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Chapter 300 How do you know there is good news! (For the ouo leader

 Chapter 300 How do you know there is good news! (Added update for ______ouo leader)

With the release of the first hero personal promotional video!

A "fancy promotion" that astonished the whole world, accompanied by the personal promotional videos of other heroes, appeared one after another!

Each hero has his own independent story!

Every step of the promotional video has its own unique memory point!

What's more important is that these heroes come from all over the world!

For example, in "Heroes", there are old warriors from the United States, Soldiers 76 wearing red goggles.

The sentence "No longer a hero" makes people lament and regret.

Although he considers himself not a hero, he still chooses to stand up when faced with danger.

For example, in "Starlight Shining", DVA, a star e-sports girl from Korea.

As soon as her bright and lovely face and her lively, serious and responsible character were released, she immediately gained fans from all over the world.

There are also endless IDs such as "The dog who wants to be Miss DVA", "People live just for DVA", "I feel like DVA is crawling on me" and so on.

For example, in "Let's Go", Xiaomei, a data analyst from the Huaguo Scientific Research Station.

Kind, reliable, perseverant, and determined.

The spiritual core of "Instead of lamenting that the road is difficult, it is better to set off immediately" also perfectly displays the kindness and unyieldingness that China has inherited for thousands of years in front of players around the world.

There are also two brothers from the Neon Shimada family in "Two Dragons".

Although it is not the orthodox five-clawed golden dragon of China, when Genji Shimada drew his sword, the phrase "gilded gold, open the chain" sounded.

The entire Neon player group couldn't help but have a collective climax, roaring, "Gu Sheng is the real game immortal" and worshiped, going completely crazy.

And in addition, like the line "Winston, your blood pressure has risen again" in "The Return".

Or in "The Last Bastion", Bastion's Beep-Bop-Bo teased the players, "Bastion is right."

Each vivid character and each distinct story gradually enriches the background story of "Overwatch" and at the same time increases the popularity of this game!

It was like Shen Miaomiao's blood pressure.


Golden Wind Chairman's Office!

Shen Miaomiao, the newly appointed Chairman of the Board of Directors of Golden Wind, cracked the banana viciously, mumbling and gnashing her teeth with her small mouth.

I'm almost turning into Winston.

It’s been a full month!

Big brother!

I really want to know what you Yunwei are doing?

What about the agreement to be polite first and then to fight?

If you don't eat the toast you promised, you'll have to drink wine as a penalty?

Where are the soldiers? Where are the fine drinks?

Have you punished yourself?

Lao Gu is in full swing, and the entire Golden Experience Studio is like a chicken blood from top to bottom, and the progress is very fast.

It looks like "Overwatch" will be released in about half a month.

After that, in another half month, once the test passes, the game will be released.

Wake up, Yunwei!

You are in the same situation now as the Chinese football team in the second half. There is not much time left for you!


I really want to roast you!

Shen Miaomiao wished she could go across the ocean to give a slap in the face to Kaonic who was far away in the United States.

Why don't you take advantage of the opportunity given to you?


Thinking of this, Shen Miaomiao snorted angrily and angrily threw the banana peel in her hand into the trash can.



As the banana peels entered the trash can, I heard the sound of the computer fan stopping.

have to.

Shen Miaomiao shrugged.

There's another power outage.

Checking the time, it was as expected, 3:30 pm.


In fact, originally, according to the development plan, the development completion time of Overwatch should not be postponed to next month.

The original plan was to complete development this month and release it after testing next month.


In the past month, every now and then, every time around 3 p.m., there has been a power outage on their three floors.

It is said to be caused by wiring issues.

After that, the building will send special personnel to handle the problem and repair the circuits and equipment.

Basically, as soon as I tinker with it, it goes straight to four or even five o'clock.

Regarding this.

Shen Miaomiao's attitude was very ambiguous.

You know, the big boss of this building, Uncle Li, is a friend of her old man, Comrade Shen.

Theoretically, this situation cannot happen many times.

At most two times, she could call Uncle Li directly!

Yes, Golden Wind is now separated from Shen Capital, but Shen Miaomiao has not severed the father-daughter relationship with old Shen!

With just one phone call, the problem of power outage can be thoroughly investigated and completely eliminated!


Shen Miaomiao did not say anything.

I'm not stupid! Isn't it obvious who did this?

Have you ever seen a building where the power goes out like this every day? It works five days a week, either for two or three days. And it only stops on the floor where our Golden Wind is located?

In the past, she had only heard of the so-called 'real business war is to pull your switch'.

Unexpectedly, Yunwei saw that their iron bastard was shrinking and hard, and actually used this outrageous and sexy maneuver!

But having said that, this move did effectively slow down their development progress.

After all, simply stopping their lines on these floors will not activate the building's backup power supply, which can achieve the purpose of "pulling your switch" to the greatest extent.

However, the only thing that made her feel strange was...

In this regard, Lao Gu actually didn't say much. Apart from equipping the operation and maintenance department with a temporary backup power supply for his own use, he took no further measures.

They even took advantage of this opportunity with peace of mind to organize a "group afternoon tea" event.

As soon as there was a power outage, the young men, young men, girls and women from the project department would go downstairs in groups to drink tea, or go to the leisure area to grab snacks (the backup battery for the claw machine was provided by Shen Miao Miao, so any snack machine that is out of power cannot run out of power) ).

I am enjoying my time, not in any hurry or panic, just like I am sitting on the tower watching the mountain scenery...

"...I can hear the chaos outside the city~"

Shen Miaomiao held her cheek and looked at Gu Sheng while grabbing the doll and singing:

"The flag was fluttering, and the shadow turned in the air, but it turned out to be Sima——"


The usual bull fell out of the claw machine.

Gu Sheng knelt down and picked up the drink with squinting eyes and a long note while shaking his head and handing the drink to Shen Miaomiao:

"Send—the troops are coming!"

It made Shen Miaomiao giggle:

"Lao Gu, are you old enough? I read on the Internet that once Chinese people reach a certain age, their quintessence will automatically awaken, and they like to listen to that babbling sound."


Gu Sheng laughed, raised his posture, and took four square steps.

"I think back then, my team had just opened, with only a dozen people and seven or eight guns. When the 'Imperial Army' chased me, I was confused..."

When he sang this, he saw Gu Sheng cupping his hands towards Shen Miaomiao:

"Thanks to Sister-in-law Aqing, she asked me to hide myself in the water tank!"


The words have not yet been spoken!

Moritani happened to be passing by and started singing:

"This woman is so unusual!"

Gu Sheng couldn't hold himself any longer on the spot:

"Moritani, you are the fucking imperial army, what the hell are you doing singing along to Diao Deyi!"


Because there were many brothers in the leisure area at this time, everyone laughed as soon as this statement came out!

For a time, the whole company was very happy and the atmosphere was brisk.

However, right now!

Da da da--

Suddenly, a group of rapid high-heeled footsteps sounded.

"Dr. Shen, Mr. Gu."

The voice of greeting sounded.

Gu Sheng and Shen Miaomiao looked back.

At this moment, outside the leisure area, stood the chairman's chief secretary Chu Qingzhou.

The look on his face was not ideal.

Shen Miaomiao gave him a questioning look.

Chu Qingzhou didn't reply, but made a gesture towards the conference room to discuss in detail.

In an instant, the entire leisure area could hear the sound of needles dropping.

Obviously, Secretary Lu Chu came with a smile on his face this time, and what he brought was definitely not good and encouraging news.


Shen Miaomiao's heart moved.

Could it be that……

"Yunwei has made some moves."

The matter was urgent. As soon as the two of them followed Chu Qingzhou and sat down in the office, Chu Qingzhou frowned and said.


Hearing this, Shen Miaomiao was secretly happy.

However, his face still has to look like he is facing a powerful enemy and is worried and surprised:

"what's the situation?"


While talking, Chu Qingzhou pushed his mobile phone in front of the two of them.

I saw that it was a graphic tweet from a studio called TYG owned by Yunwei——

[Yunwei TYG Studio: I am very happy to announce to you that our new multiplayer online battle masterpiece "High Energy Pioneer" will launch a stress test early next month and is expected to be released on March 15th, so stay tuned! 】

The picture above the tweet is a "Family Portrait" poster.

A monkey wearing black armor, a soldier wearing an X-shaped holographic helmet, a black male angel with a halo on his head, a short-haired girl wearing a pride flag on her chest and holding a small submachine gun...

Winston, 76, Mercy, Tracer...

The prototypes of these characters can be seen at a glance, and it is almost impossible to make them obvious.

Plagiarism that was even more naked than that of the little polar bear was placed in front of the two of them, leaving them speechless. For a long time, they didn't know what to say.

"Isn't this just... blatant plagiarism?"

Shen Miaomiao thought that Yunwei's methods would be very despicable, but she did not expect that he could be so despicable!


This is not the most important thing!

"The most important thing is that they can start the stress test on March 1."

Chu Qingzhou pointed out the key point of the problem!

"You know, the Overwatch project took us a full two months from the early stage of planning and preparation, to the start of development, to the official release of the first personal promotional video,"

"And it has only been less than a month since the first promotional video was released."

Speaking of which!

Chu Qingzhou slowly shook his head and looked at the two core leaders opposite:

"In less than a month, Yunwei can reproduce our game and sell it first???"


As soon as this statement came out!

Only then did Shen Miaomiao finally realize the seriousness of the problem!


One game in less than a month?

How the hell is this possible?

No matter how powerful you are, how many people you have, and how rich you are, you still can't reproduce it so quickly!

Because you can plagiarize the game models and forms, but those modeling and data are definitely not something that can be produced in just one month!

That is to say...


When I thought of this, I heard a soft sound.

Power is restored.

Shen Miaomiao took a breath, twisted her neck stiffly, and looked at Gu Sheng who frowned——

"...So, the power outage delaying our development progress is just one of their Yunwei plans. Their real plan is to bribe the workers who repair the lines and steal our data while we are away..."


As the apartment door opens.

Shen Miaomiao followed Gu Sheng's footsteps and walked into the house.

The low air pressure made her suffocate.


Ever since Chu Qingzhou reported Yunwei's 'surprise attack' to them.

Lao Gu's face was ashen.

Shen Miaomiao blamed herself very much.

She really didn't expect Yunwei to use the chain trick.

Among the ordinary "real business war" methods, there is actually a deeper secret theft plan hidden.


She hopes that Yunwei can launch a deadly and effective attack, carry out a powerful sniper attack on Overwatch, and prevent this game from making huge profits.

But now, looking at Lao Gu's appearance, she wondered if she had really gone too far.

After all, if she had called Uncle Li as soon as possible and asked him to thoroughly investigate the line problem, Yunwei would not have been able to take advantage of this loophole.

In the final analysis, this was caused by her deliberate laissez-faire.

Thinking of this, Shen Miaomiao opened her mouth:

"this matter……"

"Blame me."

Gu Sheng said in a low voice.

Shen Miaomiao was stunned.

She actually wanted to blame her for not being vigilant enough. After all, she had the chance to nip this threat in the bud.

But unexpectedly, Gu Sheng spoke first:

"...I was not vigilant enough, thinking that Yunwei's method was just to turn on the switch, and even let everyone go out to relax and drink tea while the power was out, even a housekeeper. No……"


Gu Sheng sat on the sofa with some dejection.

"Oh, Lao Gu, please don't do this,"

Seeing him like this, Shen Miaomiao felt even more distressed. Feeling guilty and uncomfortable, she came behind Gu Sheng, bit her lips and massaged his temples:

"I can't blame you entirely. After all, Yunwei's methods during this period have only been about cutting off power. Everyone thought that was all they had."

"I was also at fault in this matter, and I was too careless,"


Shen Miaomiao massaged Gu Sheng thoughtfully over and over again.

The little head was spinning rapidly.

How should I comfort Lao Gu?

Now, it is a foregone conclusion that Yunwei will rush to release a high imitation of "High Energy Pioneer".

What should I say to make Lao Gu relax and face this major failure calmly?

It may not be a good thing for them to release first? Maybe... we can also make certain modifications based on their release effect...


This reason is indeed a bit far-fetched.

But now, she couldn't think of a better way to comfort her, so she could only bite the bullet and speak in a deep voice:

"Yunwei's data theft is certainly hateful, but the good news is-"

That’s all!

Just when Shen Miaomiao was still considering whether it was reasonable to say so!

Gu Sheng suddenly smacked his lips!

He suddenly turned back to look at Shen Miaomiao and looked her up and down for three seconds!

Then, he chuckled, showing a mean smile like Song Xiaobao, and clapped her hand:

"Shame! You are really getting better and better!"

"How do you know there is good news?! Hahahaha——"

Shen Miaomiao:...ah?


PS: Please vote for me~

This chapter has been completed!
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