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Chapter 388 Let them see the greatness of our nation!

 Then the development time will not only be shortened.

A super mercenary group of 2,500 people!

If the power is fully turned on, I estimate it will take four to five months at most to make it!

But the problem is!

In this case...

Gu Sheng looked at little Nezha, who nodded with satisfaction, with a complicated expression.

Wouldn’t our development expenses just explode?

Previously, Gu Sheng had a general understanding of the development cost and efficiency of the somatosensory cabin engine.

For example, Neon's Phoenix engine, currently the most powerful engine for image quality rendering, took about one year and nine months to develop, and the development cost was about $87 million.

For example, Malaysia's ThePaper engine is currently a secondary replacement engine second only to Fantasy 5 in overall performance. It took about two years and two months to develop, and the development cost was about 92 million U.S. dollars.

Another example is Poland's Ziao engine, one of the commercial engines with the highest market share in Europe. It took one and a half years to develop and the development cost was about 96 million U.S. dollars.

Of course, looking at the most advanced engine with the most powerful overall performance in the world, it is naturally the Fantasy 5.

It took two and a half years to develop and invested more than 130 million in development. It is known as the most expensive commercial engine in history.

In summary, it can be seen.

Nowadays, the development costs of several commercial engines that are more active in somatosensory cabin game development work are around 100 million dollars, and the development time also fluctuates between one and a half to two and a half years.

Actually originally.

According to Sheng Sheng's plan, the total investment in their [Golden Engine] will be limited to less than 70 million dollars, and the development time will be controlled to about one and a half years.

One and a half year engine idle period.

Gu Sheng is confident that he can get through it.

But I never expected it!

A conference!

Their aunt just waved her hand and formed a mercenary group of more than 2,500 people!

Although the idle time will be greatly reduced, the corresponding development costs will also increase exponentially!

If Gu Sheng's previous standard was 70 million knives as the upper limit, then rough calculation now shows that if the power is fully used to drive such a huge mercenary group, the development cost will triple from the beginning, or even more!

Nowadays, for Golden Wind, spending such a huge sum of money on engine research and development is definitely a big loss!

After all, previously, most of their liquidity was invested in the development of "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare."

Although modern warfare is bringing them unimaginable huge amounts of money back.

But this kind of stud investment, which is like the problem of a reservoir, entering and exiting at the same time, is definitely not something that ordinary wealthy people can do.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing Gu Sheng's dumbfounded expression, unable to speak, Shen Miaomiao knew that she had made the right move!

"I know this is a difficult decision for us,"

Shen Miao's words were serious and thoughtful, not only to Gu Sheng, but also to the representatives of the mercenary groups present:

"But the enemy is facing us, and since we are sitting in this position, we must shoulder this responsibility,"

"Actually speaking, we should also thank Huanmeng for blocking the neck of our Golden Wind at this time,"

"After all, as we rise, sooner or later, they will be unable to sit still,"

"This is a step we must take, and at the same time, it is also a step that proves our true rise,"

"No matter the cost, no matter the cost,"

"We must use the strongest stance to tell our enemies——"

"China is not your foundry, let alone a dumping ground for your products,"

"China is a fair China, and China is our China!"

A word!

The people who spoke directly were excited!

At the same time, an idea flashed in Gu Sheng's mind!

Before that, he had been thinking about how to find a new way to achieve a technological breakthrough and surpass Fantasy 5 to a certain extent?

After all, they are newbies in engine development, and there is no way they can just casually surpass Fantasy Company, which has many years of technical experience.


Since we cannot surpass the Fantasy 5 in terms of overall performance, we need to find another way, like Phoenix, to surpass the Fantasy 5 at a certain level, or even create progress from scratch to build its own core market competitiveness!

As for this core competitiveness, Gu Sheng has always been at a loss as to where to put his efforts.

but now!

Shen Miaomiao's words made him feel excited and inspired!

He seems to have found the development direction of the core competitiveness of "from scratch"!

This will be a great progress for the engine industry.

At the same time, it will also be a huge leap forward in the gaming industry!

Seeing Miaomiao looking at him, all the representatives present also looked at him one after another!

Gu Sheng took a deep breath, nodded, and spoke in a deep voice!

"Dr. Shen is right."

"King Gou Jian of Yue lay down on the firewood and tasted gall, and finally destroyed the state of Wu,"

"For so many years, we have given them games, agents and even their dumping ground,"

"Suffering from their arrogance while biding your time,"

"And now, the time has come——"

Speaking of this, Gu Sheng couldn't help but lean forward slightly, his eyes sharp:

"Everyone, it's time for them to see the greatness of our nation."


As soon as this statement came out!

The venue was filled with excitement!

Dragon head!

Golden Wind is indeed worthy of their position as the leading representative manufacturer.

It is worthy of being the representative of a national enterprise that has appeared in China Daily for four times!

The birth of a supernova and the combination of the most successful female CEO of the new generation are leading the Chinese gaming industry to go global and to the world.

And now.

Some people don't want them to rise.

As Shen Miaomiao said, now is the time.

As Gu Sheng said, it's time to show the enemy the tenacity and greatness of our nation!

【Golden Engine】

Establish a project!

Undercurrent is surging!

Because this time, Huanmeng did not deliberately keep its price adjustment plan secret.

Therefore, within just one week, basically all the mainstream manufacturers and groups in the world have heard about this price adjustment change.

Although Huanmeng has not yet officially announced its price adjustment plan for unknown reasons.

However, the discussion about this matter has become very popular. Everyone in the various manufacturers is in danger and there are constant discussions.

Even many media have launched speculative reports and analyzes on this matter.

And under such circumstances!

[Europa Interactive Entertainment Exhibition] was held as scheduled at the Versailles Exhibition Center in Paris, Gaul!

Nearly a hundred game manufacturers including Chinese Fury, American Yunwei, Polish Aurora Games, and Germanic Fafox participated in the exhibition!

In fact, it can be seen from the scale that the size of the Europa Show is slightly different from the four major game shows in the world.

After all, the exhibitors at the four major game shows are large and small, and there are hundreds of them at a rough count.

The Europa Show only has about a hundred manufacturers participating, and most of them are small and medium-sized game manufacturers.

Moreover, as a secondary exhibition, the main focus of the Europa Show is usually on racing games.

Therefore, generally speaking, the global game industry attention of Europa Show has always been only moderate, and it is basically just a passing comment from the media.

But this time!

Things seem a little different!

Although nowadays, the matter of "Fantasy Price Adjustment" is abuzz in the gaming circle.

But it seems that precisely because of this, this Europa exhibition is even more eye-catching!

Because this will be the last international secondary game show before the Dream Engine price adjustment.


Judging from the information currently available to various media.

"Euro Truck", launched in cooperation with Raging Flame, will most likely be the last game produced by Golden Wind using "Fantasy 5"!

"Swan Song? Europa Show Golden Wind will join forces with Fury to launch the last Fantasy 5 engine game!"

"The road ahead is slim! "European truck" is likely to be the last word of the golden wind!"

"Parting ways! Reliable news says that the "European Truck" launched by Golden Wind and Fury will be the last work in the Fantasy 5 era!"

"What's the future for Huaguo Engine? Many people in the industry speculate that this engine price adjustment will hit the gold market hard!"

"The Hard Winter of the Golden Wind: Europa Exhibition May Become the Supernova's Last Shining Stage"


News comes one after another.

In today's undercurrent, when Fantasy has neither announced a price adjustment policy nor Golden Wind announced its own engine development, the media has divergent opinions and even regards the "European Truck" participating in the Europa exhibition this time as Golden Wind or even Guangzhou.

Sheng’s “last swan song”!

"...So as you can see, today we are in Paris, Gaul, and behind me is the Porte de Versailles Exhibition Center!"

Nine o'clock in the morning Gallic time!

In front of the three-story fully transparent glass curtain wall building that is full of artistic personality and has uneven concavities and convexities, Tiantian Youbao's royal field reporter greets the camera every day.

Then, Tiantian turned aside and invited the two accompanying guests over:

"So today, in addition to me coming to the scene, we also invited two popular evaluation editors from our Tiantian Youbao live broadcast-Da Ming and Xiao Lin!"


This time, in addition to Tiantian, Hao Xianming and Lin Xiaomeng also attended the Europa Exhibition.

After all, now, with the opening of Tiantian Youbao's live broadcast room, these two new generation evaluation editors of Tiantian Youbao are becoming more and more known and loved by more viewers.

At this moment, the number of barrages has increased significantly compared to previous years, creating a lively atmosphere——

'Ah...I envy you every day...'

‘It’s so exciting to be able to go out on outreaches every day’

‘I go out for outreach every day... even foreigners may not be able to understand what you are saying’

‘Fragmented sentence question: [It’s been sunny every day these days, and I’ve been out doing outreach every day]’

‘Hahahahahahahaha, what are the Level 10 Chinese test questions’

'Da Ming and Xiao Lin are here too! No wonder there was no live broadcast yesterday. It turned out that they went to Gaul to catch fish!'

‘Da Ming and Xiao Lin (X), Xiao Lin and Xiao Lin’s Jinchuuriki (√)’

‘Da Ming: You scold me again?!’

‘There are a lot of people paying attention to the Europa Exhibition this time’

‘Yes, after all, there are rumors outside that this is Xiao Huang’s last swan song’

'So without Huanmeng, Xiao Huang really won't be able to survive?'

‘That’s not necessarily true, but Xiao Huang will definitely not be able to find a replacement for Fantasy 5 in a short period of time. This will have a serious impact on subsequent game development.’

'I don't understand. Is Huan Meng losing his mind by adjusting the price like this?'

‘You’re sanctioning Xiao Huang, don’t you understand? It’s obvious that Xiao Huang has beaten Comella and Yunwei so much that they can’t stand it anymore, so they must be more intense.’

'Alas...we don't have an engine of our own...we're really the one being picked on...'

‘It is said that this is the last game that Xiao Huang participated in the development using the Fantasy 5 engine. I don’t know how good the quality is’

‘Ruyan himself is an expert in racing, and with the addition of the old thieves, the quality is probably not that bad’

‘But it’s hard to say whether I can beat Yunwei this time. After all, I read the news before and it is said that the quality of Yunwei’s game this time is very high.’


For a time, there were different opinions in the barrage!

And in this unprecedented level of attention!

This exhibition, known as the swansong of the Golden Wind and also a key battle for the Furious Flame, officially opened as Tiantian and his party entered the exhibition hall!——

PS: Ten o'clock in the next chapter

This chapter has been completed!
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