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Chapter 282 The hymn of mankind is the hymn of courage

 "Fuck...what's the difference between this thing and seeking death?"

Stand under a towering cliff!

Dawei swallowed.

The mountain in front of us was almost straight up and down, with rugged cliffs.

Although there are occasional cracks in the rocks or strange protrusions of rocks, this angle is enough to be intimidating.

not to mention!

This is still rock climbing without protection!

Yes, as an extreme sports game, rock climbing equipment can be said to be the simplest in Peak Kingdom——

A pair of broken finger gloves, a fanny pack filled with anti-slip magnesium powder, and a pair of climbing shoes.


There are no safety ropes, no steel cables, and there is not even a piton anchor point on the entire mountain from bottom to top.

Relying on a pair of hands and feet, a strong core and keen route selection, he conquered dangerous and deadly cliffs one after another.

Of course!

Although the peak countries have basically achieved the level of technology and industry, they can fake the real thing.

Not only does it rely on the full-sensory assistive technology of Yiyu



The "fatigue" caused by rock climbing and other types of sports cannot be simulated by the somatosensory cabin.

Other sports games can't do this, and Golden Wind also doesn't have a good solution.

Therefore, Peak Nation can only replace "fatigue" in parallel in the form of "stamina gauge".

As the process continues to deepen, the athletes played by the players will gradually feel exhausted, and the feeling fed back to the players is that their hands and feet are gradually losing strength and their strength is getting weaker and weaker.

And such changes also prompted the emergence of another benign mechanism.

That is "choosing reasonable routes and actions."

For example, downhill skiing——

It is true that technical moves such as grabs in snowboarding or turns in skiing are very cool and will add a lot of points to you.

But at the same time, this type of action will also consume part of your physical strength.

In a competition, no matter how high your score is, you still need to cross the finish line before the score record takes effect.

If you make too many fancy moves in order to score points during the journey, you may fall short in the end and fall before the finish line.


You can find another more energy-saving descent route to make up for the energy loss caused by fancy movements.

Another example is paragliding——

Of course, you can choose a very difficult action like parachuting to increase your technical score.

But similarly, frequent technical movements will also consume a lot of your physical strength, leading to poor route control and missing virtual route checkpoints.

Unless you can accurately judge the optimal flight path and perform technical actions such as parachuting at the appropriate place.

And now!

This is especially true for the rock climbing project that Dawei and Maomaoman carried out together!

Although in theory, there are very few fancy moves in rock climbing, it can even be said to be almost none.

But its technical moves are not rare.

How to use reasonable technical movements to find the most reasonable route and achieve the summit before exhaustion of physical strength is the biggest difficulty of this extreme sport.

"Let's try it. After all, you can still come back to life after burping."

Snap! Snap!

Grabbing a handful of anti-slip magnesium powder, Cat Man clapped his hands excitedly, came to the bottom of the cliff, grabbed the rock climber, firmly stepped on the foothold, and began to climb up.

With the help of anti-slip magnesium powder, the rough rocks were firmly held in his palms.

This feeling of regaining strength made Cat Man's eyes shine.

It's been too long.

Since he became ill, his health has been deteriorating.

With the frequent use of chemotherapy and various drugs, he gradually changed from a strong young man to a skinny patient who needed to be pushed when traveling.

Fortunately, his brain and heart were still healthy, so he was able to barely pass the health test of the somatosensory cabin.

And now.

When he, who was healthy and sound in the game, felt this incomparable power again, he couldn't help but feel waves surge in his heart.


Health is the greatest wealth in life.


Cat Man smiled silently, took a deep breath, firmly grasped the protruding rock, inserted his knees into the crack of the rock, and looked sideways to his lower right:

"Can you wipe it off? I'm already a quarter of the way up, and you just got there?!"

See you soon!

At this moment, Dawei is clinging to the rock wall tremblingly, like a bastard lying on the rock, not daring to move:

"Stop bragging, do you know what the tortoise and the hare is? I'll let you go for a short while, and I'll overtake you in a while."

"Really? I don't believe it,"

Hearing this, Cat Man suppressed a smile, looked at the terrain in front of him, and then looked down at Dawei:

"Hey, buddy, look at this."

As he spoke, Cat Man pointed at a rock protrusion about seven or eight centimeters long on his upper left side.

"Look," Cat Man pursed his lips and said, "Father, I'll give you a big one."


Hearing this, Dawei's tiger body trembled and he almost fell off the cliff:

"Can you poop during rock climbing in this game? Are you too damn damaged?"

Cat Man:......

"Are you such an idiot?!"

Cat Man’s head was full of black lines, he was speechless and annoyed:

"I mean, I want to swing from here to that strong point over there! Shit your sister!"


Hearing this, Dawei was even more shocked, even more shocked than before!

After all, that rock protrusion is two feet away from Cat Man, and it is diagonally upward!

This means that if Cat Man wants to complete this action, he must jump diagonally on a 90-degree cliff in a completely unprotected state, and perfectly grasp the rock, while also ensuring that he

Don’t swing your body too much!

"You're bragging!"

Dawei screamed strangely:

"If you can fly over there for a while, I'll buy you a grilled fish!"

"Hey! That's what you said!"

Hearing this, Cat Man became energetic. He likes to eat grilled fish the most:

"Are you a dog?"

"You're pretending that you raised me,"

Dawei said firmly:

"Just be damn careful not to hit me when you fall."


Dawei was seen trying hard to get closer to the rock wall, fearing that Cat Man would affect him when he fell.



In an instant, the two team voices fell into silence, and only the sound of Cat Man's deep breathing slowly sounded.


The wind from the valley blew over Cat Man's body.

The towering trees beneath me were rustling, and the chirping of birds in the forest was sweet and sweet.

this moment.

Cat Man felt as if he was the only one left in the world.

The slogan at the beginning of the game comes to mind——

[The hymn of mankind is the hymn of courage]


A loud roar shook the cliff and forest valley!

Cat Man's body was like a vigorous snow leopard, leaping towards the only rock protrusion on the smooth cliff.

Come on!

Gravels rolled and splashed, and anti-skid magnesium powder fluttered through the air.

On the top of the cliff, falcons screamed.




The strong palms with clear joints clasped the rock tightly, and a pair of rock climbing shoes clung to the cliff, making the sound of friction and deceleration!

And when all the sounds suddenly became quiet!

Dawei slowly opened his eyes and looked up, and saw Cat Man holding on to the rock steadily, with his legs spread out for support, like a gecko clinging to the cliff. He breathed a sigh of relief!

"Grilled fish! Dawei! Grilled - fish -!!!"

Plop la la——

Cat Man's excited roar startled a group of birds in the forest below him, echoed in the empty valley, and made Dawei's nose sore:

"Okay, okay, okay! Cut it! You're awesome!"

Have fun!

challenge the limit!

From home to abroad!

From player to anchor!

The release of Peak Kingdom will undoubtedly stir up waves in the sports gaming circle and even the entire gaming industry!

The full-sensory assistive technology of Yiyu x2 is so delicate!

In the ocean surfing competition, players listen to the huge waves roaring from the mountains behind them, smell the smell of the sea rolling up in the sky, and feel the rapid surge of adrenaline in the exciting psychedelic mist!

In the wingsuit flight race, players listen to the roaring swooping wind in their ears, smell the sweet and refreshing scent of new rain on the empty mountains, and feel the true meaning of the hymn of courage during rapid flight!

The unparalleled full-sensory assistive technology is fully utilized, making countless players scream and be shocked!

At the same time, Golden Wind’s action assist technology is so amazing!

In the ridge downhill race, the astonishingly bold backflips and turns were so perverse that people couldn’t help but exclaim again and again!

In the paragliding race, the fearless flips while riding the wind echo so terrifyingly that you can’t help but scream!

In the downhill skiing with speeds up to 200 kilometers per hour, one player after another flipped and turned, bringing out a flurry of snow.

On the towering cliffs, players one after another use their hands and feet to explore higher peaks in incredible extreme postures.

That night.

It was dusk, and pedestrians were busy coming and going on the street.

Dawei, who was full of wine and food, pushed Maomao Man on the street, watching the neon lights flashing and the pedestrians rushing by.

The sound of the rattling wheelchair made a slow sound.


When walking through the traffic light, Cat Man suddenly spoke.

Dawei raised his eyebrows slightly:


Cat Man was silent for a moment and smiled softly: "I'm very happy today, thank you."

"...Then you give me a kiss?"

Dawei laughed and pushed Cat Man across the crosswalk.

Hearing this, Cat Man also laughed, and then took a deep breath, as if he wanted to retain the crisp winter air:

"It's great to be able to play such a game before leaving..."


Although it was only half a day, it was only five or six hours.

However, according to the rules of the eight peak challenges in the game, you can choose any item to start the challenge.

They set foot in the desolate and majestic Utah State of the United States, and saw one after another desperate challengers walking on the narrow and rugged ridge.

They climbed to the top of Everest and watched from the diving platform as one player after another jumped off the cliff and floated under an umbrella in the criss-crossing rugged snow-capped mountains.

They walked through the Swallow Cave of Mexico and the Sea of ​​Cortez, witnessed the Swallow Cave as narrow as the devil's eye of green hell, and marveled at the huge waves rising in the turquoise sea.

They visited the marvelous craftsmanship of Tianmen Mountain and the steepness of Angel Falls.

Although they have never attempted the challenge, there is no doubt that——

The real-life construction and restoration of this game is indeed shocking to the uncanny craftsmanship of nature, and even more shocking to the fearless courage to challenge nature.

And among the eight peak challenges!

What Cat Man is most fascinated by is the Alps.

The vast snow-capped mountains, as white and flawless as a foreign land, are like a celestial palace above the clouds, exuding a dazzling light like heaven.

Especially when the sun sets.

The warm golden-red winter sun will coat the snow-capped mountains with a golden-red outline.

The majestic and magnificent scenery makes people feel like they are in the heaven and never want to leave.


Thinking of this, Cat Man was quite satisfied, but sighed with some regret:

"If I have the chance, I really want to go to the Alps..."


Dawei said nothing.

He didn't say anything like, "When you get better, you can go to Switzerland to see the Alps."

Many times, when it comes to established facts, and when they know that they are powerless to change things, brothers and sisters often choose to remain silent.

Dawei didn't say anything because he knew that this was no longer possible.

Maomao didn't speak because he knew that this was impossible.

After all, it started when he gave up his last breath, decided to move out of the hospital, and finally embraced the world.

The Alps were already a place beyond his reach.


There was a long silence.

Cat Man held up his black cat-eared beanie and turned to look at Dawei:

"Please help me write a review for the game later,"

"Just say——"

SuperCat Cat Man (good reviews)——

This is my last player review. I am very lucky to be able to play such a game in the last few days and feel such a free atmosphere.

Although I can no longer see its subsequent updates, and no one has been able to successfully challenge the eight peak events for the time being, I believe that everyone who has the courage to sing the praises will be able to successfully pass it.

I really like GW's games. It has healed me of many unspeakable things in my inner world and made me feel what freedom looks like.

If there is an afterlife, I really want to see what the Alps look like.

Finally, come on everyone!

The hymn of mankind is the hymn of courage!

Thank you, Sam; thank you, Golden Wind.

[PS: I am a real-life friend of Cat Man. At 2:30 in the morning today, Cat’s soul has gone to the Alps, which is like heaven in his dream. Thank you for the touch and shock this game has brought us, and I hope that Cat

Cats can live a good life in the sky, come on, everyone!】

Just by chance, a full week after the release of "Apex Kingdom"!

Such a review appeared on the review page of Yiyou Game Platform.

As soon as this comment was posted, it quickly attracted the attention of many players.

And now.

This comment was also printed out and lay quietly on the desk of Gu Sheng, Vice President and Chief Game Director of Golden Wind.

This chapter has been completed!
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