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Chapter 121 [Trust me]


As the sci-fi triple screens in front of us light up one after another, Titan's UI interface appears!

And A Yin in the cockpit also saw the situation outside through the BT's visual nervous system!

But see you!

On the cliff, dozens of IMC soldiers holding rifles were shooting at him crazily!

This moment is just like that moment!

But the difference is!

This time, our roles are reversed!

"Hey, hey! Rub! Xiao Xie Xie!"

Seeing that the enemy riflemen's bullets hit BT without any pain or itching, and could not even scratch its energy shield, A Yin couldn't help but laugh arrogantly!

"Why doesn't it hurt? Brothers, are you sister-in-law? You can't do this either! Brother!"


I saw A Yin raise his hand!

Under the synchronization of neural connections, BT's thick and solid mechanical arm was also raised simultaneously!


A blue energy field shield stands in front of you!

All the bullets seemed to be attracted by magnets, suspended in the gel-like force field!


I saw A Yin wave his backhand!

Whoosh whoosh——!!!

The bullet seemed to have eyes and turned back the same way!

In an instant, a piece of earth and rocks splashed on the cliff!

Screams rang out one after another, and a few IMC soldiers who were shot even fell off the cliff while blood was flying!


There was an exclamation in the live broadcast room!

‘Damn, this mechanical texture is so awesome!’

'Ahhhhh, big robot! Big robot!'

‘This is the energy shield from the promotional video! Damn it’s a perfect replica!’

‘You can always believe in Golden Wind’s promotional video! The old thief will never deceive me!’

‘I understand, from now on I will watch Golden Wind’s promotional video as if it were a real machine’

‘It’s outrageous, but they can really do it’

‘You can actually call me Teacher Gu at this time’

‘What adaptive name’

‘This rebound is really amazing’


And amidst the exclamations and discussions!

Another group of IMC soldiers came to support, and this time in addition to infantry, there were also some flying robots!

Da da da--


The firepower suddenly became fierce.

Fortunately, BT's cluster missile system has also been restarted at this moment.

Chi chi chi - boom boom boom!!!

The cluster missiles that are locked only have cooling restrictions and no ammunition restrictions. This may not be scientific, but it is undeniable——

"Cervical stuff - it's so exciting!!!"

Chi chi chi——

Whoosh whoosh——

Boom boom boom——

A Yin held his ground with one hand, and at the same time fired cluster missiles from his shoulders one after another!

The sound of missiles being launched seemed to be in my ears, and the flames of explosions flashed one after another in the canyon!

The small unmanned aircraft shattered and exploded, and the enemy troops took off screaming in the billowing smoke of the explosion!

"It's true, brothers, it's true,"

A Yin in the cockpit felt goosebumps all over his body:

“I sincerely recommend that anyone who owns Yiyoux2 buy this game,”

"The recoil of this kind of missile launch can bear the force of the bullet and the feel of the rebound,"

"There is also the texture of steel and the feeling of weapon strike,"

"Nothing to say, brothers, really, you can go and go by yourself,"

"I just want to say something,"

"Even if there is no follow-up to this game, I would be happy to just stand here and launch cluster missiles for a day."

This is not A Yin's bragging, but his true feelings.

He didn't know how many times Golden Wind had to adjust the data to adjust almost all the feedback in this game to such an outrageous level.

He only knows.

Not to mention its subsequent plot, this technological innovation and full-sensory experience alone are already an epoch-making work!


Except this word!

A Yin can no longer find another adjective!

If there is anything that can stir his nerves again, then there is no doubt that it is to restore BT's movement system and realize mobile shooting!

And such an idea!

As a person of two generations, Gu Sheng, a supernova designer of handheld systems, naturally knows everything about it!

[BT: The main weapon system and motion control system have been re-established]


The huge machine gun rifle was drawn out, the Titan took steps, and water splashed in the foreshore!


Kuangchi! Kuangchi! Kuangchi!

"Hey! Hey! I can move now——!!!"

If it weren't for the somatosensory cabin door, A Yin would have been so excited that he jumped out of the somatosensory cabin!

The vibration of mechanical transmission, the heavy and solid sound of movement, and the feedback of every step on the ground.

At this moment, it made his scalp numb!

And pull the trigger of the cannon in your hand!

Dong Dong Dong Dong Dong——!!!

A dull and violent explosion sounded.

Under the terrifying caliber, the machine gun spits out flames, and the ground is instantly filled with sand and rocks. Every bullet hitting the enemy will raise a brilliant mist of blood!

"Fuck your brother!"

A Yin was shocked!

"Jie Ni Ma's caliber is too outrageous! Just beat people into scum! Even their ashes are spread to the grass hahahahaha——"


The purest joy of the game overflows at this moment.

It's like getting your favorite robot model as a child.

Simple and pure.

And such simple and pure happiness became even more obvious when Ayin discovered that Titan could actually run and even slide!

The huge Titans clashed from left to right, and the little IMC soldiers were like little ants, being crushed repeatedly and mercilessly!

Machine guns, cluster missiles, energy fields...

Various weapons were used in turn, killing everyone in IMC and making A Yin overjoyed!

"Invincible, brothers! I want to see who can stop me from controlling Tosaburo today!"

As A Yin shouted arrogantly!

Just listen to BT’s voice——

[BT: Enemy Titan, Pilot, let's fight a bloody path detected]

A Yin:......


I haven't shown off my power enough yet.

Seeing that the boss was stunned, the barrage couldn't help but burst into laughter——

'Are you sweating, brother?'

‘Okay, you have mastered the multiplication table, now please solve this calculus question’

'Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha'

‘It’s not fun yet, daddy is here’

‘It’s over, it’s over, the battery that I finally got is going to be donated again’

‘You definitely won’t be able to drive this Titan at all today’

'BT: The experience card has ended, do you want to renew it, young man?'

‘Friendly reminder from Golden Wind: The trial period is over, if you want to own and use it, please participate in the official website roulette lottery’

‘Hahahaha, I’m going to fuck you, uncle, you’re a dog, right?’

‘You know how to make money’

‘Come to Xunteng Games to report tomorrow! No! Now!’

'Ha ha ha ha……'

Ayin is a little timid.

Not only because the scene where the enemy Titan stepped out of the void, stabbed his waist and pulled out the battery, made him palpitate.

More importantly, he couldn't guess whether Gu Sheng, the underworld game designer's character, would confiscate the Titan he had just obtained as the water friends said.

Ah this...

While he was hesitating, he saw a set of script options pop up on the right side of his UI.

As the barrage said, in this game of Titanfall, Gu Sheng added an AI dialogue system to almost all NPCs.

Players can make small talk with the people they meet at any time to enhance the immersion of the game.


The reason why Titanfall is so deeply rooted in the hearts of the people is that the effectiveness of its script lines cannot be ignored.

Therefore, in some specific plots, Gu Sheng still added script calculations.

Players can respond to one of the two lines prompted by the UI to trigger specific lines from BT or other NPCs.

Of course, you can also choose to say something irrelevant and sexy, but then you may not be able to experience the script.

As the anchor, A Yin naturally takes over the script.

Moreover, this line is indeed in line with what he is thinking now:

"Uh...can we really do that?"

Hearing this, BT was silent for a moment.

【BT:Believe me】

Although BT's voice is not loud, it doesn't even have any emotion.

But it can give people a sense of firmness and double their confidence.

After hearing this, A Yin also concentrated his energy.

This is the first time that he and BT face the enemy Titan side by side, and it is also the first step in finding Major Anderson.

"Then come on!"

Say "Come on", the music suddenly became tense.

Rumble - BOOM!!!

With a loud crash to the ground, an enemy Titan named Beast fell.

A Yin took a closer look and saw the orange-red force field shield unfolding around the enemy Titan. It was the model that almost trampled him to death during the breakout battle.

At that time, Teacher La was controlling BT. He pushed his "colleague" to the ground with an over-the-shoulder throw, and then washed his face with a missile.

Fortunately, it's not the Titan with the big sword on his back.

A Yin breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

That Titan might be the BOSS in future levels.


The Beast Titan also removed its energy shield.


Three swirling cluster missiles struck, and A Yin subconsciously slipped!


One of the rounds hit BT, causing a violent shaking, causing A Yin to scream in surprise.

And BT's shield energy bar also dropped by one-fifth in an instant.

"Boil your uncle!"

A Yin cursed angrily.

Yesterday, you almost trampled me to death because you were a Titan, and you still want to bully me today?

"Come on, try this from me!"

The cluster missiles locked onto the Beast Titan and swarmed out!


All of a sudden!

The beast was submerged in a burst of explosion fire and staggered a few steps, its body covered in fierce flames.

Dong dong dong dong——

The machine gun in his hand spit out flames, and a dense barrage of large-caliber bullets was fired at the Beast Titan, knocking it backwards.

When a beast is attacked, it is naturally not to be outdone.

As the cannon fired back, three missiles were fired one after another!

All of a sudden!

It’s like the ancient Roman Colosseum with constant sound of artillery in the valley!

The two Titans circled around each other, dodging each other's attacks while looking for opportunities to launch counterattacks.


Dong dong dong dong——

Boom! Boom!

Flying sand and rocks.

The war machines built of steel clashed, and the powerful firepower filled the valley with bursts of roar.

A Yin, who was sitting in the cockpit, was fully focused!

The shaking and smoke when being attacked, the heaviness of the huge body when dodging and leaping, the feedback of different ballistic trajectories received by the force field, the recoil vibration of the roar of the machine gun in your hand!

Everything pulled him completely into this fierce battle!


As the blue force field gradually turned orange, the three missiles and stray bullets sent by the beast were again accurately caught by A Yin!

Backhand throw!

A rumbling explosion sounded, and the tit-for-tat force field returned the missile to the beast again.

And A Yin also saw the right time!

Didi didi didi——

The cluster missile locked onto the staggering Beast Titan and launched it boldly!

Chi chi chi——

Like a wild bee flying!

The missiles bombarded the Beast Titan one after another, making it become increasingly difficult to sustain its defenses!

It's now!

Seeing the right opportunity, A Yin took a lunge forward!

The rocket booster behind BT suddenly started, and the huge steel body launched, like a furious rhinoceros, brazenly rushing in front of the Beast Titan.


Grabbing the beast's waist module with billowing smoke with one hand, A Yin gritted his teeth and exerted all his strength:

"Just stay here for me today—brother!"



The huge body of the Beast Titan was thrown into the air and hit hard in the shallows!

As water splashed, the muzzle of the BT cluster missile pointed directly at the cockpit of the beast!

Boom boom boom——!

A perfect tribute to Lastimosa’s execution action!

Missiles wash your face! Explosions roll! Hearty!

[BT: Enemy Titan has been defeated]

The barrage instantly became a sensation——!


'Boss, this one is so handsome! Damn it!'

'Dare to fight me? Master Lastimosa!'

'It's so exciting, this is the perfect mecha battle in my dream!'

'Ahhhhhh--Old thief, please take the camera away from my head!'

'When I think that my x2 will arrive in one day, I feel uncomfortable all over!'

'The first day without BT TieTie, I miss him'

‘I can’t stand it anymore! Buy it! Can’t I just buy it? Place an order for Yiyu x2!’

‘This reminds me of the joke about the inferior horse’

‘Yiyou: Come to Ma Dad, please choose an executive you like and ride him’

‘Hahahahahaha outrageous’


The opening battle!

It directly ignited the gaming circle tonight!

Countless people are amazed by the quality of this game!

The anchors drove the Titan with their heads held high and cheered continuously!

At the same time, this is also a sleepless night for many game reviewers!

At the same time, Xu Xiaolin, one of the evaluation editors of Tiantian Youbao, was in the somatosensory cabin, experiencing the game in detail!

no doubt.

Titanfall is one of the six escort masterpieces released simultaneously with the new generation of somatosensory cabins.

Since the project was established, it has attracted much market attention.

170 million investment, the situation of three heroes fighting Lu Bu.

No matter who comes, faced with this situation, they will definitely say "wishful thinking".

Xu Xiaolin thinks so too.

Although, before Titanfall, it relied on the promotional video to defeat the three major Xunteng generals and helped Yiyou rewrite the market score.

But in Xu Xiaolin's view, it was just a bubble victory with an unstable foundation.

The real competition will definitely depend on the quality of the specific games.

As a reviewer and one of the chief editors of a large domestic game media, Yiyou and Xunteng had prepared the somatosensory cabin for him early on.

Yes, many players have already begun to experience the games on both sides while they are still waiting for express delivery.

The purpose is, of course, to issue relevant evaluations objectively and fairly.

In the past two days, he has played all three FPS games on Polar Bear III.

It can be said... mediocre to the extreme.

The first is the first-generation FPS game "Gunsmoke" produced by Tianlang Studio.

As a veteran shooting game studio in China, Tianlang has always performed very stably.

Compared with "FireWire", the classic first-generation FPS brought this time only has an upgrade in the screen, with more dynamic effects, light, shadow and details.

However, no relevant breakthroughs have been made in the core gameplay of the game. At best, biochemical and arms race modes have been added to it, two modes that have been widely discussed in the past and highly popular among players.

Perhaps the only thing that feels novel is the dungeon mode.

Since there were relatively few players when he was doing the evaluation, Xu Xiaolin teamed up with several evaluation editors from other platforms at the same time.

It feels like an FPS version of level-breaking, where you kill monsters and fight bosses. The levels are relatively solid, the plot is thin, and the overall look and feel is mediocre.

Theoretically speaking, it is actually possible to dig deeper.

In Xu Xiaolin's case, it's about 85 minutes.

Secondly, there is "Special Ops" by Guangyao Studio.

Xu Xiaolin probably stopped playing with this thing after playing it for about an hour.

Because it really has nothing to evaluate!

It is completely copied from PUBG!

Regardless of the gameplay or the plot, they are all... impossible to comment on.

Because Xu Xiaolin feels that when he plays it, he is playing the baby version of PUBG.

Apart from lowering the game's rating and harmonizing various bloody and violent elements in order to pass the review, Guangyao has nothing more to accomplish!

Although the picture quality is worse than PUBG, in terms of operation feel and action fit, it is far inferior to PUBG!

After all, the legitimacy of the second-generation FPS lies in Golden Wind and in the hands of Gu Sheng!

60 points, passing, no more.

The third one is "Insect Tide 2100" by Zhen Ting Studio.

Regarding this game, Xu Xiaolin thinks it is quite remarkable.

First of all, it goes without saying that the investment is large and the industrial quality is high.

Secondly, as a game that focuses on stand-alone plot, its plot control is quite good.

There is not only the passion when fighting against the insect tide, but also the tragedy after the comrades fall and sacrifice, and the joy when the victory is finally achieved.

The heroic salvation-style script arrangement makes it very complete.

Moreover, the final double ending is quite unique.


In terms of gameplay and level design, it is relatively mediocre.

The gameplay is to fight bugs, flying in the sky, swimming in the water, running underground, all kinds of things.

Moreover, the battlefield is mostly based on plains, occasionally supplemented by a cave or the like.

This will lead to players falling into a kind of aesthetic confusion in the long run.

Of course, Zhen Ting also made efforts for this.

They have ingeniously designed some simple puzzles in some levels, and coupled with the setting of exoskeletons, it can be regarded as adding a touch of unique color to the leisure time of fighting monsters.

Of course!

The above opinions are all made by Xu Xiaolin from the perspective of a professional review writer!

His experience is too high!

Over the years, countless games have been reviewed, and the game aesthetics are recognized as being among the best in the country!

In fact, if "Insect Tide 2100" was given to ordinary players, it would definitely receive good reviews.

Because it has been regarded as one of the top story-based games with the best industrial level, the highest performance quality, and the richest plot among somatosensory cabin games in China in the past five years!

Even if it is taken overseas, it can still be called a first-tier game!

Completed the review of all three games by Xundo Xiang.

Xu Xiaolin recorded the relevant evaluation ideas and scores one after another.


Then began the experience of Yiyoux2 Escort masterpiece.

And the first game he chose!

It's "Titanfall".

This is Lu Fengxian from the legendary Three Heroes Fighting Lu Bu.

Xu Xiaolin has always laughed at this, thinking it was just unwarranted flattery and ridicule from the market.

No matter how high the quality is, it will not be higher than these games of the Xundeng series.

Not to mention "Insect Tide 2011", which had a benchmark investment of nearly ten figures.

As a game that also uses a single-player plot as its selling point.

In Xu Xiaolin's view, if its actual performance can be comparable to "Insect Tide 2100" in a certain aspect, it is already a victory.

Until he entered the game——

This chapter has been completed!
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