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Chapter 203 Fear of neurosis, understanding neurosis, becoming neurotic


This is not a horror game at all!

It should be classified into the sports category!

This is what Shen Miaomiao thought.

Sprinting, long-distance running, hurdles, obstacle course.

Players ran out of the ward where mentally ill people gathered, passed through the cramped shower room, encountered explosions with fire in the sky, and waded through the sewers where blood flowed across the room and formed a river.

The style of the mental hospital is fully displayed, and various restricted scenes appear in turn.


Except for the scary fat man who threw the player off the second floor before, he is always following him, chasing after him.

There are more and more mentally ill people escaping from the ward!

Each one is a blind box!

Some mental illnesses will roar at you, but they will just pass you by.

But some mentally ill people just walk towards you, but will give you a slap in the face when they get close to you!

This kind of underworld design makes it impossible for players to judge where the next scary point is!

All they can do is run!

They played the role of Miles, a brave reporter who pursues the truth. They walked through the ward, climbed over broken walls, and crawled through ventilation ducts without stopping for a moment!

At the same time, the DV player in hand also records everything here!

Nervous chasing sounds and screams came one after another, and the average heart rate of the players remained above 130!

Under this high degree of tension, the mental state of the players slowly began to change.

From the very beginning, everyone was suspicious -

‘There must be someone who opens the door and kills me! I wouldn’t stand on my head to eat the cake! No…it’s not cheating to eat or drink, I’ll save it first…anyway, it’s not enough…’

'No, no, no, no! I won't go out! I'm going to sleep in this closet today! No one can trick me into going out! There must be a ghost if I go out!'

'Oh what the fuck! Oh hey - it's my fucking shadow...'

'No, no, no! Did I hear the footsteps of fat brother just now? No? Ah? Did I hallucinate?'


Gradually become numb in the middle stage and gradually calm down——

'Wait a minute, don't worry, I'll plan the route first...'

‘Cabinet! There’s a fucking cabinet here! I’ll press the button later and let’s go into the cabinet right away…’

‘There’s not much battery left, let’s turn on night vision to observe the environment first, if there’s nothing strange we’ll go in the dark...’

'There is light over here, so we should go this way. Don't worry, let's change the battery first...'


Later, he completely let himself go, gave up on himself, and enjoyed himself with the people——

'Hey - are you guys shooting with people's heads? Okay, I'm quite sporty, you guys can play...'

'Yo! Saxili, brother Haier! Shall we run two laps?'

'Wuhu fat brother is here to post with me again! I like to play the little game of catching up with me the most, hehe!'

‘Who is the good madman? Who is the bad madman? I can’t tell! I really can’t tell, hahahaha! Run!!!’


Fear neurosis, understand neurosis, become neurosis!

There was once a saying that said: Life is like QJ. Since you can't resist, just lie down and enjoy it.

Since we can't see through the old thief's conspiracy, then let's treat the entire mental hospital as a source of terror!

Run! Now!

If PT allows players to wait for the judgment to come in an extremely small and cramped space.

Then escape is to allow players to escape the pursuit of death in complex pathways.

Would you say the design of this game is complicated?

It's actually not complicated.

It's just a cat-and-mouse game, he runs, he chases, he can't fly.

There are not many operations that players can perform, or even very few.

After all, there are no guns or weapons in this game. Players only need to hold the DV player steady and move forward.

But would you say the design of this game is simple?

Not simple at all.

That extremely impactful sense of oppression is created by the interweaving of many game design elements.

Modeling, lighting, sound effects, scare session settings...

Anything less will greatly reduce the horror atmosphere.

Moreover, there is one very powerful thing about this game, which even a novice designer like Shen Miaomiao can see -

The map design of this game is so wonderful!

From the time the game was released to now, they have been watching it for an hour and a half.

During this period, almost all the anchors were in a hurry when faced with the pursuit of terrifying enemies and seemed to be in a panic.

But in fact, if you go around twice, you can always find an escape route, and you will enter the next stage of the game before you know it!

Even experienced old gamers like Chun Hei are as if they have installed GPS navigation. Although they are screaming in fright and their brains are almost deprived of oxygen, they can still use their instincts to find the best place.

Take the right path and escape from the dangerous area quickly.

This made Shen Miaomiao feel very magical.

"Strange, how did they find the way?"

Shen Miaomiao was puzzled and asked Gu Sheng:

"Obviously all roads look the same to me? How come they always find the right road?"

"How can I explain this to you?"

Gu Sheng smacked his lips:

“Have you ever understood the map construction mechanism of Left 4 Survival?”

Ask your boss if he knows about his product!

This behavior is quite abstract.

But if it were placed on Golden Wind, this question would be much more reasonable.

And Shen Miaomiao lived up to expectations and showed an awkward but polite expression: "...No."

"Okay, no need to make that expression,"

Gu Sheng waved his hand to indicate to little Nezha that there is no need to be embarrassed:

"It's an expected thing."

"Hey! What do you mean! You look down on me!"

Shen Miaomiao put her hands on her hips, tilted her head and nudged Gu Sheng with her head like an angry lamb:

“Although I’ve never played it, I still don’t understand it!”

"It's not that you don't understand,"

Gu Shengzai tilted his body and smiled:

"You either have experience with this, have done related design, or have specifically studied level design logic,"

"Either you have to experience it yourself,"

"The actual experience when you look at it from the outside and inside the game is definitely different,"

"Similar to..."

Gu Sheng thought for a while.

An appropriate metaphor is given:

"You'll get numb if you stamp on me."


Shen Miaomiao pouted her little mouth as if thinking.

"Okay, if you don't understand, don't think about it. You don't dare to play. Have you forgotten that the PT made you cry when you were so stubborn?"

Gu Sheng pointed at the large projection screen:

"Just be a fun person, it's so fun to watch the anchors scream."

The live broadcast effect of horror games itself is good.

In addition, this game was created by Gu Sheng. For him, it is even more interesting to watch the players scream and scream in fear.

Especially, when the players screamed like crazy, he could see the emotional value of his system rising sharply.


Before he finished speaking, little Nezha puffed up his mouth: "Who said I don't dare to play!"


How come I am someone who has watched so many horror movies, but I don’t even have the guts to do this?

Shen Miaomiao felt that Gu Shengchun just looked down on her!

During the PT before, this bad guy acted like a villain!

Although that time I probably ended up being scared to tears, but that’s because PT is so scary. The global clearance rate is horribly low, and it’s even recognized as the scariest game in the world!

But this time it’s different!

Because by this time, the anchors' mental state has collapsed. To put it bluntly, they are scared to death.

Therefore, although the overall live broadcast effect is getting better and better, the horror feeling has been reduced compared to the beginning of the game.

Coupled with various fancy barrages, the banter continues.

Shen Miaomiao felt that this game was nothing more than that!

"Go and push out the somatosensory cabin! This time I want to avenge my shame!"

Saying that, Shen Miaomiao pushed Gu Sheng and asked him to get out the somatosensory cabin.


Gu Sheng was surprised. He didn't expect that little Nezha would dare to speak harshly after being baptized by PT:

"you sure?"

"I'm sure and sure,"

Shen Miaomiao said:

"But can you adjust the game progress to here? I've seen it before, it's not challenging!"

Looked in the direction of Shen Miaomiao's fingers.

At this moment, the pure black figure on the large projection screen breathed a long sigh of relief, ran out of the sewer with the blood flowing across it, and followed the dog hole into the repair channel.

Gu Sheng laughed happily!

"Today you have to be able to do it even if you can! You have to be able to do it even if you can't!"

What could be more enjoyable than watching the live broadcast of Little Nezha?

Moreover, this stage of Pure Black's escape from the sewers happens to be at the automatic save point.

Therefore, with almost no effort, Gu Sheng adjusted the progress of the game, pushed out the somatosensory cabin, and then began to draw the line.

"What are you doing?"

Here, little Nezha was ready to enter the somatosensory cabin to experience it, but when he saw Gu Sheng busy fiddling with the wiring, he couldn't help but wonder.

"Take the projection."

Gu Sheng's answer was reasonable.

"You are a dog, right Gu Sheng?"

Shen Miaomiao was shocked!

"Do you regard me as a live broadcast?"

"Hey, this is wrong!"

Gu Sheng frowned and waved his hand:

"This is called collecting player feedback, and I can also give you directions by the way."


Shen Miaomiao looked at Gu Sheng with doubtful eyes.

"Conscience of heaven and earth!"

Gu Sheng patted his chest:

"Am I a gloating person? Trust!"


Gu Sheng stretched out his fist.

"Okay... okay," Shen Miaomiao also stretched out her little hand and bumped fists with Gu Sheng: "Trust."

Some tidying up!

Everything is ready!

Shen Miaomiao took a deep breath and entered the somatosensory cabin. Before closing the door, she said with some worry: "Trust! Lao Gu! Trust!"

"Trust!" Gu Sheng nodded solemnly: "I will stand here to protect you!"


The somatosensory hatch is closed.

Gu Sheng turned around and lay down on the sofa, crossed his legs and picked up the Coke popcorn.

Hey hey hey, the show is about to begin...


The dim old chandelier overhead swayed left and right.

Wow – Wow –

The water flowing in the sewer behind him had a strong smell of blood.


After entering the game, Shen Miaomiao exhaled a nervous breath and looked around.

It can be seen that this building is very old.

The repaired passage turned out to be a red brick wall, which was mottled and even some of the cement in the cracks of the bricks had fallen off.

At this time, there was dead silence in the repair channel, and there was no other sound at all.

The current task is displayed on the head-up UI - [Arrive at the first floor of the male ward]

After walking a few steps forward, an iron framed box appeared in front of me.

Shen Miaomiao seemed to understand a little bit what Gu Sheng just said.

Because according to the settings of the game, all iron frame boxes with rusty borders can be pushed.

So it is not difficult to judge that here you have to push the box to find a passage.


Push the box away.

Sure enough, a long and narrow dog hole appeared in front of Shen Miaomiao.

"This shabby place..."

After complaining, Shen Miaomiao squatted down and crawled forward along the dog hole.


Just when she was about to climb out of the tunnel!


Suddenly, a bald head appeared outside the exit!

"Hey hey hey!!!"

Shen Miaomiao screamed and hit the top of the low passage with a thud like a kitten with exploding fur.

Take a closer look!

It turned out to be a mentally ill man wearing a straitjacket and tied to a chair.

Perhaps because he struggled too hard, the chair fell over, and the mentally ill face happened to be facing the dog hole.

"Are you sick, Gu Sheng..."

Shen Miaomiao was almost kicked and her head was covered with white hair.

He bravely got out of the dog hole, carefully rubbed against the wall and passed the psychopath, pushed the iron box again, and opened the door behind the iron box.

Suddenly, a long dark corridor appeared in front of him.


Shen Miaomiao swallowed.

The feeling of playing by yourself is so different from watching it from the outside!

This pitch-black darkness made her hair stand on end.

Although not a single sound could be heard in the corridor.

However, she always felt that someone was staring at her in the dark.

And this feeling becomes even more obvious after turning on DV night vision.

In the horrifying green viewfinder, noise flashed, and it looked like countless pairs of eyes flashing densely, waiting for me to step forward in the darkness.

Shen Miaomiao suddenly felt a little regretful.

She felt that she didn't particularly want to understand the construction principles of the level map.

But at this moment.

Gu Sheng's voice floated in faintly from outside the somatosensory cabin:

"Okay, if you can't move, don't hold on. I admit that you are brave. Can't you? Shen Daring, come out and watch the live broadcast~"


That's too much!

I have to admit that Gu Sheng has always been very good at yin and yang strange energy!

All of a sudden!

Shen Miaomiao couldn't help but raised her head: "Shut up! Who said I can't move! I am observing calmly and striking out cautiously!"


Shen Miaomiao was heartbroken!

He plunged into the dark corridor!

He took three steps and two steps at a time, without squinting, and rushed towards the faint light at the end of the corridor!

He walked through the corridor, turned into the blood-soaked operating room, jumped onto the ventilation duct, crawled all the way, and finally fell neatly into a room.


Shen Miaomiao, who had been holding her breath, breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the light again!

look around!

It looks like this is a ventilation room.

Near the wall is a set of old ventilation equipment.

And a mentally ill man, also wearing a straitjacket and tied to a chair, was sitting in the center of the room.


Shen Miaomiao calmed her nerves, let out a proud laugh, and demonstrated to Gu Sheng outside the somatosensory cabin:

"How is it? Am I afraid? Do you think I am afraid? You are looking down on others! Call me Shen Daer'er from now on..."

Don't wait until she finishes speaking!


The lunatic sitting in the middle of the room seemed to be suffering from an illness!

Suddenly he struggled violently and screamed!

【Meat! Meat! I want to eat meat! Ahhhhhhhhh——!!!】

The roar that suddenly broke out in the silent room scared Shen Miaomiao to the point where she jumped up and said "Oh my god!"

What's even more terrifying is that as the patient screamed, two burly figures were seen outside the door of the room, and they rushed over quickly cursing!

And in their hands, they each held a sharp steel knife!

This chapter has been completed!
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