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Chapter 369 Unstoppable! A spectacle on release day!

 No one can beat you! No one can stop you! No one can compete with you!

The history of the world's gaming industry will record the spectacle of the release day of "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare."

All game manufacturers in 233 countries and regions around the world, no matter how big or small, are selling FPS-type games.


It stands to reason that taking advantage of the closing of the Dongjin Video Game Festival, November and December every year are the time when game manufacturers gather to release games. Almost every day, there will be games of all sizes, expansion packs, supplementary content, and games.

Announcement of activities etc.

But today.

All manufacturers seemed to have signed a ceasefire agreement and stopped their sales plans in unison.

Not even just FPS games.

This wave of magical quiet has even spread to the market of other game types.

The number of games released on this day in the entire gaming circle has dropped significantly!

Among them, only one work has dominated all FPS promotion resources in the gaming industry with its unrivaled attitude!

call of Duty!

This is a game that Gu Sheng praised as surpassing all previous shooting games of Golden Wind, and it was also called the benchmark for next-generation shooting games by Golden Wind Vice President Toru Moritani!

With a huge investment of 1.2 billion U.S. dollars, it has become the most heavily invested game in the history of Golden Wind.

Although in the follow-up announcements, Golden Wind did not make too exaggerated investment, which was far less than the overwhelming advertising in Resident Evil 7.


Its publicity effect is no worse than Resident Evil 7, and even vaguely surpasses Resident Evil 7!

It feels like covering the sky with one hand.

But in fact, everyone knows that this time, the reason why old thief Gu Sheng did not invest an exaggerated publicity amount in this game is because he has enough confidence to win with the truly amazing game quality!

So now——


A sword symbol with wings surrounded on both sides lights up in the screen.

The Royal Special Air Service logo rotated, and its abbreviation became a small logo in the upper left corner.

A 3D world map appeared, and the moving cursor jumped from London to snow-covered Siberia, and finally landed on the capital of Warsaw.

[I have good news, the world is still safe and sound]

[There is also bad news. The civil war broke out in Warsaw. Warsaw government forces and extremist militants engaged in fierce exchanges of fire. 15,000 nuclear bombs were at stake.]

【And in the Middle East——】

The cursor moved down quickly and locked on the map of Arabian yellow sand. A portrait of a warlord wearing a red beret and sunglasses on his face appeared.

[Khalid Ald, the leader of the second most powerful group in the Middle East. According to rumors, he is the guy with the most oil in the area, and intelligence agencies are keeping an eye on him]

[Of course, there is even worse news——]

[Today, the superiors responded to our application for recruitment and selected a rookie from the recruits to join us, named "Soap"...]

In the dark screen, a string of bright green level names appeared in the lower right corner of the screen.

【Recruit Report】

【Day 1-06:30:14】

【Credenhill, Britain】

[Sergeant "Soap" McTavish]

[22nd Airborne Special Forces Team]

"OK, good morning, dear viewers, welcome to the live broadcast of "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare" brought to you by pew,"

"If you like my live broadcast, you can like, subscribe, and tip to support it. Thank you to the viewers. We won't say much - feed the dog!!!"

With a cheer from pew!

It can be said that in the true sense, the much-anticipated Call of Duty is now premiering!

There was a sensation on the barrage, and various rewards with beautiful swords came one after another——

‘Wuhu——! It’s finally on sale!’

'I've been looking forward to it for a long time, God knows how many times I've played the demo version!'

'Recruit report! This is so exciting...'

‘I really like the sense of ritual in this game, whether it’s the electronic tactical briefing before the beginning, or the level name before the level starts, Tai Ku La...’

‘Pew can’t be considered a recruit after all’

'Please be a human being and stop using the novice difficulty level. It's so embarrassing. I'm embarrassed to say that I watched your live broadcast.'

‘Do you think he will feel embarrassed? After all, he is a host who competes in difficulty in front of everyone at the exhibition, will he feel embarrassed?’

'Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, let me be the first person to let you go, it will be like a novice difficulty'


With the audience talking a lot!

The pew here only felt the smell of gunpowder.

The coolness of steel that was unique to cold weapons and the smell of gunpowder smoke after the bullet primer exploded made him take a deep breath.

All sensory nerve connections are in place, and blood pressure, heart rate, and physical signs are normal.

Slowly opening his eyes, he saw an instructor named Gates walking towards him wearing a blue baseball cap and a khaki bulletproof vest:

"Nice to see you, Soap, bring that rifle from the table."

Novice training level!

There isn’t much to go into here, it’s just about waist shooting, fine aiming, and some teaching on tactical moves.

The only thing that impressed Pew was what Instructor Gates said - [Remember, in a real battlefield situation, switching to a pistol is always faster than changing the magazine.]

"...OK, remember,"

After getting familiar with all the weapon movements, pew nodded and followed Gates outside, sighing as he walked:

"It is indeed the most invested work of Golden Wind. The shooting feel and the feedback of the firearm are exactly the same as reality. The only difference may be that the back seat is slightly adjusted for the sake of gameplay..."

If this were said in China, it might just be the host's words of praise, and the credibility is not very high.

But don’t forget, as someone who has lived in a country like the United States where guns are not allowed for a long time, pew still has a strong say in how realistic the gun feels.

Perhaps it’s because it’s been too long since Golden Wind’s last game was a completely realistic and pure shooting game.

After all, since "PUBG", most of the shooting games produced by Golden Wind have science fiction or fantasy themes, such as "Titanfall", "APEX", "Garden Warfare" and "Overwatch".

Although the firearms in these games are also based on reality, after all, the models and some parameters have been changed, making it difficult to find a realistic feeling in them.


The experience of using the G36c and 45 in my hands this time, pew was deeply touched and full of praise.

And as he followed Gates, he pushed open the door to the closed shooting range——


In an instant!

The oncoming sunlight made him couldn't help but squint his eyes slightly and raise his hands to block it.

The smell of wind and dust hit my face, with a dry and somewhat choking smell.

In the distance, the golden-red sunlight poured down through the propeller of the slowly taking off Osprey fighter jet, creating a cold Tyndall effect.

Nearby, the tracks of an M1A1 main battle tank rumbled, and its huge khaki body moved forward, passing by the armored personnel carrier.

"Gift Crab——"

This is the first time pew has entered such a military camp with live ammunition.

Everything in front of him made him feel novel and shocked.

Shock bombs, fragmentation grenades, sling grenades...

It is obviously a weapon that is not unfamiliar in other games.

But in Call of Duty, both the feel and the feedback make pew hooked.

Especially that C4!

According to Sergeant Newcastle, the car used to test its power was donated free of charge by his wife.

"Then your wife is quite nice..."

After installing the C4, Pew grinned and naturally hid behind the sergeant. The dog sneaked out from the probe and raised the detonator.

The audience was speechless——

'Pew frowned and held the sergeant in front of him (dog head)'

'What human shield?'

'Sergeant Newcastle: My brother put you in his pocket, but you kicked your brother into the ditch?'

‘Brother, my heart is connected with yours, and you play with your brains’

'You are so mean...'

'Can you just be a fucking human?'

‘It’s really bad news for me to recruit someone like you’

'Sergeant is really unlucky...'


And amidst all the complaints!

Here, Pew also put his hand on the sergeant's shoulder to ensure the stability of the human shield, and then revealed a pair of eyes to look at the car in the distance.



Mrs. Newcastle's car exploded instantly!

A shock wave visible to the naked eye instantly distorted the air, soaring fire suddenly rose into the sky, and a fireball rolled into the air. Pew even felt the ground beneath his feet shaking!


This is so damn powerful!

pew shook his head and patted his ears, which were ringing in the ears. He was shocked by the shocking somatosensory effect in this work.

It is clear!

This time, Golden Wind once again upgraded the connection between their works and Yiyoux2.

I believe friends who often fight wars know that when people experience huge explosions, they will not only feel tinnitus.

The chest and even the heart will feel frustrated and vibrated by the sound of the explosion.

This is because each organ of the human body has its own natural frequency, and when external sounds contain frequency components consistent with the natural frequency of the heart, and the energy is relatively large, it will cause the heart to resonate.

Nowadays, Golden Wind presents this physical feeling.

Although judging from the fact that they passed the human body hazard risk test, Golden Wind's method of achieving this feeling is not to make the player's heart achieve true resonance, but being able to create this 'pseudo-resonance' feeling has already

This is another improvement in technical capabilities.

This is something pew has never experienced in the previous trial version.

According to his understanding of the Golden Wind, whenever the Golden Wind uses these strange technical skills in seemingly outrageous details, it means that they will definitely have big jobs in the future.

For example, a concert of guns and artillery on a real battlefield?

Another example -

An idea flashed in pew's mind, and he remembered the huge mushroom cloud at the end of the promotional video.

I... grass...

pew seems to know what the real purpose of Golden Wind is for this part of the body.


pew also completed the live-fire shooting series experience. Following the instructions, he came to a military camp and opened the door...

"Ah-haha, Team Qian!"

Open the door!

A familiar face appeared in front of Octan.


Waiting for him in the comprehensive training ground now is "Captain Price" who takes him on his first special mission in the official demo version!

(Price, the English name is Captain Price, because Price contains the meaning of "price, price", so players sometimes call it the "money team".)

However, Captain Price, who was meeting for the first time at this time, obviously didn’t know Soap yet and looked him up and down:

"Soap...um...what the hell is that name? How could a stupid recruit like you get past SWAT selection?"

"Hey - you old fool?"

Octane was still licking his face and smiling, but when he came up he was scolded and his head was immediately filled with black lines.

Captain Price on the other side didn't bother him and waved his hand:

"The following is your CQB comprehensive test. Get ready, I will time you in the observation room."

Say it!

Captain Price left gracefully, leaving behind a message:

"Gez, who taught you before, is the holder of the best time in the team, 18 seconds. I hope you can finish it in 60 seconds..."

And the next second!

Don’t wait for Octane to speak!

The audience in the live broadcast room can't sit still!

‘Comprehensive training! Hahahahaha, dream back to TTF…’

'Ah? The instructor Gates just now holds the best record in the team, that is... Lastimosa?'

'As we all know! The instructor and record holder who plays the protagonist in the Golden Wind works will not end well...'

‘At this moment, on Instructor Gates’ head——[Danger]’

'Lastimosa: It's a pity that I couldn't let Ash have all the fun... Uh-huh...'

‘Fuck! Hahahahahaha! When the hell will I stop laughing when I see this joke!’

‘What two point five mosa (dog head)’

‘Instructor Gates won’t be too bad in subsequent actions, right?’

‘Think about it from another angle, at least this way Team Qian will be safe (dog head)’



PS: Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, there are two chapters left at 11 o'clock


This chapter has been completed!
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