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Chapter 166 If I am guilty, please let the law punish me instead of

 Let me play PT

This game is so fucking perverted!!!

pew felt like his back was soaked in cold sweat!

To know!

After all, he is also a hardcore player of horror games!

Over the years, he started his career by playing horror games and has played hundreds of horror games!

And this game!

Silent Hill PT!

It is the only game he has played so far that does not see ghosts, but is ten thousand times scarier than seeing ghosts!

Sam is like a behind-the-scenes mastermind who understands the core of fear. He arranges every atmosphere to highlight it, like building blocks, implanting the oppressive feeling of fear deeply into the players' hearts, getting higher and higher!

"fvk! fvk! fvk!"

pew felt like he couldn't hold it any longer.

Only then did he understand why the players who came to experience the game left within three to five minutes, and why some people looked pale and only left with the help of their friends.

It’s not that this game is disgusting!

But this game is so scary!

Such huge psychological pressure and weird atmosphere made even me, a veteran horror game player, break into a cold sweat and my heart rate soared.

Not to mention those light players!


As the saying goes, the more afraid you are, the more curious you are!

Taking somewhat stiff steps, pew followed the increasingly thick smell of blood and came to the corner of the corridor.

When I lifted my nose and smelled it, I found that the smell of blood was coming from the door at the corner.

And now!

In addition to the smell of blood, there were also many shiny black cockroaches crawling out through the cracks in the door.

"Oh - likes and dislikes -"

pew grinned and shrank his neck.

Then he reached out and tried to pull the door handle of the room.


Before his hand even touches the door handle!


A heavy banging sound suddenly sounded inside the door!


Hearing pew scream, his whole body trembled suddenly!



The door kept making a muffled sound, the frequency was not high, but the sound was heard.

It was like someone was standing in the room, banging his head against the door with an expressionless face.

pew just feels like his scalp is going to explode!

The whole person was huddled in the corner of the room, turning into a scared.jpg emoticon!

In fact, if it weren't for the inability to interact with the psychotropic drugs on the counter, he would have wanted to grab a handful and stuff them in his mouth!


It’s not like he didn’t think about running away!

It doesn't matter what reincarnation you have, or whether your next cycle will be more terrifying, I can't stand the pressure now, so I'll just slip away first as a courtesy.

But who is Sam?

The moment the door rang at the corner!

Just hear a click!

The door at the end of the corridor automatically closed and locked!

In a narrow and cramped corridor!

There is only a thin wooden door between the player and the 'thing' making the noise inside the door!

You don't know if it will come out, you don't know when it will come out, or even whether it will have a sudden idea in the next second and open the door!

Who is that?

Is he the murderer who once caused the massacre?

Is she the innocent daughter of the family?

Or is it Lisa who has killed two people?

Players don't know.


Now, the only space you can move around is this narrow corridor!

And the left and right ends of the corridor are all dead ends!

this moment!

Panic almost swallowed pew up!

He even felt that his lower abdomen was swollen and his legs couldn't stop feeling weak!


Just when he was about to collapse!

The next second.

The banging on the door stopped abruptly.


The door in front of him opened into a dark gap.


A burst of baby sobbing came out from the crack in the door——



I don't play anymore.

This was pew's first reaction at the moment.

"U fvvvvvvking kidding me?!bro?!"

This is pew.

I have played countless horror games and have a strong psychological quality.

You know, many players who played before were forcibly kicked out of the somatosensory cabin here.


Although pew has not been kicked out yet, his condition is almost on the verge of collapse.

The heart rate and blood pressure increase, and the breathing rate becomes increasingly disordered.

At this moment, he was huddled in the corner, looking at the crack in the door, shouting:

"What the hell is this? Ah? What the hell does this mean?!"

"Invite me? What the hell is in there? A baby? Why the hell is there a baby here?!"

But that’s all!


An idea flashed in pew's mind!

There really is a baby here.

In Lisa's belly.

At least, the baby was still in her belly before she was brutally tortured.

but now……

Listen to the baby's creepy, weird cry.

At this moment, pew only felt that his scalp was numb!!!


"Saaaaaaaaaaam! Don't eat the sour radish! Are you playing games like this?!"

This game is so fucking perverted!

The extreme level of human terror is incompetence and rage.

Because pew was powerless, he could only act fiercely and shout to build momentum for himself.

At this time, the barrages also reacted one after another——


'That is to say, the child in Lisa's belly was...'

'Oh God, if you mess with Fake! You will definitely go to hell if you do this!'

'Oh my god! I already have a picture in my mind!'

'Oh - Sam - he really is a pure psychopath and crazy!'

‘Damn! I’m already watching the live broadcast with a cross, God bless...’

'I'm sorry, I really can't hold on anymore. The horror of this game has exceeded the limit of what I can bear'

'I even feel like Lisa is looking at me through the screen now...'

'This is actually just a trial version...'

‘Oh my god, I can’t imagine what a tragic scene the gaming industry will be like after its official version is launched...’

'This has completely subverted my basic understanding of horror games...'


Amidst the discussion!

pew only felt that his breathing was getting faster and faster, and the numbness in his fingertips seemed to be getting worse.

He tried to open the door at the end of the corridor.

It's locked.

He tried to go back the way he came, but the way he came was not blocked.

The baby's sad cry still floated out from the crack in the door that was filled with the smell of blood.

And pew, put on a mask of pain:

"Please... don't do this to me..."

"If I am guilty, please let the law punish me instead of letting me play PT..."

Pew's voice even sounded like crying, and he reached for the door handle with a trembling hand.

He wanted to close the door carefully.


The moment his fingertips touched the door handle!


A pale and swollen arm suddenly appeared!

Immediately afterwards, a pale female face with a hollow right eye and a severe giant look appeared in the crack of the door.


As a force came, there was a bang, and the door closed instantly!

The next second.

A scream loud enough to cover the Comella booth burst out in the somatosensory cabin!

"AAAAAAA—fvk! fvk! fvk!"


[Didi! It has been detected that the heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate, and mental stability exceed the standard. To protect your health, you have automatically disconnected from the somatosensory connection...]

"Ouch - Ouch, my throat - my throat hurts -"

at the same time!

Small broken station, pure black live broadcast room.

The door of the somatosensory cabin is open, and the anchor Junhei, who has been called the 'Master' by the players, is squatting outside the somatosensory cabin, drinking water and panting.

As one of the popular up owners of Xiaopo Station, Chunhei has always been characterized by his "rapid strategy explanation".

With its superb operation and smooth video editing, it is very popular in the gaming circle.

However, Pure Black, who is usually very handsome in other games and kills everyone, is extremely bad at one type of game——

That's a horror game.

He is timid.

Previously, he had teamed up with other up owners to catch ghosts during live broadcasts (haunted by ghosts).

In the end, all the up owners who teamed up with him came to a unified conclusion - pure black is scarier than ghosts.

Because this guy is really weak in courage, he will be frightened and scream at the slightest sign of trouble, often causing chaos among his already frightened teammates.


Precisely because of this!

The live broadcast effect of a pure black horror game is also surprisingly good.

It was even given the reputation of being the ‘top of the three cowards who broke the website’.

And today!

Silent Hill PT first experience.

Fans who didn't take it too seriously to watch the fun naturally flooded the screen in the live broadcast room, wanting to see the young master try it out.

In addition, Pure Black himself is also curious about this so-called ‘most terrifying game in history’.

Ever since, the pure black Silent Hill PT trial started like this.

And at this time.

There was a lot of laughter in the live broadcast room——

‘Hahahahahaha I got kicked again, three times in five minutes’

‘Everyone is shouting out loud’

'It's not my fault, Master, this game is really too hellish...'

‘The lock-down attack just now scared my cell phone away’

"I can only say that it is indeed a game played by an old thief. Others open the door to kill, but he closes the door to kill."

‘Just say it didn’t kill you’

‘Fortunately it’s daytime now, so there’s no need to turn on the lights’

‘It feels like the psychological fear has escalated a lot in this step’

‘Indeed, this is much scarier than ghost phobia’

‘Fortunately, the somatosensory cabin is protected, otherwise this game would really scare people to death’

‘The key is that the atmosphere of this game is so awesome, the old thief is really going to kill him’

‘To put it another way, not to mention the official version, I feel that this demo version alone is enough to be called the scariest horror game in history...'

In the live broadcast room!

Fans were all talking and discussing with each other.

As for Chun Hei, after taking a gulp of water and going to the toilet, he calmed down and returned to the somatosensory cabin.

Take a deep breath!

Pure Black, who returned to the circulation corridor, calmed down:

"I haven't shouted for a long time, and my voice really can't bear it,"

"But that's okay. It scared me but not enough to scare me away."

While talking.

Junhei cautiously stepped forward and touched the door handle of the corner door.

No movement.

At this time, the door at the end of the corridor was reopened.

Pure Black breathed a sigh of relief:

"It's okay, it's okay, it's within my tolerance, it's just a normal conditioned reflex, I'm not really scared."

Hearing this, the fans naturally booed and laughed——

'The voice you made just now almost scared Lisa to death'

'Lisa: Damn, you scared me! Close the door quickly!'

'Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……'

'You told me you're not scared after being kicked three times in five minutes?'

'"Not really scared"'

'Is this how you explain it?'

"I admire this about the young master. Even though his whole body is soft, his mouth is still hard."

'However, the young master's spirit of fighting repeatedly is still worthy of praise'

‘I’m a little worried about the young master’s heart condition’

'On the contrary, the last thing you need to worry about is the young master's heart condition. After all, most people can't successfully reconnect after being kicked three times.'

‘I would like to call him Wolverine in the world of horror games, focusing on a character with strong psychological self-healing ability’

'God damn scary Wolverine...'


Watching the banter in the live broadcast room, Chun Hei walked into the next reincarnation while explaining a little awkwardly:

"I'm not being harsh, really,"

"You see that I can still reconnect now, which means that I haven't become extremely frightened yet. That's no problem, right?"

"And the bridge section just now was designed to close the door to kill, which is much better than opening the door to kill,"

"Taking a step back, at least Lisa didn't come out..."


That’s all!




A strange sobbing sound came from the other end of the corridor corner.

You can tell it's a woman sobbing.


Among the sobbing sounds, there seemed to be a faint sound of suffocating bubbles, like the sobbing person's neck was stuck, or like the hissing sound of air leaking after the throat was cut.

The pure black voice was choked in the throat!

The whole person was petrified on the spot!

And the barrage was a sensation!

‘Wasn’t it still the cry of a baby just now? How did this change... Damn it! Lisa! Is this the cry of Lisa?!'

'Top crow's mouth!'


'Lisa: Bro, did you call me?'

'Fuck! Fuck! The young master's heart rate has increased again!'

'One hundred and one...one hundred and two...fuck hahahahahahaha!'

'That's outrageous!'

'No? Does this game have voice monitoring? What do you mean?'

‘Old thief: The main thing is to respond to requests’


The barrage audience burst out laughing!

But the pure black man in the corridor couldn't smile at all!

The sound of crying was at the corner of the corridor. The sound was either in the corner door or in the foyer!

Pure Black’s blood pressure went up instantly!

I squirmed forward almost step by step, and finally reached the corner!

Scratching the corner wall.

Pure Black used a 'secret observation' posture, revealing half of his head and looking around the corner.

And the next second.

A scream!

"Hey, hey, hey! Oh my god, my god, my god!"

“What something what something something!!!”

"There's something! Holy shit! There's someone in the foyer!!!"

In miserable and terrifying cries!

Even if it’s only for a moment!

But Pure Black sees clearly!

The audience also saw it clearly!

Right under the dim, swinging chandelier on the porch!

Standing quietly, a figure two meters away wearing a pure white dress!

Pure Black retreats continuously!

"She won't come after her, right? She can't come over, right?!"

The pure black voice has vibrato!


After waiting for a long time, there was no movement around the corner.

The miserable cry still came from the foyer, not far but not near.

Be brave!

Pure Black walked to the corner of the corridor again and stretched his head out.

This time!

He finally saw the whole figure clearly——

She was almost as tall as the chandelier and felt so oppressive that she couldn't see her face clearly.

Wearing a dirty white skirt, the skirt was mottled, looking like dried blood or shadows caused by lights, and there seemed to be liquid dripping from the skirt.

At this moment, her head was hanging toward her shoulders at a weird angle, her legs were spread wide, and her two weird long arms were hanging naturally.



The harsh sound of the chandelier, combined with Lisa's resentful sobs, made Pure Black's scalp numb and even made him feel difficulty breathing!

What should we do now?

Pure Black fell into a state of panic and confusion.

Walk backward?

There is nothing behind, the corridor door is closed, and there is a dead end.

Go forward?

I'm afraid Lisa will follow his footsteps and give him a face-lifting attack on the spot!

Weigh it up!

Pure black makes you feel at ease!

"Come on! Isn't it just a face-off? I'm not afraid!"

"As long as I'm prepared! No one can kill me!"

While saying, pure black, we must move forward!

"Come on! Come on..."

But before he can finish his words!


Lights went out.


PS: Asking for a monthly ticket

This chapter has been completed!
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