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Chapter 108 The real way to make money is to make players willing

 Pay out


Gu Sheng leaned back on the sofa and breathed softly.

Little Nezha knows how to enjoy.

Gu Sheng would sigh like this every time he sat on the sofa specially prepared by Little Nezha in the conference room.

The two entered the game, and Shen Miaomiao drove the small dining car and started the second chapter of the game journey with Gu Sheng.

In fact, strictly speaking, the second level is the real beginning of the game.

Because from here on, they will truly face increasingly complex recipes and more varied terrain.

One difficulty after another will follow.

They need to work together on the next journey, overcome difficulties, and strengthen their skills in order to finally defeat the greedy and powerful spaghetti monster.

Games start.

Just like before, the two of them were making dishes while stumbling and satisfying one order after another.

But today, Gu Sheng seems to be a little out of sorts.

Not only did mistakes happen frequently, but several times the frying pan caught fire because he failed to pay attention to the cooking time, which almost plunged the kitchen into an apocalypse again.

There were even some low-level mistakes that even a rookie like Shen Miaomiao felt were outrageous. They were not mistakes that an expert player like Gu Sheng should make.

Noticed that Gu Sheng was in poor condition.

Finally, after Gu Sheng made another mistake, Shen Miaomiao paused the game.

"Lao Gu,"

Shen Miaomiao took her long legs back from the conference table, crossed her legs to move her buttocks, and turned her body towards Gu Sheng:

"What’s wrong with you?"


Gu Sheng shrugged:

"I'm a little tired and not in a good state."

Damn, why does this sound so weird?

Gu Sheng cursed in his heart.

However, although this sounds very strange, the situation is indeed what he said.

The reason why he hasn't played games with little Nezha these days is because he is too busy.

Busy on the game planning project for Titanfall 2.


Because of the explosion in the Hunan Kitchen, just two days ago, Gu Sheng's system emotion value accumulation completed the task ahead of schedule and reached the million level.

So, immediately, he redeemed the core data of Titanfall 2.

However, while the redemption is simple, it is not so easy to reset it to a project suitable for the somatosensory warehouse.

It is different from the three somatosensory cabin games previously launched by Golden Wind.

This time, the focus of Titanfall is entirely on the plot. It is a plot game with a cinematic narrative.

Even though this is just a game with a total gameplay duration of less than six hours, its copywriting and scripts are so huge that none of the previous games can match it.

The most important thing is that he can only do this by himself.

"The early planning work for the escort masterpiece is relatively complicated,"

Gu Sheng said:

"I've been really busy these days and I'm a bit dizzy."


Upon hearing this, Shen Miaomiao became alert!

The Escort masterpiece is a key project, and it is the top priority for the system to turn profits into losses. It is also the work that Golden Wind has invested the most in since its establishment!

Originally, she was thinking of hearing Gu Sheng's plan in detail when the project was officially launched.

Unexpectedly, this kid secretly studied on his own and started the preliminary planning work in advance without informing anyone!

"You actually secretly opened the book yourself, took the lead in working overtime, and encouraged unhealthy trends!"

Shen Miaomiao raised her foot and kicked Gu Sheng gently, feeling heartbroken:

"How do you get snack coins like this!"

"I can eat whatever I want without using snack coins,"

Gu Sheng laughed and fell on the sofa:

"And this project is too difficult. If you don't take a roll, I'm afraid you will be beaten to death with a three-axe."

"Is the situation so serious?!"

Once you hear this!

Shen Miaomiao's eyes lit up!

Is there such a good thing?

Fortunately, Gu Sheng was lying back on the sofa, otherwise he would have noticed the clues when he saw Shen Miaomiao's big and bright eyes.

"You thought,"

Gu Sheng raised his arms, put his hands behind his head, and looked at the ceiling:

"The Escort masterpiece is different from our previous works. Not only the quality of the game core, but also the industrial technology level is also an important evaluation criterion, even one of the main criteria,"

"Our investment is limited, and the cost is here. Industrial level and game volume must be sacrificed. This is an objective reality and cannot be compensated."

"There is no choice between these two items for me or for art games,"

“The full-sensory assistive technology of Yiyu x2 must be reflected in the game,”

"We can't just make a bunch of electronic waste with an industrial level that is at the level of the last century in order to preserve the game time, otherwise players won't buy it."

Damn it! You can, brother! You can!

Hear this.

Shen Miaomiao almost jumped up and said on the spot, 'Why can't we make garbage and sell it to players'?!

Isn’t it just what I want if no one buys it?

It’s best not to sell even a single copy!

In this way, two hundred million will become two billion!

Isn’t there a private luxury yacht?

But when the words came to her lips, Shen Miaomiao swallowed them back.

No, these words were too outrageous for her to say.

Not to mention that Lao Gu would be suspicious, even if he took a step back and said that Lao Gu did not suspect his own system, he would not agree to such an outrageous request.

To know!

One of the requirements for the launch of Shen Miaomiao's system is that the project must be subjectively agreed by the person in charge and initiated by the person in charge.

Gu Sheng said that if this project doesn't work, then the loss on this project will be a pure loss, without a penny of rebate.

Again, Lao Gu is not a puppet of her system.

On the contrary, Lao Gu is the real controller of her system.

Thinking of this, Shen Miaomiao secretly sighed and shook her head sadly: "So?"


Gu Sheng sighed:

"So in order to reach the industrial level of the escort masterpiece, we can only reduce the size of the game and shorten the game duration..."


Shen Miaomiao nodded and understood:

"I'm short of a pound or two."

"Tsk!" Gu Sheng smacked his lips: "This, this... what words are this... this is so unpleasant..."

Ha ha!

He is anxious! He is anxious!

Shen Miaomiao's big eyes were curved like crescent moons, showing a mean and funny expression:

"You're such a supernova. Have you learned how to lose weight? The 280 moon cake gift box is a gift box, and there are only two moon cakes in it, right?"

"I..." Gu Sheng opened his mouth, wanting to refute, but he didn't know how to say it.


Because what Shen Miaomiao said is exactly the biggest pain point of this project!


Gu Sheng had a good idea. The Titanfall 2 project has a plot and multi-player battles.

Although multiplayer battles will seriously polarize players' skills due to their ultra-high operability, which will lead to a shortened game life, the impact is far less than the plot part.

But at least it has.

With multiple players, it can be considered a complete game, and you can compete with the Xundo Sanban Ax.

After exchanging the core data, Gu Sheng briefly estimated the budget and found that it was not the case at all!

A capital budget of less than 200 million can only support him to do the solo part well!

If you want to make multiple people, there are two ways -

Or, let the new generation of full-sensory technology shrink and make the full-sensory feedback of the game like that of PUBG, which is just a scratch.

Or, increase the budget, increase cost investment, borrow from banks or accept dividend investments.


These two options are not practical for Golden Wind!

Gu Sheng could not accept a work that could obviously be perfect, but due to insufficient cost, the plot was flawed, many people performed poorly, and both parties were unhappy.

As for Shen Miaomiao, she never accepted any third-party investment.

Ever since!

Gu Sheng could only bear the pain and cut off many people temporarily, saving one head first to maximize the expressiveness of the single-player plot.

But as a result, a new problem appeared, which was what Shen Miaomiao raised just now——

Short of a pound or two.

An escort masterpiece!

With only a single-player plot of about six hours, it will definitely suffer a lot of criticism!

So these days, Gu Sheng has been having a headache about this matter.

In fact, originally, this matter was easily solved.

Lower the price, bring the price down.

Generally speaking, the prices of escort masterpieces are between 198 and 568. Titanfall costs 98, or 68.

With high costs and low prices, although the profit cycle will be extended, it will no longer be possible to make back the money and start making profits in one or two weeks as before.

But at least the reputation will not collapse, it will not cause dissatisfaction among players, and it will always make money.

But the problem is, the price of a masterpiece escort cannot be reduced casually!

198-568 is the default standard within the industry.

It can be higher than this price, but it cannot be lower than 198. If it is lower, it will not be considered a masterpiece of escort, and the developers of the somatosensory cabin will not agree.

This way!

"Awkward situations happen."

Gu Sheng shrugged.

Shen Miaomiao showed her thumbs up:

"We want players to spend the price of 198 for the escort masterpiece to buy a game with only six hours of game time."

Wow! Yinquesi Hall!

Shen Miaomiao almost laughed out loud.

You will make money!

What are other people's games like?

Complete plot and online play! Rich battle modes! Excellent graphics and replayable game content!

What are the games at our house like?

Let players spend two hundred yuan to watch a movie.


Some people may say that in today's movie market, an electronic ticket for a movie's somatosensory cabin costs seventy, eighty or even hundreds.

In vertical comparison, it seems that spending two hundred yuan to pay for a six-hour game is nothing.

However, don’t forget that there are horizontal comparisons in the game industry.

Other people's games are large in quantity and high in industrial quality, but your games are short and small, so their market competitiveness will naturally be low.

What's more, so far, there has never been any game on the market that can make players willing to pay to "watch a movie"!

Even Zhen Ting, a first-tier manufacturer known for its excellent plots, will add a multiplayer battle mode to every work to extend the life of the game.

Are you just making a plot?

I'm afraid it's not a treasure hunt for the players.


The more this happens, the more satisfied Shen Miaomiao is!

It would have been difficult for them to resist the three axes!

Now, Gu Sheng has automatically raised the difficulty to a higher level because of his attitude of striving for excellence!

Where can I find this money-losing baby?

Think of this!

Shen Miaomiao waved her hands and symbolically comforted Gu Sheng:

"Okay, don't have a headache. The worst we can do is start over. I will find a solution."

Of course she has a way.

The more she suffers, the more she can do.


If you lose one dollar, you will get ten dollars back, and the golden wind will always stand firm.

"Besides, we have to do this as a last resort,"

Shen Miaomiao said:

"Everyone wants to make the game perfect,"

"But the problem is that we really don't have that much money. Fundamentally, we are not on the same level as the three generals of Xundo,"

"So, I believe that both players and gamers can understand,"

"The big deal—"

Speaking of which.

Shen Miaomiao paused.

Rolling his eyes:

"At worst, we will release a second part in the future! Or in your professional terms, release a supplement pack called DLC? Then we will sell it cheaper and give back to the players."

This way you can start another project!

Shen Miaomiao secretly praised herself for being smart.

It already had a bad reputation, but it released a sequel and then made money.

Good guy, it's getting worse. If someone really buys it, I must take part of the rebate, the whole gold chip, to cure the brains of those bastards.

Of course!

That's what Shen Miaomiao said.

she knows.

Lao Gu's control of the game market has always been very precise, at least much better than his own.

Even a layman like her could see that this cerebral palsy trick was bound to fail.

Presumably Lao Gu...

"Ouch, what the hell? What a good idea?!" Gu Sheng snapped his fingers and raised his head to look at Shen Miaomiao.

Ouch, what the fuck?!

Shen Miaomiao's eyes widened and she also let out the same exclamation in her heart.

Get better!

My director has cerebral palsy!


The turning angle was so large that Shen Miaomiao's waist was almost missed:

"What's a good idea?"

"Publish DLC!" Gu Sheng pointed at Shen Miaomiao: "Although you don't know much about the game industry, it does not prevent you from being a little genius."

Are you talking about me?

Shen Miaomiao followed the direction of Gu Sheng's finger, looked down at herself, twisted her body again, and found that Gu Sheng's fingertips had been following her, and then confirmed that he was talking about her.

"I just... said it casually..."

Shen Miaomiao touched her mouth, somewhat at a loss:

"Are you... some new type of yin and yang spirit? Sorry, I didn't get it?"

"Tsk, be more confident,"

Gu Sheng sat up and gently patted Shen Miaomiao on the shoulder:

"It's not that you are being weird, the idea you just had is really good,"

"In this project, we could actually just let it run naked,"

"After that, we will put Easter eggs in the game to introduce supplementary content of the game,"

"First draw the pie to the player,"

"After that, when we have funds flowing back, we will make additional supplements,"

"Moreover, in order to give back to the lack of size of the main game,"

"We will increase the quantity of supplementary content without increasing the price, and will sell it to players at extremely low prices,"

"In this way, both the main body and the supplementary content will gain good reputation from players,"

"What do you think?"


After listening to Gu Sheng's words, Shen Miaomiao felt a sense of transparency, rising from the soles of her feet to the ceiling!

"I think Golden Wind made the most correct decision by appointing you as director and becoming the soul of the company!"

Shen Miaomiao was so excited!

Heaven and earth, the spirit of fifty appears!

Gu Sheng, this money-making guy, actually one day synchronizes his thoughts with mine!

He actually agreed to the plan of adding more bad things to bad things!

They even offered to lower prices, making it more difficult for funds to flow back!

Iron tree blooms!

This is to make yourself suffer a huge loss!

Shen Miaomiao was very happy!

"Actually, if it were me, I would even choose to make the supplementary content free, because it should be part of the game itself, but it was just because of our lack of strength that we forcibly split them into two parts,"

While speaking, Shen Miaomiao looked guilty and sighed:

"Of course, for the sake of the company, you want to make profits for the company, I can understand."

In fact, Shen Miaomiao was a bit pushy.

She even wanted to trick Gu Sheng into doing a purely free project.

No profit at all!

Until then!

How much you invest, you get ten times the rebate!

She no longer has to look at the sales data and the number of players with trepidation, and tremble every day as if she is waiting for a trial!


Shen Miaomiao also knew that she was somewhat wishful thinking.

If Gu Sheng could agree to make free games, she would have implemented it long ago. Why would she have to repeatedly test the bottom line of the system and set the lowest price in the industry for all previous games of Golden Wind?


Miraculous things often happen unexpectedly.

"You really think so? Okay!"

But see you!

At this time, Gu Sheng's eyes were bright and his mood was even higher than before!

no doubt!

Xiao Nezha's proposal for supplementary content for the game is simply trying to help the building collapse.

Gu Sheng has already thought about how to save this game that has not yet been released, but its reputation is already in tatters.

He wanted to get it right in one step and take advantage of the popularity of Titanfall to directly add the game with a huge number of word-of-mouth players as a large-scale DLC into the game.


Regarding this large-scale DLC, Gu Sheng’s original idea was to make it free.

However, he thought that this must be a bit difficult to accept for little Nezha.

After all, if that super large DLC is really developed, the investment will definitely not be small.

Xiao Nezha is generous, but it should not be so generous as to give away a DLC that has been developed with great pains and a lot of money to players for free.

Therefore, he chose a more compromised approach, keeping the price of the Super DLC as low as possible to give Xiao Nezha an explanation.

But he never expected it!

Little Nezha's awareness is so high that he directly said that he would give it to the players for free!

Gu Sheng was shocked!

Heaven and earth, the God of Wealth appears!

Little Nezha, the hands-off shopkeeper, actually one day synchronized his thoughts with mine!

She actually agreed to the icing on the cake plan!

They even offered to make it free to increase the word-of-mouth spread of the game!

That being the case!

"Do not worry,"

Gu Sheng nodded solemnly towards Shen Miaomiao:

"Although our DLC will be available for free, I will definitely find a way to make it bring the value it deserves to the company!"

Hehe, you can really brag.

Shen Miaomiao sneered in her heart.



A free game, you can earn a hammer.

"You want to create a fire unicorn?"

Shen Miaomiao joked.

It’s not that she doesn’t know that free games can make money, and sometimes they even cost more money than buyout games.

However, she did not believe that Gu Sheng could give up his arrogance and choose to learn from Xunteng, hold a special game lottery, and sell game attributes to cheat people.

And Gu Sheng shook his head without surprise:

"It's too low-level. The real way to make money is to make players willing to pay without being threatened."


PS: Normally double update is 10,000 at 8pm, today the comment area is going to explode with reminders, update in advance~

This chapter has been completed!
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