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Chapter 280 Why are you standing still? Picking up vegetables!

 "Okay, dear viewers, welcome to Wang Laoju#¥%@#¥ live broadcast..."

Friday night at 8pm!

Xiaopozhan live broadcast room, [Wanglaoju Future Technology Co., Ltd.] live broadcast room.

Wang Laoju, who has a strange face, is standing in the dressing room, looking in the mirror and greeting the viewers watching the live broadcast.

The barrage was full of enthusiasm——

‘This game should really turn off the face pinching function specifically for the chairman’

‘Chairman, can you stop looking in the mirror?’


‘This pinching of face is really indescribable’

‘The chairman actually knows how to do extreme sports’

‘Hey, does it matter whether you can do it or not? If you can’t exercise, you won’t die.’

'That's true...'



Just now, the "niche" extreme sports game "Apex Kingdom" produced by Golden Wind Game Company and known as a copyright fiend has finally been launched as promised!

The reason why its "niche" is marked with double quotation marks is naturally because this game, which is obviously a niche subject, is now the most popular game in the domestic and foreign game live broadcast circles!

There is no doubt that this method of copyright bombing is mindless, but as long as the copyright authority is powerful enough, the effect is still very explosive.

From China, to neon, to Europe and the United States!

Anchors on major live broadcast platforms started preloading early and purchased the game as soon as it was unlocked!

Laoju is one of them!

Lao Ju is very much looking forward to this game.

Whether it’s the excitement of flying in a wingsuit and soaring into the sky, the freedom of riding a snowboard through the white snow, or riding a mountain bike for a downhill descent, the feeling of challenging the limit is very attractive to him.

Even for this reason, Laoju has specially prepared a very new live broadcast format to introduce this game live——

"Okay, dear audience friends, welcome to our annual product introduction conference of Future Technology Company,"

"So what I'm bringing to you today is a series of extreme sports products recently developed by our Future Technology Company,"

"As we all know, when our human body is subject to impact or pressure, it is actually because of force acting on us,"

"As for the sports products of our future technology, in this case, they will automatically generate a corresponding gay force,"

"I'll help you stay gay so you won't get hurt..."


Laoju actually turned the game live broadcast into a press conference.

He himself is both the president and a tester, demonstrating the 'product' to the audience.

After listening to Wang Laoju’s nonsense, the barrage burst into joy——

‘Hahahahahahaha God’s fucking gay power’

"The setting is designed to appropriately reduce fall and impact damage for the sake of gameplay. The chairman explained it as a new gay product. It is truly the king of stories."

‘But let me tell you something, the technical name of this product is really gay’

‘The chairman is awesome’

'Which excellent employee is this?'

‘Surprised, it was actually the chairman who conducted the experiment himself’

‘I’m afraid it’s not a product (dog head) designed by the chairman himself’

'laughing to death...'


After the abstract face pinching session, Lao Ju also officially started her extreme journey.

As the UI page was called, a huge world map appeared in front of Lao Ju, with various attractions and competition areas around the world densely marked on it.

There are a wide variety of competitions and locations.

And among them——

“The one that best demonstrates the product quality of our future technology company is this [Bicycle-Downhill Race].”

Wang Laoju said firmly.

In fact, this is a relatively niche but extremely death-defying project that he has been interested in before the game was released. It can be called an extreme sport among extreme sports.

DH, mountain downhill, or downhill sport.

An extreme mountain bike sport that focuses on downhill slopes and large drops. It is different from the mountain bikes used to commute to and from work. Usually, these bikes use exaggerated double-shoulder front forks. The frame is extremely strong and the overall weight of the body is lighter.

Subject to the influence of the venue, it is usually a personal time.

Lao Ju had seen videos of this sport before. If he wasn't afraid of death, he would really like to experience this sport where he can understand the true meaning of life between life and death.

And now, the pinnacle country is here.

You can experience the thrill of falling down a mountain without actually burping.

As he spoke, Lao Ju immediately selected a D-level downhill map in Utah.

Not all competitions and challenge maps in the game are unlocked.

Players need to familiarize themselves with the operations step by step, adapt to the almost completely immersive challenges in the somatosensory cabin, and gradually unlock more advanced maps by accumulating trophies.

So Laoju can only start from the most basic D-level map.

However, there are exceptions to map selection.

Just like the [Peak Eight] challenge.

The eight pinnacle challenges are based on real scenes. Whether you are a newbie or a real extreme athlete, you can choose to participate at the very beginning of the game.

However, Lao Ju is not that reckless yet.

After all, if you die once in the Peak Eight Events, you will no longer be able to participate in it in a short period of time.


Lao Ju quickly traveled to Utah, USA.


Along with the sound of wind, bursts of gravel passed by the outside of Lao Ju's helmet, making bursts of rustling sounds, and the strong wind with the smell of dust entered his nose along the helmet.

A huge flag with the word GW printed on it buzzed in the field.

Lao Ju opened his eyes, only to see that he was riding a weird mountain bike underneath him, with his ID - Future Technology Wang Laoju - printed on the side of the bike.

Looking up into the distance, all around were desolate and rugged earth-brown colors. The mountain peak he was on should be the highest highland nearby.

The footsteps and wheels rolled over the mountains, making the sound of salad.

The creation of the most top-notch game graphics is already close to being fake and real.

The immersive full-sensory technology makes every plant and tree in the venue, and even the smell of wind and sand, extremely realistic.

Around him, layers of spectators cheered for him. The AI ​​audience shouted and shouted, and the crowd was excited and in various poses.

Lao Ju was also on a mountain bike, twisting the handlebars left and right and pressing the brakes.

Very detailed.

Whether it's the friction texture of stones and gravel under the tires transmitted through the handlebars, or the friction and reaction force when the brakes are tightened.

Everything is so realistic that even if he turns off the heads-up display in the game, he really won't be able to tell where the boundary between the game and reality lies.

Perhaps this is the fundamental reason why Golden Wind does not allow players to turn off the head-up UI.

Thinking of this, Lao Ju also took a deep breath and pedaled the mountain bike slowly approaching the starting point of the track:

"Okay audience, through the time and space transmission technology of future technology, we have arrived at the test site in Utah,"

"You can see the enthusiastic pariahs who attended the press conference today... There are still a lot of viewers, damn!"

The moment they reached the starting point, Lao Ju's voice suddenly stopped!

But see you!

The track in front of us is extremely narrow, with only one person allowed to pass.

After passing a starting track of less than twenty meters, there is a cliff.

After a drop of several meters, there is a winding cliff track.

Look further ahead!

To the right is a cliff with jagged rocks, and to the left is a cliff with a drop of up to 200 meters.

This is not the scariest thing.

The scariest thing is the track at the back, which is almost entirely an inclined track with an angle of nearly 40 degrees!

In other words, he needs to pass close to the offset center of the cliff, and always pray in his heart that the grip of the mountain bike will not disappoint!

After passing this terrifying inclined track, there is a canyon fissure!

The total length of the crack is about five meters. You need to pass through an arc-shaped platform to fly through the canyon crack at high altitude and finally reach the foot of the mountain.


For a moment, Lao Ju's mind went blank, and she even forgot that she was holding a 'press conference'.


This thing...you call this thing a mountain falling game?

Is this different from what I knew before?

When I watch other people's videos of riding down mountains, they usually ride along a very narrow ridge all the way to the foot of the mountain.

Just that, it can already be said to be a dangerous situation that is enough to make people frightened!

But this track...

Is there even a section where you jump over a cliff?

For a moment, Lao Ju was stunned.

And the barrage was also full of exclamations——

‘The Chairman’s hesitation’

‘Damn it! This track is too exaggerated!’


'No, it's just such a winding road, and you have to make a leap in the middle?'

'Damn...my palms are sweating just by looking at it'

'Good guy, the UI shows that the drop is 238 meters. If I fall, won't I be bruised and bruised?'

'One piece in the east and one piece in the west...'

‘You have one chopstick and I have one chopstick…’

'Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha fast forward to the start of the banquet right?'

‘Is it already the point where future technology can no longer be gay...’


He was stunned for three seconds!

The audience watched helplessly as the chairman's heart rate soared to 110, but they still pretended to be calm and said:

"Okay! Very good! Then I have seen some students questioning whether our product can be used on this track by gay people,"

"Then next, as the chairman of Future Technology, I will also fully demonstrate to everyone the limits of gay stress that our company's products can withstand!"


I saw Lao Ju take a deep breath.

Then, he held the handlebars tightly with both hands and pushed lightly with his feet.


As the tires kicked up dust, although Lao Ju only pedaled lightly, the huge slope angle of the ridge instantly gave him strong power!

The vibrations of the road felt under Lao Ju's feet, and the whistling noise of the wind instantly rang in his ears!

The gravel and rubble in front of him were scattered in all directions, and the rapidly passing road made his heart beat faster!


What's even more terrifying is...

The moment I rushed out of the track, I felt a sense of weightlessness that was almost indistinguishable from reality!

"Holy shit-!!!"

Lao Ju was really shocked!

As an anchor who also has a certain knowledge of game production, Lao Ju is very aware of how difficult it is to achieve such a realistic sense of weightlessness in a somatosensory cabin.

It is not even an exaggeration to say that even if you look around the world, including "APEX" and "PUBG", which are regarded as golden winds, there is no game that can portray the feeling of weightlessness that directly stimulates adrenaline so vividly!


With the sound of wind in my ears, I passed the first twenty meters of the starting section in an instant!



Lao Ju's body flew directly into the air, and the surrounding cliffs and cliffs quickly passed by. The even more intense weightless feeling of falling off the cliff made his adrenaline soar!

The feeling of being temporarily freed from the constraints of gravity even made Lao Ju feel the pleasure of a lack of oxygen in the brain.

"Oh oh oh—holy shit—"


The bicycle landed heavily on the next section of the track, splashing a lot of flying dust!

A huge shock came, which made Lao Ju's feet numb.

With a screeching sound, the wheels deviated slightly, shoveling away the gravel and soil and falling rustlingly under the cliff!

However, with the help of the sophisticated motion assistance system, Lao Ju had quick eyes and quick hands, and his whole body was tense. After all, when the car was about to lose its center of gravity, he stabilized his body and firmly grasped the handlebar!


“Gay live!!!”


Amid the billowing yellow dust, Lao Ju rode out of the dust and charged out!

And the next second, the live broadcast room also exploded instantly, and the employees screamed and shouted in unison——


'The chairman is awesome!'

‘Damn it! What a futuristic technology! He’s gay! The chairman is gay!’

'Awesome! Future technology is awesome!'

'Excellent Chairman of the Year!'

'Damn, this game looks so damn fun!'

‘I get goosebumps just looking at it’

'To be honest, my legs are even a little weak...'

‘It turns out this is called a mountain falling competition, it’s really a mountain falling competition!’

'It's hard to imagine that in reality, there are actually fucking people who dare to play with this...'

‘Trivia: Those who dare to play this are all rich guys, because most people can’t afford such high-strength professional equipment’

‘You’re so desperate’

‘Fuck, I can’t stand it anymore, I want to go gay’

'Red chicken...'

In the game, the AIs standing on the cliffs watching are waving flags and shouting!

Outside the game, the barrage viewers sitting in the live broadcast room were screaming!

The surge of adrenaline almost overwhelmed Lao Ju's brain. The blurring of the boundaries between life and death not only did not scare him, but instead made him feel strangely excited!

Oh no!

As the gravel splashed, the car body charged rapidly again!

While Lao Ju tried hard to control the angle, keeping herself close to the side of the cliff, she stared at the cliff in front of her!


Just when he was about to reach the end of the cliff!

The miraculous action assistance system is in effect again.

A 360-degree backflip with a technical difficulty that is not considered extreme, but is dangerous and fatal here, is like a mastery of it, giving Lao Ju an instant enlightenment!

Various movement essentials, precautions, force points, and even subtle movement adjustments are all as if they were born with you!

This is Golden Wind’s advanced motion-assisted technology—the most cutting-edge somatosensory cabin motion application technology in the global gaming industry.

And now!

The multiple-choice question has been placed in front of Lao Ju——

Not turning?

Pass safely, land smoothly, and the finish line is in front of you, but you can't get the trophy.


The risk factor is extremely high. If you are not careful, you will be killed. The probability is extremely high, but at least you can get a bronze trophy!


No time to think too much!

Because at this time, the mountain bike, carrying the billowing dust, suddenly jumped out on the slope!

And the next second!

I saw Lao Ju leaning back!

Grasp the handlebars tightly with both hands, lean back, and maintain the strength of the whole body at the same time. Raise the front wheel of the car high and push the rear wheel firmly down——

At this moment, time seemed to have stalled.

'The chairman is going to...'


'Turn and backflip...'

'This is too crazy...'

'Come on!'

'The big brother who drives foreign cars!'

'Maybe the chairman can really create...'




next moment.

The mountain bike fell to the ground, bounced up, rolled all the way along the cliff, and brought out a cloud of dust!

As the parts scattered, Lao Ju's head hit the other side of the cliff hard!

Just hear a click!

The sound of broken neck bones is clear and ear-piercing!

The picture instantly turned into black and white, and Lao Ju rolled out like a broken puppet, rolling all the way and falling off the cliff.


Deathly silence.

The entire audience felt their scalps go numb, their mouths opened unconsciously, their pupils were shaking, and their palms were all sweaty!

A long, long time!

In the live broadcast room, a red barrage floated faintly——

【Why are you standing there in a daze? Picking up some food!】


PS: Pigeons that are less than half an hour old are, to a certain extent, also a kind of pigeon...

This chapter has been completed!
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