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Chapter 154 Milestones that were cut off


Shen Miaomiao leaned on the boss's chair and picked up the fax on the table, feeling a little surprised.

Comella, she knows.

After all, it is also a first-tier comprehensive digital entertainment manufacturer in the world that spans the East and West.

Of course she had heard about it.

In the early years, Comella started its business by selling pachinko, using small steel balls to accumulate its original capital.

After that, it blossomed into full bloom. Starting from a small pinball game machine, it gradually started its own ambitious hegemony in the gaming industry.

Today, Comella has become one of the largest comprehensive digital entertainment manufacturers in Neon, with its main gaming and somatosensory cabin businesses spanning the world.

It can almost be said to be second only to the "Yunwei-Vivendi" joint digital entertainment group.

Nowadays, the Camera has a left-hand game, a right-hand somatosensory cabin, and a pachinko sitting down, looking majestic.

In Asia, it can be said that there are more than ten thousand people.

Of course.

Shen Miaomiao only learned about this information bit by bit after she joined the gaming industry and became the president of Golden Wind Games.

It stands to reason that a small company like Golden Wind is not yet considered a first-class game company in China.

Shen Miaomiao was a little confused as to why Comella came to them.

"It's Director Gu,"

Chu Qingzhou, who came to report, said:

"Comella asked Director Gu by name."

Shen Miaomiao:......

There was silence for three seconds.

Shen Miaomiao gritted her silver teeth and made a squeaking sound: "Hey, that little devil is still determined to kill me. I will go find Old Shen! This time I will say whatever I want..."

Chu Qingzhou opened his mouth: "They came to seek cooperation..."

"...No matter what, let them see what value for money means!!!"

Shen Miaomiao sat down again after standing halfway.

"Sister Chu Chu, can you finish your sentence at once in the future?"

Shen Miaomiao drank some water and finally swallowed it.

Chu Qingzhou shrugged: "You didn't wait for me to finish."

"That's true..."

Shen Miaomiao scratched her head and then put down the fax, not bothering to read:

"So what kind of cooperation are they looking for?"

Chu Qingzhou was also used to Miaomiao's lazy style, so he opened his notebook and reported:

"Two and a half months later, that is, in early November, the Neon Tokyo Game Festival, one of the four major international game exhibitions, will open,"

"By then, 507 game manufacturers from all over the world will participate in this exhibition,"

"Among them, local neon manufacturers occupy half of the seats,"

"And the eldest among these neon manufacturers, Comella, will naturally not be absent,"

“Due to the expansion of the somatosensory cabin market in recent years, and the fact that Comela is currently the world’s largest somatosensory cabin manufacturer,”

“At this year’s Video Game Festival, Comella will further increase the proportion of game promotion in the somatosensory cabin to 80%,”

"They have already made preparations for the three major categories of shooting, racing and sports,"

"But in addition, they are also planning to try more in other game categories,"

"Just like-"

"Horror game."

Two weeks ago.

Neon Tojin, conference room on the top floor of Comera Co., Ltd. Building.

Tetsuya Moritani, who serves as the managing director of the Comora game business, said:

“Today’s somatosensory cabin market is becoming more and more vast,”

"As for us, Comella, as a major international manufacturer that combines games and somatosensory cabins, we will naturally come out on top in this Dongjin Game Festival,"

"Today, the three major game categories have been developed in an orderly manner under the arrangement of Director Uesugi of the Game Business Department,"

"Besides the three major categories, I think we can also make corresponding efforts,"

"Strive to make our somatosensory cabin game categories more comprehensive,"

"After all, this time, the focus of our exhibition is the somatosensory cabin game,"

"So, I suggest that we can look back and try horror games in the somatosensory cabin again."

After hearing what Executive Moritani said, all the senior executives of Comera looked at each other and nodded.

"I think this proposal from Executive Moritani can be discussed..."

"Indeed, the compatibility between horror games and somatosensory cabins should be very high..."

"And this time we will focus on somatosensory cabin games. The category of horror games can indeed be considered..."

"It's indeed the right time..."

"It can be considered as enriching our game categories..."

"But the problem is that in today's somatosensory cabin, the reputation and player interest of horror games are not ideal. This is a difficult objective factor..."

"And we don't have any good horror game themes right now..."

As the senior executives raised difficult objective questions one by one, everyone frowned.

Today’s somatosensory cabin horror game market is unfriendly, that’s for sure.

At this point, they have suffered a lot.

Since the mass production of the somatosensory cabin began, Comella has released a total of five somatosensory cabin horror games.

Two make a profit, one makes no loss, and two makes a loss.

But considering that the investment in these five games is higher than each one.

So overall, they are still losing money in the field of somatosensory cabin horror games.

What's the profit?

This is the core of the core, and it is also the issue that Comora President Keimasa Kamikoshi is most concerned about!

Kamigoshi Kagemasa is fifty-eight this year. Although he is thin, his behavior is very tough and he puts profit first.

The way he runs Comella is very simple -

Profitable projects should be supported, and they need money and people. However, the project is not allowed to be completed casually. Even if it fails, the last vitality must be squeezed out of it.

As for those projects that are not profitable and continue to burn costs.

One big word - cut!

Don’t talk about artistry, am I doing business for art?

It’s good to be well-received and well-received.

But if you have to choose one of these two.

Then Joetsu Keimasa will definitely choose the latter without hesitation and put profits first.

And now!

Although Managing Director Tetsuya Moritani’s proposal is very good.

But until profits can be guaranteed, he still has great doubts about the project.

"So, does Moritani have any plans for horror games?"

As the president’s voice sounded!

All of a sudden!

All eyes were focused on Moritani.


Moritani was already prepared!

I saw him pulling out a thin stack of documents from under his conference book and submitting them to Kamigoshi Keimasa:

"Yes, please take a look."

After receiving the document handed over by Moritani, Kamikoshi Kage was looking at it intently.

This turned out to be a game project.

However, when you look at the plan, you will find that it is not complete, and even only has a basic setting and structure.

I don’t know if the relevant content inside was not written well or was lost.

After closing the plan, Joetsu muttered:

"Serendo... hello?"

"Silent Hell," Moritani nodded: "Silent Hill."

"This is a plan from ten years ago,"

Moritani introduced:

“Ten years ago, the TeamSilent team presided over the submission of this project,”

"But because we were focusing on another game at the time, we cut the budget for that game,"

"And the cost scale of this game was very large in the early stage,"

"So, with the unanimous consent of the board of directors at that time, the project was shelved indefinitely,"

"The main creative team, TeamSilent, also disbanded soon after,"

"I also spent a lot of effort to find this project plan. Unfortunately, there are only the first few pages."

After listening to Moritani's introduction, Kamikoshi Keimasa thought about it for a while.

It's been too long.

There seems to have been such a project back then, but it didn't create any waves after all, so it was naturally axed.

But now, Moritani has dug out this project again.

"So," Joetsu asked, "In your opinion, this project is very promising?"

"It was hard to tell before,"

Moritani replied:

"But now, I think it's time."


Hearing this, Shangyue raised his eyebrows with interest:

"The reason is?"

"This," Moritani pointed to the game keywords on the first page of the plan: "adventure, horror, psychologically suggestive fear."


In this world!

Silent Hill, which was supposed to become famous and become a milestone in horror games, has never been officially released!

By a strange combination of circumstances, it became the stepping stone for a certain game project in Comella!

The key reason why Moritani turned it out today was because of the following words - psychologically suggestive fear!

As the managing director focusing on the game business!

Of course Moritani Tetsuya is well aware of some changes in the game industry!

Among them, includes the "psychological fear" created by Golden Wind!

This concept is almost identical to the idea of ​​​​abolition of the Silent Hill case!

"Moreover, through the test of the market, Golden Wind has also proved that this kind of game format can advance bravely and is still popular and popular even when the main body of somatosensory cabin horror games is in a bad situation."

Speaking of this, Moritani opened his notebook:

"Based on historical data investigation, the multiplayer online horror game "Phobia" brought by Golden Wind"

“The capital was recovered in a single week, and the net profit in a single month was more than twice the cost.”

Moritani has worked at Comella for so many years and knows that it is useless to say anything. Only by putting the word 'making money' in front of Kamegoshi Keimao will the president take it seriously.

Horror game, Golden Wind made it!

Psychological horror, Golden Wind tried it!

Can make money!

as expected!

After hearing the exaggerated data mentioned by Moritani, Kamikoshi Kage's eyes lit up and he took a breath!

"Hiss—is that the company that spent 50 million to defeat a number of opponents at the Asian Games and take away the golden crown and scepter?"


Moritani nodded:

"Since someone has already tried it and has successful experience, I think we can follow up,"

"Join Golden Wind and invite their soul figures to serve as the special chief game director of this project -"

"Cooperating with us? And you asked me to be the special director by name?"

In Little Nezha's office, Gu Sheng smacked his lips.

Invitation from Comella.


Gu Sheng felt a little guilty in his heart.

He was a little surprised.

After all, with the current size of Golden Wind and his popularity in the gaming circle, he should not be worthy of being favored by a world-class comprehensive super game manufacturer like Comella.


Thinking that they once took away the golden crown from the hands of powerful Asian enemies under the attention of all Asia.

It doesn't seem impossible to be able to enter Comella's sight.


Gu Sheng is a little resistant to the company Comela.

It's not because it did anything to hurt him or Golden Wind.

Simply because the name of Comella is so similar to that of the Fvking manufacturer with the same surname of "Ke" in his previous life!

Gu Sheng didn't have a great impression of that game company.

However, such a biased judgment is unfair. It seems like someone is looking at this life through the colored glasses of the past life.

Gu Sheng grinned, his attitude a bit ambiguous.

"What lane did they draw?"

Gu Sheng asked.

"Co-developing games," Chu Qingzhou said: "At the Neon Dongjin Video Game Festival in early November, Comella is planning to restart an IP called Silent Hill and move it to the somatosensory cabin..."

"Hold on,"

Before Chu Qingzhou could finish speaking, Gu Sheng raised his hand and interrupted her:

"I'm sorry, Secretary Chu, you just said...which IP?"

"silent Hill,"

Chu Qingzhou repeated again:

"According to Comela, this was a case they had abandoned, but now that it's taken out and looked at, it's quite a bit of a psychological horror,"

"What? Have you heard anything?"


After listening to Chu Qingzhou's words, Gu Sheng couldn't help but take a deep breath in his heart!

Not only have I heard about it!

In my original world, this thing is on par with Resident Evil, and it definitely occupies a place in horror games. It can even be called a landmark game!

Gu Sheng had muttered before, complaining that there was a biohazard in this world, but there was no Silent Hill.

Looking at it now!

There is also Silent Hill in this world!

In other words, there should have been Silent Hill!

However, due to various reasons, this project was shelved!

This is really...a mistake.

Gu Sheng thought secretly.

Originally, as long as there was a slight bias, the name of the founder of psychological fear should not be his, but Comella's.

But Comella cut off what should have been a landmark work.

This allowed me, as a time traveler, to win the title of the pioneer of psychological horror with the film "Phobia".

Thinking of this, Gu Sheng couldn't help shaking his head and laughing to himself.

In fact, strictly speaking, the work "Haunted" does not fully demonstrate psychological fear.

The reason players find it scary is firstly because Gu Sheng added some Silent Hill flavor to it, and secondly because the level of the game industry in this world is higher than in his previous life, and the innate sense of immersion in the somatosensory cabin is too strong.


Hence, its success.

And now!

Comera is coming! Silent Hill is unveiled!

A world-class game company across the water came to our door and wanted to restart the Silent Hill IP. It invited Golden Wind to jointly develop it and appointed itself as the special chief game director!

You want me to do Silent Hill?

Then players will enjoy (zao) great (lao) blessing (zui)!

Gu Sheng feels that it is time for players to understand what true psychological horror is!


After all, this IP belongs to the Comella family, not Golden Wind. In addition, Gu Shengran's first impression of Comella was slightly biased.

Therefore, before cooperation, relevant cooperation details must be negotiated.

You can play games.

But how to do it requires careful consideration.

This chapter has been completed!
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