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Chapter 270 Big addition! Shen Miaomiao’s love rival! (For Feng Xue

 Chapter 270 A big addition! Shen Miaomiao’s love rival! (Update 77 for Feng Xue Silver Alliance)

(Eight thousand chapters, two in one)

It’s so exciting! Lao Gu!

Shen Miaomiao's face was serious, but her heart was already filled with joy!

Originally, she didn't care much about what Lao Gu and Yan Sheng said.

Unexpectedly, halfway through their chattering discussion, the conference room suddenly became quiet, as if they were both embarrassed.

The sudden silence caught Shen Miaomiao's attention.

Listen again!


Lao Gu actually wants to make an extreme sports game?

Shen Miaomiao almost burst out of joy at that time.

Oh - let me tell you why he kept applauding this sports game project in the first place.

It turns out that I had already thought up the idea of ​​the underworld.

This project is great!

Both hell and niche!

Very good! Very promising! There is even the potential to lose money!

Although, this looks like a flag.

But this time, Shen Miaomiao's prediction of loss was quite reasonable.

In fact, even Yan Sheng and even Gu Sheng felt a little worried about the sales prospects of this game.


Although the idea of ​​"competing extreme sports in a somatosensory cabin" is great and sounds cool and exciting.

But don’t forget that in this world, the audience and popularity of extreme sports are really too small.

And the shortcomings of "niche" are absolutely fatal to a game.

Take two games from Gu Sheng’s previous life as examples——

Which one of "Xtreme" and "NBA2K17", both released in 2016, has higher sales?

The NBA has surpassed its ultimate peak in five ways.

Is it because Peak Peak is so bad? Or is it because the NBA is so good that it’s simply astonishing?

of course not.

A large part of the reason is that basketball has a large audience of players, is well-known, and is widely understood by people.

Extreme sports, on the other hand, have a small audience, low visibility, and even fewer people know about them. There is not even a well-known star athlete like Jordan.

Therefore, when two games are of the same quality, the one with a narrower audience will have lower sales.

But now, in this world, the popularity of extreme sports is not even as high as that of Gu Sheng in his previous life!


The sales volume of this game... is really hard to say.

Seeing that both of them were silent.

For a moment, Shen Miaomiao's big eyes couldn't help but brighten even more!

Oh haha!

There is a way!

There is a way, friends!

Even Lao Gu was silenced by me!

What does this mean?

This shows that he has no idea!

Thinking of this, Shen Miaomiao became more determined: "What's wrong? You two? Do you have any other questions?"

I'm just a stickler!

A project that even Lao Gu hesitates is a once-in-a-century project!

Don’t fail to establish a project!

After so many years of training, Shen Miaomiao's words and deeds have become more mature, and her language skills have become more advanced.

Just "Do you have any other questions?" The decision is made immediately!

The two of them were not even given a chance to discuss the format of the game!

As soon as this statement came out!

Yan Sheng and Gu Sheng were both stunned!

He was obviously stunned by Shen Miaomiao's cold words.


Just... finalized the project?

Isn't this... a bit sloppy?

Yan Sheng opened his mouth. He wanted to say something but felt that no matter how he opened his mouth, it was inappropriate.

After all! This time he came to Golden Wind just to beg!

Golden Wind didn't want his money or effort, so he just came with his mouth.

But now, the boss has made up his mind, what kind of bicycle does he want? What other kind of bicycle does he want?

As for Gu Sheng, although he seemed to want to say something, he swallowed his words in the end.

Little Nezha is supporting him with all his strength!

Just like countless times before.

No matter how bizarre or unreasonable his idea is, Xiao Nezha supports it unconditionally!

This good intention was as heavy as Mount Tai, how could he refuse it outright!

that's all!

Shen Miaomiao's words choked the two grown men.

In a strange atmosphere, this exclusive sports game project specially created for Yiyoux2 was confirmed with Shen Miaomiao's decision at the speed of light.

"...then...then I will go back...and wait for good news from your company?"

Yan Sheng felt as if he was in a dream and stood up in confusion. He even doubted why he came to Binjiang for a while:

"Just leave it to Mr. Gu...?"


Here, Gu Sheng also seemed to be in a dream. Apparently he had not woken up from the speed of light project establishment. He stretched out his hand to shake hands with Yan Sheng and said goodbye:

"The wait is almost done. I'll contact Mr. Yan for testing."

"Ah...Okay...Okay...Then I'll go back first..."

"Okay...ok...I'll see you off..."

"There's no need to give it away, everyone."

As Tetsuya Moritani put the last pen into his small storage box, he looked up.

Outside the managing director's office, there were already crowds of people from the game division.

The leader is none other than Takasugi Suke, the only remaining director of Takasugi Studio among the "Three Old Royal Family" in Comella.

"Director Moritani, is there really no room for relaxation?"

Takasugi sighed slowly and asked softly.


Moritani Toru also opened his mouth, then smiled slumped.

In fact, theoretically speaking, there is room for relaxation.

Just a phone call recording and a few photos.

Joey Kagemasa tried hard to stop him from "leaking trade secrets".

Because he didn’t leak any trade secrets at all!

It’s good that he kept the secret of the Golden Wind “Sekiro” project out of moral reasons.

However, he did not become a traitor to Comella and secretly convey any internal business secrets about Comella to Golden Wind, as Koshikoshi Koshi said.

Helping Golden Wind find the motion capture team firstly did not undermine Comella, and secondly did not cause any direct losses to Comella.

Purely personal behavior.

If he insists on being serious about this matter, let alone Shang Yuejingzheng, he will not be able to move the position of Managing Director of the Game Affairs Department. Even if he joins forces with the other seven major shareholders of the shareholders' meeting, he will not be able to shake him in the slightest!

But what's the point?

Now the two sides have fallen out.

What's the point of staying in this place any longer?

What's more, judging from the current situation, Kamigoshi Kagemasa, who is about to retire, has almost lost his mind for his own benefit, making frequent mistakes and being unable to persuade him.

Even if he stayed in Camela, he would still face being abandoned and squeezed out by the top eight shareholders of the entire company.

There is no point in sitting in this position of managing director, which exists in name only.

"No more relaxation,"

Moritani smiled, a little tired, and shook his head at Takasugi:

"It makes no sense."

Hear the words.

Takasugi opened his mouth, but finally stretched out his hand and shook Moritani vigorously:

"I believe you. Although Gu Sang is indeed a charming person, I also believe in Moritani's principle of being a good person."


Moritani took a deep breath and showed a sincere expression of relief.

Then, he declined Takasugi's help, walked out of the office with his small organizing box in his arms, and bowed deeply to all the colleagues who came to see him off:

"Thanks to you all for taking care of me over the years. It's my honor to work with you. The mountains remain green and the water flows forever. I wish you all smooth sailing ahead,"

"No need to send it off, gentlemen,"

"See you later."

Say it.

Moritani nodded to everyone and strode out of the company door.

Standing on the crossroads where people were coming and going, Toruya Moritani turned around and took another look at the KOMINA logo with red background and white letters on the building.

He looked at the small organizing box in his hand again.

Then he laughed bitterly.

More than twenty years.

In the end, after walking out of this huge company, he only had this small organizing box left for himself.


Shaking his head, Moriya let out a long sigh:

"Suddenly I really want to drink some wine..."

"Drink it! Don't drink it!"

At the dinner table, facing Xiao Nezha’s application, Gu Shengyi righteously rejected it!

Although this is not a good word, it is just right to describe little Nezha——

When you see money, you become interested; when you drink alcohol, you become obsessed.

Gu Sheng would never forget in his life that little Nezha was crying and fussing in the middle of the night, and he had to ask him to find a cucumber with a funny expression on its cross-section.

To let this little ancestor drink, he had to set aside a whole night in advance to prepare for her torment.

Not today.

"I have to come up with the prototype of the project plan tonight,"

As Gu Sheng spoke, he frowned slightly and sighed:

"Our new project... is a bit difficult."

"Peak Kingdom"

《Steep Republic》


For this new extreme sports game, Gu Sheng extracted both "Extreme Summit" and "Extreme Kingdom" from his game library in one go.

What he has to do next is to first select the design advantages of the two games.

Then, this combination is transplanted into the somatosensory cabin.

At the same time, considering the niche situation of extreme sports in this world, he had to use some unprecedented means to help increase the popularity of this game.

And these work!

It must all be planned and put together by him alone.

Although he works as a tailor, he is also a highly skilled tailor who dismantles backpacks to make vests.

After all, others don’t have a system either.

It can be said that the workload is quite heavy.

"Oh - that's great!"

If Gu Sheng said anything else, Shen Miaomiao might just curl her lips and act like a fool.

But when she heard Lao Gu say that "the project is difficult," she was happy, so she nodded and looked concerned:

"Then don't put too much pressure on yourself. It doesn't matter. After all, it's a type I've never tried before. Don't worry too much about it. We can afford it."

After saying that, Shen Miaomiao bit the tip of her tongue and tried hard not to laugh.

Hahahaha, my aunt can not only afford to pay! I can even pay more and more!

So, after cleaning up, Shen Miaomiao 'sensiblely' let Lao Gu go to the studio.

And she herself watched the movie for a while.

Although she felt a little lonely, she felt a little relieved when she thought that Lao Gu was working hard to contribute to her money-losing business.

In the blink of an eye, the movie was finished and Shen Miaomiao stretched her arms and stretched her waist like a cat on the sofa.

"It's almost half past eleven..."

After looking at the time, Shen Miaomiao stood up and turned off the projection screen.

Then he washed up, opened the door of the studio, said good night to Gu Sheng, and went back to his room to rest.


It hasn’t been five minutes since I laid down!

Shen Miaomiao heard voices coming from the studio where Gu Sheng was located?


Shen Miaomiao was stunned.

It's already twelve o'clock in the middle of the night.

Why...who is Lao Gu talking to?

Shen Miaomiao was a little scared.

Just about to get up.

Just hear a click.

The studio door seems to be open.

Then I heard Gu Sheng's voice, soft and gentle, as if he was making a video call: "Wait a minute, I'll get two bottles of beer."

Thumb thump thump——

The sound of bare feet passing by was heard, the refrigerator door opened, and the sound of cold beer clinking against each other was heard.

Thumb thump thump——

The sound of bare feet walking back sounded, the studio door closed, and the low voices of conversation seemed to disappear again.




Shen Miaomiao, who was standing behind the door of her room while the dog eavesdropped furtively, suddenly became furious!

Uncle Gu Sheng!!!

Oh, you don’t drink with me, and then drink with others on video in the middle of the night, right?!

You are just afraid that I will delay you if I drink too much!

Why do we have projects tonight?


You just do it to drink with other people!

Dog! You are a bastard of a dog!

Shen Miaomiao was so angry that she clenched her silver teeth.

A pair of big eyes suddenly turned into little pearls.

So what is our relationship now?

I'm waiting for you, are you talking on the phone with someone else in the middle of the night and falling in love?

Shen Miaomiao was holding the door and breathing a little quickly, feeling angry and aggrieved.

I wanted to rush out and question Gu Sheng, but I couldn't find a suitable reason for a while.

Then there was a click.

Opening the door gently, Shen Miaomiao tiptoed to the door of the studio and listened.

Just listen to Gu Sheng's voice from the door:

"...I apologize. It's my fault. I'm sorry for you..."


"Actually, I should have thought of it earlier... um..."

"I didn't expect that that night...yes...there were actually people secretly filming..."


Listening to Gu Sheng's intermittent words, Shen Miaomiao felt that her scalp was numb and her whole body was about to collapse on the ground!

[For all the pain of persistence in love, for all the pain of persistence of hatred...]

Inexplicably, this melody sounded in Shen Miaomiao's mind again.


But this time, Shen Miaomiao didn't want to be Pinru who swallowed her anger, she wanted to see what kind of Ellie could take away her three years of closeness to the water!

"Gu Sheng!"


Shen Miaomiao pushed open the door of the studio, wore floral bear pajamas, and rushed into the studio angrily, with her hands on her hips:

"Aren't you working on a project? Even if you talk to your lover on the phone in the middle of the night, be careful not to affect your roommate's friendship!"

All of a sudden!

There was dead silence in the entire studio!

Gu Sheng stared blankly at the little Nezha who rushed in, the expression on his face froze for five seconds!

He opened his mouth, looked at the video phone, then at Shen Miaomiao, and then turned his gaze to the video phone. The expression on his face became a little strange and he shrugged:


"No, it's not my wife...it's..."


"Speaking of which, we are also acquaintances..."

As he spoke, Gu Sheng slowly put down the beer in his hand, took off his Bluetooth headset, fiddled with his phone, and turned on the speaker.

Then he turned the phone screen to Shen Miaomiao:

"...It's my boss, Shen Miaomiao,"

"We are now... sharing a room together."

Two full seconds!

Just listening to a man's voice on the phone, I was embarrassed and at a loss:


"Come on, President Shen Miaomiao! I'm here, Tetsuya Moritani!"

"I was talking to Gu Sang so late because I was feeling a little depressed. I didn't know that I disturbed Mr. Shen's rest. I'm really sorry!"

“Private Marseille—!!!”


Silence is today's Binjiang Yaju, Floor 307, Door 2, Room 1901.

'I'm not alive anymore.'

Shen Miaomiao was completely embarrassed!

Like a watchful stone, it stays in place motionless!

All I can think about is "How can I commit suicide without pain? I want faster results. I'm waiting online. It's urgent."

So! Embarrassing! Embarrassing!

Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah--!!!

In the silent studio, Shen Miaomiao's embarrassment was deafening.


Which of your grandma's families do the two elders have to talk on the phone at twelve o'clock in the middle of the night?

Is this really reasonable?


Shen Miaomiao smiled weakly, showing an awkward yet polite smile.

"Night... good evening Moritani-san... I didn't know you were... chatting..."

For a moment, Shen Miaomiao didn't know where to put her hands. She looked left and right, and finally her eyes fell on the beer bottle Gu Sheng put on the table.

He took a step forward, grabbed the beer bottle, raised his neck, and showed off the remaining third of the bottle of beer to Gu Sheng.

Then he bowed:

"Private Marseille! I'm disturbing you! You can continue chatting... I'm fine... My room is actually very soundproof..."

"Don't worry about me, you continue, continue..."


Tip toe.

Like a little thief, Shen Miaomiao ran away and gently closed the door.

Only Gu Sheng and Moritani Tetsuya were left looking at each other in confusion.

After a long time, Moritani opened his mouth: "Mr. Shen...you have a good drinking capacity, huh?"

"Ah, haha," Gu Sheng smiled a little reluctantly: "Maybe you're thirsty."

After that, he waved his hand to signal Moritani not to pay attention to this embarrassing episode:

"Let's go back to the situation on your side -"


Just yesterday.

The day after the shareholders' meeting, a "resolution" regarding the dismissal of the appointment of Toru Moritani, the managing director of the gaming division, was sent to Joeshi Keimasa.

Needless to say, when it comes to dismissal, Comella, as a large international company, still behaves very well.

There are many steps that should be taken, including layoff notice period, job termination, severance pay, unemployment insurance benefits, etc.

Despite this, Comella will have to pay Tetsuya Moritani a large severance fee, as well as pay him related dividends and compensation in advance.

"But they kicked me out without hesitation,"

Having said this, Moritani took a deep breath and shook his head helplessly:

"In fact, the moment I received the notice of dismissal, I also wanted to pick up a stool and give Kamigoshi Keimasa a good beating, as well as the trash under him who only know how to engage in office struggles internally but have no effect at all externally..."

"But you finally accepted the result and walked out of the Comella Building calmly and decently." Gu Sheng continued.


Hearing this, Moritani took a sip of sake and signaled to Gu Sheng:

"It doesn't look like my character, does it? It's even a bit cowardly and pessimistic, as if I really joined forces with you."


Gu Sheng opened another bottle of beer, took a sip, and smacked his lips:

"On the contrary, this is the wisest thing. Besides, you also know the root cause of this matter, don't you?"

A moment of silence.

Moritani sighed softly, shook his head slowly and smiled bitterly.

What Gu Sheng said is absolutely right.

He knew the root cause of the matter very well.

Did he really rebel?

of course not.

He knew this, Gu Sheng knew it, and if nothing unexpected happened, everyone at the shareholders' meeting, and even Kamigoshi Kagemasa himself, might not be 100% convinced that he had rebelled.

They just need a scapegoat.

A heavyweight scapegoat.

Come and take the blame for the major failure of the "Torii" project.

The so-called rebellion is just useless evidence that looks like a stone hammer but actually can't hammer anything.

Someone has to carry such a big basket.

As a member of the shareholders' meeting, Joetsu Kagemasa must not be able to recite it. He would not be willing to recite it, and the shareholders' meeting would not allow him to recite it.

As a game director, Kazuo Koizumi obviously cannot bear such a big burden.

In this way, the situation becomes clear——

Only Moritani Tetsuya can take this blame.

What's more, the shareholders' meeting had an unfounded 'evidence of guilt'.

Moritani actually knows this very well, but he has always been unwilling to admit that he has been abandoned like this and has become a real outcast of the top management.

Until Gu Sheng revealed this little bit.

"But even if you know it, what's the use?"

Hearing this, Moritani smiled bitterly and took a sip of depressed wine:

"Tomorrow, the entire Neon gaming community and even the global gaming community will know that I, Toruya Moritani, am a traitor who leaked company affairs."

Moritani is right.

If Comella is really determined to make him bear the blame.

Then in less than 24 hours, Tetsuya Moritani's reputation as a "betrayal" will spread throughout the gaming industry.

This matter is almost unsolvable for Moritani Tetsuya.

Because self-proving of innocence has always been a trap.

As soon as you start to prove your innocence, you have already lost half the battle.

Speaking of this, Gu Sheng suddenly smiled and said in a joking tone: "Hey, speaking of this, Moritani-san, have you ever heard such a sentence?"

"What?" Mori Gu looked up at Gu Sheng.

Gu Sheng said: "When the United States says you have weapons of mass destruction, you'd better really have them."

After hearing this, Moritani was silent for half a second, and then he chuckled and was amused by Gu Sheng's joke.

Then, Gu Sheng waved his hand, stopped his joking expression, and said seriously:

"Moritani-san, there is a saying in China that says, 'If you want to inflict a crime, there is no excuse for it.'"

"Proving one's own innocence is never an easy task,"

"I think that instead of thinking about how to protect your reputation here, you might as well prepare for a tough battle and let Comella prepare the materials for cross-examination."

Hearing this, Moritani opened his mouth and shook his head: "I, an ordinary employee who was fired, have no room to resist when faced with the public hype and pressure from Comella."

Moritani had never thought about Gu Sheng's proposal.

But in this era, it is not the case that whoever is right can gain the upper hand in public opinion.

Public opinion in this era is like competition among shops on a commercial street - whoever has the loudest voice can attract more people to watch the platform.

"Then what if the golden wind also helps you shout?"


Gu Sheng's sharp words instantly shocked Mori Gu!


Moritani didn't even react for a moment:


"I said,"

Gu Sheng said:

"What if I shout for you?"

"We will attack whoever attacks you,"

"Today's Comella is plagued by all kinds of diseases, and it has to face the mess of a major failure of the Torii project, and it also has to face the impact of the departure of one of the directors and managing directors of Yusanjia on the stock price,"

"If Kamikoshi Keimasa is not an old fool, he should be 100% aware that this is definitely not the time to start a public opinion war with us,"

"If Moritani-san agrees, on behalf of Golden Wind, I will be happy to help."

Wild! Wild! Fierce!

Gu Sheng's words were calm and calm.

However, it set off a huge wave in Moritani's heart!

Think about what Gu Sheng said before [When the United States says you have weapons of mass destruction, you better really have it].

Let's take another look at what Gu Sheng said now [If Moritani-san agrees, on behalf of Golden Wind, I will be happy to help].

no doubt!

Gu Sheng's intention to win over has been fully revealed!

Although at this moment, Gu Sheng was smiling and looking calm and easy-going.

But the arrogance and arrogance exuded in his words were so arrogant that even Moriya couldn't help but be shocked.

Gu Sheng's meaning is very clear——

'I just dare to accept Moriya as ordered! I can't control what the hell you think, but if you, Comella, dare to fart more, can you try?'

The lawsuit was fought hard!

Public opinion stirred up the heat!

I want to be reasonable and have formations!

Crazy is really crazy.

What’s even more shocking is that today’s Golden Wind really has the strength to challenge Comella!

After all, today’s golden style is unparalleled in China!

Let’s not talk about the official support behind him, let’s just talk about the two top game comprehensive groups in China, Yiyou and Xunteng!

Whether it was the battle between "Escape" and "Silent Hill" back then, or the battle between "Sekiro" and "Torii" not long ago.

During the war against Comella, behind the golden wind, there were always two giant Buddhas, one black and one white!

Yiyou is responsible for positive publicity, and carries out relevant media publicity, news announcements, and marketing promotions openly.

Xunteng is responsible for causing trouble in secret, hiding in the dark to incite public opinion, bombarding with negative news, and making false and true hype attacks.

I think back when Comella wanted money and people, it was still stretched thin under the attack of the black and white evil spirits, and it was quite difficult to withstand it.

Even Moritani Toruya feels quite frightened when he thinks about this now.

What's more, now that Comela is experiencing internal and external troubles, it's too late for Kamikoshi Kage to calm down the internal troubles, so how can he dare to challenge the Golden Wind?

To know!

The style of gold is now in full swing!

The wolf wants fame and money.

According to estimates, as of the middle of next month, Sekiro's monthly sales revenue will be conservatively estimated to be over 350 million U.S. dollars!

As for the CEO of Golden Wind, Shen Miaomiao, as the eldest princess of Shen Capital, the largest conglomerate in China, she is also a master who mishandles money!

That is to say.

Golden Wind is really determined to give it a go with the current Comella, and it will drag Yiyou and Xundo into a life-threatening, money-burning fight. Even if it is the second largest comprehensive game manufacturer in the world like Comella, You may not even dare to receive his full blow!

Gu Shengkuang definitely has the capital!

And all this!

All just to invite myself to join!


For a moment, Moritani's eye circles were a little red:

"I'm just a defeated general, so I don't need to spend so much time. What's more, the money I've earned over the years in Comella is enough to live comfortably for a lifetime..."

"Moritani-san, can you really give up your twenty-year gaming career with just a few words of 'a comfortable life'?"

With that said, Gu Sheng shook his head, then picked up the Mickey watch on the table and looked at it:

"It's now 1:20 a.m. Beijing time and around 2:20 a.m. Dongjin time,"

"There are still less than six hours until the official announcement of the most likely personnel changes in Comella tomorrow morning,"

"We don't have much time left."


A long silence!

Moritani was speechless.

Gu Sheng was also speechless.

The two just drank in silence.

One bite after another.

Time ticks by.

It takes about half an hour!

With the last drop of sake in the bottle washed down.

Moritani's originally lost and confused eyes gradually became brighter.

"Gu Sang."


The two looked at each other for a moment on the video call.

Then, I heard Moriya say:

"As for the "Apex Kingdom" project, I personally think there are no problems with the project's original intention and gameplay design. The only problem is that the extreme sports theme is too niche."

Hear the words!

Gu Sheng's eyes lit up instantly!

He nodded and motioned for Moritani to continue.

"Niche projects need to be balanced by mass publicity."

Moritani said:

"I've heard about Mr. Shen's investment model for a long time, so I won't be too polite,"

"I personally suggest that our publicity and distribution method this time be to use multiple batches of joint publicity and distribution,"

"By purchasing the copyright of songs in large quantities and releasing promotional videos in batches, we can fully link the songs to make up for the shortcomings of niche movements,"

"Even, we will organize related extreme sports activities after this to fill the gap in global extreme sports events."

Hear the words.

I saw the smile on Gu Sheng's face getting stronger and stronger.

Finally, I couldn't stand it any longer and burst out laughing!


Good! Good! Good!

Moritani my love!

Looking forward to the stars and the moon, I finally got what I wanted, and I am so happy to have such a handsome and beloved general!

Thank you so much to your eight generations of ancestors, Joey Keimasa!

You don't need to leave such an awesome general alone, and I'll just keep an eye on your three-quarter acre of land every day.

He also poured dirty water on others and said they were traitors.

Hahahahaha Dasha X!

Just wait, Thief Sun.

Let me show you how powerful Moritani's rebellion is!

You still have two years to retire, right?


I want you to fucking retire in peace and contentment, so I’ll write the word Gu backwards!

It’s three o’clock in the morning Beijing time!

Everything is silent.

A personnel change that caused a sensation in the gaming industry, after nearly two years of planning, finally made a thunderous noise in the gaming industry!

A brief social platform message set off a storm in this silent night——

[Golden Wind V: Warmly welcome former KOMINA Managing Director @Moritani Tetsuya to join Golden Wind!]


PS: Please vote for me~

This chapter has been completed!
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