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Chapter 179 Shen Miaomiao’s Plan B

 There is nothing wrong with him for kicking away the Golden Wind for profit.

What he didn't like was the petty arrogance of Joetsu and Yamamoto.

While saying that Gu Sheng is just a fledgling boy, he claims to be one of the top producers with rich experience.

At the same time, he carefully concealed the news, for fear that the players would know that the director had been replaced.

If you are not afraid, why should you avoid it?

In this regard, Moritani's evaluation can only be expressed in two words - small!

Since paper can’t contain the fire, I might as well light it for you as soon as possible!

Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. It is better to let players vent their anger early than to hide it!

Moritani is in a high position and dares to think and act!

Although Shangyue was very angry about this, he had no choice but to do anything about it!

Moreover, as Joetsu himself said, the business world is not black and white.

Joetsu knew very well that if Moritani was dealt with at this juncture, Comella would fall into deeper turmoil.

So, after careful consideration, Joetsu decided to go with the trend and let Moritani become the lobbyist for Golden Wind.

"President Joetsu said that regarding this matter, we, Comella, deeply apologize for the mistake of not notifying it in time,"

Moritani said:

"Later today, we will also issue a statement on the situation. We hope that your company will also provide cooperation and explanation. We hope that we will have opportunities to cooperate in the future."

A moment of silence!

Gu Sheng shook his head and sighed with some regret:

"In fact, the interruption of cooperation has no loss for us at Golden Wind. On the contrary, it is your company that has lost. You gave up an IP that could have gone down in history,"

"Besides, Mr. Moritani has already spoken, so I have to give him this face."

"I'm afraid I won't have the chance to cooperate with your company in the future,"

"But Mr. Gu admires what Mr. Moritani has done. Maybe we will have the opportunity to get closer in the future."


Very comfortable!

These words made Tetsuya Moritani very proud!

There is a sentence between the lines in Gu Sheng's words - I am giving this face to Sentani Tetsuya today, not to Komela.

For a moment, even an old Jianghu like Moritani couldn't help but feel shocked in his heart:

"Then thank you Gu Sang! Arigado is a dog that is full of horses!"

"Take care, Mr. Moritani," Gu Sheng smiled and said, "See you again when you have the chance."

The phone hangs up.

Gu Sheng breathed a long sigh of relief and nodded: "Moritani is a good comrade..."

Be good at planning, be prudent, upright, treat others politely, distinguish right from wrong, and have a moral heart.

He's a great talent!


At this moment, Shen Miaomiao opposite her opened her mouth wide, her eyes were full of shock, and her jaw almost dropped to the ground!

Gu Sheng stayed in Neon for less than two months!

Yuki changed jobs, Sato resigned, Okura took a medical break and was passive in his work, and the production team became disloyal!

Even the managing director took the initiative to rebel and gave Comella a shot!

What the hell...

I sent you to cooperate, but you instigated all the opponents to rebel?

That night!

It’s seven o’clock in Beijing time and eight o’clock in neon time.

In response to the "replacement of chief game director for the main game of Silent Hill"!

Comella finally responded!

[Komina Co., Ltd.: Due to force majeure, we regret to announce that the cooperation with @金风游戏 has been terminated. "Silent Hill" will be developed by Komella's "Yamamoto Studio". Thank you very much @Gu ShengSam for this

We will carry forward the bizarre PT world we brought to the future, continue to hold up the banner of psychological horror, and fully develop the main game of "Silent Hill" to live up to the expectations of players! We look forward to working together again!]

After the news was sent out, the blog post was all calm.

Because Comella has closed comments and is only open to Golden Wind.

Immediately afterwards, Gu Sheng also kept his promise and responded to this blog post with the official Golden Wind social account:

[Golden Wind Game: The mountains and rivers will not change, we look forward to meeting you again (smile).]


Gu Sheng's reply seemed to be quite satisfactory, and he seemed to have the intention of continuing to cooperate.

But paired with that smiling expression, it makes you laugh no matter how you look at it!

Weird and strange!

What’s even more slutty!

After replying, Gu Sheng also imitated Moritani and "accidentally" liked a picture in the #SilentHell# topic circle!

It was a shirt with "I don't need sex! Bucause i fxxk KOMINA everyday!" written in big letters.

Lasts for one minute, then cancels.

The players were laughing like crazy!

Comments were made under that picture——

‘[@Gu ShengSam thinks it’s great.jpg]’

‘He didn’t even like Comella, but specifically liked this blog post’

'Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……'

'Sam is so funny! That smile is so sarcastic!'

‘The old thief has always been good at yin and yang’

‘I laughed so hard, it’s just a replica of a classic’

‘Although he didn’t say anything, he seemed to have said everything’

'Xiao Huang: What does Sam's likes have to do with my golden wind?'

'Xiao Huang is the false outside world, Sam is the real inner world, don't ask, it's Fxxk KOMINA!'

‘This thumbs up is the essence!’

‘Looking forward to meeting again: when I’m waiting for you to die’

‘Fxxk KOMINA!’

'No matter when and where! As long as you shout this slogan, we are half brothers!'

‘Although I don’t know what happened, it’s definitely right to Fxxk KOMINA first!’

"Do you have any plans for Teacher Gu in the future? Why don't you change the shell and make the original version of Silent Hill? Change the name or something. I'll buy it."

‘I second the proposal!’



Shen Miaomiao, who was lying on the sofa, looked at the comments and sighed secretly.

The situation is not good.

Although, in order to prevent Comella from getting in the way, they are currently developing the "Escape" quietly and have not publicized it to the outside world.

However, when it is actually announced, the impact on the market will definitely not be small.

Although this time, she inherited a rebate multiple of a hundred times, and even a small loss is enough to make a lot of money.

But if this situation continues, it's hard to say whether it will be a loss or whether players will turn their grief and anger into motivation, and convert Fxxk KOMINA's anger into motivation to buy "Escape".

Looks like I still have to activate my plan B...

one week ago.


Conference room on the third floor of Huaguo Science and Technology Development Exchange Center.

Representatives from many domestic first-tier game manufacturers and studios gathered together.

The leader is naturally none other than the new chairman of China Entertainment Television, Jiang Yingcai.

This meeting is mainly to bring representatives from various companies together to discuss the "Charity Week" activities to be held in February next year.

It was said to be a mobilization rally.

But in fact, everyone knows that the form of this meeting is far greater than its actual significance.

After all, for an event like Charity Week that is completely beneficial and harmless, manufacturers are trying hard to get in but are still unable to do so, so there is no need for mobilization at all.

At the meeting, Jiang Yingcai made a speech as usual, briefly talking about the meaning and form of Charity Week.


Just when everyone thought this year was just a formality.

Just listen to Jiang Yingcai say:

"In addition to these continued traditions, this year, we at China Entertainment Television also have a new call..."


Upon hearing this, all the representatives became interested.

Shen Miaomiao also pricked up her ears and turned over a page of the notebook full of little tortoises, preparing to hear what new moves this year would bring.

“As we all know, we have historically adopted the form of ‘bundle launch’ activities during charity weeks,”

Jiang Yingcai said:

"The contents in the bundle are mostly classic old games from various companies,"

"This model is certainly stable,"

"However, the pace of charity cannot stand still. In order to thoroughly implement the charity law, promote the healthy development of charity, create a strong charity atmosphere, and strengthen the industry's sense of charity participation,"

"Here, on behalf of the China Entertainment and Electronics Association, I would like to call on everyone to innovate and actively design and develop charity games on the basis of adhering to the charity package to make our charity week activities more vibrant."

Jiang Yingcai finished speaking!

I saw that the expressions of the representatives present were stagnant.


They understood what the chairman said.

In summary, there is only one theme - to create new games to participate in charity week activities.

This poses a big problem for various manufacturers.

To know!

Historically, the reason why Charity Week activities have been popular is because it includes classic games from various companies that were once popular but are now almost unsold!

Through extremely low prices, we can drive sales and give classic and old games a second life in profitability.

For manufacturers, this means small profits but quick turnover, pure profit!

But now!

Jiang Yingcai's proposal is asking them to spend money to create a new game!

When it comes to investing money, everyone is a little sluggish and obviously not very enthusiastic.

after all!

To participate in the charity week activities, you have to donate 10%-15% of the total proceeds!

Especially for independent manufacturers like Zhenting, Fury, and Golden Wind!

The game platform itself will take 30%-35% of the total turnover, and another 10%-15% of the money received will be donated!

After all the fussing around inside and outside, I'm afraid I won't have much money left.

Therefore, everyone lowered their heads, just like students who heard the teacher ask questions in class.

Among the silent manufacturer representatives, there was only one whose eyes lit up!

Shen Miaomiao!


What a good form!

Logically speaking, the loss rebate system only considers "cost" and "profit". The less profit, the more rebate.

But now, the model proposed by Chairman Jiang is obviously crazily compressing profits!

In this case... wouldn't it be super difficult to get back the money?

Think of this!

Shen Miaomiao seemed to have caught the inspiration and hurriedly awakened the system in her mind!

'Hey, hey, hey! Brother Tongzi, wake up, brother Tongzi!'

【I am here】

"I spend money to make games and do charity. Isn't this considered a violation?"

[It is not illegal, but because the project involves charity, the rebate model will be changed, and the ‘Charity Project Rebate Rules’ will be activated]

'Charitable rebate rules? What does that mean?'

[According to the system settings, charity projects are not regular projects, and the difference between cost and profit will not be calculated, but the charity amount of a single charity project will be calculated]

[Charity project rebate = charity amount x 1%]

Shen Miaomiao:......

Well, the system has been on guard against this move from me for a long time.

Think about it too.

If charity projects also provide rebates like ordinary parent-child projects, you can go crazy and do charity projects, donate all the profits, and make a lot of money with this card bug.

One percent rebate...

Shen Miaomiao smacked her lips.

Donate 10,000 and get 100 back, donate 1 million and get 10,000 back, and so on.

Theoretically speaking, this is a losing project.

But then again.

Charity is about doing good deeds and accumulating good deeds without asking for anything in return.

In order to encourage this behavior, the system gave her a 1% rebate, which is very interesting.

What's more, the rebates from the system go into her own small treasury!

It's totally a generous act to enrich the company and enrich one's own pockets.

Quite a loss.

Unfortunately, the rebate points are too low.

One percent.

If you only donate 10%-15%, then if you multiply it by 1%, you won't get much money.

Therefore, at the meeting, the other manufacturers did not speak, and Shen Miaomiao did not speak either. The matter seemed to have passed just like that.

But now!

Shen Miaomiao felt the crisis!

Due to the top-down infiltration and instigation of rebellion against Comella by ‘old spy’ classmate Gu Sheng, Comella’s reputation has now collapsed!

Although at this time, the project development process between the two parties has just begun, and it will be some time before it is completed, Camela still has a chance to save its reputation.


Such a serious injury was enough for Comella to repair it for a while!

And this will definitely affect the promotion of Silent Hill!

Comella is like a bucket. As long as the bucket is not broken, they can catch a lot of water during the development period!

But now, the Kemela bucket is broken, and the water originally accumulated in the bucket is leaking out. They have to repair the bucket first and then collect the water. In the end, the water in the bucket will definitely be less than ideal.

The behemoth that originally couldn't be hit by the golden wind is really hard to say now!

Shen Miaomiao was afraid that her words would come true and she would really kill Comella.


Charity Plan B must be launched!

If you can make a little money, then you can make a little money. No matter how small the mosquito legs are, they are still meat.

Although according to China Entertainment Technology’s requirements, the donation amount for a game or charity package is 10%-15% of the total profit.

However, from a systemic perspective, she can donate all her profits!

Think back then! Two years ago! At that time, they were still a little-known little game company!

The "Vampire Survivor" developed by it only cost 200,000 yuan, and achieved a revenue of 2.5 million yuan in a single week!

And now, Lao Gu has gained many auras and has fans from China to Asia and even around the world!

In addition, this charity week has a China Entertainment Television Station.

Publish a small and medium-sized game for the PC platform, increase revenue three to five times, and earn 18 million, isn't it a problem?

At that time, I can get more than ten or two hundred thousand by myself, which can be regarded as a psychological balance.

Think of this!

Shen Miaomiao nodded secretly and shouted to Gu Sheng who was exercising on the treadmill: "Old Gu, Lao Gu! Do you want to do charity?"

"Doing charity?"

Gu Sheng, who was running, didn't know what little Nezha suddenly remembered, so he lowered the speed of the treadmill and asked while walking:

"What kind of charity? Are you talking about the charity week event hosted by Chairman Jiang?"

"Yes!" Shen Miaomiao sat up, took a glass of water, ran to Lao Gu's side, and handed over the glass of water eagerly: "There is a new event this year."

"new activity?"

Gu Sheng took the water and took a sip:

"tell me the story."


Shen Miaomiao nodded obediently, straightened her back, and made a respectful gesture:

"Mr. Gu, please listen to me and give you a report..."


PS: It’s the end of the month! Please vote for me!

PS: Please refer to the author’s words for details on the illustrations~

I’ve seen everyone’s feedback on the illustrations! I’m very happy that you all like it!

Now the illustrations for Chapters 112/123/133/165 have been completed. Interested readers can check it out and they will continue to be improved in the future.

In the subsequent writing, illustrations will continue to appear appropriately in some chapters to enrich everyone's reading experience.

Of course, I will also consider the selection of illustrations. Although the escape is about to come, I will try my best to choose some softer pictures to insert, and will not insert special pictures of the underworld. Don't worry about this.

Finally, thank you very much for your affirmation and support. I will work hard to make the subsequent plots more exciting and make this novel richer and richer!


Oh, by the way! Please vote for me!

This chapter has been completed!
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