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We promised to make a bad game, what the hell is Titanfall?

We promised to make a bad game, what the hell is Titanfall?

author:ibuprofen warrior

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Last Update:05-09 23:41

Latest chapter:Chapter 583 [Extra] Golden Media 4 (What if?)

[I, Shen Miaomiao, was forced to take over a game company at the beginning. 】 Fortunately, the rebate system wakes up in time. As long as the company suffers a loss, the system will compensate with ten times the rebate! Therefore, the goal of this girl CEO is to overthrow the company and gain wealth and freedom! [I, Gu Sheng, traveled through time at the beginning and became a game designer. 】 Fortunately, the game treasure system has awakened. As long as you continue to produce hit games, you can ascend to the throne of the king of games! Therefore, the goal of this game director is to become bigger and stronger! Create greater glory! … When the bad CEO meets the sixth designer, the company's style gradually becomes abstract—— 'No one is playing the mecha game we promised? What the hell is this 'Titanfall' thing about?' 'Is the market for horror games said to be poor? What's the situation with your 'Escape'?' 'Is it easy to pay for the second-generation shooter? Are you going to remake 'Call of Duty'?' Looking at the financial report showing profits across the board, Shen Miaomiao's head was buzzing. She couldn't lose a penny, so she could only act recklessly! 'From now on! Torture the player severely!' She didn't believe it, she couldn't lose the money! Hearing this, Gu Sheng unfolded a stack of plans in his hand: 'Look boss, black, blood, benevolence, wolf... which one should we do first?'

If you think《We promised to make a bad game, what the hell is Titanfall?》If it's not bad, please don't forget to recommend it to your friends in QQ groups and microblogs!

《We promised to make a bad game, what the hell is Titanfall?》The latest nine chapters
Chapter 583 [Extra] Golden Media 4 (What if?)
Chapter 582 [Extra] Golden Media 3 (What if?)
Chapter 581 [Extra] Golden Media 2 (What if?)
Chapter 580 [Extra] Golden Media 1 (What if?)
Chapter 579 The legend is created here [Golden Wind, presented to you
Chapter 578 Unexpected news, the end of the catastrophe
Chapter 577 We will have two babies in the future
Chapter 576 Sudden death! Heart-breaking and bone-breaking!
Chapter 575 Global uproar! Thousands of people are calling for shit to come out!
《We promised to make a bad game, what the hell is Titanfall?》Chapter Contents
Chapter 1 Who would play such a ghost game!
Chapter 2 More money is needed!
Chapter 3 Ready to take off
Chapter 4 Cinema teaches you how to play this game!
Chapter 5 Our game is sold!
Chapter 6 Get out of my computer!
Chapter 7 Gu Sheng, you really deserve to die!
Chapter 8 Even Picasso has to call you teacher
Chapter 9 Pay it back hard
Chapter 10 Three Stooges, all smell the same
Chapter 11 Is it true? Foster father?
Chapter 12 One hundred kilograms weighs ninety kilograms.
Chapter 13 'Who is the Father'
Chapter 14 Huh?
Chapter 15 I treat you as a brother, but you treat me as a son?
Chapter 16 I can’t live any longer!
Chapter 17 Let the bullets fly for a while
Chapter 18 It’s impossible to guard against it!
Chapter 19 Hidden achievements are the first pot of gold!
Chapter 20 Losing money quickly in one hour!
Chapter 21 Little Nezha takes charge!
Chapter 22 Barrage shooting? What kind of bullshit game!
Chapter 23 Are you M?
Chapter 24 Shen Miaomiao’s Roguelike
Chapter 25 Gu Sheng’s Vampire Survivor
Chapter 26 The third round of investment! Begins!
Chapter 27 Cat Leo-like game?
Chapter 28 “Simple” Barrage Shooting
Chapter 29 A prairie dog fell into a pile of cactus
Chapter 30 Although there are thousands of people, I will go
Chapter 31 Heroes in Utopia Deserve to be Protected
Chapter 32 First round voting results
Chapter 33 Someone kicked the iron plate!
Chapter 34 Raising troops to investigate crimes
Chapter 35 A satisfactory answer!
Chapter 36 Desperate compensation!
Chapter 37 God is going to kill me!
Chapter 38 Come and experience it!
Chapter 39 It hurts! It hurts so much!
Chapter 40 Development Festival Exchange Meeting
Chapter 41 Sensation
Chapter 42 I am Gu Sheng
Chapter 43 A bold idea
Chapter 44 Little Genius
Chapter 45 It feels so familiar
Chapter 46 One is an abstract weirdo, the other is a rich fool
Chapter 47 Yan Sheng is a real person
Chapter 48 Let those foreigners see it and think I can’t afford to log in
Chapter 49 Our friendship is priceless, but my bank card is
Chapter 50 Taking turns to get sick
Chapter 51 Me! Wisdom!
Chapter 52 Subversive design!
Chapter 53 The first promotional video
Chapter 54 A very new horror game
Chapter 56: Deceiver players to come in and kill them【Please order first】
Chapter 57 Maybe I’m not a human, but you are a real dog【Please subscribe
Chapter 58 “Excellent Value for Money” Promotion Seminar [Please subscribe]
Chapter 59 A piece of good news, a piece of bad news [Please subscribe]
Chapter 60 What an old horse!!! [Please subscribe]
Chapter 61 Achievements and comeback!
Chapter 62 Thoughts on the second generation FPS!
Chapter 63 Drawing inspiration from movies
Chapter 64 She really made me cry to death
Chapter 65 Is this the second generation FPS?! (Additional update)
Chapter 66 Even small ones are cute
Chapter 67 Outrageous! They are all friends?!
Chapter 68: Arrogant guns! Tide of zombies! Exploding pseudo-real machine demonstration!
Chapter 69 Shutup and take my money!!!
Chapter 70 Make FPS games! greater! (Additional updates)
Chapter 71 For the Golden Wind!
Chapter 72 You are more awesome than agarwood
Chapter 73 I am a sliding shovel!
Chapter 74 [You disturbed witch]
Chapter 75 Treating guests, beheading, and being treated as dogs (additional update)
Chapter 76 Is there any way to make up for it?
Chapter 77 Let players help us make games
Chapter 78 Chu Yin Future
Chapter 79 The game can be unpopular but not unpopular
Chapter 80 Healing Ditty
Chapter 81 A little rebate shock
Chapter 82 Important Guest
Chapter 83 I, Shen Miaomiao, voted for this project!
Chapter 84 This game’s LOGO is too abstract
Chapter 85 You said the city gate building, I said the hip axis
Chapter 86 Expired Graduates
Chapter 87 I don’t want to work hard, but she calls me family!
Chapter 88 A real banquet between Manchu and Han Dynasties
Chapter 89 I’ll be on stage for ten minutes, why are you so stupid?
Chapter 90 I say that the president has great opinions!
Chapter 91: You treat me like a countryman, and I will repay you as a countryman!
Chapter 92 Are we invisible?
Chapter 93 Guns sound! Promotional video is online!
Chapter 94 Laozi Shu Dao Mountain!
Chapter 95 Bad! Am I a traitor?
Chapter 96 There is no wife in the wife cake, and there is no quality in the quality square.
Chapter 97 'Horse Racing'
Chapter 98 Hema Epic
Chapter 99 A big event in the art game! Thoughts on the masterpiece of Escort!
Chapter 100 Three heroes fight Lu Bu?
Chapter 101 What age are you still fighting against the traditional Lu Bu!
Chapter 102 Real Cooking Game
Chapter 103 The final battle! It’s about to break out!
Chapter 104 Good luck! Eat chicken tonight!
Chapter 105: It’s getting fierce. Has the escort game turned into a mini-game?
Chapter 106 Sichuan Opera Face Changing
Chapter 107 The Five Virtues of 'Making Fun in the Kitchen'
Chapter 108 The real way to make money is to make players willing
Chapter 109 The project is officially established! Everyone stands up!
Chapter 110 Genius, I found a treasure!
Chapter 111 I said: Happy New Year
Chapter 112 Confrontation!
Chapter 113 Inferior horse? Eight-legged divine horse!
Chapter 114 Mr. Yan, you don’t want us to switch to Xunteng either, right?
Chapter 115 Design
Chapter 116: I have a good hand and a simple hand, I will give you a heavy punch (
Chapter 117 The official version of the rebate system! Embark on a new journey!
Chapter 118 Where is my Titan? Where is a Titan as big as me?!
Chapter 119: Dog thief Gu Sheng and I are at odds with you!!!
Chapter 120 I will become a qualified pilot, and I deserve the title
Chapter 121 [Trust me]
Chapter 122 Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful!
Chapter 123 Breaking the ceiling! The greatest level in game history
Chapter 124 Breaking the ceiling! The greatest level in game history
Chapter 125 This gaming circle is hopeless
Chapter 126 Dream collaboration! Invitation from Legendary Pictures!
Chapter 127 Horrible ratio! The second half begins!
Chapter 128 Throwing is the only way
Chapter 129 I refuse, Kubo is my pilot
Chapter 130 [Titanfall Pacific Rim] Joint Exhibition
Chapter 131 The strong wind moves forward! Well deserved!
Chapter 132 I will not lose another pilot
Chapter 133 Let’s fight our way out
Chapter 134 [Agreement Three: Protect the Pilot]
Chapter 135 Who is losing money in this industry? (For Ra
Chapter 136: The gaming industry bullied me into being old and weak, and took turns congratulating me for another achievement
Chapter 137 There has never been such a wonderful upgrade!
Chapter 138 Happy sharing the house, you pervert
Chapter 139 If this is the sentiment, we are in the same realm
Chapter 140: Make less money, please be spicy!
Chapter 141 You are robbing me!!!
Chapter 142 Happy New Year, brother and sister-in-law!
Chapter 143 On a date! Don’t disturb me!
Chapter 144 If I don’t speak first when spring comes, which insect will dare to make a sound?
Chapter 145 Explosion! A scalp-numbing video!
Chapter 146 A new boat experience! Arriving at Kings Canyon!
Chapter 147 Motivated boy? Motivated man!
Chapter 148 Goodbye, baby
Chapter 149 Fate is wonderful
Chapter 150 You take the player into your heart, and the player holds you high
Chapter 151 How did a good girl turn into a salty hairtail?
Chapter 152 Krypton Penetration! Four hundred thousand heirlooms!
Chapter 153 Gu Sheng, are you asleep? I can’t sleep!
Chapter 154 Milestones that were cut off
Chapter 155 Pilot cooperation! Terror restarts!
Chapter 156 Ceiling-level demo version!
Chapter 157 Fortification
Chapter 158 When I put a question mark, it’s not that I have a problem, but
Chapter 159 Become the king of horror games!
Chapter 160 Welcome Mr. Gu Sheng to Japan
Chapter 161 Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have both fame and fortune?
Chapter 162 The Director’s Little Wife
Chapter 163 The ultimate easter egg! A shocking whim!
Chapter 164 Launch! Dongjin Video Game Festival!
Chapter 165 Kill yourself with your own hands
Chapter 166 If I am guilty, please let the law punish me instead of
Chapter 167 Turn off the lights and turn off the lights! Top psychological horror!
Chapter 168 Rivers of blood! The end of the horror game circle!
Chapter 169 Watch what’s behind you
Chapter 170 The truth needs to be revealed
Chapter 171 Try out the Conferred God! King of Terror!
Chapter 172 Private Meeting
Chapter 173 Two steamed buns step on each other and neither one is good.
Chapter 174 Fire Ping Fengwei! Borrow a chicken to lay an egg! The enemy is at Honnoji Temple!
Chapter 175 Hundred times rebate! Head-on collision!
Chapter 176 Dump truck! Start!
Chapter 177 【Fxxk KOMINA】
Chapter 178 Disaster of public opinion! Comella, you piece of shit!
Chapter 179 Shen Miaomiao’s Plan B
Chapter 180 Do it, please
Chapter 181 Director: MiiaShen!
Chapter 182 Wild Charity Wild Announcement
Chapter 183 Laman!
Chapter 184 Lao Deng wants to be an astronaut (leader of litaolikai alliance)
Chapter 185 I just have to go (for Fat Cat’s little lunatic alliance)
Chapter 186 My memory is all about you
Chapter 187 A masterpiece of plot! This begins!
Chapter 188 We will always meet on the moon, fool (added
Chapter 189 Sensational! Heavyweight guest voices!
Chapter 190 A flawless game! (Additional update)
Chapter 191 Meeting the parents?!
Chapter 192 This family is gone without Lao Gu! (Part 1)
Chapter 193 This family will be separated without Lao Gu! (Part 2)
Chapter 194 One is ebbing and the other is ebbing! Collision in advance!
Chapter 195 There is an old Chinese saying: Those who work in the west are heroes.
Chapter 196 There are no good people in this family!
Chapter 197 Horror Game! Your Emperor is back!
Chapter 198 This world is so crazy, even mice are kept company by cats
Chapter 199 Don’t say good night tonight
Chapter 200 Patients with low blood pressure are in luck now!
Chapter 201 Obviously, Director Gu has evolved
Chapter 202 Now! Run!!! (This chapter contains high energy)
Chapter 203 Fear of neurosis, understanding neurosis, becoming neurotic
Chapter 204 The old thief’s conspiracy
Chapter 205 People are mortal!!! (Killing for the benefit of the saint)
Chapter 206 Break the rules and give Golden Wind a quota (for
Chapter 207 The final escape! The truth needs to be revealed!
Chapter 208 I am reporter Miles, and my story will continue
Chapter 209 Yamamoto me (fill in the blanks)!!!
Chapter 210 Qin Shihuang touches the switch!
Chapter 211 It’s broken! He really became the warden!
Chapter 212 Escape this way, not that way
Chapter 213 We are the best in the world!
Chapter 214 Come on, perverted big brother!
Chapter 215 The hope of the whole village! (Additional update for the leader of the common people’s dream
Chapter 216 Damn it! Such a great job!
Chapter 217 Gu Sheng! You are such a cutie! (For Jing Xin
Chapter 218: Kidnapping the King of Games and Living an Unjust Life
Chapter 219 Golden Experience and Steel Chain Fingers
Chapter 220 Why does your next tower defense have to be a tower defense?
Chapter 221 You may make a profit, but I will never lose.
Chapter 222 Damn, I lost my pea shooter!!!
Chapter 223 Midnight Call
Chapter 224 Don’t treat your brothers as outsiders
Chapter 225 Why is there one more person?
Chapter 226 Mortal body, comparable to gods
Chapter 227 Let’s see the wedding room
Chapter 228 The whole city is covered with ‘golden’ armor
Chapter 229 The way to salvation lies within
Chapter 230 Our minds are united
Chapter 231 Movie level? Art level! (Part 1)
Chapter 232 Movie level? Art level! (Part 2)
Chapter 233 Blood debt must be paid with blood! A perfect ending?
Chapter 234 Goodbye Brothers (Additional update for the leader of the Dark Flame)
Chapter 235 The curse is everywhere! The praise is overwhelming! (For Feng Xue Baiyin
Chapter 236 Refuse to be a gangster! Hesitation will lead to defeat! (Two in one
Chapter 237 The wolf is coming
Chapter 238 I am ready to fight to the death! Why is Your Majesty collaborating with the enemy?
Chapter 239 Old Mori Valley is interesting! A heavy-hitting motion capture team!
Chapter 240 Go to bed
Chapter 241 A masterpiece! But abstract!
Chapter 242: A whole lot of fun!
Chapter 243 Our air-to-ground missiles have taken off
Chapter 244 Falling from the Altar (2-in-1)
Chapter 245 Today is a good day
Chapter 246: Great loss! Thousand times rebate!
Chapter 247 The storm is coming! (Update 27 for Fengxue Silver Alliance)
Chapter 248 The suzerain country is crushed! Sekiro joins in! (2-in-1)
Chapter 249 Domineering President Shen Miaomiao
Special thanks for July summary
Chapter 250 Horses march to Dongjin! The flag hangs in Ginza!
Chapter 251 Explosion! The sound of hammering in the venue!
Chapter 252 The future is here! Incredible real-life demonstration! (
Chapter 253 The Old Thief’s Malice (Added Update 37 for Fengxue Silver Alliance)
Chapter 254 “Wolf Game”
Chapter 255 Martial Arts (Additional update 47 for Fengxue Silver Alliance)
Chapter 256 Resignation
Chapter 257 An unprecedented sports game?
Chapter 258 Resurrection! My ass!
Chapter 259: Global blacksmithing? Global suffering! (2-in-1)(
Chapter 260 I’ve become a miscellaneous soldier?!
Chapter 261: End immortality! Step towards the altar! (Two combined into one is a seal)
Chapter 262: Lackluster? Total defeat!
Chapter 263 'Vicious BUG' Robert (2-in-1)
Chapter 264 Bizarre! Amazing!
Chapter 265 Marrying into the Fairyland! Unparalleled BOSS shock!
Chapter 266 The final battle! The old thief’s mobile altar!
Chapter 267 If the enemy is silent, he must be acting like a monster
Chapter 268 Kamegoshi Keimasa’s resignation application!
Chapter 269 The appearance of your death is beyond your imagination!
Chapter 270 Big addition! Shen Miaomiao’s love rival! (For Feng Xue
Chapter 271 The mysterious power from the east
Chapter 272 It feels so hot! Tetsuya Moritani!
Chapter 273 [Wonderful]
Chapter 274: Take you to elope (additional update for the leader of the Chou Alley in the Old City)
Chapter 275 Golden Wind Copyright Unlimited Company (Part 1)
Chapter 276 Golden Wind Copyright Unlimited Company (Part 2)
Chapter 277 Damn it! How come we are invincible!
Chapter 278 The gears of the gaming empire begin to turn
Chapter 279 Stud is a kind of wisdom
Chapter 280 Why are you standing still? Picking up vegetables!
Chapter 281 I really want to see the Alps
Chapter 282 The hymn of mankind is the hymn of courage
Chapter 283: Sit tight, Cat Man! I am invincible under the immortals! (
Chapter 284 Millions of mad dogs emerge from the cage! Global Easter Egg Challenge!
Chapter 285 Nirvana! The ultimate reward for global sensation! (Additional update
Chapter 286 'Live up to your time, forge ahead and usher in a new era'
Chapter 287 It’s not easy even though it’s here, it’s the Chinese New Year
Chapter 288: The fighter among the sick patients, the best among the death-seeking athletes
Chapter 289 This is decent
Chapter 290 The big stage of sand sculpture! Just come if you are embarrassed!
Chapter 291 You can live without this activity, but you can’t live without it.
Chapter 292 Uproar! Challenge beyond death!
Chapter 293 Now, please let Winston tell us!
Chapter 294 The world needs more heroes! Will you come?
Chapter 295 Jackal! Prestige and Cornick are ready to take action!
Chapter 296 Mr. Shen! Hard! (Additional update for the leader of the dead king Huxi)
Chapter 297 I have the long tassel in my hand today, when will I tie the blue dragon?
Chapter 298: Kill Kornik with gratitude
Chapter 299 I have been called, and I must respond, as always
Chapter 300 How do you know there is good news! (For the ouo leader
Chapter 301 Thriving!!!
Chapter 302: Play high-energy vanguard and do (fill in the blanks)
Chapter 303 Kaunik, when did you come? I, you, you, you
Chapter 304 That summer is back
Chapter 305 Overwatch! The Glory World Begins! (Part 1)
Chapter 306 Overwatch! The Glory World Begins! (Part 2)
Chapter 307 Go and get rid of Tang Monk and his disciplesjpg
Chapter 308 I really want to go up and squeeze it.
Chapter 309 Acquisition of the old club (Additional update for Bingxue Xiaoxueer leader)
Chapter 310 Foreign adults’ knees can also bend
Chapter 311 Heroes are immortal! (Part 1)
Chapter 312 Heroes are Immortal! (Part 2) (Added to Visitor 85 League Leader)
Chapter 313 The angel killed me!
Chapter 314 Traveling Alone, Traveling in Two
Chapter 315 Studio Three! Melancholy Blues!
Chapter 316 Give the world a little golden shock
Chapter 317 One wears four? Invitation to the world’s four major game awards!
Chapter 318 Actual demonstration! The fantasy journey of the prospective couple! (2)
Chapter 319 Dominate!
Chapter 320 The winner of the annual selection award is
Chapter 321 Damn it, I lost my fuse! The fairy tale world of adults
Chapter 322: Sexy game! Why are you so good at seducing people! (2)
Chapter 323 Warmth or rebate, that is the question
Chapter 324 “Early Access”
Chapter 325 I want you to love me all the time (Part 1)
Chapter 326 I want you to love me all the time (Part 2)
Chapter 327 'Full marks for being a follower'
Chapter 328 The mysterious man’s super IP
Chapter 329 Wealth limits your imagination, dear
Chapter 330 Go Tell Aunt Rhody
Chapter 331 E3 begins! Three battles with Comora!
Chapter 332 Comella’s mother returns for a limited time? A powerful matchup at E3
Chapter 333 Comella’s mother returns for a limited time? A powerful matchup at E3
Chapter 334 Return to terror! No one can escape the ten-minute rule
Chapter 335 Relax! A leisure project with a golden experience!
Chapter 336 A more terrifying situation than [Moritani’s resignation] is
Chapter 337 The destination ahead: Jushan Mental Hospital Louisiana
Chapter 338 'Not So Scary'
Chapter 339 Is this plot thought up by carbon-based organisms?!
Chapter 340 Today I have to say break up. Whoever doesn’t break up is a dog!
Chapter 341 Super comeback! Restart the masterpiece!
Chapter 342 Are you interested in being the wronged?
Chapter 343 Deja vu?
Chapter 344 996? 627!
Chapter 345 The meaning of life is to go to the pier to catch some sardines!
Chapter 346: Life is nothing, only people bother themselves
Chapter 347 Stardew Valley Resort
Chapter 348 Mixed reviews? Throne of Terror!
Chapter 349 The Villa is online! I seem to have some ideas
Chapter 350 What is the appropriate name for this show?
Chapter 351 Haha! Another loss!
Chapter 352 Opening Lightning Strike! Golden Wind’s first variety show!
Chapter 353 Hot search explodes! The first mysterious guest!
Chapter 354 Shocking Nuclear Network! A new masterpiece of melancholic blues!
Chapter 355 'Tom Clancy's Call of Duty: Modern Warfare'
Chapter 356 Do you have a system?
Chapter 357: Comora misfires! Call of Duty announced!
Chapter 358 Grand dedication! Modern warfare!
Chapter 359: When the wall falls, everyone pushes it; when the drum breaks, thousands of people beat it!
Chapter 360 The storm rises again!
Chapter 361 The action begins! No survivors left!
Chapter 362: One shot to win! Two shots to gasp! Three shots to see the famous saying!
Chapter 363 Run! Soap! Run!
Chapter 364 Use small things to make big things happen
Chapter 365 To untie the bell, one must tie it
Chapter 366 I asked you to erase zeros, but you erased all zeros?!
Chapter 367 The Siberian Titanosaurus crushed an asteroid with its bare hands!
Chapter 368 Europa’s Game Exhibition! Of course we have to open the 'European Card'
Chapter 369 Unstoppable! A spectacle on release day!
Chapter 370 Lao Yin Bi Simulator
Chapter 371 Brutal street fighting! Charlie doesn’t surf!
Chapter 372 RPG!!!
Chapter 373 Our AC130 has taken off!
Chapter 374 Death falls from the sky! A killing song!
Chapter 375 Explosion! Shock operation!
Chapter 376 The entire army was wiped out! The whole world was shocked!
Chapter 377 The precursor to the blockade! The real mastermind!
Chapter 378 The Past of Double Snipers (Part 1)
Chapter 379 The Past of Double Snipers (Part 2)
Chapter 380: If there is a limit, why don’t you fight? (For X person’s food addiction, I will become the leader of X alliance
Chapter 381 Adding Money
Chapter 382 Fierce battle! Father’s debt must be paid by son!
Chapter 383 Everything is over? A storm suddenly arises! (Part 1)
Chapter 384 Everything is over? A storm suddenly arises! (Part 2)
Chapter 385 What I give to you is yours. If I don’t give it to you, you can’t
Chapter 386 Dragon Head
Chapter 387 Golden Engine! All mercenaries!
Chapter 388 Let them see the greatness of our nation!
Chapter 389 Why is this harmonious scene so disharmonious?
Chapter 390 Xiangzi Simulator: From Nothing to Deep Debt
Chapter 391 Wu Qing rubs his hands! Who said you can’t kill someone without a gun head?
Chapter 392: Laughing to death! You have the nerve to show this crap!
Chapter 393 The end of the road
Chapter 394 Old guy! Explode the gold coins!
Chapter 395 Industry earthquake! The pattern is rewritten! The first time in the gaming industry
Chapter 396 IP masterpiece versus cube people! The advantage is mine!
Chapter 397 Undercurrent is surging! Welcome to my world!
Chapter 398 I can’t wait another minute!!!
Chapter 399 Unprecedented! Sandbox Game!
Chapter 400 Pay
Chapter 401 Golden Wind Game Theme Resort City! From here
Chapter 402: Start a war!
Chapter 403: Come on?
Chapter 404 The big one!
Chapter 405 Newton’s coffin can’t hold it anymore!
Chapter 406 Is this a sandbox? Goose girl!!!
Chapter 407 Shock! Defend the shoebox!
Chapter 408 Chi Chi
Chapter 409 This game includes: Reckless Man, Xiahou Eyes, Lightning
Chapter 410: When the battle fails, cut the white part along the dotted line
Chapter 411 Golden Engine Alpha Test! Forehand and backhand teaching!
Chapter 412 YEAH
Chapter 413 Wonderful world! Start!!!
Chapter 414 The Journey of a Diamond (Part 1)
Chapter 415 The Journey of a Diamond (Part 2)
Chapter 416 Return! Mercy Hospital!
Chapter 417 It’s hard to imagine what you did before becoming anchors
Chapter 418 Take action!!!
Chapter 419 Police raid in progress
Chapter 420 Why are you still singing?
Chapter 421 A good horse should be equipped with a good saddle. The progress of Golden Wind is in vain.
Chapter 422 You are not important, but not having you is important to me
Chapter 423 The hope of the whole village
Chapter 424 Team competition? Team conquest!
Chapter 425 'Battlefield: Rise of the Dragon'
Chapter 426 This time our roles are reversed, what do I want you to know?
Chapter 427: Strict investigation is recommended! They really don’t look like the Ping An Zhongjing they played.
Chapter 428 I’ll torture you! Old murderer! I’ll kill you again! This is too much punishment!
Chapter 429 The best in the world! The Golden Gangster Group!
Chapter 430 Damn, they are so crazy!
Chapter 431 It’s a good thing that you are just playing games, otherwise it would be harmful to society.
Chapter 432 Golden Wind x Legendary Pictures! DLC that joins forces again
Chapter 433 Pencil God of War! The killing begins!
Chapter 434 You’re sweating profusely, sister!
Chapter 435: A sudden turn of events! Questions pouring in!
Chapter 436 The team is disbanded! Comella’s great victory!
Chapter 437 World War II begins! Blitz Comella!
Chapter 438 Ace Bombing! Shocked the gaming industry for a whole year!
Chapter 439 Brothers! The plan has changed! Prepare to rise!!!
Chapter 440 The dragon slayer finally becomes an evil dragon! The authority dog turns out to be me
Chapter 441 Make CNFPS Great Again!
Chapter 442: When we meet on a narrow road, the brave one wins! March on!
Chapter 443 Demolition of buildings? Whimsical tactical thinking!
Chapter 444 The film applicator never looks back to see the explosion!
Chapter 445 CG-level building attack game! Top Yi Dashan!
Chapter 446 Collapse! A shocking decisive battle on the ruins!
Chapter 447 We are! Motorcycle killers!
Chapter 448 Anger
Chapter 449 Pick it up! I want you to pick up the report!
Chapter 450 Make a fortune! Unprecedented wild rebate!
Chapter 451 The days are still going on, Yunwei’s 3S horror masterpiece!
Chapter 452: A spin-off of the wolf game! The dilemma of the golden engine!
Chapter 453: Domineering exposed! Seeking death!
Chapter 454 Reverse blockade! Heaven’s way reincarnation!
Chapter 455 What you said are all my words!
Chapter 456 If I don’t walk towards the mountain, the mountain will come towards me!
Chapter 457 Yes indeed
Chapter 458 The fire is about to go out, but the king is nowhere to be seen
Chapter 459 Not a moment of mourning for the Porsche crystal bug! Immediately
Chapter 460 Black Soul Guide Article 1: Don’t let Xia Ji go away
Chapter 461 The first lesson of cuteness! Guda, the judge of ashes!
Chapter 462 Shocking silence! The second stage of madness!
Chapter 463 No time to explain! Pass the fire!!!
Chapter 464 Dark Soul Guide Article 2: For your safety
Chapter 465: When you are popular, you are surrounded by good people
Chapter 466 Codename: R6
Chapter 467 The old thief’s conspiracy
Chapter 468 As we all know, the dancer is the second BOSS
Chapter 469 The person who beat grandma was found
Chapter 470 This rotten world and such a despicable king, also
Chapter 471 When you stare into the abyss, the abyss also stares into you
Chapter 472 The King of Xin falls! I wish Han Xing was unaware of me and I will use my blood
Chapter 473 Next, falling attacks are very useful
Chapter 474 The Last Etiquette of the Undead Team
Chapter 475 It’s okay if you are a dragon
Chapter 476 The initial furnace! The most outrageous episode!
Chapter 477 Lord Ashes, can you still hear my voice?
Chapter 478 Money printing press? Money printing factory!
Chapter 479 The Golden City! The Yangko star touched his piano
Chapter 480 Requiem! Embark on the Road to the Throne of the End!
Chapter 481 Internal and external troubles! Give it a try [Fantasy VI]!
Chapter 482 Hostile takeover! The real dragon awakens!
Chapter 483 I did 'Cai Liu' for three things!
Chapter 484 The endless undercurrent is on sale! Success is a success and failure is a failure.
Chapter 485 If nothing else happens, Yunwei will have an accident
Chapter 486: Cut in half! Poor happy module!
Chapter 487 Sukabule! Don’t be afraid of the hostages! I’m here to save you!
Chapter 488 Don’t blink! The handsome guy is coming!
Chapter 489 Hissing
Chapter 490 I have a premonition of a state banquet
Chapter 491 Little Boss, there’s no point in being anxious???
Chapter 492 Do you believe me when I say I took photos?
Chapter 493 My friend said that there is no need to cut a single knife in this round.
Chapter 494: Gently wake up the sleeping soul
Chapter 495 A hearty defense break!
Chapter 496: The salted fish turns over and is still the salted fish
Chapter 497 You have a new email, please check it: the truth
Chapter 498 Hush, don’t let them hear you
Chapter 499: Damn! The strange crowd was shocked! (Part 1)
Chapter 500: Damn! The monsters are shocked! (Part 2)
Chapter 501 Are you moved? Don’t dare to move
Chapter 502 Dark Soul, but FPS
Chapter 503 The end of the gamble! The darkest moment!
Chapter 504 My heart and conduct are as clear as a mirror, and all my actions are righteous.
Chapter 505 MADE IN HEAVEN! Let the acquisition accelerate here
Chapter 506 Engine Unification! Cyber Qin Shihuang!
Chapter 507 Why did you provoke him?
Chapter 508 'Village Of Shadws'
Chapter 509: Golden Wind is about to release 'Twins 2'!
Chapter 510 The world’s first interactive streaming somatosensory game!
Chapter 511 Carry out the game to the end
Chapter 512 Wolf Nature!!!
Chapter 513 Why is this crappy game so secretive!
Chapter 514 His story is coming to an end
Chapter 515 The mystery is revealed! G tell Aunt Rhdy!
Chapter 516 Pick up the hand sanitizer! I asked you to pick up the hand sanitizer
Chapter 517: Top-notch work in vain! The shaken Comella!
Chapter 518 Action is worse than a heartbeat! Golden Wind wholeheartedly welcomes you
Chapter 519 Don’t worry! I’ll take care of everything!
Chapter 520: Murder caused by not knocking
Chapter 521 Teammate was caught, laughing and cheating
Chapter 522: Help the building to collapse! Turn the tide before it falls! Since
Chapter 523 KMN4! A somatosensory cabin more suitable for players’ physiques!
Chapter 524 Damn! There are still masters?!
Chapter 525 Dad won’t let monsters from fairy tales get close to you
Chapter 526 Ethan, are you awake? Get up and spread the fire!
Chapter 527: Stir-fried shredded potatoes and shredded ginger! The old thief is getting more vicious
Chapter 528 Why everyone died! (Part 1)
Chapter 529 Why everyone died! (Part 2)
Chapter 530 The plot develops in an unexpected direction!
Chapter 531 Big disappointment! Rating explosion! Disaster game of the year
Chapter 532 Do you play games?
Chapter 533 The sinking of silence! The most vulgar episode!
Chapter 534 That’s it for today’s biochemistry fun! Browser! Start
Chapter 535 'Resident Evil 8: Medical Miracle'
Chapter 536 PT’s floor creates 7 walls! The house is full of ancestral fuses
Chapter 537 Drop rate: 100! Hahaha, here comes the freak!
Chapter 538 The world is in a different state! The last king!
Chapter 539 A battle that will go down in history! A new milestone in the somatosensory era
Chapter 540 Explosion! Ethan Winters confirmed dead
Chapter 541 Super twist! Plot fairy!
Chapter 542 [I love you] (Part 1)
Chapter 543 [I love you] (Part 2)
Chapter 544 Total crushing! This is the end of my father’s story!
Chapter 545 The four-week period has arrived! The female Dragon King returns to the throne!
Chapter 546 Iron law? Absurdity!
Chapter 547: I didn’t mourn for Silent Hill for a moment! Rush to the battle immediately
Chapter 548 What a hearty fraud!
Chapter 549 The expectations are off the charts! The days of abundant wealth are coming soon.
Chapter 550 It’s hard to stop the flood! Start construction!
Chapter 551 This is an era where heroes emerge in large numbers and legends emerge.
Chapter 552 The fight between gods! It’s about to begin!
Chapter 553: Launch! Here comes the 30 billion rebate!
Chapter 554 Rock Climbing Action! A real man in the fifth gear!
Chapter 555 The best of the best! All sighs are too early!
Chapter 556 The foundation of the masterpiece is laid! Everyone stands up!
Chapter 557 Shrinking again! There is an ominous premonition!
Chapter 558 It looks a little bad
Chapter 559 The goods are not right? Public relations reverses!
Chapter 560 Collapse! Disintegration! Liquidation! The final way out!
Chapter 561 Rich man-style stacking of materials! Shocking in the next era!
Chapter 562 [Warning: The content of this level may cause intense
Chapter 563 A huge noisy! The most controversial level!
Chapter 564 Can’t stop! Can’t stop at all! Even necessary
Chapter 565 The end of the road! A greedy mad dog!
Chapter 566 The explosive return! I think this is your gun, sir
Chapter 567 Your uncle will always be your uncle
Chapter 568 [Houston, we are in trouble]
Chapter 569 The White House did not fall! A monument to war aesthetics!
Chapter 570 A man’s first betrayal
Chapter 571 Mentality explosion! Golden Wind players are in the best mental state
Chapter 572 A flying knife recorded in the history of gaming!
Chapter 573 The last hope for huge rebates! Let Yunwei work harder
Chapter 574: The Battle of Hongwen! The one who has been called out for a long time comes out!
Chapter 575 Global uproar! Thousands of people are calling for shit to come out!
Chapter 576 Sudden death! Heart-breaking and bone-breaking!
Chapter 577 We will have two babies in the future
Chapter 578 Unexpected news, the end of the catastrophe
Chapter 579 The legend is created here [Golden Wind, presented to you
Chapter 580 [Extra] Golden Media 1 (What if?)
Chapter 581 [Extra] Golden Media 2 (What if?)
Chapter 582 [Extra] Golden Media 3 (What if?)
Chapter 583 [Extra] Golden Media 4 (What if?)