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Chapter 338 'Not So Scary'

 The familiar path overgrown with weeds, the familiar large iron gate that cannot be opened, and the familiar dog hole to enter the yard.

Everything about this game is so familiar, so familiar that Pure Black's heart rate is rising.

Think about the strong PT-style scene creation in the previous demo, and take a look at the escape-style pathfinding that is so familiar now.

I have to admit that this is a horror game with a very strong personal style.

As he spoke, Pure Black waved his hand to disperse the mosquitoes and flies that hit his face.

It is obvious that in this work, Golden Wind has further enhanced the subtle somatosensory feedback in the game to give players a more immersive experience.

Entering the yard along the dog hole, a gloomy mansion appeared in front of Pure Black.

Players who have played the demo are familiar with this mansion, and Pure Black naturally took a deep breath:

"Oh - this is the house in the demo, but although it is evening and there is still sun, this house... tsk..."

Smacking his lips, Chun Hei expressed his indescribable cold fear with just one "tsk", and his heart went crazy.

I saw the shadow of the huge mansion, dragging its long and diagonal shape among the overgrown woodland.

The windows of the entire mansion were boarded up, and the wooden walls were covered with black moss and dense mold spots.

Looking through the cracks in the window boards, the whole house is dark inside, as if all the light has been swallowed up here.

The whole mansion stands here, giving people a strange and contradictory feeling.

It was obviously evening and the setting sun had plenty of light, but the mansion seemed like a black hole swallowing the light, hidden in the gloomy darkness.

It was clearly in the woods and mountains, and the air was fresh and pure, but the mansion was faintly exuding a musty and rotten smell, lingering faintly around him.

What makes you even more uncomfortable is that even though the mansion is just a dead thing, you always feel as if you are being stared at with its lifeless eyes.

This feeling is like when you go to a funeral, but always feel that the portrait photo in the mourning hall is looking at you.

It was a sense of disharmony and spookiness in the world of the living.

And with such an atmosphere created, people have to sigh that the old thief's creation of a terrifying atmosphere has actually reached such a state of perfection.

If even "light" can't relieve people from the scary atmosphere.

So do "guns" really make people feel safe in danger?

At this moment, not to mention pure blackness, even the barrage friends are a little creeped out by this gloomy haunted house——

'Has the old thief become such a bad person now?'

‘You can feel the spookiness through the screen. This atmosphere creation is really a bit too awesome’

‘It felt like a morgue, and I felt uncomfortable all over my body’

‘Ethan at this time: Hello, is this the US military headquarters? I discovered that there is oil under this house (dog head)’

'Send troops at the speed of light!'

'Biohazard? Oil crisis!'

‘Wesker will have to get slapped in the face even if he comes (funny)’


‘Mold: What the hell are you calling Spencer? Say! Where is the oil?!’

‘F22 plowed the ground and even blasted the fucking biochemical earthworms in half for you’

‘Ethan is still young after all (dog head)’

'That's outrageous hahahahaha...'


As the audience made jokes, the tense atmosphere seemed to ease a little.

I bravely opened the door and walked through the familiar brushed kitchen.

Not long after, Pure Black found the room where Miles first woke up in the demo.

Put the video tape on the TV into the DVD disk, and the video of the trio in the demo will be played again.

In fact, for demo players, this video is dispensable. The reason why it is included here is to make the game more complete and to remind players who have not played the demo that there is a handle inside the fireplace.

Cameroon -

As the lever was pulled down and the secret door opened, Chun Hei took a deep breath and sneaked up to the hole leading to the sewer.

This time, the ladder at the entrance of the cave seems to have been repaired.

He can go down.

"Hoo--God bless,"

pew made a sign of the cross on his chest, turned around, and slowly went down the ladder.



The wooden ladder groaned under its load.

pew carefully used his feet to test whether the steps below were fragile.

Little do you know the next second!


The ladder he was holding suddenly broke, and a short scream was heard from the sewer entrance!

"Oh fa!!!"


pew fell straight into the sewer, causing a splash of water!

"Fake! Send——!"

Standing up from the strange-smelling sewage, pew waved his hands and roared:

"I knew it damn well! I had expected that the ladder would break! But I didn't expect that it would break from above! Fake!"

Looking at pew who looked like a drowned rat, the live broadcast room suddenly burst into laughter——

'Obviously Sam predicted your prediction'


‘It’s been so long and pew is still trying to predict the old thief’

‘There’s never been a successful prediction hahahahaha’

‘It’s over, I can’t go back’

‘The ladder will be broken in this place, just to prevent you from going back’

'That's good...'

"...At least he didn't fall lame like Parker in Escape,"

After moving his limbs, pew didn't feel anything unusual, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

He raised his head and looked around.

The sewer was pitch black, with rusty pipes crisscrossing it.

All the way along one of the main water pipes, there is a section of waterway filled with sewage, and there seems to be a faint light coming from the other end.

Unable to go back, pew could only wade forward through the water, and as it went deeper, the water level became higher and higher.

The turbid water makes it difficult to see what's going on underneath.

The stone wall above his head pressed tightly against him, forcing him to be careful not to hit his head.

Wow – Wow –

The sound of water was particularly loud in the quiet underground.

At this time, the water level had reached pew's neck.

The suffocating pressure and the terrifying atmosphere come over, giving people a feeling of suffocation. Coupled with the turbid sewage, people can't help but have a fear of the unknown underwater.

"Oh - shit - I'm going to die -"

pew thought that Biochemical 7 would be frightening under Sam's control, but he didn't expect that this guy's skills would have improved so much:

"My claustrophobia is about to attack. Really, plus the water up to my neck, although it's not very scary, but..."

The words have not yet been spoken!

I only heard a string of bubbles suddenly rising up from the turbid water!

Immediately afterwards, a highly corrupted head floated up from the water!


It's right on pew's face!

Face to face! Death stare!

A moment!

pew felt as if an auspicious white light flashed in front of him——

A tragic high-pitched scream——

"AAAAAA—Jesus! Fvvvvvvk! Fvk me fvvvvvvk!!!"

The barrage exploded instantly——

‘Suddenly a little song about heaven flashed through my mind’

'"Not so scary"'

'Slap in the face at the speed of light hahahahaha...'

'My old swan... I was so scared that I broke out in a cold sweat...'

'It's not scary at all. Someone bring me my yellow pants!'

'Hahahaha, that's too stupid...'

'This must be Andre, right?'

‘It’s possible that Andre died here, 80% of the time it was him’

‘A classic little surprise from an old thief’

‘This head is made of a human head. It’s hard to imagine the mental state of the steel chain finger art team...’

‘It’s Yuki, Lisa was also made by this neon girl’

'It's a pity that I joined the Golden Wind at such a young age and became a pervert...'

‘‘The Young Wind’’


Here, the audience in the pew live broadcast room are sweating.

Naturally, other players and anchors did not escape this opening lightning strike.

For a time, there were screams in all the live broadcast rooms.

Most of the people with relatively good mental qualities are just like pew, who were really shocked.

Those with poor psychological quality were directly frightened out of the timeout.

What's more, like the boss, he was forced to quit the game at the speed of light on the spot.

As for extremely timid young masters and eggplants, it is not unusual for them to be kicked out of the game in the first ten minutes.

"...The automatic disconnection of this somatosensory cabin is really...good news for players like me."

Pure Black, who re-entered the game, exhaled heavily and calmed down a little:

"Because I'm numb, you know. Once I'm numb, I don't know what to do. If it kicks me like this, it can give me a buffer time..."

Thank God, thanks to the scientific research team and safety and health departments of the somatosensory cabin, who forcibly added a disconnection function to the somatosensory cabin, which saved my life.

Pure Black said as he carefully walked around Andre's floating body, grinning.

If I remember correctly, I just drank two mouthfuls of sewage in my panic.

Even though it's only in the game, this feeling is really unsettling.

I'd better stay away from here.

Thinking about it, Pure Black moved forward.

Pushing open the old wooden door under the weak door light, in front of you, an iron-barred hut that looks like an underground prison comes into view.

The lights in the cabin were dim, but you could vaguely see a woman with long hair and a slim figure lying on a small bed in the corner.


Pure Black was shocked:

"This...ah? Isn't this my wife? Have you found her now?"


From the back of the woman lying on the bed, it is not difficult to see that the 'prisoner' in the prison at this time is the wife Mia he wants to find on this trip!


There were a lot of "ah" sounds on the barrage——

‘Finish spreading flowers?’

'Twenty minutes for the demo and ten minutes for the main body, right?'

'So you found it?'

‘Wesker turned into a (dog-headed)’

'Wesker: Come on, come on, tell me this in front of me...'

‘This must be a fake wife, it can’t be that simple’

‘It feels like Mario rescued the princess in the first level’

'When I turn around, I'll hit a zombie!'

‘The classic biochemistry 1 looks back and smiles, right?’


The process seemed a little too smooth.

It even went so well that although Mia's cell door was locked, the wire cutters were placed on the table not far away.


As the lock of the cell door was cut, there was a creak, and Pure Black opened the cell. His voice clearly revealed tension and anxiety:

"Holy crap, are you going to fight zombies now? But I don't have a gun yet?"

"No...I'm not afraid...it's better to be prepared in advance,"

"My wife will definitely try to kill her later,"

"Turn into a zombie and attack me or something."

While talking!

Pure Black approached Mia again, arching her front legs and kicking her back legs, making a posture ready to escape at any time, and slightly pulled Mia's shoulders...


With a soft sound, Mia turned around, her face gentle and beautiful, but a little haggard and pitiful:

"E...Ethan? You...how did you find this place?"

"What do you mean?" Seeing Mia's surprised look, Ethan shrugged: "It was you who sent me the email."

Hear the words!

Mia's eyes instantly turned frightened:

"Me? I didn't...I didn't!"


Mia immediately sat up from the crib and took Ethan's hand:

"Did anyone see you when you came? Did dad see you?"

"Dad? What...I don't understand Mia?"

Ethan was confused:

"What dad? Is there anyone else here? What's going on?"

However, Mia shook her head and looked very nervous: "There is no time to explain Ethan, we have to leave here quickly, hurry up!"


I successfully reunited with my wife when I came up!

This is obviously a bit beyond pure black's understanding of linear role-playing games.

As the audience said, there is a kind of music that feels like a princess when the music is still "dengdeng, lanterns, lights, lights, lights, lights, lights, lights, lights, lights, lights, lights, lights, lights, lights, etc."

"Dad? Damn...it's not the old man who hit me in the demo, is it?"

Pure Black thought and followed Mia's footsteps:

"Or is it some kind of strange creature, a zombie that is not humanoid?"

Mia's state seems very strange.

In pure black terms, it is the same as mental illness.

First of all, Mia repeatedly denied that she had sent the email, saying that she had never contacted Ethan at all.

Secondly, she doesn't seem to know that she has been missing for three years.

Finally, when Chun Hei followed her all the way to a small basement room, Mia pointed to a wall and said there was a door here. Then she suddenly felt a headache and said inexplicably: "Since you are here, then

We are a family...]

Then, he fell down on the shabby sofa in the small room, covering his head and groaning in pain.

Seeing this, Chun Hei couldn't help but be horrified:

"Um...are you okay? Is it important? What's wrong? Do you feel uncomfortable somewhere? Do you want me to take a look?"

His words were full of concern, but his steps were honestly retreating back, getting further and further away from Mia.

The live broadcast room burst into laughter——

'Mia: Then why the hell are you here?'

‘Distance creates beauty, right?’

‘For some people, just looking at them from a distance is enough’

'Get out of here, love brain!'

'My wife is crazy, is this?'

'It's not as simple as feeling crazy...'

'My wife is going to change, I'm so stupid...'


As the audience discussed, Pure Black's steps moved further and further away, directly retreating into a storage room next to the small room.

Judging from Chunhei's many years of gaming experience, if Mia mutates at this time, then there must be weapons in the only storage room that he has never been to.


The moment he entered the storage room!


Just listen to Mia screaming in the small room outside!

"Get away! Don't come here!"


This chapter has been completed!
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