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Chapter 222 Damn, I lost my pea shooter!!!

 A Yin became happy when he saw this name.

The barrage is also full of question marks——

‘The name is obviously so simple and crude, why can’t I understand it?’

‘There is a sense of fantasy like Calabash vs. Godzilla’

‘The boss was stunned’

'A whole job game?'

'There's no way these two words can be connected, right?'

'Weird thing, Xiao Huang has another strange thing...'

A Yin was indeed confused, and even a little unbelievable:

"Is this... another abstract game?"

Although Golden Wind has never released abstract games before.

But this time, they were participating in a special event that has been held for ten years since the Art Games Festival.

As a flagship game, it represents the top production level of domestic small games and is promoted to the leader in overseas markets by Yiyou.

To release an abstract game at such a juncture?

It's a bit... too abstract, right?

With doubts in mind, Ayin clicked on the store page, and the game cover and promotional posters came to her face.

"Holy shit! Is his brother really a Plants vs. Zombies?"

On the promotional poster, the plants on the left and the zombies on the right were in stark opposition, looking comically tense.

I have to admit, this simple and crude name is really appropriate.

Look at the game tag again!

Tower defense, strategy, puzzle, development, leisure.

Age rating(E):6+

"Six years old? Can I still see Golden Wind release an E-rated game in my lifetime?"

A Yin was really shocked when she saw the age classification.

To know!

Looking at the games produced by Golden Wind, the one with the lowest rating is E+, which is suitable for players aged 12 and above. There are two games in total.

One is "Kitchen Kitchen" and the other is "To the Moon".

The former is because it contains a large number of erroneous and dangerous operations, and the latter is because there are elements of love, both of which are not rated E.

In fact, theoretically speaking, "Cat Leo" has a chance to be classified as E-rated.

However, because the cost of that game was so low, it did not even meet the inclusion criteria of the rating review system.

Therefore, the lowest rating limit for Golden Wind games has always been E+, for those aged 12 and above.

As for the upper limit... think of the broken limbs and broken arms on the road to survival, and the scissoring of fingers and gender reassignment to escape.

There is even a saying that has been circulating in the gaming circle: R-level 18+ is only the upper limit of the game rating, not the upper limit of Golden Wind.

But now!

Golden Style, which has always been bold, exciting, and novel, focusing on 15+18+ level games, has actually launched a game for 6+ levels.

'What kind of baby game is this?'

The barrage was also shocking:

'Puzzle enlightenment, right?'

'It's broken, I'm a baby!'

‘My child is also going to become a Golden Wind player? This old thief is so cruel! (Dog Head)’

'Huh? Zombies? How come a game with this element is rated 6+?'

'Do you really think that Xiao Huang being named and praised by the official is just a formality?'

'No...isn't this cartoon style enough for a baby? Look at the zombies here, their style is better than Bears or Bears!'

‘Absolutely, Xiao Huang is going to rule the whole age group’

‘The old king is classified into three levels: at the top he can reach the nine heavens and grasp the moon (18+), and at the bottom he can go to the five oceans to catch turtles (6+)’

‘It’s hard to imagine that such a cartoony supply-side game has the same designer as Escape (funny)’

‘There is a kind of beauty like Walrid singing and losing his handkerchief’

‘Hahahahahahahaha, what an evil metaphor...’


The audience was astonished.

Even Shen Miaomiao was a little surprised.

The audience doesn’t know what the game is about, but she does!

"Hey, did you use official power?"

Shen Miaomiao hugged her legs and leaned back slightly, raised her little feet and lightly kicked Gu Sheng's arm:

"I understand that cartoon zombies are not restricted content, but in this game zombies lose their heads and arms at every turn. How did you get it to be E-rated? Did you go through the back door?"

"No, the rating system is different from the judging criteria you imagined,"

Gu Sheng shook his head and denied:

"It doesn't mean that if a game contains certain restricted elements, it will definitely be rated as 15+18+, unless your restricted content is too explicit,"

"In addition to confirming restricted elements, game review must also consider their proportion of elements in the game,"

"For example, our previous "Kitchen" was rated E+ because the entire game was set around 'dangerous operations'..."

Speaking of which.

Gu Sheng and Shen Miaomiao didn't hold back and both laughed out loud.

That game was indeed dangerous, and the two of them often accidentally set the kitchen on fire.

Waving his hand, Gu Sheng continued:

"The same goes for "To the Moon". The core of the game is emotion and love,"

"This is the fundamental reason why they are classified as E+,"

"It doesn't mean that if there is a head-cutting and arm-breaking thing in this game, it is considered to be a restricted level. The core game element of PVZ (Plants vs. Zombies) is not a head-dropping and arm-breaking thing. In addition, our cartoon style is displayed here,"

"It's natural to get a 6+ rating."

Finished explaining.

Gu Sheng shrugged and raised his eyebrows at Shen Miaomiao:

"Besides, do you think I'm someone who cares about ratings?"

This is to the point.

Shen Miaomiao was speechless.


After all, the psychopath in front of me can even design a heinous BOSS like "The Groom", how can you expect him to care about game ratings?

"Let's try out this baby game... where is the movie that says 'suits your height'? The house manager should seal that bastard!"

Talk and laugh!

After the payment is completed, Ayin has also downloaded the game.

Click to enter the game, and dark golden fonts slowly appear on the dark screen——

【Golden Wind】

【Steel Chain Finger Studio】

【Director: Gu Sheng】

Beep beep beep! beep beep beep!

In the dark scene, an alarm bell sounded.

As the screen gradually brightened, a furry hand reached out from the quilt and photographed the alarm clock on the bedside table.

The sky was bright and the sun was shining brightly, and a sunflower was smiling and twisting rhythmically in the flower pot.

The owner of the hairy hand also got up, took off the unchanging white shirt in the closet, took the iron pan from the storage compartment and put it on his head.

The fat body went downstairs wearing slippers and opened the refrigerator. In addition to a burrito, there were also several blue pea seedlings with big blinking eyes and round mouths.

All peaceful.

But now!

On the country road outside the house, a staggering figure steps into the camera!

He has long arms, small legs, green skin, tattered clothes, staggering steps, and inarticulate uh-uh sounds from his mouth.

There are a few pitiful hairs on one big head, one big eye and one small eye, one eye is on guard and the other is sentry, and the whole body exudes the aura of 'wisdom'.


And there is more than one such zombie!

One by one, there are groups of people.

The smart zombies are approaching the garden, and some zombies even picked up ice cream cones on the roadside and put them on their heads!

at the same time!

There was a rustling sound of footsteps.

On the green grass, I saw the fat figure in a white shirt holding a green pea seedling and placing it on the lawn!

As far as the eye can see!

The swaying sunflowers, the tenacious pea seedlings, the angry dwarf melons, the cute nut wall, and the big-mouthed flower that dripped with laughter...

All kinds of strange-shaped plants are spread all over the garden, and the battle begins!

The peas were shot out one after another, knocking the zombies to pieces. The angry dwarf melon jumped up high and smashed the zombies. The big-mouthed flower tasted the zombie buffet delivered to the door one by one!

And here comes the shot of a pea!


The game LOGO also pops up on the screen!

"Plants vs. Zombies"

[Click any button to start the game]


In this game, Plants vs. Zombies, Gu Sheng absorbed the game trailer CG from the previous game "PVZ2" and transplanted it into the game as the opening CG.

Although the reputation of the second generation is not very good, the quality of this CG is still very good!

For a moment, there was a sound of surprise in the live broadcast room——

'ohhhhh - cute!'

'The macho man is excited! This little pea sprout is so cute!'

‘Isn’t that little potato funny? He’s so cute and cute’

'Nuts: You are just a little potato! Your whole family is a little potato!'

‘Hahahahahahaha those are actually nuts, I thought they were small potatoes too’

"No one likes sunflowers, they are so magical"

‘Excuse me, is it normal that I like zombies, especially the one with the snow cone, which is so cute and cute?’

'This piranha... I have a bold idea...'

'One cannot...at least should not...'

'You can do it! At least try!'



no doubt!

As soon as the exquisite CG was played, it immediately attracted the attention of many players and viewers!

As a child-oriented game, PVZ's style of painting is just right in the range that is suitable for all ages. It does not appear too childish, nor is it pretentiously cute or artificial.

Lighthearted, funny and full of fun!

"This is quite interesting..."

Although A Yin is regarded as the "most handsome man in Jinmen", he couldn't help laughing after seeing such interesting plants.

Click the mouse to enter the game!

A burst of deep and naughty background music sounded——

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait...

Like children draped in sheets on Halloween, shouting trick-or-treating.

Although it is low-pitched and profound, it also reveals a magical and interesting aspect!

And as Ayin clicked to start the game, he named his house.


A note appeared on the screen, with a line of words crookedly written on it:

[Hello: We chickens will make a full tribute to your house - sincere zombies]

"Three words were wrong in one line,"

A Yin couldn’t help laughing:

"You're pretty damn polite."

Just talking!


In the earth-brown garden, a roll of turf spread out.

[Click on the seed card!]

As the prompt appeared on the screen, Ayin followed the guidance and clicked on the card slot at the top of the screen.

"Oh, this is called Peashooter,"

A Yin dragged out the green pea seedlings and planted them at the front of the turf:

"Block the mouth first. I guess the zombies will walk along the dirt road, so our pea shooters can hit both sides."

Players who often play traditional tower defense know that A Yin's way of building towers is definitely the most standard.

Place the primary tower next to the monster exit, firstly to make room for the advanced defense tower behind it, and secondly to test the strength of the monster, leaving yourself enough time to react and operate.

Routine operation.

A Yin took it for granted, and the audience thought it was very normal.

Then, two small suns fell from the sky.

After collecting the sunlight, Ayin planted another pea shooter side by side.

While preparing, A Yin said with a smile:

"What a baby game, huh? This beginner's guide should be the most detailed in the Golden Wind game."

"It's a complete teaching level, I guess Yiyi (A Yin's daughter) can pass it..."

Say it!

A Yin also stood up from the camera: "Go to the toilet, brothers, this teaching is closed."


As A Yin walked out of the screen, a burst of drumming was heard!


The sound of zombies came.

The audience is eagerly looking forward to seeing how powerful the Peashooter is.

But the next second.

Click - click - click - click -

As the crunching sound came, the audience watched helplessly as a big-headed zombie slowly walked out from the right side of the screen, and walked in front of the pea shooter in two steps.

Then, he started to open his big mouth, his hands were pumping, and he started to feast!


The barrage was full of ‘huh?’ sounds!



‘I’m so excited, I saw zombies becoming vegetarians’

‘Ah? Why did the zombies come out from this route? Isn’t this the place where the tower was built? How could the zombies come up?’

‘Is it a bug?’

‘Stop talking nonsense, your family also specially provides animation and sound effects for BUG’

'So this game... Damn... zombies can eat plants?'

'Oh - shit! I understand! Green grass is the route! The zombies will walk in a straight line, and players need to place as many plants as possible on this road to kill the zombies before they reach the house!'

"I bet you call this Zi Gong Xiang? Isn't this a bit difficult?"

‘So the plants in this game have to be planted later!’

'Oh! Something is going to happen!'

‘Hahahahaha I want to see the expression on the boss’s face when he comes back soon’

'It's over, it's over, we're about to reach the door of the house!'

'Hahahahaha, I'm about to overturn...'


In an instant! The barrage was abuzz!

Everyone watched helplessly as the first peashooter plant was eaten by the zombies that came after it killed a zombie.

Although the second peashooter plant barely managed to kill the second zombie, it didn't last long.

As the [last wave] prompt appeared, three more zombies appeared, a clicking sound was heard, and the second peashooter also followed in the footsteps of its predecessors.

As a result, the two zombies stepped onto the green grass majestically and slowly approached the house.

And right now!

The sound of footsteps came, and A Yin returned with relaxed steps:

"How about my two peashooters, do they have firepower..."

Half the story!

The live broadcast room was immediately muted!

In the live broadcast, A Yin had a smile on his face.

His expression changed from relaxed to stunned, then from stunned to puzzled, and finally from puzzled to terrified!

It froze for a full two seconds!

A strange scream with a Jinmen accent echoed throughout the live broadcast room!


“Damn, I lost my peashooter!!!”


PS: Please vote for me, there will be a chapter later~

This chapter has been completed!
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