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Chapter 330 Go Tell Aunt Rhody


The weather has gotten hotter and hotter.

At this time, it has been exactly two months since Golden Wind announced the two-person trip.

As the weather gets hotter and games sell out like crazy, Golden Wind seems to be flourishing on the road other than "game production" and is getting busier and busier.

The first is that in June, after preparations and version adjustments, the "Overwatch International Competition Format" was jointly sponsored by Golden Wind, Yiyou, Xunteng, and the three major live broadcast platforms of China, Neon, and the United States.

Officially announced.

In the competition system, the world is divided into six major competition areas. Each registered club will have its own points, and the points need to be obtained in minor competitions in their respective regions.

In the first to fourth quarter of each year, Golden Wind will also host four global major competitions.

According to the number of registered clubs in different competition areas, each competition area will have its own fixed number of direct invitation quotas, and the player with the highest score will get it.

As for other clubs, they need to fight through the minor competition to get tickets to enter the major.

And outside the minor and major!

Every August, Golden Wind will also hold an "Overwatch International Invitational Tournament", which is also the world's highest level competition for the Overwatch project.

During this period, the current season pass purchased by players will be automatically upgraded to the [International Invitational Tournament Pass] for free.

And this pass is also the most value-for-money pass of the year.

Because not only will the rewards be doubled, but you can also receive free tickets to watch the game online, and you can even get the "out-of-print-witness jewelry" that has a chance of dropping by watching the game.

Not only that!

On this basis, 25% of the funds for the passes purchased by players will also be extracted and included in the bonus pool to provide higher bonuses to the ranked teams!

Once such a brand new competition system was announced, the entire e-sports circle and players were shocked.

You know, Overwatch is at its peak today.

There are many clubs participating in e-sports events, and the e-sports market is booming.

In addition, this time players can also participate in the competition and even bet on their favorite teams to increase their bonuses.

For a time, various clubs announcing the establishment of Overwatch branches sprung up like mushrooms after a rain, making official announcements one after another.

And players also fanatically support their favorite teams.

For a time, the popularity of the league soared, and players prepared enough small amounts of money to wait for the announcement of the global invitational tournament.

This is one of them.


Outside the game!

At the end of June, the "First Global Extreme Mountain Fall Challenge" jointly organized by Golden Wind and Tencel Bull was also held as scheduled in Utah, USA.

This is the first official extreme challenge held by [Golden Bull].

Although it is different from the previous soap box challenge and parachute parachute, it is as unique as it is.

But the number of viewers who paid attention was no less than before, and it was even 11% more than the number of viewers in the previous challenge!

The wild and thrilling mountain falling race has attracted extreme sports athletes from more than 25 countries and regions around the world.

The thrilling track made the audience scream.

This extreme form of sports has attracted nearly three million people around the world to watch!

And after this battle!

The two words "golden bull" and "extreme sports" are also perfectly engraved in the minds of every audience and have become synonymous with extreme.

There is even a saying that has become popular -

To see if a sport is extreme enough, just look at whether it has the symbol of the golden bull.

For a time, the Golden Wind was unparalleled in the limelight, as if "the world is full of legends about me"!


Players have never forgotten that Golden Wind is a game company after all.

After "Twins Go Together", for two whole months, there was no news at all about Golden Wind's game production.

There is no news about the development of any new projects, nor any development plans for new projects have been announced.

Such a "long" wait has obviously made many die-hard fans unable to hold back.

Players have been urging the old thief to update in the comment areas of various Golden Wind games——

'When will BT be repaired? Old thief! I want to play TTF2!'

——This is the player comment area of ​​"Titanfall"

'Jushan Mental Hospital has almost become my home! Now the main focus is on a person who can come and go freely! So when will the sequel be released?'

——This is the player comment area of ​​"Escape"

'In Weiming Country, the dragon does not roar and the tiger does not roar. It is ridiculous to be petty! On the altar, there will be no sequel to the big fish. I call you old thief and go on a new journey!'

——This is the player comment area of ​​"Sekiro"

In addition, the official tweets of Golden Wind and the comment area of ​​Gu Sheng’s personal social account are also filled with players’ calls for updates——

'How dare you take a break at your age? Get up and play games!'

‘I’m going to die without butter to play with (creeping darkly) (screaming) (writhing) (splitting) (squirming darkly) (tumbling) (convulsing)’


‘The game of golden wind, abbreviated as [Butter]’

'Who the hell taught you to shorten it like that?'

'The old thief got up in the middle of the night: Aren't you sick, are you? I've made a lot of butter over the years?'

'I really can't wait for Lai to release a new game soon, bro, any type will do, please (please), I'm really itchy (crying), please, I'm obedient, my body now seems to be

Ants are crawling (stick out tongue) (twist and crawl)'

'The most severe episode of my butter addiction was when I was lying on the bed, chanting the Great Compassion Mantra, and scratching myself all the time. I thought it would be nice if we went on a trip as a couple, but it turned out that I didn't have a girlfriend. I fanned myself harder and harder.

, I fanned myself until tears flowed out. I really didn’t know what to do. I really wanted butter so much that I went crazy (crying) (crying) (crying)'

‘[Query the mental state of Golden Wind players]’

'This is what we butter players are like...'

‘It’s too abstract. I got it in class. It’s really hard to hold back your laughter.’


The players were laughing and joking, and the comment sections everywhere were full of joy.


Such abstract and interesting comments made one person especially unable to laugh - Masaichi Nakamura.


As one of the directors of the new version of Yusanjia, Nakamura Masaichi has never played against Gu Sheng. He is the last studio director to appear in the "Later Yusanjia Era".

But as an old employee of Comella, Nakamura is no stranger to the golden wind.

Kill Yamamoto first, then Koizumi.

The game manufacturer Golden Wind is really a nightmare for them in Camera.

Although Comella has always had an absolute advantage in terms of size.

But the problem is that his golden style is just an iron-clad bastard.

Not only is it not interested in going public at all, but even the inside is so damn solid that it can’t be penetrated by a pin or splashed by water.

Nakamura has gone crazy.

It’s clear that Golden Wind’s internal team is almost catching up with the World Federation!

Chinese, neon, Gaul, American...

Three major studios, 1,856 nationalities, it’s really that great unity of the world.

But why is it so reliable?

A company as big as Yunwei is a master among masters, whether it is poaching people or sabotaging.

But it happened to be overturned in the hands of Golden Wind.

Not only did he not succeed in poaching him, but he also bought a studio and made a two-person trip, which righteously skyrocketed Vivendi's stock price.

Nakamura couldn't understand.

Now, the only thing he can think of is -

The golden wind is quiet, and nine times out of ten it is acting as a monster!

This is the truth passed down to him through the lessons of his "predecessors" with blood and tears.

Three years.

If at this time he still thinks that the reason why Golden Wind is not in the game is because Gu Sheng has failed to play it, or because Golden Wind has shifted its direction and no longer pays attention to the game itself, then Nakamura should stop messing around and hang up as soon as possible.

You should go to a brain department to see a doctor.

no doubt!

Today's Golden Wind is secretly saving up, definitely in preparation for the [E3 Electronic Entertainment Exhibition] list to be announced at the end of next month!

After all, as early as two months ago, there was news that Golden Wind was in contact with the purchase of a horror game IP.

And this also happens to collide with the "Silent Hill: Restart" project that he is currently responsible for!

Nakamura was lying when he said he wasn't nervous.

That’s Gu Sheng from Golden Wind!

The pioneer of psychological horror! The well-deserved king of horror!

What if you give him another top horror game IP?

Just thinking about it makes Nakamura's scalp numb...


Nakamura raised his hand and refreshed the page.

But the next second——


On the keyword search page for "Golden Wind New Tour", a black screen video suddenly popped up.

In the dark screen, Nakamura's trembling pupils were reflected.

Because at this moment.

He clearly saw the black screen video and the tweet of the news publisher:

[Gu ShengSam: Not a hero——]

Extremely short! The clouds and mountains are shrouded in mist!

A moment!

The cold breath was like a biting cold wind, instantly chilling Nakamura!

As we all know!

Whenever there is such a cloudy tweet, it means the arrival of the Golden Wind horror game!

The King of Terror returns!

What kind of IP will it work with?

Great pressure came over him. Nakamura took a deep breath, and with all the anxiety and uneasiness, he clicked on the black screen video...

Ding ring ring ring——

Ding ring ring ring——

In the picture, a slightly dated landline phone rang.

It can be seen that the location where the landline phone is located seems to be a dark utility room, which is a bit messy.

As the call rang, the indicator light on the landline also flashed.

The picture gradually darkened.

Only the indicator light is still flashing.

There was a beep and someone answered the phone.

The indicator light goes out momentarily.

In the darkness, a man's voice sounded.

"She has come back……"

The rustling sound in the black screen seemed to come from the void.

It was like the whisper of evil spirits, like the crawling of dense insects, and like the sound of flesh and blood decaying at an accelerated rate.

Then, the flashlight tube slowly lit up.

The owner of the flashlight was walking in a dilapidated house, walking slowly.

The floorboards creaked underfoot, and the floral wallpaper on the walls had curled up due to age.

And on the roof, there are even more intricate spider webs.

There is a sense of old decay everywhere in the entire building.

Even through the picture, the audience can smell the smell of moldy dust, rushing toward their faces.


The creaking sound of the old metal hinges that were in disrepair sounded, and the violin strings seemed to be pulling on the heartstrings, bringing with it a strong uneasiness.

The nursery rhymes, which are modified from Polish folk songs, are like the alarming ringing of bells in the middle of the night, or more like the sudden murmurs under the bed late at night. The delicate and ethereal female voice sings, making people's scalp numb!

【Go tell aunt rhody(tell aunt Luo Di)】

【Go tell aunt rhody(tell aunt Luo Di)】

【Go tell aunt rhody(tell aunt Luo Di)】

【That everybody's——(Everyone——)】


And as a strange song sounded!

The style of the entire promotional video is getting weirder and weirder!

Rotten and brushed refrigerator.

Maggot-like rice soup.

Mold spreads in basement.

A backbone that looks like a cow or a sheep.

The inexplicable fear and the audio-visual language full of metaphors bring all players into this dilapidated villa full of weirdness.

Camera images full of disturbing noise flash by!

It seemed like two men in suits were exploring this abandoned house.

But the next scene!

One of them had blood flowing from his waist and abdomen, while the other had bleeding from all his orifices. A terrifying dead face was stuck directly in front of the camera!

At this moment, the female voice sang loudly along with the symphonic chorus, like a terrifying curtain being unveiled!

A shimmering mysterious figure! A sharp knife with a cold light! A moldy black mycelium! And an old unmanned wheelchair!

As the climax of the song approaches, the entire trailer moves rapidly with the tense atmosphere!

Eventually, everything returned to peace.

The audience finally got a clear view of the house.

Because under the dark night, a man's footsteps stopped in front of the car lights.

In front of him is this old two-story house.

And above the attic of the house, a light came on!

A figure stood under the light.

【That everybody's——(Everyone——)】


At this moment, Nakamura felt cold all over, his throat was tight, and he had goosebumps all over his body!

And the next moment!

As the Roman numeral seven "VII" gradually emerges, transforms, and deforms...

A name scarier than a horror promotional video!

It emerged——

"Resident EVII: Not a hero"

[Resident Evil 7: Not a Hero]

【Golden Wind】

【To be presented to you soon】


PS: Asking for a monthly ticket

This chapter has been completed!
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