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Chapter 373 Our AC130 has taken off!

 Chapter 373 Our AC-130 has taken off!


A Yin watched helplessly as the RPG warhead dragged its wake and hit the tail of their aircraft!


Didi didi——

The sound of the propeller became more and more rapid, an alarm sounded throughout the plane, and the red light flashed!

Violent vibrations and spins hit, making A Yin scream uncontrollably!

"Hey! Damn it, your brother! Don't, don't, don't! How can this RPG shoot down a plane? It's over, it's over, it's over, hey, hey..."


Total darkness.


【Day 2-03:02:39】

【West of Warsaw】

[Sergeant "Soap" McTavish]

[22nd Special Air Service Team]

'I just said don't let this monkey touch the vehicle!'

‘The boss has evolved. Not only can he not drive a vehicle now, he can’t even sit on it’

"One RPG hit and it was really powerful."

‘Too accurate’

‘It’s over, let’s take a break now, let’s start the battle royale’

‘True Battle Royale’


Amidst the laughter from the audience!

Ayin opened his eyes with some difficulty.

The sound of crackling flames sounded not far away.


In a daze, A Yin felt as if he was being dragged along.

Not far away, there was a helicopter billowing smoke.


Just as he was being dragged to safety, the helicopter exploded and flames shot into the sky.


A Yin tried to move his arms and legs.

Behind him, the old captain Price also put him on the ground:

"Fortunately, you can still move,"

"Hurry up, we have to leave. We have to leave here before the rebel search force arrives."

Although the crash resulted in the death of the pilot and a co-pilot who came to rescue them on the spot, fortunately, the informant Nikolai who they worked hard to rescue was not seriously injured.

Now is not the time to be sad. The explosion of the plane will soon attract the enemy's search. They must leave here quickly.

[Captain Price: Upload coordinates, B-6 team crashed, need air support]

Team Qian called for support into the headset.

The response came quickly from the headset.

[Gun Mount: Received, our AC-130 air gunship has taken off, but it will take some time to arrive at the designated location to provide assistance, completed]


Once you hear this!

A Yin was stunned on the spot.

Our air gunship has taken off?

"Why does this sound so familiar?"

A Yin thought for a while, and then an idea flashed in his mind:

"Oh! Hiss - have I heard similar words before in Garden Warfare?"

Hear the words!

The audience in the barrage was stunned, and then they were stunned!

'Oh - yes! The ultimate move of the Corn Cannon in Garden Warfare is [Our air-to-surface Corn Missile has been launched]'

‘Damn it! So the preparation for Call of Duty started so early?’

‘It’s amazing, I thought it was a joke, but I didn’t expect it to be a little easter egg’

'There won't be a corn gunboat coming in a while, right?'

‘Hahahahaha that’s too stupid’

‘Throw frozen watermelon and corn cannons (dog heads) right down’

‘This little easter egg is quite interesting’

‘The more works you have, the more you can do whatever you want’


The little easter egg interlude is quite interesting.

At this time, Ayin also followed Captain Price and Nicolai. The three of them passed through the large grass and went downhill to a stone bridge.


On the bridge, enemy trucks drove past, and it seemed that their target was their crash site.

"It came so quickly..."

Listening to the troop transport truck passing over his head, A Yin muttered softly.

If they hadn't moved quickly enough, they might have been surrounded and suppressed by now.


As the personnel carrier left, Captain Price waved his hand, and the three of them continued to move forward.

This is a wilderness west of Warsaw.

In the wilderness, scattered checkpoints and farms are scattered.

Moving forward along the waist-high grass, they quietly entered a small checkpoint.

At this moment, dim lights flickered in the checkpoint courtyard.

Two enemies were standing in the yard smoking, and the smoke was filling the air.

But this time, Captain Price didn't need to say anything. A Yin and the old captain raised the silenced pistol at the same time in tacit understanding.



Two gunshots were fired, one after the other.

The two guards fell down at the sound.

"Well played."

Captain Price said something and then took out the bunker where they were hiding.

After passing the checkpoint, the group continued to move forward.

The quiet grass rustled as they walked by.

In front is a small farm lined with bungalows, and at the very end of the small farm is a barn.



The group of people moved forward slowly, always alert to enemies who might find them in the small farm at any time.


Just when they were about to reach the farm!

Buzz buzz——

Suddenly, the sound of a propeller sounded from behind the farm, and Captain Price's voice also sounded quickly in the headset:

"Lie down! Don't move!"


In an instant! A Yin felt anxious and hurriedly followed Captain Price’s command to lie down in the grass!

Just lie down!


As the sound of propellers got closer, they saw an armed helicopter equipped with searchlights slowly flying towards their position.

The huge steel body looks like a sharp falcon under the dark sky.

The shining searchlight swept across the grassland, emitting a dazzling light.

The strong wind pressure driven by the propeller hit, and with the rustling sound, the wild grass that was half a man tall bent one after another.

The majestic beasts were just searching for their location in the wilderness.

In this cat-and-mouse game, they didn't even have any room to fight back. They could only pray that the gunships wouldn't discover them.


As the wind pressure increased, the helicopter's searchlight got closer and closer.

At this moment, A Yin, who was lying on the grass, could not help but hold his breath, watching the searchlight sweep around them, waiting for the helicopter to pass by.

In the headset, even Captain Price’s voice was very soft:

"Yes, that's it... wait for it to pass slowly..."

Buzz buzz——


I haven't waited for Team Qian to finish speaking.


With a flash of white light in front of me!

A Yin just felt like he saw electric welding in a dark factory building, saw the blazing sun in the twilight of Sihe, and saw an Audi driving towards him in the opposite lane on the dark road with its high beams on.


Just listen to a loud shout in the headset!

The old captain Price’s voice instantly resounded through the headset!


Too late to react!

Knowing that he had been discovered, A Yin could not help but roll over, stand up, and run away!

And just half a second after he rushed out with a vigorous stride!

Just behind me, the sound of exploding heavy machine gun fire suddenly sounded!

Boom boom boom –!!!

In an instant, gunfire broke out and machine guns roared!

The soil behind him seemed to have been plowed open, flying in all directions!

Dead branches and broken grass are like flying catkins flying in the sky in spring!

The bullets chased A Yin's footsteps, like the sickle wielded by the God of Death, and kept sounding behind him!

A Yin's blood pressure suddenly soared to the limit!

The chasing experience is different from all previous games!

The feeling of strings of large-caliber bullets chasing and firing behind him was even more terrifying than the chase during the escape!

The searchlight kept scanning his position, forcing him to keep changing directions from left to right.

The bullets repeatedly grazed his side and exploded the soil at his feet!

At this moment, A Yin was like a frightened wild horse or a stray dog ​​running wildly:

"Holy shit! Damn it! Damn it! Wrong, wrong! Hey, hey, hey—!"

"Damn it, uncle! Why can't you just let me clean it all by myself! Oh my god!"


Boom boom boom –!!!


The wild run across the field started at this moment, with machine gun fire of death following behind like a shadow!

It's like a huge boulder suddenly dropped in the calm lake, or more like the roaring thunder in the peaceful sky!

The barrage exploded instantly——

'Holy shit - this is so fucking exciting -'

'Body tracing! Activate!'

'Helicopters are really not very good at strafing in this environment. In most cases, we just rely on feeling.'

‘No? Are you really being discovered? I thought I wouldn’t be seen no matter what!’

‘Damn, this scene is too exciting’

‘I thought this was also a level where I could sneak into the level quietly’

‘[At this moment, AC-130 is still on the way]’

'What modern warfare Diao Chan?'



The water friends were shocked!

This sudden change of rhythm not only caught A Yin off guard, but also almost made all the water friends almost lose their backs!

But at this moment, there is no time to sigh!

As A Yin and the three of them ran all the way, they saw Nikolai, who was rushing at the front, kicking open a cellar door with a shovel and two feet:

"Quick! Quick! Quick! Get into the cellar! Quick!!!"


The old captain Price went straight into the cellar.

As Nikolai greeted him, Ayin jumped directly into the cellar with a shovel, and closed the barn door with his backhand!

Da da da--!!!

And as he rolled into the cellar, the machine gun bullets behind him also arrived, instantly smashing the wooden door of the cellar into pieces, barely missing him!

"ohhhhhh——fuck me @¥#%@#¥..."

A Yin was sitting on the ground, breathing heavily, and couldn't even speak for a while!

Isn’t this a fucking stealth level?

Why is it so exciting all of a sudden?

Is this reasonable?

However, before he could ask the three major soul questions!

Suddenly, from another staircase in the cellar leading to the building, the enemy's cry sounded!

"Get ready to engage the enemy! We have to get out of this farm! Arrive at the barn!"

Captain Price pulled him up, and while signaling A Yin to cover him, he moved the cover and pressed the headset:

"Gun mount! Call the gun mount! This is B-6! How long do you have until you reach the designated position?!"

[Mount: We are moving southwest, you need to continue moving northeast to join us]

"OK, OK, Fine——"

Taking a deep breath, Captain Qian clearly felt that he had swallowed the curse words, and then patted A Yin on the shoulder:

"Breakout! Pay attention to cover! Advance to the northeast barn!"

Da da!

Da da da!

Tum! Kaka!

Tum! Kaka!

The concerto of guns and fire is played at this moment!

Danger comparable to that of a blockbuster movie arises one after another along the way!

In the air, the helicopter's searchlight kept passing by, and every time it hit them, a row of roaring bullets would sweep across, scattering debris on the glass and earthen walls!

In the housing area, enemies were attacking from all directions. Shotguns and rifles flashed in the air. The shocking bomb attack that had been practiced countless times in the training ground finally came into use!

Dodge all the way! Fight back all the way!

The tense rhythm is like a rapid drum beat, which makes your adrenaline soar!

And the strongest sound came to a climax when they finally arrived at the barn!

"Xiao Jie! Sweep me, right?"

A Yin carried the stinger missile he picked up in the barn and locked the armed helicopter that had been chasing them amidst the sound of beeping:

"Fuck you, uncle! Eat my Ruda Bazooka!"


Accompanied by a loud noise!

Fire suddenly exploded in the air!

The out-of-control helicopter was finally dispatched by him with two stingers!


Before they can even breathe a sigh of relief!


A Yin felt as if there was a slight vibration on the ground beneath his feet.


Following Qian Dui's voice, A Yin looked back.

But I saw them in the wilderness to the northeast.

Two tanks, an armored vehicle, and countless enemy troops were rolling in their direction like a torrent of steel!

this moment.

A Yin felt that the blood all over his body was cold.

It's over.

A helicopter even beat the crap out of them.

But now, in front of them, there are infantry tanks that can wipe out a company, and they cooperate with the army to encircle and suppress the three of them. How can they respond except waiting for death?


Seeing that there is no way to retreat and no way to escape.

A Yin could only sigh and lowered his arrogant arm, waiting for death to come.

And at this moment.

In the headset, a voice came——

[B-6, I am the gun mount. The AC-130 has arrived at the designated location and will immediately provide fire support to your unit...]


PS: There are still two chapters left at 12 o'clock. If all shareholders still have monthly tickets, please give me two~

This chapter has been completed!
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