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Chapter 9 Level 1 Invasion

 In the first game, we are the blue side and im are the red side.

Zhuge Liang didn't hesitate at all and pressed down the old-style beauty's Titan.

If you are sure, you are sure. There is no need to let the opponent get the hero that is convenient for you. At the same time, you can also improve your own mentality.

Changmao: "This Titan, haha, this Titan is a Titan with a story."

Wawa: "Brother, isn't my Titan worthy of this ban? Last year, it was his Titan that got behind us and we were overturned by a big advantage."

Miller: "Nothing wrong, this version of Titan is still the best. Instead of letting it go to amazingj, it's better to ban it first."

The online and offline audiences were immediately filled with arrogance and ridicule.

In their opinion, we were clearly psychologically affected by being surrounded by Titan, and they gave in and sent him to the ban position.

Not long after, the first round of bans ended, and it was basically a regular ban.

We banned Titans, Varus and Big Trees, while im banned male spears, grasshoppers and poodles.

It was our turn to choose first-hand, 957 followed Zhuge Liang’s instructions and took the lead in helping the bottom lane to lock down the fairy witch Lulu in seconds.

im hesitated for a while, then picked up the wine barrel and the ice.

"The opponent's AD has no movement. In the early stage, follow the tactics we practiced before and focus on taking care of Han Bing..." Zhuge Liang saw the opponent's selection and immediately detailed the tactical arrangements in the team voice channel.

We picked again in two seconds and grabbed Qinggang Shadow and Spider.

In the current version, the priority is quite high, and at the same time, the top and jungle combination is fully equipped with tower jumping ability.

"Coach, don't worry, I will definitely arrange this for Han Bing!" Kandi said confidently.

After a period of training by Zhuge Liang, all our generals can clearly feel the improvement and progress of the team. It is no exaggeration to say that it has been completely transformed.

Now, even the rebellious Emperor Kang was deeply impressed by Zhuge Liang's abilities and did not dare to violate him in the slightest.

Miller: "We are so confident today. That's a confident person who doesn't hesitate when choosing people."

Wawa: "Do you think our first three hands are too brittle? In the middle and late stages of this lineup, without a solid front row, it is impossible to fight against the wind!"

Changmao: "Indeed, I am very surprised that Brother Leg has a single Qinggang Shadow in his hand. In our team, Brother Leg usually chooses a blue-collar style of teleporting support and starting a team to absorb injuries, but Qinggang Shadow is

The hero prefers a single belt, which doesn’t seem to match our style.”

While the three commentators were talking, IM added a hand to Nami, who has a good counterattack ability.

This hand choice is quite smart. With Nami providing blood recovery and support, the difficulty for us to catch it suddenly increased a lot.

If you are not careful during the tower crossing, you will steal the chicken but lose the rice, and the entire game will be ruined in an instant.

In the second round of bans, we chose to ban Poppy and Kenan, while im further blocked ads and banned the popular versions of Policewoman and Wheel Mom.

It was IM's turn to choose someone, and they took out a late-stage core vampire on the fourth floor.

"The opposite mid laner Athena won the best foreign aid last year. His support value data ranks first among mid laners in the league, and his damage conversion rate and average damage per point are also among the best! Wangzi, this is a heavy burden for you.

Not only should we lock him in the middle, but we should also provide support faster than him." Zhuge Liang warned.

"Bring me Karma. I'll cooperate with Xiang Ergou to secure it at any time after I push the line." Xiye thought for a moment and said.

In our last two hands, we added Kalma and Big Mouth.

Miller: "Karma? Big Mouth? Are we going to have a late-stage team fight?"

Changmao: "To be honest, I don't understand our selection. Of course, there is no doubt about Dazui's late-stage output ability, but since we plan to put the treasure in the late stage, why does the jungler have to play a spider? Furthermore, if we want to protect

In the ranking system, would it be more reasonable to choose a tank in the top lane?"

Wawa: "It seems that our new coach came well prepared and gave us a surprise as soon as he came on!"

The three commentators looked at each other and thought that our lineup was quite "artistic".

Finally, im got a Kled for the ancient beauty on the counter position.

Kled is not difficult to defeat Steel Shadow in the lane, and in the later stage, even if he piles on meat, he will still have a certain output.

In addition, the ultimate move with extremely strong rush ability is enough to pose a considerable threat to Big Mouth.

At the end of the BP session, Zhuge Liang walked slowly to the middle of the stage and shook hands with IM's coach symbolically.

The director was very thoughtful and gave us a big shot.

Well, let’s not talk about anything else, just talk about the coach’s appearance, we have already won, an overwhelming victory!

However, from the perspective of a time traveler, Zhuge Liang discovered something quite interesting.

Im’s coach this season is Sun Dayong, who will coach rng next year.

What is a very coincidence is that the coach who led IM to achieve the triple jump last year was Firefox Feng Ge who became the head coach of RNG this season.

It's a pity that after this year's season, im will be acquired by Bilibili and will be renamed blg, thus interrupting this sturgeon cycle.

Miller: "Im's lineup is very three-dimensional, and the team battles are fierce at first glance. Whether it's the barrel e-dodge to take the lead, or the ice ultimate draw, as long as the team battle starts, Kled and the vampire enter the field, there is no displacement.

It’s probably hard for Big Mouth to survive.”

Changmao: "There is an initiative, a backhand, a sufficient control chain, and there is no shortage of AOE. IM's teamfight fault tolerance rate is much higher than that of WE!"

Wawa: "Okay, let's enter the first game of the two teams immediately. Let's wait and see who will win first!"


Enter Summoner's Rift.

Relying on our stronger first-level combat capabilities in the upper, middle and jungle areas, we swaggered into the upper half of im's f6 jungle area.

Jiugong seemed a little hesitant in responding. He was not willing to lose his jungle area, but he also did not dare to summon his teammates to fight a high-risk first-level team.

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In the end, Wine Barrel could not resist the charm of f6, so he chose to harass Kled Youyi on the side, trying to win the big bird with punishment, so as to interrupt the spider's jungle farming rhythm and become a fat man in one breath.

The decision to make wine barrels played right into we’s plan.

Kandi saw the right opportunity and used the cover of the sharp-beaked bird to control the Spider Queen to suddenly appear and form a cocoon.

Jiugong never expected that Kangdi would be so bold and failed to press the flash button immediately to dodge.

Karma's ultimate Q skill, strengthened by the Mantra, hit the foot of the wine barrel, and the health bar of the wine barrel suddenly plummeted.

At the same time, 957’s Qinggangying learned the e skill in seconds.

Hook Lock shot towards the wall, and then kicked the barrel with the second e, seamlessly connecting to the control.

Qinggangying's kick seemed to announce the death sentence of the wine barrel.

Karma's Soul Flame's second stage of damage explodes, and the wine barrel's health is in danger.

In a hurry, the remaining health of the wine barrel waited until the control effect ended, and quickly escaped between the two towers in the middle.

Kled, who was on the side, used his body to pull and delay, covering the retreat of the wine barrel.

After handing in two flashes, if we let the wine barrel leave safely, we will undoubtedly lose blood.

The Spider Queen switched to spider form and used her E skill to shoot the silk. After ascending to the sky and landing, she bit the wine barrel to death with two bites.

After withstanding the attack from the defense tower, the spider's HP dropped sharply. Fortunately, before the second attack from the defense tower was launched, it was successfully out of the attack range.

Kled and the vampire did not do enough damage to avenge the barrel, so they could only leave with hatred.

Miller: "Our level of intrusion is a bit subtle!"

Changmao: "ben4 is greedy. If he had gone to swap jungle areas as soon as possible, this tragedy would not have occurred."

Wawa: "The key is to give a death flash. This time the wine barrel doesn't flash. I'm afraid the wild area will be completely lost in the early stage."

This chapter has been completed!
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