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Chapter 404 The big one!


As a crow flies over the chaotic and dark cliffs from high in the sky, the game finally begins.

Ayin also breathed a sigh of relief, watching the game's perspective fall from the sky and land on Gulu like "Call of Duty".


He hasn’t even waited for this breath to come out completely!

Just listen to the ear, Guru (or rather himself) talking to himself, once again sounded like a demonic sound penetrating your ears:



"Nothing! Nothing! I have to go back hungry again..."


What the fuck...

A Yin opened his mouth, and the indecent words almost came out.

However, thinking that this was just the beginning of the game and maybe it would get better after playing later, I swallowed this sentence forcibly and jumped from the edge of the stone into the shallow puddle in front of me.


"Hey - this is not bad -"

As A Yin enters the water, he finally has a setting that makes him feel a little comfortable.

At least the light and shadow details, interactive ripples, and somatosensory interaction presented by this small puddle at the beginning are enough to be considered top-notch.

But think about it.

After all, it is a 3S-level work.

Thinking about the plot and gameplay of "Torii" back then, no matter how impressive it was, in terms of industrial quality, looking at the market at that time, it was absolutely crushing.

As for Yunwei, as a dominant gaming group even stronger than Comella, in terms of industrial quality, it is still...


Before the muttering in A Yin’s heart subsides!

Suddenly, he passed another puddle in front of him, causing him to stop in his tracks and make a confused sound.

"Are you waiting?"

A Yin retreated from this small puddle.

Then, in full view of tens of thousands of people in the live broadcast room, he walked in again.

There was a crash.

The small puddle made a sound.

However, the water surface seemed to be completely still, without any ripples or ripples, and the entire water surface was like a mirror, reflecting the inexplicable light source coming from the top of the cave.

"Is this...a bug?"

Ayin was a little unbelievable.

He turned back and walked to the puddle at the beginning and stepped into it.


Light and shadow, ripples, ripple details, and somatosensory feedback are all back.

"You? Ah???"

A Yin was shocked!

He never expected it!

In addition to Golden Wind, there is actually a game company that can make him utter such an incredible exclamation!



You are truly an ultimate genius!

A Yin couldn’t even believe her eyes!

He originally thought that in this era, the absence of ripples and any feedback on the water surface would be extraordinary enough!

But what’s even more outrageous than this is that the game Gulu can obviously produce water feedback with amazing industrial-level quality, but he only made a fucking water surface with high-quality feedback!

Just the puddle at the beginning!

"No... Jie Ni Ma... Jie Si, what do you mean?"

At this moment, A Yin was no longer angry, but in disbelief.

In the end, it was the clever barrage friend who woke him up——

‘That’s because this water is the water shown on the main page at the beginning of the game, so the quality must be better’

'Oh - my grass is so thin! It's so thin, Yunwei!'


‘There is a beauty of braised beef noodles cover’

‘This is not as good as braised beef noodles cover’

'No...I can understand cutting corners, but I don't understand why there is still water that doesn't move in this era?'

‘Hahahahahahaha, the water effects in PC games are better than this’

'Brothers, it's not my fault, even there were ripples in the water when fishing in Stardew Valley...'

'No...this game...there's something wrong...'


The opening is a shock with a little corner-cutting!

For a time, many players who originally had high-quality judgments about this game hesitated and seemed to start to doubt themselves.

And A Yin quickly arrived at the first point where he needed to jump.

This is a cliff.

Obviously, he needs to jump from one end to the other.

Take two steps back.


I saw A Yin landing on all fours, taking a running start and leaping forward!

In this jump, A Yinshi used 100% of his strength.


Just when he was about to leap over the cliff and land firmly on the other side!


A Yin only felt his body lighten up, as if he had lost control in an instant and was pulled by a strong suction force!

Immediately afterwards, there was a snap!

His own hands firmly grasped the edge of the cliff!

And the chattering voice of Gulu also sounded again, with a thick and rough breathing sound, muttering and cursing:

"It's so dangerous! It's so dangerous! There is a road here... there is no road! Curse this land! Curse it! It's so dangerous and there is no road..."

A Yin:?

He can obviously fly directly over this cliff!

But it was dragged down by the system's automatic adsorption judgment!

"You have to take risks, right?"

A Yin was so angry that he laughed:

"It's not like I can come here, but you still have to use that automatic adsorption to adjust me into a dangerous state, right?"


A Yin almost rolled his eyes and climbed up the cliff.

I jumped over two more cliffs. The cliff ahead was very long. It was time to climb over the cliff and follow the edge.

to be honest!

With this level of platform jumping, if anyone compares it with "Two People", they are pointing their noses and scolding "Two People".

Dark, cramped, narrow, and single.

Being forced to land on all fours, like crawling endlessly in the dark, made A Yin feel uncomfortable.

What's even more disturbing is that his body is still so short, which requires him to keep trying to raise his head to barely see the situation diagonally above.

Coupled with this, the nagging voice of Gulu is like a demonic sound penetrating your ears.

A Yin only felt that after playing games for so many years, he had never been as annoyed as he is now.

It's not the kind of cat Leo that suffers from humiliation when his ingenious tricks are thwarted.

Rather, it is a kind of disgust that arises from the bottom of my heart and gradually develops into physiological nausea.

If Leo the cat is annoying, it’s what your girlfriend said to you: Oh, you bad guy, you are so annoying.

So the experience that Gulu brings to people is like ten flies that you can't fight or blow away, buzzing around you.

It's not just flies that annoy you.

You will also wonder if you have a piece of shit on your head that attracts so many flies that cannot be driven away.

"Hiss - um -"

A Yin didn't know how many times he had suppressed the fire in his heart.

I managed to climb up the cliff by jumping and clinging to the edge, and moved to the edge of the cliff little by little.

Next, he needs to use a jump to climb up another ridge about three heights away from him.


A sideways jump!

Ayin stretched out his hand and touched the raised edge.

This thing is completely familiar to him!

Why did he just say that comparing "Gulu" with "Two People" would be an insult to "Two People"?

Because the so-called ‘platform jumping’ gameplay of “Gulu” is exactly the same as that of “Sekiro”!

Do you still remember that when the wolf just woke up, he had to walk through the village through the eaves and walls to find Jiulang?

That’s right!

Just that little section!

It is more exciting than "Gulu", which is the so-called "main platform jumping gameplay", and it is even better than "Gulu" with 36,000 "torii"!


Just when A Yin jumped sideways, he saw that his fingers had grasped the protrusion of the cliff, and he was preparing to stabilize his body!


A Yin watched helplessly as his finger penetrated the bulge.

Immediately afterwards, there was nothing at his feet!

Gulu's screams sounded: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu"

【you are dead】

A Yin, who was resurrected to the edge of the platform, was speechless for a long time!

What did I just see?

Wearing the mold?

Is that a model wearing?

what game is this?

Platform jumping game.

In a platform jumping game, the model is so blatantly broken at the key position of the key platform?


What about automatic adsorption?

I was next to that fucking cliff just now. I had obviously jumped over it, but you were attracted to it by me.

But now, I have obviously reached the convex position of the cliff. Not only are you wearing the mold, but you are also automatically adsorbing it to me?


What is your game’s standard for automatic adsorption?

Do it when you remember it, but don't do it when you can't remember it?

Then replace the automatic adsorption with a small model-piercing shock to increase the difficulty of the player's game, and then pretend to be an old thief in a self-righteous way, watching the players angrily face your "You are dead" three words to break the defense?

In Yunwei's understanding, the reason why players break defenses against "death" is only because of "death" itself.

Therefore, they deliberately created bugs, hoping to "trick" players into falling for it and falling to their deaths.

This is not A Yin's guess.

Because in his next jump, he deliberately jumped a little longer.

Sure enough, this time he didn't fall off the cliff.

And at the position that seems to be the focus, there is an empty art model with no collision volume at all.

But you think this is the end?

Big mistake!

Just when A Yin finally moved over from the cliff, he made another horizontal jump to land on the cliff ground.

Since 1/3 of his hind legs did not touch the ground, the system directly determined that he had slipped, without even the slightest edge protection!

A platform jumping game!

The automatic adsorption is confusing, the platform deliberately wears the mold, and there is no edge protection!

Coupled with the endless mumblings that have no meaning, the light and shadow that cut corners and even do not want to make water ripples, the dark and boring art style, the uncomfortable operation mode of always lying on the ground and looking up at the sky, and that

The design of jumping levels is as boring as the backwaters of eighty years ago!

Lord of the Rings!

hard to imagine!

Such a grand super IP!

The first game work derived from it turned out to be this mosaic of unknown meaning!

When A Yin saw the picture in front of him again, it turned into "You are dead".

The atmosphere at the scene has dropped to freezing point!

A Yin didn’t say a word!

But all the viewers in the live broadcast room can clearly feel that——

The boss is angry.

I'm really angry, not like I was joking about breaking the anti-barrier and getting out of my computer.

To know.

A Yin has experienced countless various games since he started live broadcasting. It can even be said that he has dabbled in every game type on the market.


He used to live stream "bad game reviews" for a long time!

Leo the Cat back then was the one who "stands out" from the crowd.

But it’s just such a bad game!

I often play ten or eight movies in a day!

There is no game that can make A Yin really popular.

Even when he catches up with those games worth watching, he will go out of his way to leave a message under the game, summarize the opinions of fans in the live broadcast room, and politely give suggestions to the author.

In such a long time, A Yin has never blushed, nor has he made an overly negative comment on any game!

But this time!

In the spotlight of tens of thousands of people!

A Yin is a member of the anchor delegation of Shark Live Platform!

After being silent for half a minute, he sighed softly and spoke:

"I thought they were going to do something great, but I didn't expect that they gave me a big one,"

"Awesome, haha,"

"No kidding at all, to be able to do this..."

"That's awesome."

This chapter has been completed!
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