hurricane, and speed shoes in hand, skateboard shoes are the real gods on the court!

The ultimate move throws Thresh into the crowd, and cooperates with Kennen to exert a control effect. Jace and the poodle cut the battlefield, and the skateboard shoes output almost no pressure.

Back and forth, left and right, the skateboard shoes jumped around, and he pulled out the spear twice casually, and the other side fell like straw.

In the end, with 18 minutes of game time, we played a wave of group destruction under the FW Highland Tower, ending the game smoothly.

My brother-in-law’s skateboard shoes won the MVP of this game with the luxurious data of 11/0/7.

We won first, and the players were all chatting and laughing, looking quite relaxed.

On the other hand, the fw players who were abused throughout the game looked very aggrieved and helpless.

Of course, being inferior in skills is one thing, but in this competition, from BP to first-level group to initial operations, everything is planned by the opponent. It is like treating them like monkeys.

FW is the invincible player in the LMS division. It is no exaggeration to say that it is the king and hegemony. But now it has performed so humiliatingly in the World Championship. The mentality of the players is inevitably a little unbalanced.

The tragic loss in this game could not help but make some of them determined.

The teams in the LMS division have their limits. The more they compete in the World Championship, the more they will find that the LMS teams have their limits.

Unless, beyond lms!

This fw doesn’t matter if you don’t wait!


In the second game, Coach Steak learned from the painful experience and changed his mind and gave up protecting the top laner.

Anyway, the BP tilt is still the same, so why bother?

If you can, just mix, don’t pull me down!

Thanks to the advantage of switching to the blue side, Steak finally got Betty some ice, ensuring that the bottom lane could at least be functional.

We are not polite, since FW chose to release the OP hero in the top lane, why not take it?

Zhuge Liang hesitated for a while between Sword Girl and Little Fishman, and then chose Little Fishman, which had a stronger version and was more effective online.

mmd’s face turned dark, we clearly looked down on him and treated him like a soft persimmon!

However, in e-sports, he is the original sin. If he is asked to take out the offensive top laner and compete with 957 for operation, he really does not have the confidence.

Steak also knows how to put the priority of mmd in the second round, and then just get a Titan to beat him.

This time, Steakhouse bets its money entirely on Nakano Suke.

Lucian, Spider, Thresh, and FW take the initiative to speed up.

It’s just that we have also changed the rhythm this time. The top laner is a small fish man, the jungler is a male gun, the mid laner is a rock bird, and the bottom lane is a big-mouthed Gatam.

Remember: "The lineup fw got this time was obviously much more proactive than the previous one, and it was more in line with their habitual play style. It seems that they have gone through serious reflection and summary after the lineup."

Changmao: "The lineup we got is a little more developed, but in the early and mid-term, there are also fish and rock birds as rhythm points, so the curve is quite even."

Su Xiaoyan: "Tahm is very good at repairing this hand. Compared with soft supports like Feng Nu, Tahm's bite is more practical. In addition, Tahm also has a spiritual driving hand, which can be used with the rock bird to catch


Overall, this time FW at least got the lineup they wanted, unlike the last game where they were ruled out.

Steak has tried his best. Whether he can win the game depends on the players' on-the-spot performance.

Entering the game, in this exchange of offense and defense, fw takes the initiative to invade the we jungle area.

The five of us did not hesitate and took on the first-level team. We set up defensive eye positions according to Zhuge Liang's instructions before the game and then evacuated.

To be honest, before Kandi evolved into Mr. Kang, his sense of smell in the jungle was top-notch.

Although he suffered a small loss at the beginning, he caught Kasar's eagerness to cause trouble and decisively launched a counterattack, so he never fell behind in terms of economy and experience.

Xiye took on the heavy responsibility in the early stage, pushed the line and moved up and down.

Firstly, it creates some pressure, and secondly, it helps control the vision.

The price of frequent lane moves is that Lucian has excellent growth and suppresses the rock bird a lot in last hits.

To put it bluntly, this Rock Bird is a tool. As long as we don’t get single-killed and the middle defense tower is not bulldozed too early, we can completely accept a slight gap in CS.

Once fw survives its strong period, we will have two shooters as late protection, so we don’t need to worry about lack of output at all.

We showed solid defensive skills in this game, especially the dense eye control, which made it difficult for Kasar to move forward.

The game lasted for almost ten minutes. Relying on Ice's long-range ultimate move to start the team, Spider finally cooperated with Thresh to catch and kill the Rock Bird who once went deep into the river to control the field of vision.

However, this was just an extremely dry head. The male spear took advantage of the situation and came to the middle to eat the wave line. In terms of level, he was already nearly one and a half levels ahead of the spider.

Seeing the golden time passing by little by little, fw tried to use Xiaolong and Canyon Pioneer to seduce us to join the team.

But we are completely indifferent, just one word, let!

Everyone laughs at edg, everyone is edg!

It seems that fw has full control over the resources in the wild area, but from a God's perspective, it can be clearly seen that the economic gap between the two sides has never widened.

Remember: "WE's stop-loss strategy is very good. Every time FW controls map resources, they will take the opportunity to make some small moves to gain some economy."

Changmao: "With this operational skills, I would believe it even if you cover up the team name and say it's SKT!"

Su Xiaoyan: "The refreshed attributes of Xiaolong are not very friendly to fw. When we saw the water dragon, the wind dragon decisively gave up and didn't even take a look."

fw was unable to open up the situation, but we stabilized the rhythm.

Feeling the pressure, FW once again suffered a mental blow. After the midfielder cooperated with the top laner to control the Rift Herald, he inexplicably had a wrong idea about 957's little murloc.

Finally, after a lot of effort, Lucian took off the little fish man's head with one Holy Spear bullet.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading!

It's just that the FW three people had problems taking turns to resist the tower. The spider flew into the sky with his E skill too early, causing the Titan to resist the attack of the defense tower twice more.

Titan walked out of the defense tower, but was still scalded to death by the murloc's ignition and passive.

Three guarantees for one, not to mention handing over a lot of summoner skills, but also being used as a backing, what a huge loss!

mmd could faintly hear the complaint in his teammates' voices, and he felt somewhat resentful.

Why am I always the one who gets hurt?

fw organized the top lane to jump over the tower without making any profit, but lost money, but we's bottom lane four-for-two was a great success.

After the rock bird opened the big break, Tam drove into the field with a male gun. Even though Thresh almost retreated to the second tower, he still couldn't avoid this disaster.

Big Mouth was responsible for the physical defense of the tower throughout the whole process. He also spit out two rounds of the R skill [Living Cannon] and successfully killed a person.

The other head was given to the male gun to nourish his body.

With the push of the bottom defense tower, our life instantly improved.

The fourth little dragon is refreshed, and we, who has already fattened up the points that should be fat, join the team head-on.

With better handling of team battles, we played three for five and defeated fw.

The victory in this wave of team battles basically announced that fw would go far again.

Two minutes later, we formed a group around Dalong.

Taking advantage of the field of vision, Yanque used his ultimate move to seal the road. We blocked the fw at the river, and took advantage of the situation to complete the group elimination again.

After accepting the baron, we steadily destroyed the two highlands.

After returning to the city to resupply, the game ended with a group push.

fw failed to stabilize its early advantage and lost a good game. At this moment, it is already standing on the edge of the cliff.

Changmao: "I can only say that the strength gap between the two sides is there. There is nothing to analyze in this game. It is just a textbook defensive counterattack."

Remember: "fw's handling of details is a bit rough. It may not do well against the LMS team, but strong teams like we and skt can often seize the flaws and counterattack."

Su Xiaoyan: "The wave of three guarantees after getting the Canyon Pioneer on the top lane was a bit taken for granted, and the duo on the bottom lane was too lax, which gave us a chance to reverse the situation."

Indeed, there’s not much to say, I simply can’t beat it.

The commentator in the LMS division scratched his head and pondered for a long time, but still couldn't find any way to give fw.

In the third game, we did not give FW the thought of letting 2 chase 3, and completed the sweep cleanly.


we eliminated fw and successfully advanced to the finals of this year's msi.


The next day, skt played against g2.

Countless people were optimistic that SKT would easily defeat g2 before the game, but in the first bo5 game, g2 slapped these people in the face.

Facing Peanut's signature Blind Sin, g2 responded by bringing out Ivern, which had a miraculous effect.

At the same time, perkz selected Ahri and held down Faker's Snake Girl in the middle.

What’s even more amazing is G2’s ADC player Zven, who doesn’t lose to Bang in the lane, has full team output, and barely makes any big mistakes throughout the process.

zven's stable performance helped g2 win the first victory in bo5.

In the second game, the audience who thought SKT could win the game were fooled again.

Peanut's Olaf was walking around all over the place, without any rhythm at all. On the other hand, G2's jungle trick helped the third line blossom after getting the blind monk.

Huni misfired again when he got the Rambo, and he and Peanut fully explained what "Ueno linkage, one death and one giveaway" is.

Bang, who got a functional ice hand, cooperated with faker's clockwork to hit two good groups in the middle, which once reversed the trend of the game.

However, Zven's big mouth developed steadily and turned the tide in wave after wave of team battles, dealing tons of damage.

The tug-of-war lasted for fifty minutes and ended with a team battle at the Dalong Pit.

No matter how many times I used Clockwork's ultimate move, I was still defeated by the firepower of the magical Big Mouth.

g2 is in great form, losing two straight sets, and is about to knock out skt early and send them home.

At the critical moment, KKoma stood up.

He lifted up the little black blank who was looking at the water dispenser and replaced the little peanut who had a big problem with his thinking.

As the successor to the jungler surnamed B, Xiao Hei, who had been watching the game for a long time, selected Olaf in the third game.

In the early stage, the policy of "the middle lane is the father" was implemented, and in the middle and late stages, I focused on zven and slashed hard.

G2's most reliable stable output point was restricted. Ah P was stunted by Xiao Hei, and the other three failed to step forward to save the team.

In the fourth game, Xu's momentum picked up, and all three lines of SKT opened up the situation.

Bang’s rat even scored a five-kill in the late team battle.

skt won two games in a row and rewritten the score to 2:2.

The suspense of this bo5 was left to the end!

This chapter has been completed!
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