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Chapter 362: One shot to win! Two shots to gasp! Three shots to see the famous saying!

 All of a sudden!

The barrage that had been so noisy just now unexpectedly fell silent.

The strong sense of immersion and movie-level picture tension make people immersed. Suddenly entering the quiet environment of the cabin makes people even breathe cautiously.

Da da da……

Under the leadership of Captain Price, the team slowly explored the interior of the cabin under the bridge.

The heavy rain is the best cover for their footsteps.


As the first two team members leaned against the door of the cabin corridor, Pew saw Captain Price wave to him, gesturing for him to move forward.

After swallowing, pew raised the silenced USP.45 in his hand and tiptoed into the corridor.


Only half of the body was stretched out!



A loud but confused voice sounded in the corridor!

A crew member carrying a bottle of wine was walking out of the lounge drunkenly and walking towards pew!


Eye to eye!


pew originally imitated his teammates and raised the muzzle of the gun, but when he saw the drunken enemy discovering him, he pulled the trigger without hesitation!


The drunkard didn't even scream, he fell straight down!

At this moment, Captain Price and his teammates behind him also followed.

"Well played."

One of the teammates patted Pew on the shoulder, walked past him, and when he reached the door of the lounge, he shook the door with a tactical move.

Then, the sound of the blade piercing flesh was heard.

Needless to say, there must have been drunken enemies in the lounge, and they were killed in their sleep.


In the headset, the voices of teammates sounded.

"keep going."

Captain Price's instructions were still so brief and powerful.

All the way forward along the corridor under the bridge——


When we walked out of the corridor, the huge wind and waves almost overturned pew.

There is lightning and thunder, this is the deck of the freighter.

The violent rainstorm shrouded the huge cargo ship. In the roaring ocean, the entire hull swayed from side to side, making it almost unsteady to stand.

The red and blue containers have become a natural cover, providing a hiding place for the movement of the action team.

But something to note is...


Wow! Boom!!!

Just as pew was moving forward, avoiding the searchlight on the guard tower bridge in the middle of the ship!

The door of a container seemed not to be closed properly. There was a muffled sound of thunder, and the ship's hull was shaken by huge waves. The huge metal safe inside the container broke out instantly, almost grazing Pew's face, and hit it hard.

onto another container, making a dull sound.

"A generous gift! God, what a fool! Damn you Fuck!"

pew was immediately frightened and let out a series of screams. If he had been half a second later, the safe would have slapped him against the iron container.

Under such strong inertia, in just a moment, he would turn into a patty in Burger King.

The water friends also shouted softly——

'It's so scary...how come there are horror scenes in a pure FPS...'

'Don't even look at whose game this is. How can the old thief forget anything else and even forget to scare you?'

‘This place shouldn’t be pinched to death, it’s just to scare people’

‘That’s most likely the case, but this logic algorithm is pretty awesome. To achieve this effect of passing by, the AI ​​needs to calculate the player’s walking speed and predict the route.’

'In other words, it is more technically difficult to kill without crushing than to kill with crushing?'

'It's much higher, just like the difficulty of leaving only one ADC in a team battle is higher than the difficulty of killing only one ADC'

'I beg you not to say any more'




Pew and his party also touched the bottom of the guard tower bridge.

"Stop moving forward."

Following Price's order, the team stopped in unison, and under the cover of a nearby bunker, they picked up their firearms.

On top of the Tower Bridge, figures were flashing in the lights, and it was obvious that many enemy troops were taking turns standing guard.

"Open fire at will and clear the Tower Bridge."


And after a brief period of silence, accompanied by the sudden sound of gunfire, the glass on the Tower Bridge suddenly shattered!

A bloody shadow shot out from behind the enemy's head by the window!


The enemy soldier whose head was shot fell directly from the three-story tower bridge and fell heavily to the deck with a muffled sound!


Ta da! Ta da da——!

Amidst the sound of rolling waves, bullets flashed alternately!

A short-range firefight broke out instantly!

The sound of the enemy's AK sounded from time to time, and the powerful bullets hit the container in front of pew and shot out sparks!


pew shrunk his neck and hid behind the cover, not daring to move.

Although he has experienced such a firefight before - "PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds"!


How much did PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds cost back then?

With a total investment of 50 million, it is a work of the Yiyoux1 era.

How can it be compared with Modern Warfare, which has a development cost of 312 million U.S. dollars!

The sense of oppression and crisis of flying bullets, accompanied by the rumbling sound of the storm, makes people have no doubt that they will be taken away by a shot!

Ta da da——! Ta da!


Bullets are flying!

For a time, the thin air crew seemed to be in a dangerous stalemate.

The enemy troops were too numerous and were so condescending that they couldn't even lift their heads!

However, the situation has reached a deadlock!

Just listening to the headset, Captain Price's voice suddenly sounded:

"Hammer 2-4, there are enemy troops on the second floor of the Tower Bridge and we need support."


A short and powerful response sounded.

Pew heard the roar of helicopter propellers coming from the east side of the freighter from far to near!

Immediately afterwards, under the reflection of lightning, they saw a Black Hawk fighter plane slowly appearing above their heads like a ghost emerging on a rainy night.

Splashing rain formed a hurricane of water around the Black Hawk's turbine blades, and the buzzing roar sheltered the air crew.

Ding! Dang! Boring!

Enemy bullets ricocheted off the Black Hawk's fuselage, but they were unable to shake this armed beast in the slightest.

The next second.


Explosive fire!

The M230 30mm cannon mounted on the Black Hawk was activated, and the flames instantly swept away the enemy troops on the tower bridge!

That’s right!

Not death, but explosion!

Although the distance was far away, pew could not see the bloody and brutal close-up scene.

But under the background of the light, he could still see that the enemy who was hit by the machine gun seemed to have a bomb on his body. Half of his body disappeared instantly and turned into a thick black and red mist!

"I - got - a - piece of grass -!!!"

pew just feels his scalp is numb!


Is this fucking modern warfare?

Can you still play like this?

The scene of Pew looking at Price in astonishment was also sensitively captured by water friends, who all laughed——

‘Hahahahaha pew is so confused’


'pew: Old man, why didn't you take out this good thing earlier?'

‘Auto-aim, lock, instant kill, and now even more violent one-click clearing the screen, it’s outrageous’

‘Hahahaha, I’m so handsome, Captain Price is simply a god’

‘Ground infiltration, air support, coordinated advancement, gift crabs—this is really cool—’

‘It’s like a military movie’

‘The beginning is so exciting, holy shit I can’t wait to see the full version’

'It simply fulfilled all my fantasies about special operations'

'So fucking cool...'



And with the deck cleared!

The team entered the room again along the Tower Bridge, and a pleasing indoor CQB tactical action was also staged——

[The shotgun is ready, it is better to use this indoors]

【3,2,1——break in】

[Check the corners]

【Corner safety】

【go ahead】

【Left clearance】

[Clear space on the right]

【Corridor Safety】

[Move forward, move quickly...]

Although Eggplant, who was following his teammates all the way, felt like an idiot and couldn't get a word in.

But this did not affect him from saying sincerely - he is so handsome.

The crisp tactical movements, the short and powerful tactical phrases, the formation that alternately covers the advance, and the nervous little steps.

To say it is pleasing to the eye is an understatement.

Yes, as a professional user of shooting games, with the release of the trial version of "Call of Duty", Eggplant was naturally the first to experience it.

This is so cool, so handsome, and so enjoyable.

Even following this group of tough teammates, Eggplant himself was immersed in it, and he had the illusion that "we are really awesome."

So much so that when the team arrived at the door of the warehouse and heard Captain Price asking him to break in, they didn't hesitate at all and patted their chests:

"No problem! Just watch! DNM pulls it out and shoots it in the head!"

As he spoke, Eggplant took the lead and picked up his MP5.

Just kidding, we are so awesome, and we have the Black Hawk support in the air, it is not easy to capture a small cargo ship.

I admit, your tactical moves are very cool.

But now, it's my move!

"I have fully understood these tactical moves, now it's my turn to perform,"

Eggplant put his index finger on the trigger:

"The viewers in the live broadcast room should watch and learn from me. I will tell you what pinching means and why you should just pull the gun head!"

Say it!

I saw Eggplant flash out!


"Ouch WDNMD!!!"

Everything happened so fast!

Even the audience didn't see clearly what was going on, and Eggplant's entire field of vision was stained with blood red!


‘Sure enough, it was a gunshot (dog head)’


‘Don’t ask, study hard’

‘Captain Price! Pick up my big sniper! (Funny)’

'Is the other side so accurate?'

'It's open on the other side too? Do you have any clues?'

‘It doesn’t look like acting’

‘It’s not turned off at all, so it’s not turned on’


The water friends were shocked!

Even Eggplant himself didn't react. The moment he felt his forehead go numb, he was so frightened that he shrank back.

"WDNM came up and shot you in the head? I didn't even see where it was! Just wait for me to peek..."

Saying that, Eggplant took a deep breath, ducked and raised his head again and went out:

"Let me see what's going on?"



Another shot!

And among his frightened gasps, the soap he controlled also let out a suffocating gasp.



His eyes were blood red, and Eggplant even felt slightly dizzy.

Hey, I really am a DNM!



Former professional player!

Shooting game anchor!

No one saw me, so I got shot twice when I showed my head?

"Okay, okay, let's play like this, right?"

Seeing the ridicule barrages that filled the screen in the live broadcast room, Eggplant couldn't help but feel angry in his heart, and he grew even more evil!


He replaced it with the AK he picked up from just killing the enemy.

This time, Eggplant just fired his gun and dodged out!

In an instant! The entire warehouse was ablaze!

At this moment, Eggplant finally locked onto the enemy behind the electrical box not far away!

"Hey! DNM, let me see it!"

Eggplant laughed heartily and was satisfied with his wit. While firing to suppress fire, he slowly stepped forward, preparing for a close assault:

"Come on! Come on, show your head! Goose, goose, goose, goose - DNM will die if you show your head! Come on! Pull! Come on -"


Before he can finish his words!


I saw the enemy hiding behind the bunker unexpectedly poked his head out from the side of the bunker, raised his hand and fired!


[I don’t know what weapons the Third World War will be fought with, but the Fourth World War will be fought with sticks and stones - Albert Einstein]

This chapter has been completed!
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