Turn off the lights
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Chapter 340 Today I have to say break up. Whoever doesn’t break up is a dog!

Dingle bell——

Jingle Bell--

Rainy night.

The mansion shrouded in dark clouds looked even more gloomy under the heavy rain that gradually fell at night.

The downpour of rain washed away the rotten window lattice, and the rain curtain poured into the blurred glass window from between the crisscrossed panels. During the sudden flash of thunder and lightning, the dry branches outside the window cast eerie shadows on the window.

In the dead silent corridor, the phone kept ringing.

The unknown ringtone sounded so harsh in this lonely rainy night.

Dark red bloody footprints trailed behind, and a hand stained with black and red blood hesitantly grabbed the phone and tentatively spoke, his voice trembling slightly with a frightened voice:


On the phone, a slightly cold woman's voice rang: "You really shouldn't be here."

"Who are you? What's going on here?"

"My name is Zoe. You don't need to worry about who I am now. Go to the attic. There is a way out of the house there."



Hearing the call from the mysterious woman named Zoe, pew thought for a moment, and then suddenly realized:

"Oh! I remembered it! It's the skylight through which Miles escaped in the ending of the demo!"


Before he can finish his words!


Suddenly there was a heartbreaking sound of opening the door at the end of the corridor.

"I'm doing it, I'm doing it, I'm doing it..."

At this moment, Pew, who was already as frightened as a bird, couldn't help but tense up and looked towards the end of the corridor in horror.


Although so far, the plot and development of this game are really puzzling, even a bit bizarre.

But there is no doubt that the horror atmosphere created in this work is really top-notch.

It is like water, surrounding players all the time.

Perhaps in this terrifying deep sea, players will be frightened by the sudden appearance of sharks and sea monsters, but after they escape from the danger, the empty and dark sense of horror from the deepest part of the ocean will follow them like a shadow, like maggots on the tarsus.

It's impossible to get rid of.

This is the inner fear of Golden Wind.

Today, Sam has obviously understood the most correct use of psychological fear, turning it into an invisible thing like water, seeping into the pores of every player.


Been waiting for a long time!

Pew didn't see anyone coming out from the end of the corridor, so he slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

Creak - creak -

I took a look at the map.

To get to the attic, he needed to walk along the corridor to the end, then turn right and pass by the living room to reach the second floor.

However, before that, he still needs to find what can be called the "old thief's heirloom of horror games" - the fuse.

After all, pew is also the man who achieved the full ending of the demo, and he knows this very well.


On the way to the end of the corridor, a little accident happened.

When passing by the room where the violent confrontation had just occurred, pew accidentally turned his head and took a look inside.

But just one glance made his back feel cold and his scalp numb.

But I saw that in this room, the traces of the battle just now were still there, even the sharp ax that cut into Mia's neck and the blood stains on the ground were still there.

But Mia has disappeared.


pew slowly picked up the ax from the ground and looked around cautiously.

In fact, he had already thought about the possibility that Mia was not dead.

After all, it is now beyond doubt that my wife has mutated.

However, when the facts were laid out in front of him, pew couldn't help but feel a little creepy as he looked at the dark room.

The barrage was also filled with gasps——

‘My wife is gone again’

‘Oh haha, it’s over’

‘This is really a bit too annoying. It’s like I found a big cockroach on my bed a second ago, but when I turned around, the empty cockroach was gone.’

'Yeah - holy shit, please stop talking, I'm getting goosebumps...'

'Mia: Young man, you have to hide it! Don't let me catch you! Otherwise, you will have good juice to eat!'

‘I always feel that the nanny job as my wife said before is not that simple’

‘I guess it was the escort biochemical virus? And then it was accidentally infected?’

'It feels possible...'


It's really hellish.

pew couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Compared with the demo, in the main game, every step the players take will cause the old floor to creak and groan slightly. I don't know whether it is the old thief's sudden inspiration or the original setting.

In this case, the players also know that they are in the same room with a murderer who is infected by a biochemical virus, is unconscious, and cannot be killed at all.

The pressure can be imagined.

If we say that in the original PT, Lisa turning off the lights can be called a model of psychological horror in creating an atmosphere.

So in Biochemical 7, Gu Sheng completely understood this atmosphere shaping technique and applied it to the overall atmosphere of the game.

At this moment, it was pitch dark outside.

The heavy rain is still pouring down.

The flickering dim flashlight light didn't even shine brightly.

Walking through the dark, moldy corridor, lightning flashed from time to time, casting pew's shadow on the ground, drawing out a long and diagonal shadow.


The chain of the cabinet in front of the hall was cut with wire cutters.

pew was fully prepared to welcome the mannequin poured out of the cabinet.

However, Gu Sheng did not choose to repeat these scenes, and even "mercifully" hid the fuse in the cabinet.


pew breathed a long sigh of relief, stepped forward, grabbed the fuse, and turned to go back to the living room:

"Thank God..."

But he didn't wait for him to finish.

Just turned around.

At the other end of the kitchen, on the corridor he had just walked through, a figure with stiff steps, head twitching and twisting strangely, holding a sharp knife, slowly passed by...


Deathly silence!

a long time!

Yun Zai's trembling voice slowly sounded in the live broadcast room:

"...Heart...Don't panic, don't shake your hands, let's just follow our feelings!"

Seeing Yun Zai's sneaky and tiptoeing behavior, the audience in the live broadcast room naturally burst into laughter——

‘Don’t panic (referring to heart rate 137)’

‘Please take it easy. The electronic cricket I managed to raise must be careful’

'I just want to ask, are you really not panicking?'

‘Don’t panic at all, because I’m going to have a cardiopulmonary arrest soon’

'You are so brave, you actually dare to follow your wife to see her?'

‘Do you know what it means when a mouse carries a knife and looks for a cat in the street?’

‘Yun Zai: Do you think I think so? Isn’t this the only way back?’

'It seems as stable as an old dog, but in fact it's a lot of panic...'


Yun Zai's heart was about to jump out of her chest.

Mia now can be said to be a collection of images from the underworld created by the old thief.

It has the infection BUFF blessing of Resident Evil, but also has a violent temper like Jushan Psychosis and is ready to kill people. The way she walks is also full of Lisa's flavor.

Who is not afraid?

During this battle, Constantine was frightened when he came.

Creak - creak -

Stepping cautiously, Yun Zai suppressed the fear in her heart, came to the kitchen door, and peeked into the corridor.

Mia is missing.


Seeing this, Yun Zai finally breathed a sigh of relief, snorted coldly, and straightened his back:

"That's it! Ah? That's it!"

"Did you see that? That means she runs fast! Otherwise, I have to let her see how powerful I am!"

"Are you afraid? Not afraid! Damn, we have hand sanitizer in our hands, I have it all in the world!"

"I just can't be scared at all!"

"Want to kill me? Let's do it!"

Seeing Yun Zai, whose heart rate was reaching 140, she opened her mouth and shut up without fear, the barrage was full of teasing——

‘It’s not spicy! Sihasha – it’s not spicy at all!’

‘Hahahahahaha God, isn’t it spicy...’

'It is recommended that the anchor Xi hide his heart rate and blood pressure before pretending to be cool next time'

'By the way, doesn't Yun Zai realize that Mia's absence is not good news? She is not in the corridor, doesn't it mean that she may jump out from somewhere else at any time?'

‘Whatever, it’s better to show off sooner rather than later’

‘Pretend first, I guess you won’t have a chance soon (dog head)’

'As expected of my electronic cricket, the main character is a fighter...'


While talking!

Yun Zai walked into the living room and installed the fuse.

Just hearing a bang, the hidden ladder in the attic overhead started to move, and Yun Zai got even more excited.

He turned around and walked out of the living room door, walked towards the stairs, and made up a barrage out of thin air:

"There was a barrage saying, 'Yunzai Yunzai, why are you so brave and not afraid at all?'"

"Haha! You're kidding! I've been in and out of Jushan Mental Hospital seven times a day, why would I be afraid of a small cabin in the woods?"

"Not only am I not afraid, I also want to say goodbye to my wife in person!"

"Today I must say break up, whoever doesn't break up is a dog!"

"Come out! Mia! I see you..."


“Holy crap——!!!”

Come on whatever you say!

Conscience of heaven and earth!

Yun Zai was just talking casually, but unexpectedly, she didn't even finish her words. As soon as she went out, she bumped into Mia who jumped out of the utility room next door!

"Don't, don't, don't..."

Looking at Yun Zai at this time, her pants are almost wet, and she is so panicked that she stutters:

"I, I... I just... really missed... I'm really, really sorry..."

Yun Zai subconsciously wanted to run away, but Mia held her tightly.

I saw her grabbing her arm with one hand and hiding her other hand behind her back, shaking her head guiltily:

[Ethan, Ethan, I know you didn’t mean to hurt me...I don’t blame you...]


Following Mia's words, a flash of lightning lit up outside!


Thunder breaks out!

In the lightning flash, Yun Zai clearly saw Mia's shadow cast on the wall!

What she saw in her hand behind her back was a screwdriver!

The next second, Mia suddenly changed her face, grabbed Yun Zai by the collar, and pushed her against the wall like a chicken!

The veins on his face popped out, and he screamed and roared!

【But! Good! It hurts! Ah!】

【You! Shouldn't! Do this!】



With a clang, Mia stepped forward and bumped her knee, causing Yun Zai to bend over on the spot!

Then, he took out the screwdriver from his back without any hesitation!


A flash of cold light!

The screwdriver drove hard into Yun Zai's palm, nailing her hand directly to the wall!

Screams came from the mouths of Yi Sen and Yun Zai at the same time!


It’s the hand again! It’s the hand again!

Yun Zai still remembered that the last time her left hand was severely tortured was when she was in Jushan Mental Hospital.

There, the perverted doctor used scissors to cut off one of her fingers.

But this time, it was the same left hand.

The fear that once took root in my heart suddenly emerged!

After all, she is someone who has deeply experienced the full power of Golden Wind Game + Yiyu x2!

The scene where she cut her fingers still left an indelible shadow in her heart!

Yun Zai looked at her palms that were nailed to the wall, feeling a phantom pain.

But then, a question that made her even more panic came before her——



"Oh my god! Oh my god, I can't move! Stop! Oh!!!"

Yun Zai wanted to pull out the screwdriver, but couldn't!

God knows how hard Mia used to nail her to the wall, the screwdriver was really too tight!

And that's not the worst.

The next moment, Yun Zai watched Mia turn around and walk to the corner of the corridor, picking up something from the tool room.

"Wait, wait, wait!!! Oh my god! Oh my god, my god, my god... Sister, what did you get?!"

Taking advantage of the dim light, Yun Zai seemed to see what his wife picked up from the ground!


My scalp is numb!

Yun Zai screamed in horror:

"Chainsaw! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it...don't, don't, don't, don't...I'm going..."

Da da da da—buzz—!!!

As Mia turned on the motor, the sound of the chainsaw burst directly from the narrow corridor!

Yun Zai went numb all of a sudden!

Thunder rumbled outside and rain poured down!

In the gloomy mansion, the buzzing chainsaw roared!

The rapidly rotating chain shines with a cruel cold light!

Mia is getting closer and closer, with a crazy look on her face!

Players never expected it.

This time, the old thief no longer played with them with any mystery, atmosphere, or suspicion!

Just swing the big chainsaw in front of you!

This fear and heartbeat of facing death are enough to make your heart beat faster and your legs become weak!

Although Yun Zai was sitting, even if she were asked to stand up at this time, she might not be able to do it.

Because at this moment, her legs had turned into noodles and were completely limp!

She watched helplessly as Mia pulled out the chainsaw, started it, then came to her with the chainsaw and raised it high!

Yun Zai even felt like she was going crazy. She frantically pulled the screwdriver that was fastened to her left hand with her right hand, screaming and struggling, with a cry in her voice:

"Don't - don't, don't, don't - I was so wrong! Wrong! I'm so stupid -!!!"


With a burst of blood!

The screwdriver was finally pulled out, but at this time, Mia's big electric saw had already cut down the top of the head and cut it down hard!

A terrible scream!

Yun Zai subconsciously raised her hand to block it!


The crackling sound of the motor turning, Mia's crazy high-pitched laughter, and the heartbreaking sound of skin and flesh tearing came all at the same time!


Bloody light bursts out!!!——

PS: Ten o'clock in the next chapter

This chapter has been completed!
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