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Chapter 346: Life is nothing, only people bother themselves

 The meaning of life is to go to the dock and order sardines.

As soon as this statement came out, the live broadcast room naturally burst into laughter:

'Hahahaha, my cousin has turned into a seagull...'

'Fortunately there are no French fries on this pier, otherwise my cousin would have to order them'

'See, my cousin is a real fishing guy. The only one who can make me feel emo is today's Air Force!'

'Cousin: If you really have nothing to do, go and make a nest nearby. I don't have time to discuss the true meaning of life with you.'

‘I’m so fucking laughing, my cousin is really here to fish’

‘The main thing is that one does what one does and loves what one does’


For a moment, the audience burst into laughter, and the slightly sad feeling that had just been brewing seemed to be diluted a lot.

A Yin was speechless for a while, unable to laugh or cry:

"You're riding a horse... I'm so convinced... you're illiterate! I can't tell you any philosophy of life!"

The audience laughed and made noise, and A Yin and her cousin also laughed.

For a time, the live broadcast room was filled with light laughter.

After laughing, A Yin also shook his head and laughed at himself: "There is nothing in the world, it's just a matter of trouble."


How can there be so many sorrows in life?

Maybe this is the meaning of this game.

Although on the surface it looks like a game that allows players to escape from the burdens of life, allowing players to find the true meaning of life and understand the principles of life in this small world.

But in fact, what is the true meaning of life and what is the meaning of life?

Everyone comes to this world for the first time and walks through this complicated world.

Whose life principles are the truth?

Maybe some people are born with flowers blooming all the way, and some people are born with mud.

You can be angry at the injustice of fate, but you must always remind yourself that this is my life.

It is difficult to be born in the mud, but the beauty of the rainbow after the rain is over and the sky is clear is not enough to be appreciated by outsiders.

Although the flowers along the way are bright and beautiful, the blood marks scratched by the sharp thorns when passing through the thorns and flowers are unknown to others.

Maybe this is the idea of ​​Stardew Valley.

It is not teaching players how to escape the responsibilities of life, but teaching them to reconcile with life, to try to discover those beautiful moments in life that they have never noticed, and to discover the other side of their own lives under the rainbow bridge.

Every Friday at 8pm, the Star Fruit Bar in Stardew Valley opens.

Open the door of the bar and you will meet the neighbors with different personalities in the town.

The scattered but sincere plot in the game will also unfold from this.

Life is like a chessboard, and these vivid NPCs will simulate every move on the chessboard.

They are so flexible, colorful and unique.

So much so that sometimes it's so bright that it doesn't look like an NPC, but a mirror that reflects you in real life.

The owner of the bar is named Gus. Recently, Gus has been a little troubled because Aunt Pam, who often comes to drink, often takes credit, which results in the bar's financial situation not being particularly ideal.

But everyone is a neighbor, and Pam is the only one in the town who does not have a house and lives in a trailer. Life is very difficult, so Gus is not embarrassed to ask Pam for drink money.

So you volunteered and told Pam about the drink money in a sideways way. Fortunately, Pam was not a swindler, and was even deeply worried about the debt.

In order to understand why Pam is so poor, you decide to visit Pam at her home.

But when you arrived at Pam's house, you didn't see Aunt Pam. In that old and stuffy little trailer, a young and neat girl was busy doing housework.

Although it was early spring, the girl's forehead was still covered with a layer of fine beads of sweat, which looked particularly glistening under the warm spring sunshine.

The diligent girl's name is Penny, and she is Aunt Pam's daughter. After a brief introduction of yourself, you helped to clean the housework with Penny.

However, just when the cleaning was about to be completed, Aunt Pam, who returned home, instead of thanking her, blushed and scolded Penny and asked you to leave.

Because help for no reason will make Aunt Pam feel uneasy and embarrassed, and even hurt her already fragile self-esteem.

Once upon a time, Aunt Pam was also the best bus driver in the town. However, after the bus was damaged and the route was cancelled, Aunt Pam lost her job and became depressed. With no financial resources, she became low self-esteem and emotionally unstable.

However, with your arrival, the bus was repaired, and Aunt Pam finally returned to being a bus driver and regained her confidence.

During this period, you also earned enough money and hired carpenter Robin to anonymously build a house for Pam and her daughter.

after all.

Through repeated visits and acquaintances, you find that you gradually fall in love with the sweaty but bright and hard-working girl in the old trailer for the first time, Aunt Pam's daughter Penny.

She is so cute and simple, hard-working and brave. You go on outings and play with children together, you go to hot springs to bathe together, and you spend year after year together.

In the end, with the grand wedding presided over by the mayor himself, you and Penny officially became husband and wife, and not long after, you also had the fruit of your own love, and you lived a happy and free and hard-working life ever since.

However, maybe your nature is not suitable for being a mediator, so you noticed Leah in the corner of the bar.

She is an artist who lives alone on the outskirts of a small town. She likes sculpture art. She is a quiet, romantic and creative girl.

You came up to talk and learned that Lia, like you, came from a big city. She said that this place could give her inspiration and at the same time get rid of her ex-boyfriend's entanglement.

‘He wanted me to live a regimented life and denied my artistic dream’

This is so abominable.

You feel the same way, so the two souls pursuing freedom gradually come together. You suggest that Leah open an art exhibition and put her works on the website for sale.

The good news soon came that Leah's art works were liked by more and more people. She would often hug you and tell you the good news about the sales of 'your' works, and she gradually became a famous sculpture artist.


However, bad news also came one after another. As Leah became famous, the ex-boyfriend who had been pestering her also came to Stardew Valley and wanted to get back together with Leah.

As expected, Leah retreated behind you, and your fist came into close contact with the face of your hated ex-boyfriend.

Sharing the joy of success is important, but I want to feel this hard-won success with the people who accompany me and support me.

You don't even need to focus on this bar.

If you often go to the grocery store in town, it's hard not to notice the grocer's daughter, Abigail.

This girl with gorgeous long purple hair is so special. She is perverse and romantic, bold and passionate. She hates living by the rules and is unwilling to obey her father's life arrangements for her.

She likes playing games, taking risks, and playing musical instruments. She even formed a band with her friends and served as the explosive drummer.

Maybe Pierce, the owner of the grocery store, really wants his daughter to succeed, but the generation gap has become a natural barrier between father and daughter.

In Abigail's words, she really doesn't like her parents' rigid arrangements. She is eager to try more different things and explore a new lifestyle.

She is so compatible with you, and you like all her hobbies.

So you played games together, went on adventures together, and played with the Ouija board together. You saw Abigail's inner thoughts on the Ouija board.

Finally, during a mine exploration, when you gave Abigail her favorite amethyst as usual, the response you received was no longer a verbal thank you and I really liked this.

But a warm hug and a long and passionate kiss.

You kissed in a dark, dangerous mine, held a wedding in a small town, and agreed to spend the rest of your life together full of surprises.

And there are many, many more warm and romantic stories like this.

You can be you in the game.

But at the same time, the shadows of those NPCs seem to more or less reflect yourself.

In the rolling tide of the times, we may not be able to choose our origins or our destination.

But the reason why the road of life is called a road is because the experiences on this road are so precious.

That is the meaning of our life, the meaning of reconciling with ourselves and the world during the decades-long journey of life, and fully experiencing this precious and only one colorful experience.

Warmth, simplicity, kindness, enthusiasm...

Maybe many years later, you will forget the details of your experience in the dreamy place of Stardew Valley.

But you will still remember that your tired heart and soul were healed and recuperated here.

In the warm colors of the pixel wind, you feel the breath of the sea, caress the soft and warm sheep, set up the grape vines with your own hands, and wave the pickaxe in your hand to jingle and play the sweet music of the miners.

This seems to be another period of our lives, or perhaps another extension of our lives.

Of course!

There are so many warm and romantic experiences that you can only calm down and experience after playing in depth.

after all!

Now for A Yin and Cousin, two new players.

"Why are the days so short?!"

After fainting in the wild again in the early morning, A Yin finally issued a question about the soul of a beaten worker!

627 is not enough! Totally not enough!

Yes, I entered the game with no clue, or even no goals at all.

To this day, I still have "no idea" and "no goals."

There seems to be no sense of progress, but it actually reflects the incredible playable space of the game!

I used to know nothing, I was confused, I was ignorant, I was at a loss when I first arrived in Stardew Valley.

But the current ignorance is expectation and curiosity.

Seeds mature and harvest at different times. The more expensive the crop, the longer it takes to grow and the more frequent care it requires. Naturally, the joy of a good harvest is worth looking forward to.

As for curiosity, it stems from the main task that A Yin and his cousin just received - repairing the community center.

"Oh, hi, Ayin, you're here."

When he came to the town, the old mayor Lewis was standing in front of a big house that looked slightly dilapidated and covered with vines in a daze:

"It's really a bit shabby..."

"This is the community center, or community center site, of Pelican Town,"

"It used to be the pride of the town and often held various rich and interesting activities, but now... ugh..."

"But this is a good place. Kemewangdi Supermarket has been trying to trick me and wants me to sell this center to them for use as a warehouse."

"Although the compensation is a small amount of income for the townspeople, I always feel that I shouldn't sell it like this. Maybe I am too nostalgic. As people get older, there are always some


"But if someone else joins Kemewangdi as a member, I probably shouldn't continue to insist on it."

Say it!

Mayor Lewis took A Yin and his cousin into the dilapidated community center.

The main plot of the game is also triggered by this.

Yes, today's communities are facing acquisitions. Kemewangdi in the east wants to acquire the community center and transform it into a cold warehouse.

This is a battle between urban capital and pristine Stardew Valley.

If players choose to join the supermarket membership, then Mayor Lewis will sell the community center, and then Kemei Wangdi will move into the town center, clearly marking all products with prices, and allowing them to be purchased and sold strictly in accordance with the operating hours and prices.

And as a result, players will also start to pay special attention to prices, and think about how to make money, and then to some extent become pitiful playthings controlled by capital again, and fall back on the old path.

But if you choose to fight against Kemewangdi at this time, then the player needs to repair the community center

After completing the offerings of crops for the four seasons and receiving the blessings of Junimo, the community center will be well repaired and it will also bring more vitality to the town.

A Yin and Cousin both naturally chose to repair the community center, and most players would also choose to help Mayor Lewis, or help the entire town of Stardew Valley, against the evil Kemei Wangdi during the first week of play.


And this way!

A Yin and cousin are even busier!

I work from morning to night almost every day, going to bed at two o'clock and waking up at six o'clock. The King of Hell praises me for my good health.

Farming, watering, cutting down trees, fishing, mining, picking up girls...

In short, you can die in Stardew Valley, but you will never die.

The 627 life of getting up at six in the morning, going to bed at two in the morning, and working seven days a week may seem tiring, but it makes the two of them feel extremely fulfilled.

Even, it is so fulfilling that I forget time.

Until a water friend suddenly woke up in the barrage——

‘Damn it! It’s almost twelve o’clock?’


‘I’m killing time with this game! I’m shocked! It starts at eight o’clock and it feels like the two of them didn’t do much... More than three hours have passed?’

"For the first time, I realized the meaning of the saying time is money. I didn't do anything, but it was gone..."



PS: Ten o'clock in the next chapter

This chapter has been completed!
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