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Chapter 119: Dog thief Gu Sheng and I are at odds with you!!!

 "(Radio) We are under anti-orbital attack on Typhon!"

"(Radio) IMC attack aircraft found! IMC attack aircraft found! They're on the port side!"

"(Radio) We are under attack! Requesting support! Requesting support... (explosion)"

"(Radio) Everyone abandon ship! Repeat! Everyone scoff...abandon ship..."

"(Radio) We...chichi...crash...chichi...the rescue capsule pops up to prepare for impact...chichi..."



As the noisy radio sound became more and more chaotic, and the camera moved towards the rapidly falling escape cabin, Tuanzi felt that the vibrations in the somatosensory cabin became more and more violent.

After a brief black screen, Tuanzi opened his eyes.

At this moment, he was actually sitting in the escape capsule!

Looking out through the small window of the escape cabin.

Like her, more cabins trailing wakes are falling to the ground like meteors.

On the ground, billowing smoke rose straight into the sky, and death fire nets shot out by machine guns crisscrossed the area. Under the deafening roar of artillery, fire missiles continuously hit the falling escape cabin.

The huge pressure of the huge battlefield, accompanied by the rumbling vibrations, enveloped Tuanzi, making her breath short and even wanting to retching.


Panting continuously, Tuanzi wanted to calm down his nervousness and even fear!

"This is a game...this is a game...this is a game..."


In the past, one of the main selling points of somatosensory cabin games was their sense of reality. However, almost all games before that were more or less estranged from reality!

But now!

The emergence of Titanfall, coupled with a new generation of full-sensory assistive technology, seems to have set off a revolution in realism.

The previous sense of estrangement has become increasingly blurred, and players even need to remind themselves that ‘this is just a game’ to reduce their own tension!

As the sound of the explosion got closer and closer, the shaking of the escape cabin became more intense!

Although Tuanzi continued to suggest herself, when she watched a missile coming towards her, she still couldn't help but scream!


Whoosh - boom!!!

The missile missed her and hit another escape capsule not far to her left.

The explosion was deafening, and the roaring flames instantly engulfed her escape cabin.

Immediately afterwards, a strong shock wave hit, and Tuanzi felt the escape cabin shake violently!


All of a sudden!

The screen in the live broadcast room was dark, and only Tuanzi's rapid and nervous breathing could be faintly heard.

The barrage was in an uproar!!!

'Mist - grass -'

‘This is a movie, right? A full-featured movie?’

'This movement of the mirror, this picture, these details...'

"It feels like Tuanzi is going to be scared to death, and his breathing sounds like crying"

‘It’s not that I’m going to be scared, I’m scared to death. I even got goosebumps watching the live broadcast, let alone experiencing it myself’

‘The fall was so stressful that my toes were tightened’

‘It feels like a jumping machine at an amusement park’

'It should be stronger than that, this one fell from outside the stratosphere'

'Is the dumpling okay...'

I breathed for a long time!

Just listening to the sound of sniffing during the live broadcast, Tuanzi slowly spoke again:

"I...I'm okay! I...can do it!"


Even though I say so, I encourage myself.

But only Tuanzi knows that just now she was flying in front of her with her soul chasing after her!

Because the level of detail of Titanfall has far exceeded her imagination!

It even creates the feeling of weightlessness when falling!

Shocking is no longer enough to describe the experience just now.

It seems frightened is more appropriate.

While trying to adjust his breathing to normal, Tuanzi prayed that Golden Wind would never become a monster in the future, lest he suddenly get the idea to produce a horror game of this quality someday.

Otherwise, it will be a disaster for the live broadcast industry...

[Escape pod No. 8, passenger Rifleman Jack Cooper, was injected with 250 mg of trifentanil to stabilize his health. The side effects of the tranquilizer include...]

As the mechanical female voice of the escape cabin sounded, Tuanzi slowly opened his eyes.


The smashed and deformed escape hatch automatically exploded and popped out.

The choking smoke billowed out, causing her to sneeze uncontrollably.

The scene in front of me becomes clearer——

Under night, the war is raging.

Thick smoke rolling with faint firelight rose not far away, and the gloom almost covered the huge Proxima Centauri star hanging high in the sky.

In the sky, small fighter planes shuttled like meteors in the explosive trajectory of energy weapons.

The sounds of fighting continued.

At the foot of the towering and rugged Cangshan Mountain, one after another riflemen dressed in the same style as her rushed to attack.

Da da da……

Da da da……

"Pay attention to concealment——!"

"We're surrounded-!"

"Move forward! Move forward!"

"We have to break out..."


The shouting rifleman hadn't even finished!

Then there was a muffled sound of shattering!

His head was right in front of Tuanzi, and exploded into a ball of blood mist not far away, with pieces flying everywhere!

"Me! Grass!"

The appearance of this scene!

It was like a ghost hand stretched out from hell, tightly grasping Tuanzi's heart, making her, who had never spoken dirty words, couldn't help but scream!

You know, before this, there has never been any game that depicts the chaos and cruelty of the battlefield with such straightforward pictures!

The noisy radio sounds in the headset were mixed with the screams and roars on the battlefield.

Tuanzi felt that his blood pressure, which had just calmed down a little, was suddenly filled up again, and his whole body was numb!

Who am I? Where am I? What am I doing?

The three major questions of life lingered in her mind and could not be dispelled for a long time.

And right now!

Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded on the radio!

"I am Captain Lastimosa, Rifle Corps. I have located you. Please move to the marked point quickly and I will pick you up!"

Teacher La is here!

The sudden sound on the radio pulled Tuanzi's soul back.

Oh, right!

I am Rifleman Jack Cooper! I am on the planet Typhon! I am now going to break out to the marked point to hug the teacher's thigh!

Think of this!

Tuanzi cheered up and loaded the parallel rifle in his hand!


"Charge——! Our Titan is coming——! Charge——! Breakout——!"

Tuanzi yelled with great force, but the man ducked down and the dog hid behind the large army.

The barrage is full of question marks!

‘What the hell are you going to do?’

‘Is this how you want to be?’

‘It’s bad, why are the dumplings also starting to become robbers?’

‘Learned from Lao Ma’

‘Shout louder than anyone else and shrink further than anyone else’

‘The main character is a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death’

‘Teacher La: I’m optimistic about this guy (referring to the fact that he’s realistic and capable)’

‘The humanoid self-propelled assault horn cannot be blown by itself’

'Tuanzi: I'm just a trumpet, what can I do?'

‘Hahahahaha that makes so much sense’

‘Just blow it and don’t care about it, right?’

'The Humanoid Self-Propelled Assault I laughed to death...'

Weaving through the hail of bullets.

Although Tuanzi really won't be able to adapt to this cruel war atmosphere for a while, she is really scared.

But other riflemen are battle-hardened.

After a lot of fighting!

Although the losses were heavy, a bloody path was opened!

Fifty meters!

Seeing that the meeting point specified in the heads-up display was right in front of him, Lastimosa's voice sounded again in Tuanzi's headset:

"I've located you, prepare to land!"


finally come!

Hearing that Big Daddy was about to arrive at the battlefield, Tuanzi breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing that the meeting point was at a puddle not far away, he couldn't help but feel excited and wanted to run over and find a place to hide, waiting for Teacher La to land.


The moment she was about to rush out!

"Watch out! Enemy Titan!!!"


The comrades behind him exclaimed!

Tuanzi paused in his footsteps and heard a rumbling sound above his head. He couldn't help but look up!

A huge shadow fell from the sky, and its huge body seemed to completely cover her.


Between lightning and flint!

Tuanzi subconsciously retreated!


The huge Titan beast crashed in front of her!

The violent impact even pushed her away and hit the rock behind her with a clang!

My chest feels tight!


Tuanzi stared blankly at the giant steel beast in front of her, which was nearly as tall as two buildings on both sides of the building, walking towards her. For a moment, she even forgot how to dodge!

The surrounding comrades shot at the enemy Titan one after another, but the power of the rifle was not worth mentioning in front of it.

Instead, the cannon on the enemy Titan's shoulder stretched out.


All of a sudden!

The battlefield was filled with blood and mist!

In front of the powerful and huge Titan, all the little soldiers are as insignificant as ants.

In the face of that terrifying caliber machine gun, no carbon-based creature would be able to resist at all.

this moment!

Tuanzi finally understood what a Titan means to the army, and how important a pilot who can drive a Titan is to the army!

However, she probably won't be able to become a pilot.

Because at this moment, the enemy Titan's giant steel foot had been raised, and it was about to step down hard upon her.

But that's strange.

At this time, Tuanzi felt that he was no longer so nervous. Faced with the terrifying trampling, he instead raised his parallel rifle.

Because the blood mist floating on the battlefield were all those comrades who were shattered by machine guns in order to cover her.

Even though I am a sneaky old Yinbi, even though I make loud noises but don’t make raindrops, even though I am a ignorant recruit who has been hiding at the end of the team.

But when my life was about to be threatened, my comrades were still willing to raise their rifles and use their own weak strength to cover me.

Even if you sacrifice.

Knowing that something cannot be done but doing it is a hero.

I'm not a qualified rifleman.

But at this moment.

I am willing to be brave once.

Da da da--!!!

Facing that fierce trampling!

Tuanzi pulled the trigger!

Tongues of fire spit out, bullets hit the Titan's body, and sparks flew, but they couldn't cause any damage.

And at that moment when the ruthless trampling was about to submerge the dumplings!

Swish, swish, swish—boom, boom, boom—!!!


Several missiles struck from the sky!

A violent explosion explodes on the enemy Titan!

Immediately afterwards, a Titan with military green graffiti descended from the sky. Like a fierce fighter, it rushed in front of the enemy Titan and threw it fiercely over the shoulder!


The enemy Titan's body was thrown into the air by it, and its huge body hit the ground, and the solid rock collapsed in an instant!

Immediately afterwards, the shoulder cannon was activated, and the micro missiles washed away!

In the blink of an eye!

The enemy Titan becomes a piece of scrap metal!

The barrage was full of exclamations!


'Damn it! Teacher La is here!'


‘You’re so handsome, damn!’


'This operation is so smooth, Wori!'

‘Grass! So cool!’

'It's so shocking, this is the mecha game I want!'

‘Please come up with a BT figure, I’ll buy it no matter how much it costs...’

'Technology, power, and heaviness! Damn it, brothers! I kind of want to stick with BT!'

'My assessment is...it's hard not to support it!'

'I can't stand it anymore! Yiyu x2! Place an order!'

'Follow me!'





Seeing Lastimosa jumping out of the BT cockpit, Tuanzi also screamed with excitement!

"Hold on, kid,"

Lastimosa is still so calm and reassuring:

"This is a shot of painkiller and sedative. It will make you feel better. Leave this to me."

Saying this, Lastimosa took out an injection from his pocket and inserted it into Tuanzi's thigh.

The perspective in front of me gradually became blurred, and I felt dizzy.

Tuanzi responded in a daze.

Then Lastimosa was seen boarding Titan again.

Because at this time, two more enemy Titans called "Apex Hunters" by BT attacked.

Lastimosa and BT merged into one and responded to the challenge.

The artillery flashed around in a flash, and although he was one against two, the experienced captain did not fall behind at all, and even killed one of the Titans!


Just when BT turned on the energy shield and prepared to turn around and fight another Titan!


Behind BT, a blue-purple crack that looked like a small black hole suddenly appeared!


A Titan carrying a giant alloy sword suddenly appeared!

"Uh uh..."

Tuanzi's pupils shrank suddenly and he wanted to remind the teacher.

But helplessly, the effect of the sedative made her completely unable to speak.

The next second.


The giant sword Titan's hand stabbed hard into BT's waist, and forcefully pulled out the power battery from its waist...

BT... collapsed?

The teacher... died?

The situation took a turn for the worse, leaving Tuanzi's mind blank.

She wanted to struggle to get up, but she couldn't find the strength no matter what.

After a moment of dizziness, he opened his eyes again.

I saw a strong man wearing a big cloak greedily collecting trophies.

Not far away, the hatch of the mecha that had just fought with BT opened.

It seemed that this strong man was the top hunter who faced off against the teacher.

Tuanzi wanted to touch his gun and blow off his dog's head, but his whole body seemed to be paralyzed and he couldn't move at all.

And at this moment.


Another Titan with a golden LOGO graffitied on it, the words GW graffitied on the fuselage, and carrying a huge rotating cannon came over.


Seeing this Titan, Tuanzi couldn't help but take a breath.

Because the more she looked at the logo on the Titan hatch, the more familiar it became.

And this time!

There were also doubtful voices in the barrage!

'It's not...this Titan's LOGO...'

‘Why the hell does it look so familiar to me???’



'What the hell is this... ah???'

‘This is the symbol of Nima’s Golden Wind, right? I just saw it at the beginning, right? I haven’t lost my memory, right?’

'So the top hunter team...is actually the Golden Wind Company?!'

'What the hell is this setting for breaking through the dimensional wall?'

'Hey, hey, hey! Damn it! The hatch is open! The hatch is open!'


With the barrage, there was an exclamation!


Then the cockpit of the Hunting Titan with the Golden Wind logo opened.

A figure wearing a heavy bulletproof vest stood up from the cockpit and shouted to the strong man:

"We have 18 hours left! In 18 hours the Holy Ark will be sealed and ready for delivery!"

"Stop fucking around! Come on!"

At this moment, Tuanzi's vision was a little blurry and he couldn't see clearly what the people on Titan looked like.

But this voice is extremely familiar!

Incredibly shocking sounds sounded in the live broadcast room!

"Ah——? No——?"

"Can games still do this?"

"This person is...???"


I saw the man jumping off his Titan, and I saw the strong man still trying to get some benefits on the battlefield, and I became anxious.

He strode over, raised his leg and gave the strong man a kick, which was extremely rough!


"Are you fucking deaf? Can't you hear what I'm talking to? People don't pay us to dispose of corpses!"

"Now! Get on your Titan! Let's go!!!"


The man also gave the strong man a big ear post.

The slap made the strong man shrink his head: "Okay... okay boss..."

As he spoke, the strong man turned around angrily and walked towards his Titan.

And the man called the boss also appeared on the screen at close range!

The next second.

Anchor and barrage together!

Instant explosion!

"Holy shit-!!!"

Tuanzi was so sick that he sat up in shock!

"Gu Sheng——?!!!"


This so-called leader of the top hunter team is none other than the chief game director of Golden Wind, the chief director and producer of Titanfall——

Gu Sheng!

And the electronic dog tag on his body armor also shows his name——


The barrage exploded!

When every audience member saw this, their eyes widened in disbelief!


‘Your father has a DJ! Gu Sheng, are you just a dog?!’

'No? Damn, who is a good person who makes a game and makes himself the villain?'

'If the villain leader's name is Sam, then this is a good job; but if Brother Shengzi also makes his own model, then this is a unique job!'

‘CNM appears! The king of abstraction!’

‘WDNMD I’m so fed up!!!’

'BT! Teacher La! You designed this all with your own fucking hands! You are really deadly, you bastard!'

‘Brother Shengzi! You have no heart! You have no heart——!!!’

‘Still called Brother Shengzi? Called a dog thief!!!’


The audience was all blown away!

Put yourself into the game as a villain and kill your own game characters!

He also appeared in person and killed in front of all the players!

Such a hellish and abstract operation, I'm afraid even a second game company wouldn't be able to do it!

And this time!

Tuanzi was also furious!

A loud shout!

"You give me back the BT! You give me back the teacher!"

"The dog thief Gu Sheng——"

"I am at odds with you!!!"

This chapter has been completed!
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