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Chapter 359: When the wall falls, everyone pushes it; when the drum breaks, thousands of people beat it!


I am fifty-five this year, which is my prime year. Although I look a little fatter, look very kind, and always have a smile on my face, I am very ambitious and cruel.

As one of the eight directors of Comella, he owns a very considerable share of the stock, which is enough to give him great decision-making power over most of the company's affairs.

In fact, logically speaking, as a shareholder, Itosuke should not contact a studio director like Nakamura Masaichi even if there is something that needs to be discussed.

Even though he is now the most powerful and powerful uncrowned king among the three royal families.

Directors on the board of directors usually go directly to Yue Jingzheng if they have any matters.


Itosuke now happened to meet Nakamura Masaichi.


Among the remaining seven directors excluding Joetsu Keimasa, there are not a few who have personal contacts with company executives like him.

The biggest reason for the current situation can be traced back to last year’s Dongjin Game Festival.

In the last Tojin Game Festival, Golden Wind defeated their "Torii" which Comora spent heavily on with their "Sekiro".

Repeated mistakes and losses have caused the board of directors to have great doubts about Kamigoshi Keimasa's ability and judgment.

And to this!

Kagemasa Kamigoshi naturally has a very clear self-understanding——

Either survive with a broken arm, or step down directly.

Therefore, in order to keep his position, and at the same time to allow himself to retire smoothly, in desperation, Kamigoshi Keimasa made a sudden move and used the method of "abandoning his pawn to save his commander" and transferred him to the position of one of the directors of Pinnacle Studio at the time.

Koizumi, as well as Moritani, who serves as the managing director of the game affairs department, pushed out.

At the same time, he himself made a move to retreat in order to advance. He correctly recognized the situation that Comella's talents were withered at that time and no one could make great use of them. He threatened the board of directors with resignation and kept him in charge of the overall situation, thus saving the company.

own position as president.


In this way, Joeshi Keimasa's position as president was saved.

But the people on the board of directors are not fools. Although they didn't say anything about what Kamigoshi Keimasa did, they were all dissatisfied and even disgusted.

Therefore, after this incident, the seven major shareholders on the board of directors also took action one after another and began to support their favorite spokespersons. When the time was right, they would get rid of Kagemasa Kamikoshi and take the helm of Camera.

And Nakamura was the spokesperson whom Itosuke secretly supported.


Although "Night Owl" turned the tide, Nakamura relied on his own ability to recreate Sekiro and pulled Camera out of the haze of the failure of "Torii".

However, there are countless studios under Comella. If Ito hadn't helped them, Nakamura would not have stood out from all the studios so quickly and become one of the three major studios. Even in such a short period of time, he could have surpassed the other two studios.

, has the potential to become the "head of the three imperial families".

As for the eight directors on the board of directors, why are there only seven directors who secretly support the president's successor?

That's naturally because Kamegoshi Kagemasa has no one under his command.

Although the strategy of abandoning soldiers to protect the commander is effective, it is an act of killing the goose to obtain the eggs. Under such circumstances, if there are still people who are willing to work diligently and loyally for him, it only proves that there is something wrong with the person who surrendered.

, for fear that he would not die fast enough or roll far enough.

It may not necessarily mean that those who have gained the Tao will be more helpful.

But it is an eternal truth that the unjust will have little help.


After listening to a series of reports from Masaichi Nakamura, Ito also nodded slowly and pondered for a moment, his mind racing rapidly.

In fact, he was unwilling to let Nakamura take this risk.

After all, he is not the only one supporting the spokesperson nowadays.

Although at present, the board of directors group that supports Nakamura Masaichi includes him, and there are three people in total. They are considered an interest group with a greater chance of winning.

But don't forget, besides them, there are four other directors, divided into two groups, who also support their own people.

They are Camera Chief Financial Officer Sawajiri, who is supported by Ono and Uehara, and Inoue, Camera's new gaming affairs department managing director, who is supported by Yoshida and Aoki.


Today's Comela has become increasingly complex as the time since Keimasa Joetsu took office has become shorter and shorter.

The directors on the board of directors each have their own spokesmen to support for their own future interests and to gain a greater voice within the group.

At present, generally speaking, the position of president of the next generation of Comella falls on three people.

Sawajiri, Inoue and now Nakamura who came to ask for help.

2-2-3 split formation.

Ito's current power can be said to have a certain advantage, so he is unwilling to make mistakes at such a juncture.

After all, no one can guarantee whether "Yexia Island" will be successful or not.

But then I thought again!


Who said that the failure of "Yexia Island" must be a bad thing?

Ito recalled the time when Kage Masa Kamigoshi abandoned his pawn to save his commander during the Sekiro incident.

Why couldn't he use this incident as an opportunity to push Kageshi Kamigoshi out as a pawn to fight the pot, allowing Nakamura to quickly rise to power?

After all, the release of the game is not decided by Masaichi Nakamura. Whether "Yexia Island" will be released or not, in the final analysis, the decision-making power lies with you, Kagemasa Kamikoshi.


You said that Joeshi Keimasa has taken the initiative to cancel the exhibition arrangement of "Yexia Island" and actively avoided the Golden Wind in order to protect himself and prevent another disastrous defeat?

Ito's eyes flashed.

To know.

Many times, the decisions made by the president cannot be finalized by him alone.

Are you timid and seeking stability, and will you withdraw "Yexia Island" when you say it will be withdrawn?

Have you asked the board?

Today, the Dongjin Video Game Festival is about to start, and we have a total of five participating games. Let me ask you -

"...This time, which one will be our main game? President Joetsu?"

Just at Comella’s meeting about the work arrangements for this Dongjin Game Festival!

It’s almost the end of the meeting!

As one of the directors of the board of directors, Itosuke suddenly became angry and pretended to be unintentional in questioning Uegoshi Keimasa.

The arrangement was good.

There are five games, two are slightly larger and two are slightly smaller, including new games and sequels.

Especially Nishikawa and Takasugi who are participating in this exhibition. As two of the three royal families, one focuses on sports games and the other focuses on racing. The quality of the works presented this time is also pretty good, with both innovation and inheritance.

In addition, the timing is right and there are no too difficult opponents in the market, so the effect and response should be good.


Where is our main focus?

Ito's soul asked questions and also reminded the other directors.

Everyone turned their questioning eyes to Shang Yue Jingzheng.


Although the quality of the games produced by two of the three companies this time is very good.

But judging from the size of the two games, both of which fluctuate around 150 million U.S. dollars, it is difficult to support the mainstay.

Moreover, judging from the current market situation, shooting and action games are king.

Nowadays, we don’t have an action or shooting game, and we can’t even produce a major title. Isn’t it a bit unjustifiable?

You must know that this is a game exhibition held at our doorstep. As a front-end company of the host country, we can’t even get a flagship product for the exhibition?

"Ah this..."

Hearing this, Kamigoshi Kage's heart skipped a beat!

What are you afraid of?

Of course he knows that it is very inappropriate to participate in an exhibition without a main attraction!

But he has no choice!

"Yexia Island" is now colliding with "Call of Duty" again. Both are shooting games. Under the offensive of Golden Wind's great honor, what can he do?!

It's nothing more than waving the flag and surrendering, forcibly moving "Yexia Island" after "Call of Duty" to avoid being beaten to pieces again!

But now, the board of directors has brought this matter up for further questioning!

For a moment, Kamikoshi Kagemasa was speechless.

After all, the original board of directors would never get entangled in such detailed arrangements!

But since the last Dongjin Game Festival, the board of directors has disliked him, and this dislike has intensified with the failure of Silent Hill 2 again!

Everyone on the current board of directors has someone they want to support, and they wish he would die soon so that their own people can take the helm of the company!

The wall fell, everyone pushed it down, and the drum was beaten by thousands of people.

Seeing that Ue Koshikage was stuck, on the other side, the female director Uehara also spoke, seemingly unintentionally, but with hidden edge:

"President Joetsu, do you have any concerns?"

As soon as this statement came out!

The air in the entire conference room was frozen!

In an instant, Kamegoshi Keimasa's face became extremely ugly!

Does he have any concerns?


If he had no concerns, how could he have withdrawn "Yexia Island" at such a critical time, which cost 300 million to produce?

And Uehara obviously asked questions knowingly!

The atmosphere froze instantly, and the seven directors all looked up at Yue Jingzheng.

Dead silence.

And in this deathly silence, Kamigoshi Kagemasa felt for the first time that the end was approaching.

Since when did he become the target of public criticism and was in danger of destroying the building?

Is it the disappearance from "Silent Hill 2"?

Or is it from the complete failure of "Torii"?

Or did it start when "Silent Hill" was crushed by "Outlast"?

The human heart is not enough for a snake to swallow an elephant.

Perhaps today, when I made up my mind to kick away the golden wind and monopolize the profits created by PT, I was already destined.

Majestic Comella!

Such a huge group!

The leader of Asia!

Overlord of the East!

But now, he, the leader, was forced to die by a Chinese game company that started from half a million yuan!

If I had known today!

Why did he do it in the first place?

Until this very moment!

It seems that Kamigoshi Keimasa truly regrets that mistake!

But times have changed.

Mistakes caused by greed cannot be erased by a simple regret.

Once upon a time, he not only had the opportunity to retire in glory, but he might even join forces with Golden Wind to create a horror game myth unique to Asia, but he did not cherish it.


Just as Gu Sheng said before.

Even if he is willing to give up his fame and wealth, it would be impossible for him to survive until retirement peacefully.

This is huge pressure from the board of directors.

This is the coercion of the seven major directors who want him to fall.

Now, there is no one around him who is willing to take a bullet and risk his life for him.

He was like a small boat abandoned by the giant ship Comella. It was not known whether he could reach the shore safely.

There was silence for nearly three minutes!


Joey Kagemasa took a deep breath!

Dejected and helpless, he slowly answered:

"I don't have any... worries. I simply think that the preparations for "Yexia Island" are not particularly sufficient now. However, if the two directors Ito and Uehara are willing to let it appear in this exhibition, then I..."


Before he finishes speaking!

Ito frowned, secretly scolding Kamikoshi Kagemasa for daring to fight to the death, and interrupted:

"President Joetsu, you are at the helm of the company, so naturally you have to make the decision on this kind of thing,"

"We don't know much about the details within the company. Doesn't it mean that you don't understand it either? Do you still need to rely on the opinions of laymen like us?"

I will force you to death!

damn it.

Ito cursed angrily in his heart.

You are so naughty that you still want to drag me into the water when you are about to die.

As soon as this statement came out!

When I saw Shangyue Jingzheng, his whole body froze!

He opened his mouth but hesitated to speak!

Finally, I saw his Adam's apple twitching, and his whole person seemed to be several times older. He even spoke with some difficulty, and said desperately in an almost inaudible voice:

"No...it's not..."

"I think the game "Yexia Island" has great potential, so I hereby apply to all directors to withdraw the decision to cancel the participation of "Yexia Island" in the exhibition,"

"Let "Yexia Island" participate in the Dongjin Game Festival exhibition and serve as the main work of our company at this exhibition..."

"Maximize resource tilt."


PS: More updates will be added at ten o’clock

This chapter has been completed!
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