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Chapter 168 Rivers of blood! The end of the horror game circle!

 "I'm so crazy about you, please say goodbye!!!"

Shark live broadcast platform!

The anchor Xiaojie was screaming in the somatosensory cabin while speaking Shonan Mandarin!

Like A Yin and others, Xiaojie’s daily content is not limited to a certain game, but focuses on the experience of new games. He is an ‘omnivorous’ game anchor.

And today!

The first day of Dongjin Game Show!

Xiaojie started the live broadcast simultaneously and experienced the new games and trial versions released by various manufacturers today.

And in many games!

Xiaojie's first choice was "Silent Hill PT", directed by Gu Sheng, chief game director of Golden Wind, and produced by Neon Comella, known as the "most terrifying game in history."

Gu Sheng is now famous in the Chinese gaming circle.

"Supernova", "psychopath", "the source of the second generation FPS", "the pioneer of psychological horror", "the youngest golden crown", "riding Odin's eight-legged horse" and so on!

With the blessing of countless auras, Xiaojie is very interested in this PT.

As a loyal player of Phobia and Road to Survival, Xiaojie is very curious to what extent Gu Sheng will develop psychological horror in this game.

So, with expectation and curiosity, Xiaojie immediately experienced the trial version of the game.


He saw it.

The horror of this game completely exceeded his imagination!

The kind of terror that goes deep into the bone marrow makes people tremble every step they take!

To know!

As an omnivorous game anchor, Xiaojie has played countless horror games.

As the saying goes, a long-term illness makes a good doctor.

If you play a lot of horror games, you will naturally be able to predict some of the scary scenes such as corner kills, door kills, etc.

In this way, with a certain amount of psychological construction, the horror level of the game will be reduced accordingly.


PT is different!

Its top-level psychological fear is completely unpredictable!

Moreover, this kind of horror is composed of pictures, atmosphere, plot and other elements!

It is like air, pervasive!

Not only does the level of terror increase exponentially, but this deep-seated fear will not disappear and become numb after being frightened one or two times. Instead, it is like building blocks, rising higher and higher!


When he saw the toilet - a place full of filth and ominous things - appeared in front of him - Xiaojie's legs went weak on the spot!

"Ah - you are so ungrateful. Who the hell dares to go inside!"

Xiaojie standing at the door sighed in despair.

The audience burst into laughter——


‘The classic elephant is hungry (referring to Xiaojie’s exclamation sound much like the neighing of an elephant)’

‘This game is really awesome, Jack’s heart rate has never dropped below 120’

‘Lisa: Hey, hey, hey! Here we come! You don’t have to worry about having three meals a day...’

‘Fuck! I’m eating snacks!’

‘This is really such a hell, the old thief actually designed a toilet here’

‘The key is that Lisa is so elusive. She was the one who closed the door before. It’s so dark in here. Who knows what you might bump into when you go in.’

'And even if Lisa isn't here, the baby's cries are so scary.'

'My palms are starting to sweat...'


On the barrage!

The water friends in the audience were all talking.

And in the game!

Xiaojie stood at the door of the toilet, resistance written all over his face!

"No...can I not go in?"

With that said, Xiaojie skipped the dark toilet, walked through the hall and tried to twist the door at the end of the corridor:

"Okay, no, damn you."

The locked door left him asking himself questions.

have no choice!

Xiaojie had no choice but to return the way he came.

In the dark toilet, I couldn't see my fingers.

Along with the baby's cry, the flashlight flashed.

Xiaojie took a deep breath, muttered something in his mouth, and groped his way into the toilet.


Just when he bent down to pick up the flashlight.


The door behind him groaned.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Damn it! Stop!!!"

Xiaojie was excited and quickly turned around to stop the toilet door from closing, but he was a step too late!


The toilet door was closed, locking him in this dark and cramped toilet.

"I'm crazy——!"

Xiaojie’s hair stood on end!


The baby's weird whimpering was right next to his ears!

"Fuck no, no, no, don't fuck with me, you really don't fuck with me..."

While talking!

Xiaojie picked up the flashlight!

The flashlight flickers on and off, but this is not a difficult problem for Chinese people.


One shot!

The light source of the flashlight stabilized and glowed in the darkness.

The pale aperture swept across the narrow and cramped bathroom. Xiaojie even felt that this hazy underworld light source was not as good as the darkness just now!

On the contrary, it’s even scarier!

It can be seen that the entire bathroom is dirty, as if no one has cleaned it for a long time.

On the walls, the walls are mottled and peeling off, the corners of the ceiling are severely moldy, and there are patches of brown filth, which makes people wonder how the traces were left.

The shower curtain on the right was in tatters and had almost completely lost its function as a shower curtain, revealing the bathtub with half a tank of water behind it.

On the left hand side, the toilet was even worse, dirty and disgusting, with dense oily cockroaches crawling over it from time to time, which made people's scalp numb.

at last!

It’s the basin!

Xiaojie slowly moved the light source to illuminate the mottled basin.

Immediately afterwards, Xiaojie heard a soft cry, his tone full of incredible disgust:

"Oh—holy shit—you—!"

Just see it in the wash basin!

A humanoid creature about the same size, as if it had been skinned, with bloody flesh, was lying in it!

Its head is huge, occupying almost one-third of its entire body, and its hands and feet have not yet grown fingers and are a blur.

It has no eyes, no nose, and it hasn't even grown skin yet!

And now!

This abnormality, which has not yet developed at all, is lying in the wash basin!

In other words, it was forced...

"Damn it! Old thief!"

Xiaojie felt nauseated, and looked at the freak who was still squirming and crying in the wash basin, and felt a chill!

The creepy feeling was like a big hand, tightly grasping his heart:

"Fuck, this is so perverted. I really can't stand it. How could someone design such a perverted plot..."

And there were also exclamations in the barrage!

'Psychopath! Damn! Is this something that can be designed by humans?'

‘mental pollution’

'The value of san is crazy...'

‘It’s hard to imagine the old thief’s mental state when he designed this thing’

‘The key is that it’s hard not to be reminded of this thing! If only such a freak were placed here, it would actually be okay!’

‘Meat cleaver, pregnant wife, torture and murder... generous gift crab... you really deserve to die, old thief...'

'I don't know if the old thief will knock wooden fish at home every day. This scene is really fucking hell...'


'My san value is about to be cleared...'

‘The sanity has gone crazy…’


And this time!

Xiaojie, who faced the abnormal situation, also felt that his sanity was constantly declining.

The key is!

Maybe it's because of the light source, or maybe it's because of the unfamiliar atmosphere.

As Xiaojie got closer to the basin, the cry of the freak seemed to get louder.



【Wow——! Wow——! Wowahah——! 】

From sobbing at the beginning, to crying, to crying like crazy!

People who cry continuously have their scalp numb, their heartbeat speeds up, and their brains are in chaos!

Harsh cries filled the small bathroom.

Xiaojie's head was buzzing, and the hand holding the flashlight started to tremble!

Who is this?




Where is Lisa?

I don’t know, but it was just in the foyer, only ten steps away.

Think of this!

Xiaojie was suffocated for a while!

"Hey! Hey! Don't, don't, don't—"

"Holy shit, shit, shit, don't cry - I didn't touch you -"


"No - I was wrong! I was wrong, okay? Don't cry, I'm so crazy about you!"

"Ah - Dad - Dad, I was wrong - don't cry, I beg you -"

Xiaojie was really crying until his claws were numb, but he didn't dare to touch the freak, so he had to clasp his hands and bow to the freak in the sink!

The crazy crying makes people panic, and the harsh noise in the small room makes people nervous!

And the next second!


Xiaojie heard an unusual sound coming from the bathroom door handle!


A scream!

Shine the flashlight!

I saw that the toilet door handle was turned by someone outside!

Xiaojie exploded on the spot!

"Damn it - your uncle!!!"

"Hey! Don't! Don't really don't really don't-!!!"

Backing up to the darkest corner of the bathroom, Xiaojie held up the flashlight and felt as if his heart was about to jump out of his throat!

It’s over!

It’s all over!

And in the live broadcast room, there was even more horror and uproar!


'It's broken! It's broken! Lisa is here!'

'I, the old DNMD thief, really have you! If I play this stupid game for even one minute, I will be yours! It's so hooking to the underworld! That's stupid!'

‘It’s so annoying. It’s really annoying when I look at it in broad daylight. I can feel the cold wind on my back’

'Damn it, I can't bear to watch anymore...'

And with the comments from the audience!

Xiaojie's flashlight also started to flash again!

this moment!

The fear of ghost hunting has once again dominated all players!



The door handles turn one after another, coupled with the screams and cries of the babies, like a heavy hammer, hitting the most fragile and sensitive nerves of the players!

And after turning the handle several times to no avail.

Lisa outside the door seemed to be getting more and more restless and started to pull the door handle!

Bang, bang, bang!

Bang, bang, bang!

Every time he pulled, Xiaojie could see a trace of pale cuffs in the crack of the door!

At the same time, the flashlight of the flashlight made people dizzy, the baby's crying and screaming became more intense, and Lisa gradually changed from twisting the door to smashing the door!

【Wow——! Wow——! Wow——!!!】


Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!

Dong Dong Dong! Dong Dong Dong! Dong Dong Dong!!!

Although he didn't see a ghost, the impact of fear was stronger than any kind of JumpScare!

"Holy shit! Damn it! Damn it! I was wrong! I was so wrong!"

"Damn it, stop banging on the door, no, no, no, no, no!!!"

"I don't want to play anymore! I really don't want to play anymore!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah--!!!"

Xiaojie felt like he was going crazy with fear!

And just like him, there are countless players and anchors at home and abroad!


"Hey! Hey! I really did blanch my DNM!"

"Don't drive, don't drive, don't drive NLGCB! I don't want to play anymore! I really don't want to play DNM anymore!!!"


Eggplant, who was already cowering behind the toilet, screamed wildly, and the terrifying and furious screams resounded throughout the live broadcast room!


"No, no, no! Sister! If anything, we can discuss it!"

"We can't do this! Damn it, your brother can't do this!"

"Get out—! Get out—! Get out—!!!"

A Yin clung to the wall behind him, wishing he could embed himself into the wall, speaking Jinmen dialect!



"Stop knocking, stop knocking, hahahahahahahaha--"

"I can't help it anymore, hahahahahaha, I'm going to be deprived of oxygen. Hahahaha, please stop knocking Lisa——!!!"

When the fear reaches the extreme, you can't help but scream sixty-six times with laughter, crying and laughing at the same time!


"No...don't, don't, don't, don't..."

"Let's talk, can we talk? I really don't care about it!"

"You're like this! Just wait until I leave and you... come in and see for yourself..."

"I'm really, really scared...I was wrong, I was wrong...It's really wrong, okay...I'll never come again..."

Brother Shu, who was already frightened and babbled nonsense, scratched the wall and tried to use 'talk therapy' to calm Lisa down!


“Holy shit…holy shit…holy shit, really don’t do it! Really don’t, really don’t do it! Really—don’t—!!!”

"Don't make such a fuss - my whole body is numb now -"

"This fucking designer is really a pervert - a psychopath -"

“Don’t open the door, don’t open the door, don’t open the door#¥%#¥@……”

The young master Chunhei, who was crying, was leaning against the corner, muttering an unknown spell!

Terror is coming!

It’s like a doomsday wave sweeping across the entire gaming world!


No matter how bold! No matter how fearless! No matter how battle-hardened the player is!

You will also be enveloped and dominated by this extreme fear of death!

“A generous gift—crab!!!”

"Xie Te! Don't eat the sour radish if you're angry with me!!!"

"Don't come in, don't come in, don't come in!"



On top of the Game Festival Exhibition!

Comella booth!

at this time!

The heads moving like mountains and seas all gathered outside the "Silent Hill PT" trial area!

The people in the front row squat slightly, and the players in the back row put their feet up and stretched their heads!

Looking outside the trial area of ​​"Yakuza Fury", the team that was like a long queue just now is now less than a quarter!

And in the live broadcast screen connected to the in-game screen, pew was seen squatting in a bathtub filled with water, trembling and swearing!

The tense and exciting horror scenes are breathtaking!

The fear that penetrated into the bone marrow made the audience at the exhibition sweat!

"Oh - God, this is really scary -"

"There is a feeling of The Shining..."

"I swear this is a hundred times scarier than The Shining"

“It feels like pew will be disconnected soon”

"If I remember correctly, this will be his fifth disconnection."

"This kind of psychological terror is really beyond the limits of ordinary people's endurance."

"Sam is truly a top-notch psychologist."

"He understands very well where human beings' fears come from."

"Although there are no ghosts, ghosts are always around players. This design is really top-notch."

"But let me tell you, I really want to see Lisa's true face..."

This chapter has been completed!
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