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Chapter 209 Yamamoto me (fill in the blanks)!!!

 "What's going on?"

Hearing Little Nezha's cautious voice, Gu Sheng turned around and looked at Shen Miaomiao.

"Just...can you sleep on the sofa?"

Shen Miaomiao grinned, showing an awkward yet polite smile.

Gu Sheng:?

"Why am I sleeping on the couch? What did I do wrong?"

Gu Sheng answered subconsciously.

But then I realized that this answer seemed a bit ahead of its time.

"What I mean is..." Gu Sheng spread his hands: "I won't sleep on a good bed, so why should I sleep on the sofa?"

"Because... uh... because..."

Shen Miaomiao hesitated, her voice getting smaller and smaller:

"Because um ang ah..."

Gu Sheng was silent.

It took me five seconds to understand!

"No, you are the Onion King? (NPC making fun of the kitchen)"

Gu Sheng's expression was speechless:

"Or is it that you have the insole stuffed in your mouth?"

"You're the Onion King! You just had a shoe insole stuffed in your mouth!"

Shen Miaomiao jumped up from the sofa:

"Why are you talking so rudely! I said it's because I want to sleep on the sofa! Do you understand me?"


Gu Sheng was stunned:

"Because you sleep on the sofa, so I have to sleep on the sofa with you? This...this doesn't make sense, does it?"

"My truth is truth!"

Shen Miaomiao ignored it and patted the sofa:

"come over!"

Gu Sheng was speechless and choked: "You are a bit like training a dog."


Shen Miaomiao thought for a while and then patted the sofa:


"Okay! You have momentum!" Gu Sheng raised his thumb, then cupped his fists and raised his hands: "Brother!"

Shen Miaomiao was not to be outdone: "Second brother!"



"This bow——"

"Hahahaha, are you poor or not? You..."

When Shen Miaomiao saw Gu Sheng walking over with square steps, she giggled and gave him a gentle kick:

"Go and wash up quickly, it will be dawn soon..."

At this moment, Gu Sheng also realized why little Nezha insisted on letting him sleep on the sofa.

Don't ask, the previous escape experience definitely left a big psychological shadow on her.

As the saying goes, what you think about every day is what you dream about every night.

Little Nezha was probably afraid of being chased awake by crazy people in the middle of the night.

Click... click... click...

In the living room, the hands of the clock passed by minute by minute.

Deep breathing sounded evenly.

The first glimmer of morning light slipped in through the gap in the living room curtains, walked across the smooth floor, rolled over the fluffy carpet, and tiptoed onto the sofa.

He gently stroked the girl's long eyelashes, slid down her slender neck, and then went down to sit on her curled knees.

"Well...don't...don't chase...don't chase me..."

There were soft murmurs, and the girl seemed to be experiencing a tense pursuit in her sleep, and her originally curled legs were about to move.

"Don't chase!!!"

The next second, the confused girl twitched all over, and her curled slender thighs suddenly bounced up, completely forgetting that there was another wronged child on the sofa.


The smooth calves are stretched, the feet are curled and tightened due to tension, like a rabbit kicking an eagle!

At this time, the enemy on the sofa also snorted: "Huh?"

He opened his sleepy eyes and looked at the girl.

Oh haha.

The jailer whom the warden had longed for arrived.

The only drawback is that it is a bit fast.


"Wake up the fuck! What time is it and you're still asleep? Do you still have the guts to sleep?!"


The data report hit him in the face, and Yamamoto jumped up from his seat!


Opening his bloodshot eyes, he saw Kamikoshi Kage standing in front of him.

Yamamoto Tsuna couldn't help but tremble, stood up quickly, and bowed to Kametsu!


Yamamoto didn't go home yesterday and slept directly in the office.

Not just today.

Yesterday, the day before yesterday, the day before yesterday...

He has been in the office for a week straight.

no way.

As the situation escalated, Yiyou and Xunteng jointly attacked, one overtly and the other covertly, making them miserable and miserable.

Comella is a big business.

But Yiyou and Xunteng are not vegetarians either.

What's more, now the two of them have joined forces!

"Teacher...what are you looking for me for?"

Facing the angry Kametsu, whose brows were knitted into a knot, Yamamoto was sincerely afraid and trembling.

"What's the matter?" Shangyue glanced at him: "Let me ask you, it has been twelve hours since the release of "Silent Hill", how are our sales now?"

One word!

Yamamoto was immediately stunned!

How does he know how the sales are! He just woke up!

"Private...Private Marseille!!!"

The ninety-degree bow and private Marseille can be called a universal reply in Neon.

"Then open your eyes and take a good look!"


Kamikoshi Kage was giving instructions to the data reports scattered on the ground!

Yamamoto Tsuna did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly leaned over to collect all the reports, and took a closer look!

A head-on blow!

The moment the first sales report appeared in front of him, Yamamoto felt his head buzz!

Twelve hours!

The total number of copies sold worldwide of Silent Hill...

"Thirty...thirty thousand...sets?"

Twelve hours! Thirty thousand sets!

Only 30,000 sets!

Even under the best-case scenario, their first-day sales will not exceed 50,000 units!

Based on the pricing of 28 knives per set, their total sales on the first day were only over 1 million!

But you must know that the cost of Silent Hill is a full 67 million!

And games like Silent Hill are no better than multiplayer online battle games in that they can boost sales in subsequent updates!

Basically, the first-day sales are the pinnacle of this type of game!

Although in theory, it is possible for some games that have insufficient early publicity to increase sales through secondary publicity after the game is released.

But Silent Hill is obviously not among this group!

Because now, they have basically over-covered the promotion of Silent Hill, and they have promoted it everywhere they can.

From a publicity perspective, this game has reached its upper limit!

In other words, the first-day sales he saw now are already the single-day sales limit of Silent Hill!

It’s a done deal!

There will be less and less after that!

Yamamoto's hands started to tremble immediately!

And when I looked down, I felt that my legs were weak, and I sat down on the chair with a groan!

Because below is the sales volume of Silent Hill’s competing products!


In the column of competing product information, there are usually three or five games of the same type.

But because Comella and Golden Wind fought so hard!

In addition, horror games themselves are not a mainstream theme!


At this moment, there is only one competing product in front of Yamamoto——


According to statistics, the total sales volume of Escape within 12 hours was...

Yamamoto Tsuna was trembling all over!

180,000 sets!

Fully six times that of Silent Hill!!!

Its first-day sales are estimated to be around 250,000 units!

Sales of 30,000 units versus 180,000 units in twelve hours!

Sales of 50,000 units versus 250,000 units on the first day!

This is no longer a fiasco!

This is crushing!

A one-sided crushing battle with great disparity in strength!

Yamamoto Tsuna finally knew why the teacher angrily slapped the report on his face so early in the morning!

Kamegoshi Keimasa has been very kind!

With this sales volume and cost in front of him, Shangyue asked him to eat the report in front of him, and he couldn't even refute a word!


Turning the pages tremblingly, Yamamoto looked at the many comments in the second report document——

"Escape crushes Silent Hill! Basically locking the victory on the first day!"

"With the old-fashioned way of fighting monsters, is Comora really not suitable for horror games?"

"Escape is critically acclaimed, Silent Hill is bleakly popular"

[...It is not difficult to see that Silent Hill without Sam only has a similar appearance, but the removal of the soul makes Silent Hill become a walking dead just like the monsters in the game]

[Unarmed is always the answer to horror games. Apparently Yamamoto Tsuna, the new generation producer of Silent Hill, did not realize this...]

[Major Waterloo! Silent Hill is very likely to create the largest loss in the history of Comela!]

'Originally I was quite objective and bought Silent Hill, but now I just want to ask Geneva to refund my money!!!'

'No? If I want to fight monsters, why don't I go to PC and play Biochemical 4? Isn't Li Sanguang's whip leg better than your cerebral palsy murderer protagonist?'

"I'm really obsessed with the plot of Silent Hill. I just played a murderer and came to Silent Hill to destroy the corpses and eliminate traces?"

‘It’s a good idea, don’t think about it next time, I have other uses for your pig brain’

‘There is a kind of beauty with paronychia on the brain’

'Lin Xiao, you...'

'Don't be embarrassed, this game is worthy of being compared with Biochemical 4? You are pointing your nose at Shinji Sanshang! This is not as good as Biochemical 5/6!'

‘Ah? There are 5 and 6 in biochemistry?’

'The somatosensory cabin version, "Resident Evil: Killing" and "Resident Evil: Frenzy" are not by Shinji Sanshou, and players are used to calling them the fifth and sixth installments, but they went to my grandma's house, so I don't know what's normal.'

‘No? Is there anyone who really bought the two biochemical movies in the somatosensory cabin? Then it seems that I am not the ultimate injustice by buying Silent Hill.’

'Whoever buys this thing, I can laugh at him for a year...'

'Silent Hill wasn't supposed to be like this!'

‘Yamamoto, I call you your ancestor!!!’

'Now, do you know who should Fvk?'


"This... this... this is simply..."

Yamamoto's chest was rising and falling, and all kinds of weird comments made him furious, like falling into an ice cave!

no doubt!

Among these negative comments, there must be someone from Hua Guoxun Teng!

But the problem is, there are so many negative comments now that it’s completely unclear who is a ghost and who is a human!


The sales failure of Silent Hill has become an established fact!

"What is this? This is simply the biggest stain in my career!"

Seeing that Yamamoto couldn't say a word for a long time, Kamikoshi Kage was banging the table and roaring!

"Don't think I don't know what you're thinking, Yamamoto Tsuna!"

"You think that you originally had a big project like "Yakuza", plus "Silent Hill", a horror revival IP, and you have the power of two projects, you want to be the best?"

"You made the wrong calculation! You idiot!"


Kamigoshi Kage stood up, snatched the report from Yamamoto's hand, turned out the last page, and slapped it on the table!


“Take a good look for yourself!!!”

Say it!

Without looking back, he walked out of the office angrily!


The office door suddenly closed, and the incoming wind blew up the report on the table. Yamamoto Tsunade hurriedly grabbed it and looked over -

Project: Yakuza Cyclone

Expected first-day sales: 210,000 units

Twelve-hour sales: 78,000 units

Estimated first-day sales: 108,000 units

Year-on-year sales decline: 48.57%

Sales cut in half!


Affected by the impact of Silent Hill, another game "Yakuza Rush" personally produced by Yamamoto Tsuna was also affected, and its sales were directly cut in half!

Yamamoto Tsuna, who originally planned to seize with both hands, was ruthlessly counterattacked by greed.


Not only that!

Looking through the sales data of other works of the same period, I found that all the games produced by Comella during the same period were affected to a greater or lesser extent by this incident!

The lower decline is about 10%, while the higher decline is about 25%!

Silent Hill failed miserably!

Ji Dao violently slashed in half!

The overall sales of other works in the same period dropped!

And all of this stems from his own greed and desire to become the head of the three contemporary Comela families!


All of a sudden!

Yamamoto Tsuna's mind went blank!

The hand holding the report weakly hit the desk.

Silent Hill alone cost 67 million U.S. dollars and sold only 1 million U.S. dollars on the first day, which was already too much for him to walk away from.

Not to mention other projects affected by this!

This time!

The collision with the golden wind brought an astronomical amount of direct or indirect losses to Comela!

[Think about it yourself]


Yamamoto Tsuna thought of the words that Kamigoshi Kagemasa left before he left.


He thought that those were just the angry words of Shangyue who were anxious and angry, hating the iron that cannot be transformed into steel.

But now it seems... things are far from that simple!

Such a big basket, such a huge loss!

Although theoretically speaking, in the final analysis, this incident is just a wrong project investment and a failed market collision.


Because the amount involved is too huge!

In order to give an explanation to the board of directors, Kamigoshi Kagemasa must find someone who will take the blame!

And look at the entire Comella.

The person who is most suitable to take the blame is also the person most directly related to this wrong decision...

It’s him Tsuna Yamamoto!

The head of the three imperial families?

Dream on!

Now, whether he can continue to stay in this company is a question!

Think of this!

Yamamoto Tsuna jumped up from his seat and pushed out the door!

"Teacher! Teacher! Listen to my explanation..."

"...I really didn't mean it!"

at the same time!

Shen Miaomiao was carefully applying medicine to classmate Gu Sheng's eyes.

At this time, Gu Sheng's right eye socket was covered in purple and red swelling, and it was likely to develop into a panda eye.

Shen Miaomiao bit her lip hard, her whole body trembling uncontrollably, trying hard not to laugh out loud:

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry..."

Gu Sheng bared his teeth and glared at little Nezha: "Your apology is not sincere at all, is it? You were obviously smiling all the time!"

"Hey! What are you talking about! Mr. Gu!"

Little Nezha gave Gu Sheng the last bit of medicine and spread it evenly, and said seriously:

"I have received professional training. No matter how funny it is, I will never laugh..."

"Really?" Gu Sheng squinted his swollen right eye and looked at little Nezha.

"Really!" Shen Miaomiao bit her lips and nodded vigorously: "I will not laugh at anyone who laughs at you!"

"Then what should you do if you laugh?"

"Oh my God, five thunderbolts!"

"That's not necessary. You can do all the housework this week."


"A deal?"


Saying that, Shen Miaomiao stretched out her hand and hooked with Gu Sheng.

However, their little fingers just hooked up!

Then I heard Gu Sheng call Shen Miaomiao: "Hey, look at me."

"Ah?" Shen Miaomiao was confused and looked up.

Gu Sheng raised his neck and said:

"Young people don't respect martial ethics. They steal from me, a 69-year-old comrade... When I drink wine, I have a left kick and a right kick kick..."

A moment!

Shen Miaomiao's face was distorted, and her eyes showed shock, as if it was hard to believe that a person could be so bad.

"I hope you...mouse tail paper, reflect carefully..."

Gu Sheng patted Shen Miaomiao on the shoulder.

And Shen Miaomiao couldn't bear it any longer and fell down on the sofa with a loud laugh!

"Hahahahahaha, this is too similar...you dog, hahaha..."

"You deliberately made me laugh hahahahahaha..."

"You are cheating!!!"

This chapter has been completed!
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